2020年最新關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文 Generation Gap_第1頁(yè)
2020年最新關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文 Generation Gap_第2頁(yè)
2020年最新關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文 Generation Gap_第3頁(yè)
2020年最新關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文 Generation Gap_第4頁(yè)
2020年最新關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文 Generation Gap_第5頁(yè)
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1、關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文8篇關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文(一): 如何讓彌合代溝? HowtoBri dgetheGenerati onGap?Thegenerationgapisunavoidableinalmosteveryfamily , whichbringsaboutanumberofconflictsinafamily 0 Inmyopinion, tolimitthebadeffectsofthe generatio n gap,each fa milysho uld usethe foil owing three meth ods:大部分的家庭免不了存在代溝,代溝給一個(gè)家庭帶

2、來 很多沖突。我認(rèn)為,為了控制代溝的不良影響,每個(gè)家庭 都就應(yīng)嘗試以下方法:Firsto fall,itis impor tant thatfa mil ymember sd iscussop e nlyaboutt heirpleasu resorsadne ssinchild h oodinfam il ygather ing s。This acti vityd oesno tonl ycreat eac loserel at ionshipb u talsohelp buildupund erstanding amongallm e mberso Fo ri nstance , on c

3、echil dren areaw areth atth eirgra ndp arentsa nd eventhei r parentsdi dnothaveag oodupbring ingduring t heirhard ch ildhood , th eywill stop plain ingab outt heprev iou sgenera ti ons obso 1 eteness o I nthemeanti me, onceold peoplerea 1 izeyoung pe opleare nur turedi nane wmode rnway,iti seasyf or

4、t hemtobe to lerantof y oungpeopl e snewhabi tsorhobbie s。首先,在家庭聚會(huì)的時(shí)候,家庭成員公開討論自我的 童年時(shí)期的快樂或悲傷是很重要的。這一活動(dòng)不僅僅營(yíng)造 一種緊密的關(guān)系而且能夠幫忙建立家庭成員之間的相互理 解。比如說,一旦孩子們意識(shí)到他們的爺爺奶奶甚至是爸 爸媽媽在艱苦的童年時(shí)期沒有很好的成長(zhǎng),他們就會(huì)停止 抱怨上一代人的陳舊思想。同時(shí),一旦老一輩人意識(shí)到年 輕人是在一種新的現(xiàn)代方式下成長(zhǎng),他們就很容易理解年 輕人的習(xí)慣和愛好。Se condly,peo pleofeach g eneratio ns houldno tde vel

5、opa very highf eelin gabo utthem sel ves。 Ino rd ertodoth a t, theysho uldnotthin kthattheya retheonly r ightpeop le intheir fam ilybec ause eachp erson hashisorhe row nlimita ti ons。Teen a gerswould realizetha ttheirpare ntshaveto s trugglew it hpainto sup portth emfi nanci ally, andt heywou Ids to

6、prebe 11 ingtheir s trictness o Parentswo uldrealize thattheir c hildren sn ewstyle doe snohar mtot heirs tudie sand stopim pos ingthei ro wnunsuit a blestanda rdsontheir children。其次,每一代人都不就應(yīng)高估自我。為此,他們不就 應(yīng)認(rèn)為他們是家里唯一對(duì)的人,因?yàn)槊總€(gè)人都有自我的極 限。青少年就應(yīng)意識(shí)到,他們的父母務(wù)必與困苦斗爭(zhēng)給他 們帶給經(jīng)濟(jì)上的支持,他們就會(huì)停止反抗父母的嚴(yán)厲。父 母也就應(yīng)意識(shí)到,孩子們的新風(fēng)格不會(huì)影

7、響學(xué)習(xí),從而停 止把自我不適宜的吧標(biāo)準(zhǔn)強(qiáng)加在孩子身上。Final ly, thegene ra tiongapa n ditsbadef fectscanbe limitedifa llmembers c ooperate to buildup acl ose-kn itfa milyr elati onsh ipanda har monious at mosphere i nwhichthe yareopenan dtoleranto feachothe r o Istrong ly believe tha teachf amil y,byd oingt hat, canenj oya co

8、zyatm os pherewit h minimumin terference bythegener ationgap。最后,如果所有的成員合作起來去建立一個(gè)關(guān)系緊密 的家庭關(guān)系以及能夠坦誠(chéng)和互相容忍融洽的氛圍,代溝及 其不良影響就能夠得到限制。我堅(jiān)信,透過這樣做,每個(gè) 家庭都能享有一個(gè)代溝干擾最小的舒適氛圍。關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文(二):G enera tiong apGe nerati ong aprefer st othedist a nceandcon tradiction betweenthe oldandthe y outh。IV sa monphen ome nontha texi

9、 tseve rywhe rein thewor Ida ndinflu en cesbotht h eoldandth eyouth。Gen erallyspea king,gene r ationgap re sultsin dif ferent unde rstan dinga ndap precia tio noftheg re atandcon s tantchang esofthewor Id, differe ntreactio n tonewthi ng s, anddi ffe rentat titu desto tradi tion princi pie sandbel i

10、e fs o There f ore,wemay saywhereth erearetheo ldandthey o uth; ther ei sthegen era tionga p0 Ge nerat ionga pisn atural,bu tveryin fl uential。I fwecannot dealwithit appropriat ely,thega p willbegr ea terandg rea terand cons equen tlyaf feet thewor kan dtherel at ionbetwe e ntheoldan dtheyoung。關(guān)于代溝的

11、英語(yǔ)作文(三):Th ege nerati onga prefe rstot hedi fferen cei nattitu de towardth i ngorthela ckofunders tandingbet weenyoung p eopleand ol derfolk soInfa milie sasw ellasi nso ciety, t he youngand t heolderma ynotagreew itheachoth eronthisa n dthatfro mt imetoti me。youngp eopl ewoul dllke toma keasmu chm

12、oneyast he ycouldan d spendasmu chmoneyast heycouldea rnwhileol d erfolksa re easilys ati sfiedw ithw hatth eyear nand saveas muc hasposs ib le。young p eoplellke theexcitin ganddeafen ingpopmus i cwhileol de rfolksp ref ermelo diou sfolk -song sore lassie mus ic。Aboy an daglrlto d aymayfall inlovewi

13、th eachothera squickasl i ghtning, wh ilethei rpa rentso rgra ndpar entsm ight trudge ove ralongd is tancebef o retheykis sedeachoth erandbecam eloverswh e ntheywer ey oung。How ever, wesho uldn otbeam aze dattheg en erationg a p,foritis quitenatur alinthedev elopmento f society。Th eworldi sac hangin

14、 gwor Id, in which ever ything kee pschang in g, genera t ionsofhum anbeingsin eluded。And changesle a dtoprogr es so關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文(四hGener ati onGapN owadays, t hereisofte nalackofun derstandi n gbetween pa rentsan dch ildren o chi ldren alway spla inthat the irparen ts areoutof d ate,while parentscan ta

15、pproveo fwhatthei r children sa yanddo。Thu s,abig gene ratio ngapi sfor med。Th egaprema i nswidefor manyreason s。 children wanttobef r eetochoo se theirow nfr iends, sele ctthe irown clas sesins cho ol, plan th eirownfu t ure,earna ndspendthe irownmoney,andgener a llyrunth ei rownlif ein amorei ndep

16、 enden twayt ha.nm anypar ent sallow。A1 so,young c hildrenwi shtobeunde rstoodbyth eirparent s , butmost pa rentsdo n t quiteu nder stand their chil dreno T hey regardi ta stheirre s ponsibili tytoteacht heiroffspr ingtradit i onalbeli ef s。Theyw ant themto beob edien tandd owe 1 linsch ool o Theref

17、 ore,misund e rstanding oftenarise fromparent s tendenc y tointerf er einchil dre n sdai lyac tivit ies。In myopini on , mostpro b lemsbetwe enparentsa ndchildren couldbeso 1 vedbyjoi nt efforts ofb othsid esto enhan cemut ualu nderst and ing0關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文(五):Nowadays , theprobl e msofgene ra. tiongap be

18、e morean dmor eseri ous。 T hepo orrela tio nshipbe tw eenparen t sandtheir childrenis verymon。Ar ethesepro b lemscaus ed bythebu syp arents ?or,dothe harsh fami lyrule saf fectthe re lationsh i pofparent sandchildr en?Firs t ly,inmos to fthefam ili esinch inab othof thepa rent shavet ogo outforw or

19、kinorder t oearnmore moneytopro videbetter environme n tforthei rl ovelych ild ren。Un fort unate ly,th isca usesth era remunic at ionbetwe e nthemandt heftchildr en, sinceth eseparent s alwaysta ke restdur ing leisur etim e。The separ ents andchi ldr encanno tk nowdeepl y abouteach otherandfr ictionw

20、ill appear。 Se c ondly, pa re ntswhoa skt heirch ildr entob eabso lute lyobed ien tisalso on eofthegr a vecauseso fthegenera tiongapbet weenthem!T heydonot tr ytomuni cat ewitht heir child renas thei requal s。T hus,mis in terpreta t ionofthem mayeasilyo ccur。To s olvethes ep roblems , th ebusyp aren

21、 tssho uldsa crif icethe irs paretim et omunicat e withtheir childrenac tivelyandf riendlyto i mproveth ei rrelation。Atthes amet ime,t heyca nals oobser vet heirchi Id ren sbeh a vioratthe sametimein ordertound erstandhe i rchildre nsperson ali tyasit canr educe thequ arre lbetwe ent hem o Bes id es

22、that , t h eparentss houldtryto giveupthei rabsolute p owerinfa mi lysoasl oma kethei rchi ldren feelf reet ochatw ith them。關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文(六):代溝之我見 my ViewonGen e rationGa pAccor ding tothe varie tyof social bac kground,p ersonale x periencea ndpersonal emotion, di ffererntp e oplehave di fferent opi nio

23、nst owar dsthi ngs。T hus, therei sno doubtth at generati o ngapexist severywher e。 wealways findthatt h erearebi gd ifferen ces betwee nusa ndthe oldge nera tion。w eal waysreg ar dtheolda r eoutdated , whilethey thinkusare crazy。 The y can tbea rt hedress wel ike, th efas hionw epurs ueor evenou rch

24、 ildisht hi nking o In s tead,weco uldputupwi ththeirsta ndpatthin g kingandt he ir “feud air ulers” o Thu s, the gener at io ngapbe esm oreandm or eobvious a ndserious o However,w hydon? twerealizetha t opinions ca nbechan ged,while peop lecan to So,wee anthin kin another wa y,learnt o accept。 It i

25、scertaint hatweeanna rrowthege n erationg ap tolivea mor eharmo niou slife o由于社會(huì)背景,個(gè)人的經(jīng)歷和個(gè)人情感的不一樣,不 一樣的人對(duì)事情有不一樣的看法。因此,毫無疑問代溝隨 處可見。我們總是發(fā)現(xiàn)我們和老一代之間有很大的差異。 我們總是認(rèn)為他們思想守舊,而他們卻覺得我們瘋狂。他 們不能忍受我們喜歡的衣服,我們追求的時(shí)尚甚至是我們 幼稚的思維方式。相反,我們覺得他們思想保守,“封建專 制”。因此,代溝越來越明顯和嚴(yán)重。但是,為什么我們沒 有意識(shí)到想法是能夠改變的,而人卻是不能夠的。所以, 我們能夠嘗試換位思考,學(xué)會(huì)去理解

26、。能夠肯定的是,我 們能夠縮小代溝過上更和諧的生活。關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文(七):代溝 Gener a tionGapG enerat long apref ersto them isunde rst andingbionaftert h el980so H ow ever, in rec entyea rs,t hephe nomen onis gettin gmo reandmo re fierce。代溝指的是老人和年輕人之間的誤解。這個(gè)詞在20世 紀(jì)80年代就開始流行。然而,近年來,這種現(xiàn)象是越來越 激烈。Howd oesg enerat ion gapeint ob eing?The f

27、irstreaso nisthatthe twogenerat ionshaveg r ownupind if ferenta ges,thust heyh avedi ffere ntat titude sto wardlif e。Secondly , duetohavi nglittlein monwitheac hother,th e yareunwi 11 ingtosi tdo wnandt alkf aceto face。Besi des,as mod ernlife is sostress f ul, bothof themaresob usywiththe irstudyor

28、w orkthatt he yhaveno ten oughti meto excha ngeth eiri deas。代溝是如何產(chǎn)生的呢?第一個(gè)原因是這兩代人是在不 一樣時(shí)代長(zhǎng)大的,所以他們對(duì)生活的態(tài)度是不一樣的。其 次,由于由于彼此之間很少有共同之處,所以他們都不愿意坐下來應(yīng)對(duì)面交談。此外,由于現(xiàn)代生活的壓力很大, 大家都忙于學(xué)習(xí)或者工作,以至于都沒有時(shí)光來交流彼此 的想法。Tobridgeth egenerati o ngapisno te asyatal 1, b utweca ndos ometh ingto shor tenit。 For onethin g, children s

29、 houldresp ecttheirpa rentsaswel lasaccept t heirgood ad vice。Fo ran other, pare ntssh ouldn oton lyshow the irlovea nd caretoth e kids,buta lsosupport theirgoodl ifeview。As longasth eo ldandyo ung canund erst andea choth er,i twould bem oreharm on iousinfa m ilyandwor Id。架起代溝的橋梁并不容易,但是我們能夠做些事情來 減小代

30、溝。一方面,孩子們就應(yīng)尊重他們的父母并理解他 們的推薦。另一方面,父母不僅僅要展示他們對(duì)孩子的愛 和照顧,也要支持他們良好的人生觀。只要老人和年輕人 能夠互相理解,家庭與世界之間會(huì)變得更加和諧。關(guān)于代溝的英語(yǔ)作文(A):代溝如今,父母和子女之間經(jīng)常缺乏溝通。子女經(jīng)常 抱怨父母過時(shí)了;而父母并不贊同子女的言行。于是一個(gè)很 大的代溝就產(chǎn)生了。產(chǎn)生代溝的原因有很多。子女期望過 比父母允許的更獨(dú)立的生活:自由的選取自我的朋友;在學(xué) 校里自由的選取自我的社團(tuán);自由的描繪自我的將來;自由 的支配自我的花費(fèi)。當(dāng)然年輕的子女們也期望能夠得到父 母的理解。但是并不是大多數(shù)的父母都能夠理解他們的孩 子,他們認(rèn)為教育他們的后代樹立傳統(tǒng)的信仰是他們應(yīng)有 的職責(zé),他們期望子女在家里能夠孝順,在學(xué)校能夠好好 學(xué)習(xí)。于是,不理解就往往從父母打算干涉子女的日常生 活中產(chǎn)生了。我認(rèn)為:父母和子女間的代溝問題能夠透過雙方相互理解來共同解決。Gen


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