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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Unit1he _Beijing last night.A.arrvied in C.reaches D.arrived2._ rreaddy nnow, leets bbegiin. A.Eveerytthinng iis B.SSomeethiing aree CC.Noothiing aree D.Anyythiing is3.I _ liffe wwas likke hheree inn thhe ppastt. A.wonnderr t

2、hhat B.kknoww whhen CC.woondeer wwhatt D.ddeciide whyy4._weeathher it wass! A.Whaat nnicee BB.Hoow aa niice C.HHow nicce D.Whaat aa niice5. Annothher twoo hoourss _nnot enooughh. B.aree CC.wiill aree DD.weereIm ffreee noow, I hhavee _ (無事)to do .Is _(某某人)ggoinng wwithh yoou ?I cann fiinissh iit

3、 bby _ (我我). X KKb 11.C omChilddrenn, ppleaase hellp _to thee fiish(隨隨便吃).It _(似似乎)tthatt itt iss gooingg too raain.The _(無聊聊的)bbookk maakess mee _(無聊聊的)He deecidded _(tryy) iit.I triied my besst _(worrk) it outt.He iss _ _(等等候) a bbus.I neeed _ _(一把把雨傘)_ _(因為為) tthe heaavy raiin.I havve _ _(足夠的的時間)

4、. I am nott _ _(足夠夠的老).Did yyou go _ _(有趣的的某個地方方)?I _ a gifft _my mottherr yeesteerdaay (給買).When its hhot,I ffeell liike _(游泳泳) iin tthe poool.He teeachhes _(I) Engglissh.Why nnot _(ttry) too goo byy booat?I keppt _(寫) thhis stoory.Unit221._ddo yyou go to Shaanghhai? A.HHow manny ttimees BB. HHow o

5、ftten C,HHow lonng D.HHow sooon2. _tthiss boook carrefuullyy annd yyou cann geet aa loot. A. Reaadinng B.Reaad CC.Reeadeed D.To reaad3.Theere is _sallt iin tthe friidgee, II wiill buyy soome. A.llitttle BB.feew CC.a feww. DD.a litttlee4. I am goiing to stuudy _. A.haardlly B.hhardd C.harrdlyy evver

6、DD.haardiing5. _doo yoou wwatcch TTV? -TTwicce aa weeek A.HHow manny BB.Hoow llongg C.HHow farr DD.Hoow oofteen6. Hee _tenn yeearss olld. A.mmay B.mmaybbe C.mmay be D.migght7. _theey wweree haard-worrkinng,_theey ddidnnt gget goood ggraddes. A. Altthouugh, / B.TThouugh, buut CC.thhouggh, / D.Altthou

7、ugh, buut8. Hee iss _a cclevver girrl _shee caan wworkk ouut tthiss maath proobleem. A.sso, thaat B.ssuchh, tthatt C.ttoo, too DD.ennouggh, to9.Thee _dogg waas _onn thhe fflooor, at lasst iit _. A.ddyinng, diee, ddiedd BB.diied, diie, dyiing CC.dyyingg, ddyinng, dieed D.ddeatth, dyiing, diie10. _ of

8、f thhe sstuddentts _herre. A.NNonee,iss B.NNo oone,aree C.NNothhingg,arre D.NNonee,arre11._of my parrentts _teeachherss. hhttpp:/w www.xxk bb1.ccom A.AAll,aree BB.Booth,is C.Botth, aree DDNonne,aare12. II wiill havve _hollidaay. A.thrree weeeks B.thrree-weeeks C.tthreee wweekks D.tthreee-wweekk13. -

9、NNextt weeek I aam _ _(相當當滿) forr mee. -RReallly? _? A. Hoow aabouut; B. Hoow ccomee; C.HHow oftten D.Howw maany14. MMy mmothher _me _.A. hoopess, tto ddrinnk B.wwantts, driink CC.exxceppt, to driink D.wannts, too drrinkk15. FFiftteenn peerceent of thee innforrmattionn _ttruee annd ttwennty perrcenn

10、t oof tthe meddiciine _ffakee.16.Itts ggoodd too reelaxx byy _(使用) thhe IInteerneet.17. HHe wwentt Shhangghaii, _(但是是), I sstayyed at homme.18. KKeeppingg _is goood ffor ourr _(健康).19. II haave _(曾經(jīng)經(jīng)) bbeenn too Wuuhann, II weent theere _(兩次).20. WWhatt doo yoou uusuaallyy doo _ _(在周末末)?Unit33_youu

11、sttudyy, _yoour graadess arre.A.Harrderr, tthe bettterr B.TThe harrderr, tthe bettterr C.TThe harrdesst, besst2. Hee iss _ oof tthe twoo giirlss. A.ttalller BB.thhe ttalllestt C.tthe talllerr DD.taalleest3. Thhe wweattherr inn Beeijiing is collderr thhan _iin HHainnan. A.wweattherr BB.itt CC.thhosee

12、 DD.thhat4. Yoou ddont nneedd a lott off frriennds _theey aare goood. A.thooughh B.butt CC.ass loong as D.iin ffactt5.Larrry hellps to _thhe bbestt inn mee. A.bbrinng oout B.carre aabouut C.bbe uup tto DD.haave to do witth6. Wee _exccelllentt, wwe _onne tthinng iin ccommmon. A.aree booth, booth havv

13、e B.botth aare, booth havve CC.arre bbothh, hhavee booth7. Doo yoou pplayy itt ass _as youur ssistter? A.goood B.bbettter C.welll DD.beest8. Hee iss taalenntedd _. mussicss BB.att muusiccs C.forr muusicc mussic9._iss eaasy forr mee _frriennds. A.TThatt, tto mmakee B.IIt, makkes C.IIt, to m

14、akke D.Thiis, makke10. IIts kkindd _yoou tto hhelpp mee. AA.foor B.of C.tto D.at11. WWho feeels_(無聊的的), Luccy, Lilly oor MMaryy? 12. WWhicch iis _(差), WWenzzhouu orr Haangzzhouu?13.Thhey donnt eeat _ juunk foood. Theey aare _. A.mmoree , morre hheallthyy B.mmuchh moore, muuch heaalthhierr CC.maany,

15、muuch heaalthhierr14. IIn tthe _shhow, hee iss thhe mmostt _(天賦).15. PPleaase reaad _(安靜靜的), doont rreadd_(大大聲的), yyourr faatheer iis ssleeepinng.16. II_(與不同) yoou, butt hee iss _(和和相同) yoou.17.I _(打打破)mmy aarm thiis mmornningg, hhe ddidnnt _(嘲笑笑) mme.18. MMy bbestt _(類似) Laarryy.19.-Thhats Taara, _

16、 _?(反意意疑問句句) -_, _. IIts TTinaa.20. II thhinkk shhe ssangg _(清清晰) thaan NNellly.21. II ennjoyy _(唱) sonngs, annd II prractticee _(唱) evveryy daay. 22.Hee liikess_(跳舞舞), wheen hhe ffiniishees _(做做) hhomeeworrk, he speendss tiime _(跳舞). XX|k | BB| 11 . c |O |m23.A truue ffrieend _ _(觸及及) yyourr haand

17、andd _(撫撫慰)yyourr heeartt.24.Shhe _ _(關關心) me beccausse sshe is alwwayss thheree too liisteen. 25.Shhe iis _(外向向)thhan herr siisteer.26.shhe iis _(滑稽) inn ouur cclasss.27.Thhe wweattherr iss geettiing _andd _(越來來越暖和和).Unit44My paarennts _myy edducaatioon sseriioussly lasst nnighht.A.takked BB.maade

18、C.toook D.ggavee2. I donnt llikee thhe ssoapp opperaa beecauuse thee sttoriies aree _up. A.makke BB.maakinng C.makkes DD.maade3.Thaat iis _ yoou tto ddeciide. A.uup tto B. frrom to C.makke uup D.ablle tto4. Hee _in plaayinng bbaskketbballl. A.iis aablee too B.iis rreaddy tto CC.drressses up D.pplayy

19、s aa roole5. Haangzzhouu iss a goood pplacce _. A.vvisiit B.tto vvisiit CC.viisitts DD.viisittingg6. Thhe rradiio sstattionn _, sso II liike it.A.havve ggoodd muusicc B. hass a goood mmusiic C.pplayys ggoodd muusicc D.pplayys aa goood mussic 7.I llikee thhe mmalll beecauuse its _(ccrowwdedd).8. Thhe

20、 _(獲勝者者) gget a ggoodd prrizee eaach.9. Yoou sshouuld wassh yyourr haandss beeforre _(餐).10. WWe sshouuld lisstenn too thhe tteaccherrs _(仔細的的).11. HHe wwas thee _(創(chuàng)創(chuàng)造性的的) sstuddentt inn ouur cclasss, so he _(選選擇)aa maagicc too peerfoorm. onn thhe ttaleent shoow.12.Itt _(is/ haas) thee biiggeest scr

21、reenn annd _(舒適) seeatss.13.Thhe ttheaaterr iss _(離最近) myy hoome.14.Yoou ccan buyy cllothhes _(最便宜宜) iin ttownn.15._ do youu _9700 AMM?A.Howw, tthinnk oof B.Whaat, likke C.HHow, liike of D.Whaat, thiink of16. -Thaankss foor _(告告訴) me. -_.Unit 5The nnewss _goood newws, thee siitcooms aree _.A. arre,

22、eduucattionnal, edducaatioon C.aare, edducaatioon D.iis, eduucattionnal2. Hee exxpeccts _ggoodd grradees, butt I hoppe _heaalthhy. A. too geet, keeep B.gget, too keeep C.tto gget, too keeep D.getts, keeepinng3. Thhey aree _thiis pprobblemm, bbut I ddont ttakee paart in thee _(討論論).4. I wannt tt

23、o _whho bbrokke tthe winndoww. A.llookk foor B.llookk affterr CC.fiind outt DD.fiind5. I am reaady _ccookk diinneer ffor my fammilyy, II amm geettiing reaady _iit. A. too, aat B.ffor, too CC.too, ffor D.tto, to6. Shhe wwantts tto ttakee heer mmothhers _to cleean thee rooom. A. rooom B.sseatt CC.joob

24、 D.plaace7. Thhe ggamee shhow is _(令令人愉快快的)。8. I willl sshoww yoou tthe phooto if it _toomorrroww. 新新-課 -標 - HYPERLINK / 第-一 -網(wǎng) A.willl ccomee ouut BB.iss gooingg too coome outt C.ccomees oout D.camme oout9. I cannt _(忍忍受)tthe scaary movvie, buut II doont _(介意意)thhe aactiion movvie.10. WWoulld yyou

25、minnd mmy _(成成為)aan aactoor?11. TThe _(卡通通片) aree _(沒有有意義).12. WWhatt _(發(fā)發(fā)生了) too yoou?13. ZZhejjianng _(以而出名名) tthe Yuee _(文文化).14. HHe iis _(富富有) thaan mme, beccausse hhe iis aa _(成功) buusinnesssmann.15. HHe _(可可能) be tooo yooungg, hhe ccoulldnt _(穿穿衣) himmsellf.16. _, hee paasseed tthe exaam, but

26、t I I ddidnn, II amm ann _bboy. (lluckk)17. TTheyyll tryy_besst tto ffiniish thee woork by _.(他們們)Unit 7Mr Grreenn waantss too knnow youur nnamee. PPleaase _oon tthe papper.A.wriite it doown B.wwritte ddownn itt C.wriite theem ddownn D.wwritte ddownn thhem Im ggoinng tto wwritte aan aartiiclee _a ma

27、ggaziine aboout wommen andd chhilddrenn.A.forr B. too C.oon DD.att3.-Whaat iis hhe ggoinng tto_wwhenn hee _uup? -A, grrow BB.bee, ggrowws, grrowss D.bbe, groow4.-Whaatss yoour _ffor nexxt yyearr? -Imm gooingg too woork harrd aand gett goood graadess.A. suubjeect B.jobb C.worrk DD.

28、 rresooluttionn5.Thee sttoryy haad _a bbus do witth BB.dooingg wiith do at DD. ddo aatThey _(flyy) tto JJapaan ttomoorroow.-HHow aree yoou ggoinng tto ddo tthatt? -I _(taake) acctinng llesssonss.I likke pplayyingg thhe vviollin, I wannt tto bbe aa _.Hee liikess scciennce, hee waan

29、tss too bee a _.Thosee arre mmy _(peersoon) thiingss. At tthe _(beggin) off thhis terrm, theey mmadee soome stuudy plaans.The _(fooreiign) waant to _(提高高) ttheiir CChinnesee byy _(thhem). He kkeptt onn _(sppeakk) EEngllishh wiith hiss frriennds. I _ _(從事事) ffarmmingg teen yyearrs aago. 14. WWe sshou

30、uld takke uup ssomee _(愛好), ddo yyou _ _(同意) mee ?15. TThiss iss myy _(自己的的) bbookk, II amm thhe _(主人人) oof tthe boook.16. TThiss boook is wriitteen _(被)LLuxuun.17. II _(制定) a ressoluutioon tto gget goood _(成績) yeesteerdaay.18. _youu abble to keeep yyourr reesollutiionss? 19. HHe iis sso yyounng tth

31、att hee caant ggo tto sschoool. = He is _yooungg _goo too scchoool. =HHe iis nnot _ _ to go to schhooll.20. LLet theem _(做) thhis thiing, I thiink theey ccan _(做) welll.21. YYoud bbettter _(做做) iit qquiccklyy. WWe hhearr thhem_(唱唱歌) in thee neext rooom.22. YYourr faatheer mmadee thhe wworkkerss _(工作

32、) teen hhourrs eeverry dday.23. _(來) inn, ppleaase. 24. II thhinkk _(吃) heealtthieer ffoodd iss goood forr yoour _(健健康).25. WWhatt abboutt _(吃) somme nnooddless, wwe ccan keeep _(健康康).Unit 7 HYPERLINK / 新 課 標 第 一 網(wǎng)1. I feeel _thhe bbikee, aand unlluckkilyy, hhe ffeell _froom tthe bikke,ttoo. A.offf,

33、 ddownn B.iin, intto C.ddownn, bbehiind D. offf, aslleepp2. Hee wiill havve aa trrip to Qinngdaao iif _. A.posssibble B.iimpoossiiblee C.pprobbablly D.II caan3. Wiill peooplee _rroboots in theeir hommes? A.hass BB.haave C.theere be DD.bee4. Wiill theere be mucch ppolllutiion in thee fuuturre? A.Yess

34、,thheree bee B.Yess, ttherre wwilll. C.Yess, iit wwilll D.YYes, thheree iss.5.Boooks willl oonlyy bee _coompuuterrs, nott _ppapeer. A.oon, in BB.inn, oon C.oon, on D.iin, in6. Peeoplle wwilll _2000 yeearss _sspacce sstattionns. A.llivees tto bbe, in BB.liive be,on C.lliviing be,in D.llivee too bee,

35、oon7. Myy mootheer wwilll coome bacck hhomee _ttwo dayys. A.aafteer B.bbefoore C.ffor DD.inn8._mmoree trreess inn thhe ccitiies. A. Theere is goiing to be B.Theere willl hhavee CC.Thheree wiill hass D.Theere willl bbe9.We willl hhavee _ffreee tiime andd _ccarss. A. fewwer, feewerr B.morre, lesss C.l

36、esss, fewwer DD.feewerr, mmoree10.Thheree arre mmuchh poolluutioon _thee eaarthh, wwe sshouuld pally aa paart in _thhe eeartth., saavinng B.oon, savve CC.onn, ssaviing, too saave11.Caan yyou figght in thee cllasssrooom? A.I hhopee soo BB.I thiink so C.II doont tthinnk sso DD.I donnt hhopee

37、 12. AAmerricaan aastrronaautss _roockeets to thee mooon befforee soome yeaars. BB.flly CC.riide D.fleew13.Thheree maay bbe ssomeeonee _mmy uumbrrellla bby mmisttakee. A.takkingg B.briing C.ttakees briing14.Thhis _jobb maakess mee feeel _. A.borred, boorinng B.bboriing, boorinng C.borred,

38、booredd DD.boorinng, borred15.Thhesee roobotts aare funn _. A.wattchiing wattch C.wattchees D.wattcheed16. SSomee roobottes willl llookk liike hummanss, _mmighht llookk liike snaakess. A.othherss B.aanottherr C.tthe othher D.eelsee17. TThe robbortts ccan_thhe ppeopple whoo arre uundeer tthe bui

39、ildiingss,annd ccan alsso_thee siick peooplee. A.loook aafteer, loook aat B.loook ffor, taake carre oof C.loook oout, loook intto D.llookk att, llookk affterr18. II neeed somme _(紙) to wrtte.19. AAir _(污染染)iss seerioous.20. wwe sshouuld stoop _(污污染) thee _(天天空).21. _(地球球) ttravvelss arrounnd tthe su

40、nn.22. IIn oordeer tto pprettectt thhe _(環(huán)境境), we shoouldd _(種種植)mmanyy trreess.23. II wiill buyy _(一一套公寓寓) iin tthe _(將將來).24. _(人類) wiill livve _(在太空空).25. SSomee _(危險) annimaals aree inn _(危危險).26. TTheyy haave _(已經(jīng)經(jīng)) bbuillt llotss off _(工廠).27. HHe _(信信任) in me, soo I passsedd thhe eexamm.28. T

41、Therre aare thrree _ppeopple on thee pllayggrouund, _of theem aare stuudennts(百).29.Hee _(掉落) inn loove witth BBeijjingg siincee hee weent theere.30.Hee saays he _(可可能) go to Wuhhan.31. II thhinkk itt iss _(不可可能).32. _(在在期間) thhe _(假期), II viisitted my unccle twiice.Unit 8When thee teeachher mett th

42、he ppareentss, ttheyy _ _(握手).When youu leeavee thhe cclasssrooom, yoou sshouuld _ _(關關上)tthe ligghtss.Dontt _(倒)tthe dirrty intto tthe rivver.You sshouuld addd _(兩勺勺蜂蜜)to thee teea.He _(挖挖)deeep_ (洞) to cattch aniimalls yyestterdday. _(三三明治) wiith _(黃油) taastee grreatt.Thankksgiivinng iis aa _(傳傳統(tǒng)的

43、) feestiivall inn _(秋季季). Theree weere manny _(游客客) vvisiitinng oour schhooll.We _(招待) goood foood tto tthemm thhe dday befforee yeeterrdayy.He _(填填) tthe turrkeyy wiith breead mixx. NNextt thhe tturkkey is _(覆蓋) wiith graavy.Put tthe turrkeyy onn thhe _(碟子子) tto _(慶祝)Thaankssgivvingg.How ddoess hee

44、 _(制作作) aa baananna mmilkk shhakee?How _(許許多) yoouguurt do we neeed? htttp:/w ww.xk m_(最后后), coook tthemm foor _(又一個個) tten _(分鐘).He saays its ttimee _(感恩) foor ffoodd annd llifee.They shoow tthannks by _(吃吃) aa biig mmeall.Here is onee waay _(做) turrkeyy foor aa Thhankksgiivinng ddinnner.We geet rr

45、eaddy _(寫寫) ddownn a reccipee foor tthe foood.Here is thee reeasoon _thiis sspecciall daay. Now hhe iis _(挖挖) ssomee hooless.He iss meendiing theese _(機器器).Unit 91.I_ann exxam, thhen he _ggo tto ccolllegee.A. prrepaare to, prrepaare forr B.pprepparee foor, preeparre tto CC.prrepaare, prrepaare to2.

46、I _hhim, annd II reepliied to himm. A.hhearr frrom B.heaar oof CC.heear aboout D.hhearrd ffromm3. Myy mootheer _, sso sshe hass too goo too thhe ddocttor. A.mmeetts aa frriennd BB.haas tthe fluu CC.prrepaaress foor tthe dinnnerr DD.gooes to thee coonceert4.Wouuld youu liike _(來來) tto mmy bbirtthdaay

47、 ppartty? A. IId llovee B.Yess, II liike C. Sorrry, Im aafraaid I ccant. D.I ccant.5.-Cann yoou ccomee too myy hoouseewarrminng ppartty?-Im ssorrry, _I mmighht llookk affterr myy siisteer. A.andd B.sso C.bbut D.forr6. I wennt bbikee _wwithh hiim llastt faall. A.rridee B.rodde C.riddingg D.tto rridee

48、7. I diddnt ggo tto bbed _I finnishhed my hommewoork. A.iif B.aafteer C.uuntiil D.wheen8. -_yoou ttomoorroow. -Seee yoou ttomoorroow! A.Accceptt B.Reffusee C.Cattch DD.Reeachh9. -_? -Itts MMondday, Jaanuaary 28tth. A.WWhatt daay iis iit ttodaay ? B.WWhatts ttodaay? C.WWhatts tthe datte ttodaay?10. W

49、We wwilll _a ttripp too Shhangghaii _tthiss moonthh. A. haave, byy thhe eend BB.taake, att thhe eend of C.ttakee, iin tthe endd11. II muust go homme _10:00, orr myy paarennts willl bbe wworrriedd. A.on foor CC.byy DD.unntill12.Plleasse rreplly iin _to thee innvittatiion to my e-mmaill: m. A.speeakii

50、ng B.wriite C.sayy DD.13.I _(趕上)thee fiinall buus tto tthe citty tthreee ddayss aggo.14.I _(收到) soome floowerrs, butt I diddnt _(接受) thhem.15.Thhankks ffor _(邀請) mee. Thhankk hiim ffor hiss _(邀請請) ttoo.16.Hee iss loookiing forrwarrd tto _(saay) gooodbyye tto yyou.17. TTheyy _(閑逛逛) wwithh thheirr frr

51、iennds lasst wweekkendd.18. II _(拒拒絕) thiis iinviitattionn, bbut he _(回回復) it yessterrdayy.19. MMy ssistter wass _(吃驚驚) aat tthe newws.20. _(讓我吃吃驚的是是), he passsedd thhe eexamm.21. AA loot oof _(客客人) wennt tto tthe _(音樂樂會).22. TTherre iis aan _(事事件) happpenningg.23. LLionns aare verry llazyy, ttheyy slleepp inn thhe _(白白天).24. HHe lleftt wiithoout _(說


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