



1、山西省長(zhǎng)治市城區(qū)職業(yè)高級(jí)中學(xué)高二英語(yǔ)聯(lián)考試題含解析一、 選擇題1. Its important for the figures _ regularly.A. to be updated B. to have been updated C. to update D. to have updated參考答案:A2. _in the regulation is that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.A. What is required B. What requires C. It is r

2、equired D. It requires參考答案:A3. It was in the room _ the old man is living now _ Tom was born 20 years ago.A. that; that B. where; where C. that; where D. where; that 參考答案:D4. Is it worth the effort? _, yes.A. Personally spoken B. Personally speakingC. Personal spoken D. Personal speaking參考答案:B句意:努力值

3、得嗎?就我個(gè)人認(rèn)為是值得的。5. Traditions and fashions, like society itself, change and with time.A、adopt B、 adapt C、adapting D、fited參考答案:B略6. _on the main street, the market was busy yesterday.A. Located B. locating C. being located D. to be located參考答案:a略7. I really thought Id be offered the job.Oh, well,_, Cla

4、rk.A. you are right B. best wishes C. congratulations D. better luck next time參考答案:D8. The Internet has become increasingly popular, _ us to see as well as to hear all kinds of programmes. A. to allowB. allowingC. allowed D. having allowed參考答案:B9. The manager has come back from his business trip. He

5、 is asking you for the report. Oh,my god ! I havent finished it yet. But he _ back at the company tomorrow.A. was expected B. will expectC. expected D. will be expected參考答案:A試題分析:考查時(shí)態(tài)和語(yǔ)態(tài)。句意:經(jīng)理出差回來(lái)了。他正在問(wèn)你要報(bào)告。哦,天哪,我還沒(méi)完成呢。但是本來(lái)預(yù)計(jì)他明天回公司。根據(jù)語(yǔ)境,是過(guò)去預(yù)料他明天會(huì)回來(lái),而且經(jīng)理是被預(yù)計(jì),故用一般過(guò)去時(shí)的被動(dòng)。故選A?!久麕燑c(diǎn)睛】時(shí)態(tài)的考查要根據(jù)本句的句意,這句話一定要根

6、據(jù)上下文判斷動(dòng)作發(fā)生的時(shí)間,要細(xì)心體會(huì)語(yǔ)境。還要注意時(shí)態(tài)語(yǔ)態(tài)。10. My daughter is not sure what to_ at the university; she cant make up her mind about her future.A. take upB. make up C. pick upD. build up參考答案:A33. _ at the cafeteria before, Tina didnt want to eat there again. A. Having eaten B. To eat C. Eat D. Eating 參考答案:A略12. S

7、tudents urged that the school library _open during the long vacation.A. be keptB. keptC. must keepD. must be kept參考答案:A13. Only when I got here _ that I had made a big mistake.A. did I realize B. I realized C. I have realized D. have I realized參考答案:A本句考察的是only引導(dǎo)的倒裝句。當(dāng)only放在句首,且強(qiáng)調(diào)的是狀語(yǔ)的時(shí)候,謂語(yǔ)部分使用部分倒裝的形

8、式。本句only放在了句首,且強(qiáng)調(diào)的是時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句when I got here,所以后面的主句使用部分倒裝的形式.句意:只有當(dāng)我到達(dá)這里的時(shí)候,我才意識(shí)到自己犯了如此大的一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤。本句的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)是when I got here這是一個(gè)表示過(guò)去的時(shí)間狀語(yǔ),所以謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞使用一般過(guò)去時(shí)。故A正確?!究键c(diǎn)】考察倒裝句【舉一反三】【2011全國(guó)卷I 28】Only when he reached the tea-house _it was the same place hed been in last year. A. he realized B. he did realize C. realized

9、 he D. did he realize答案 D考點(diǎn) 本題考察倒裝句。解析 Only引導(dǎo)的狀語(yǔ)從句位于句首,應(yīng)把主句中動(dòng)詞的助動(dòng)詞提前構(gòu)成部分倒裝。14. I wonder who was the last _ the classroom yesterday. A. leaving B. leftC. to leave D. leave參考答案:C15. -Why did you return to the shop? -I left my friend _ there. A. waitB. to waitC. waitsD. waiting參考答案:D二、 填空16. A hard lif

10、e and a weak constitution shortened Robert Burns life. (填入一詞,完成下面句子,并保持兩個(gè)句子意思一致) Robert Burns didnt live owing to a hard life and a weak constitution. 參考答案:long三、 閱讀理解17. Every parent wants their child to grow up to enjoy life and be successful. Each and every one of us has something that we dont wa

11、nt our children to experience as they get older. We protect them hoping they will never experience hurt, yet as they get older they come across their own struggles. We often do everything we can to keep them from making the mistakes that we have made. Your children are not you. They are incredible l

12、ittle beings that choose you to experience life with. They are not little “mini mes” that will make the same mistakes we have made or learn the way we learn from our own experiences. They go to school, have experiences that they only tell us about, and understand the experiences through their own th

13、oughts and feelings mixed in with family behavioral patterns. This is where you can make a difference. Be an example. Teach your child how to live life by being the person you would want them to behelping others, loving yourself and making no judgments about other people. As you learn this in your o

14、wn self and apply it, your child wont need you to speak a word. If little Joannie doesnt want to share with another child, show them how to share. Show by example. If you dont want others to walk all over you, treat others as you want to be treated because there is a child learning behaviors from yo

15、u. Be the example of what you want your child to be through your own positive thoughts and feelings. It is the best thing you can do for your child and yourself to ensure your child feel accepted and loved as they get older.55. We can infer from the second paragraph that _. A. children are likely to

16、 make mistakes their parents have made B. many children dont want to spend time with their family C. children are like their parents in many ways D. actions encourage thoughts56. The underlined phrase “ walk all over you” in the last paragraph probably means _. A. see your weaknesses B. know your thoughts C. learn your secrets D. treat you badly57. In the passage, the author expresses _. A. his concern for the role parents play in families B. his support for childrens independence C. his wonder at the potential of children D. his surprise


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