



1、PEP小學(xué)英語六年級上冊第四單元教案嘉陵火花希望小學(xué) 冉雪驕課題Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal第(1)課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容Part A Lets learn Do a survey教學(xué)目標(biāo) listen, say and recognize “Whats your hobby?” “I like dancing.” master the following phrases: dancing singing reading stories playing football doing kungfu教學(xué)重點(diǎn)The “ing” form of “ dance sing read play d

2、o”教學(xué)難點(diǎn)The words about “dancing swimming”教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備word cards,ppt教學(xué)過程Step 1Warm up:Hello,everyone! How are you? Ss:I am fine. How are you. T: I am we will know a new friend. you must answer my do you come to school? S: on foot/by busT: The second question :Do you have friends ? S: Yes. T: What can your fri

3、end do? S:He/She canT:Oh!Its great. I like hobby is dancing.Step2 Presentation T: Do you have a pen pal?(write it on the Bb) S1:No. T :Ask the other student . T:I have no pen lets know the new is ZhangPengs pen at P39 Lets learn At first look at the picture. We can see ZhangPeng and his pen pal Pete

4、r. They are talking. Now Lets listen. What are they talking?(Play ppt)Let a student answer. S: They are talking about hobbies. T: Yes. Peter asked ZhangPeng what is your hobby?(Teach:hobby) T:Please say out ZhangPengs hobbyS:Reading stories singing and doing kung fu(on Bb and teach)T: Show cards of

5、wordsT:Reading reading I like reading stories.Singing singing I like singing.Doing doing I like doing kung fu.Whats your hobby? S:I likeT: I liketoo. I also like doing sports(teach:also)T:Do you like _(show a card of word) ? S: Yes/No.T:Whats your hobby ?S: I like _(teach the word)Teach all the word

6、s with the same way.Step3 Practice1. Let Ss and read: (show the card of words) dancedancing sing-singing Ss ask and answer one by oneT: Whats your hobby,S1 ?S1: I like Whats your hobby,S2 ?S2: I like 3. I do you guessT:Action and ask Whats my hobby?Ss: You like dancing.S1: Action and ask Ss guess.S2

7、: 4. T:Please lets chant togetherPlay the ppt(sentence and picture) Dancing dancing I like dancing. Whats your hobby ?Playing playing I like playing. Whats your hobby?Swimming swimming I like swimming. Whats your hobby? Running running I like runningStep4 SummaryT: Can you find rules of theing?S: T:

8、Excellet! Lets see 1.在動(dòng)詞后面直接加-ing. 如:play-playing2.動(dòng)詞去掉末尾不發(fā)音的字母e再加-ing. 如:ride-riding3.重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,要雙寫末尾的那個(gè)輔音字母,再加-ing. 如:swim-swimming Exercises: Let Ss write their -ingforms .buy- eat- cut- draw- drive- run- make- put- Step5 Do a surveyWork in the groupsChoose a group leader to interview their memb

9、ers hobbies.They can do like following:Take a piece of paper,write down the six hobbies on it,ask “Whats your hobby?”and tick below the right item. When they finish ,make a report:S1: Two people like playing footballS2: Three people like doing kung fuT:You are helpful. You are great!Step6 Homework I

10、nterview your familys hobby and write down them on your exercise book.Step7 Bb design. Unit4 I have a pen palLets learn $ Do a surveyWhat are your hobbies ?hobby-hobbiesI like dancing/singreading storiesplaying footballdoing kung fuswimming. 設(shè)計(jì)意圖:.通過常規(guī)問候,調(diào)動(dòng)上課氣氛。再用熟悉的句型復(fù)習(xí)舊知識通過用所學(xué)過的句型Do you have a fri

11、end?引出Tital: I have a pen pal通過出示ZhangPeng and Peter對話的ppt引出重點(diǎn)句型“Whats your hobby?”然后教授重點(diǎn)單詞hobby.然后教授動(dòng)詞的“ing”形式及句型Whats your hobby?如果學(xué)生掌握比較好可拓展swim-swimming本課時(shí)沒有生單詞,所以不難,主要是掌握動(dòng)詞-ing的變化規(guī)則。通過一些圖片展示和單詞卡片的呈現(xiàn),讓孩子們直觀快速地掌握這些單詞的意思和用法。.通過圖片同時(shí)呈現(xiàn)單詞原形和動(dòng)名詞,對比式記動(dòng)詞-ing形式。有利于觀察形式的變化.句型練習(xí)。幫助學(xué)生熟練句型。通過一個(gè)人演大家來猜,創(chuàng)造愉快的學(xué)習(xí)氣氛,讓學(xué)生再次復(fù)習(xí)所學(xué)單詞句型。 通過Lets chant 來復(fù)習(xí)和鞏固所學(xué)句型和詞組,讓句型更容易上口。對動(dòng)詞-ing的變化規(guī)則進(jìn)行一個(gè)簡單歸納,讓學(xué)生更加明了。 小組


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