




1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.McKiney On line case studyTo step through this case example, we will give you some information, ask a question, and then, when you are ready, give you a sample answer. We hope that the exercise will give you a sense of the flow of
2、a case interview. (Please note, you can stop this exercise and pick up where you left off later. Your cookies must be on to use this feature). In thhis exeerciise, yoou wwilll annsweer aa seeriees oof qquesstioons as thee caase unffoldds. We proovidde oour reccommmendded ansswerrs aafteer eeachh quu
3、esttionn, wwithh whhichh yoou ccan commparre yyourr owwn aanswwerss. WWe wwantt too emmphaasizze tthatt moost queestiionss inn a casse sstuddy ddo nnot havve aa siinglle rrighht aanswwer. Inn a livve ccasee innterrvieew, we aree moore inttereesteed iin yyourr exxplaanattionn off hoow yyou arrriveed
4、aat yyourr annsweer, nott juust thee annsweer iitseelf. Ann innterrvieewerr caan aalwaays asssesss diiffeerennt bbut equuallly vvaliid wwayss off appprooachhingg ann isssuee, aand theen bbrinng yyou bacck tto tthe parrticculaar llinee off innquiiry thaat hhe oor sshe wannts to purrsuee. You sshouuld
5、 alsso kkeepp inn miind thaat iin aa liive casse, theere willl bbe ffar morre iinteeracctioon wwithh thhe iinteerviieweer tthann thhis exeerciise alllowss. FFor exaamplle, youu wiill havve tthe oppporttuniity to askk cllariifyiing queestiionss. Finallly, a livve ccasee innterrvieew wwoulld ttypiical
6、lly be commpleetedd inn 300 - 45 minnutees, deppenddingg onn hoow tthe casse eevollvess. IIn tthiss onn-liine exeerciise, thheree iss noo tiime limmit. Theree arre eeighht qquesstioons in thiis oon-llinee caase stuudy. Thhis casse sstuddy iis ddesiigneed tto rrougghlyy siimullatee onne dduriing youu
7、r iinteerviiew, soo yoou wwilll noot bbe aablee too skkip aheead to thee neext queestiion unttil youu haave ansswerred thee onne yyou aree onn. YYou cann reefreesh youur mmemoory of preevioous ansswerrs bby cclicckinng tthe higghliightted Q&AA liinkss too thhe lleftt. TTo pprinnt tthe ansswerr, ccli
8、cck oon tthe priint icoon tthatt apppeaars in thee TOOP RRIGHHT ccornner. Att thhe eend, yoou ccan priint thee enntirre oon-llinee caase stuudy at oncce.The ccaseeQuesttionn 1Cliennt GGoall: DDoubble thee nuumbeer oof rrecrruitts wwhille mmainntaiininng ttheiir qquallityy wiith minnimaal iincrreasse
9、 iin rresoourcces exppendded Our cclieent reccruiits graaduaatinng ccolllegee seenioors forr enntryy-leevell poosittionns iin llocaatioons arooundd thhe wworlld. It currrenntlyy hiiress annd pplacces 5000 grraduuatees pper yeaar bbut wouuld likke tto ttripple in sizze ooverr thhe nnextt teen yyearrs
10、 wwhille mmainntaiininng qquallityy. AAssuume thaat tthe inccreaase musst aall comme ffromm hiirinng ggradduattingg seenioors. (IIn aan aactuual casse, youu maay nnot be givven thiis aand othher asssumpptioons unllesss yoou aask.) The cclieents ccurrrentt reecruuitiing buddgett iss $22 miilliion ann
11、nuallly, annd wwhille iit iis iin aa sttronng ffinaanciial possitiion, itt woouldd liike to speend as feww adddittionnal ressourrcess ass poossiiblee onn reecruuitiing. MccKinnseyy iss addvissingg thhe cclieent on whaat sstepps iit wwilll neeed to takke iin oordeer tto mmeett itts ggrowwth tarrgetts
12、, whiile staayinng wwithhin itss buudgeet cconsstraaintts.Q1: WWhatt leeverrs ddoess thhe oorgaanizzatiion havve aat iits disspossal to achhievve iits groowthh gooal? A: Soome posssibble levverss arre ggiveen bbeloow. Its tterrrifiic iif yyou ideentiifieed sseveerall off thhesee annd pperhhapss soom
13、e othherss. Attraact morre aappllicaantss att thhe ssamee coost Revieew tthe lisst oof ccamppusees ttarggeteed (e.gg., opttimiize ressourrce alllocaatioon aacrooss schhoolls). Thhe rreviiew mayy reesullt iin aaddiing cerrtaiin hhighher pottenttiall caampuusess annd eelimminaatinng ootheer ooness thh
14、at apppearr too haave morre llimiitedd pootenntiaal. Revieew rrecrruittingg appprooachh att eaach cammpuss (ee.g., ooptiimizze ccostt-efffecctivveneess of messsagges andd appprooachhes at eacch sschoool). Extennd ooffeers to a hhighher perrcenntagge oof aappllicaantss whhilee maainttainningg quualii
15、ty (e.g., reeducce tthe nummberr off peeoplle wwho aree tuurneed ddownn whho wwoulld hhavee peerfoormeed eequaallyy weell in thee joob) Improove acccepttancce rratees aamonng ooffeereees (e.gg., bettterr coommuuniccatee thhe bbeneefitts oof tthe jobb reelattivee too allterrnattivees oor iimprrovee t
16、hhe aattrracttiveenesss oof tthe jobb reelattivee too allterrnattivees) Questtionn 2For tthe remmainnderr off thhe ddisccusssionn weed likke tto ffocuus oon tthe twoo sppeciificc leeverrs iinvoolviing atttracctinng mmoree apppliicannts at thee saame cosst. Revieew tthe lisst oof ccamppusees ttargget
17、eed (e.gg., opttimiize ressourrce alllocaatioon aacrooss schhoolls). Thhe rreviiew mayy reesullt iin aaddiing cerrtaiin hhighher pottenttiall caampuusess annd eelimminaatinng ootheer ooness thhat apppearr too haave morre llimiitedd pootenntiaal. Revieew rrecrruittingg appprooachh att eaach cammpuss
18、(ee.g., ooptiimizze ccostt-efffecctivveneess of messsagges andd appprooachhes at eacch sschoool). Pleasse nnotee thhat if youu iddenttifiied diffferrentt buut eequaallyy vaalidd leeverrs, thee innterrvieewerr woouldd bee abble to asssesss thhem. Buut ffor thee puurpoose of thiis ccasee sttudyy, wwe
19、aare goiing to foccus on theese twoo leeverrs.Q2: HHow wouuld youu innitiiallly aapprroacch ddeteermiininng wwhettherr thhe cclieent cann inncreeasee hiirinng bby aadjuustiing thee liist of cammpusses tarrgetted? Whhat sorrt oof aanallysiis wwoulld yyou wannt tto ccondductt annd wwhy?A: Yoou mmighht
20、 ttakee thhe ffolllowiing appproaach, whheree weevee ouutliinedd twwo aavennuess off annalyysiss: Estimmatee thhe hhiriing pottenttiall accrosss sschooolss Analyyze thee nuumbeer oof hhirees bby sschoool oveer tthe lasst sseveerall yeearss Devellop a ccompprehhenssivee liist of schhoolls tthatt meee
21、t ourr reequiiremmentts aand a mminiimumm seet oof sstanndarrds forr reecruuitss Surveey sseniiorss att thhesee scchoools to dettermminee innterrestt inn ann enntryy-leevell poosittionn wiith thee clliennt Consiiderr thhe ssizee off thhe ggradduattingg cllasss att eaach schhooll, ddeteermiine howw t
22、hhat claass migght be seggmenntedd (ee.g., eeachh cllasss coouldd bee seegmeenteed bby ddisccipllinee orr seegmeenteed bbaseed oon ccareeer inttereestss inn reespoonsee too thhe ssurvvey), tthenn caalcuulatte tthe sizze oof eeachh seegmeent Estimmatee thhe ooptiimall coost-perr-hiire acrrosss scchoo
23、ols Compaare thee cuurreent cosst-pper hirre aacrooss schhoolls Identtifyy oppporrtunnitiies to deccreaase thee coost-perr-hiire at eacch sschoool Helpfful TippYou mmay havve aa sllighhtlyy diiffeerennt llistt. WWhatteveer yyourr appprooachh, wwe llovee too seee ccanddidaatess coome at a pprobblemm
24、inn moore thaan oone wayy, bbut stiill adddresss tthe isssue as dirrecttly andd prractticaallyy ass poossiiblee. IIn ggiviing thee annsweer, its uusefful if youu arre ccleaar aabouut hhow thee reesullts of thee annalyysiss woouldd heelp to ansswerr thhe oorigginaal qquesstioon pposeed.Questtionn 3Tw
25、entty-ffivee peerceent of thee annnuaal rrecrruittingg buudgeet iis sspennt oon ccanddidaatess (ii.e., aattrracttingg, aasseessiing, annd ggetttingg thhem to accceptt). Tweentyy peerceent of hirres aree caateggoriizedd ass mmostt exxpennsivve andd haave an aveeragge ccostt-peer-hhiree off $22,0000.Q
26、3: WWhatt iss thhe aaverragee coost-perr-hiire of alll ottherr caandiidattes? Reememmberr thhat thee clliennt hhirees 5500 stuudennts perr yeear andd itts aannuual reccruiitinng bbudgget is $2 milllioon (infformmatiion thaat wwe hhopee yoou nnoteed eearllierr).A: Thhe aanswwer is $7550 pper hirre (o
27、r lesss tthann haalf thee coost-perr-hiire of thee mmostt exxpennsivve canndiddatees). Amounnt sspennt oon tthe lesss eexpeensiive canndiddatees:25% oof $2 mmilllionn buudgeet = $5500,0000 sppentt onn caandiidattes20% oof 5500 stuudennt = 1000 sstuddentts ccateegorrizeed aas mosst eexpeensiive100 xx
28、 $22,0000 ccostt-peer-hhiree = $2000,0000 speent on moost exppenssivee hhirees$500,0000 reecruuitiing buddgett - $2000,0000 = $3000,0000 rremaainiing forr alll ootheer hhirees The nnumbber of lesss eexpeensiive canndiddatees:500 hhirees - 1000 = 4000 othher hirres Cost-perr-hiire of thee leess exppe
29、nssivee caandiidattes:$300,0000/4000 =$7550 pper hirreHelpfful TippWhilee yoou mmay finnd tthatt dooingg a strraigghtfforwwardd maath proobleem iin tthe conntexxt oof aan iinteerviiew is a bbit touugheer, youu caan ssee thaat iit iis jjustt a mattterr off brreakkingg thhe pprobblemm doown. Wee arre
30、llookkingg foor bbothh yoour abiilitty tto sset thee annalyysiss upp prropeerlyy annd tthenn too doo thhe mmathh inn reeal timme.Questtionn4Q: Inn orrderr too deecidde wwhettherr too reeducce ccostts aat tthe leaast effficiientt scchoools (i.e., thhosee wiith an aveeragge ccostt peer hhiree off $22,
31、0000), whhat elsse wwoulld yyou wannt tto kknoww? A: Soome of thee poossiiblee annsweers aree giivenn beeloww. Basicc quuesttionns: What aree thhe ccompponeentss off coostss att thhesee scchoools (whhy iis iit sso eexpeensiive to reccruiit ttherre)? What oppporttuniitiees eexisst tto rreduuce cossts
32、? How mmuchh coost savvinggs wwoulld rresuult froom iimpllemeentiing eacch oof tthe oppporttuniitiees? What connseqquenncess woouldd immpleemenntinng eeachh off thhesee oppporrtunnitiies havve oon rrecrruittingg att thhe lleasst eeffiicieent schhoolls? Questtionns ddemoonsttrattingg fuurthher inssig
33、hht: Why iis tthe cosst lloweer aat mmoree effficciennt sschooolss, aand aree thheree beest praactiicess inn reesouurcee maanaggemeent thaat ccan be appplieed tto tthe leaast effficiientt scchoools? If wee reeducce ccostts aat tthe leaast effficiientt scchoools, whhat willl wwe ddo wwithh thhe ccost
34、t saavinngs (i.e., whhat wouuld be thee beeneffit of speendiing thee mooneyy ellsewwherre vvs. wheere it is currrenntlyy beeingg sppentt)? Helpfful TippWe woouldd noot eexpeect anyyonee too coome up witth aall of theese ansswerrs, butt wee hoope somme oof yyourr annsweers heaad iin tthe samme ddiree
35、ctiion as ourrs. Youurs mayy brringg soome addditiionaal iinsiightts. In eittherr caase, bee suure thaat yyou cann cllearrly expplaiin hhow youur qquesstioon wwilll brringg yoou cclosser to thee riightt deecissionn.Questtionn 5The MMcKiinseey tteamm coonduuctss soome anaalyssis thaat iindiicattes th
36、aat iincrreassingg sppenddingg onn bllankket advverttisiing (e.g., addverrtissemeentss/fllyerrs oon ccamppus) dooes nott yiieldd anny ssignnifiicannt iincrreasse iin hhirees.Q5: GGiveen tthatt inncreeaseed bblannkett addverrtissingg sppenddingg seeemss too bee reelattiveely ineeffeectiive, annd tthe
37、 cliientt dooesnnt wannt tto iincrreasse ooverralll coostss, wwhatt miightt bee soome othher ideeas forr inncreeasiing thee caandiidatte ppooll onn a speeciffic cammpuss? A: Wee arre llookkingg foor aat lleasst aa coouplle oof aanswwerss liike thee onnes givven bellow: Improove/enhhancce rrecrruitti
38、ngg meessaagess (ee.g., uundeersttandd taargeet ccanddidaate grooup, reefoccus messsagge oon tthiss grroupp, uundeersttandd coompeetittivee dyynammic on cammpuss) Utiliize refferrralss (ee.g., ffacuultyy, aalummni) Come up witth ccreaativve wwayss too taargeet sspeccifiic ddepaartmmentts/cclubbs oof
39、 tthe schhooll Rethiink advverttisiing speendiing - wwhille iincrreassingg bllankket ad speendiing doeesnt sseemm too woork, addverrtissingg miightt sttilll bee thhe mmostt effficciennt aand efffecttivee waay tto iincrreasse tthe nummberr off caandiidattes if it is depployyed in a mmoree syysteematt
40、ic, taargeetedd waay Helpfful TippThis queestiion is a ggoodd onne ffor demmonsstraatinng ccreaativvityy beecauuse theeres aa loong lisst oof pposssiblle iideaas. Addditiionaal iinsiightts iintoo hoow aa giivenn iddea wouuld be appproaacheed aand howw muuch it wouuld cosst aare hellpfuul.Questtionn
41、6For ssimppliccityys sakke, letts sayy weevee coonduucteed mmarkket ressearrch andd fooundd thhat theere aree twwo ttypees oof ppeopple on eacch ccamppus, A andd B. Hiistooriccallly, ourr clliennt hhas alsso uusedd twwo ttypees oof rrecrruittingg meessaagess inn itts aadveertiisinng. Thee fiirstt, c
42、callled Seee tthe Worrld, ggetss onne pperccentt off tyype A sstuddentts tto aapplly, butt thhreee peerceent of typpe BB sttudeentss. TThe seccondd, ccallled Paathwway to Leaaderrshiip, geets fivve pperccentt off Tyype A sstuddentts tto aapplly, butt onnly twoo peerceent of typpe BB sttudeentss.The
43、ccharrt bbeloow llistts tthe breeakddownn off tyypess A andd B stuudennts at somme oof oour majjor cammpusses, annd tthe messsagge oour cliientt iss ussingg onn caampuus. Schoool% of Typpe AA Sttudeentss% of Typpe BB SttudeentssRecruuitiing Messsagge UUsedd onn CaampuusUniveersiity 180%20%Pathwway t
44、o LeaaderrshiipUniveersiity 248%52%See tthe WorrldUniveersiity 370%30%Pathwway to LeaaderrshiipUniveersiity 460%40%See tthe WorrldQ6: AAssuuminng ttherress noo diiffeerennce bettweeen tthe cossts of eacch mmesssagee, wwhatt caan yyou telll mme ffromm thhis infformmatiion? Schoool% of Typpe AA Sttude
45、entss% of Typpe BB SttudeentssRecruuitiing Messsagge UUsedd onn CaampuusUniveersiity 180%20%Pathwway to LeaaderrshiipUniveersiity 248%52%See tthe WorrldUniveersiity 370%30%Pathwway to LeaaderrshiipUniveersiity 460%40%See tthe WorrldA: Acccorrdinng tto tthesse nnumbberss, tthe cliientt shhoulld uuse
46、thee PPathhwayy too Leeadeershhip meessaage acrrosss alll ffourr unniveersiitiees. Thee SSee thee Woorldd mmesssagee iss prrefeerabble onlly iif mmoree thhan 80% off thhe sstuddentts aat aa giivenn unniveersiity aree off tyype B.Helpfful TippAn evven morre iinsiighttfull reespoonsee woouldd meentiio
47、n thaat tthe ulttimaate ansswerr deepennds on thee coost of eacch mmesssagee, wwhettherr thhe ccostt inncreeasees ddepeendiing on thee nuumbeer oof sstuddentts aat tthe cammpuss, aand howw innterrestted we aree inn sttudeentss off Tyype A vvs. Typpe BB (ee.g., wwilll onne ttypee bee moore likkelyy t
48、hhan thee ottherr too geet aan ooffeer aand to be succcesssfuul oon tthe jobb). Onee coouldd immagiine usiing botth mmesssagees oon ssomee caampuusess iff thhe aaddiitioonall coost werre jjusttifiied by thee reesulltinng iincrreasse iin hhirees.Questtionn7Univeersiity 4 ggradduattes 1,0000 senniorrs
49、 eeachh yeear.Q7: HHow manny nnew canndiddatees mmighht bbe ggeneeratted by chaangiing thee reecruuitiing messsagge aat UUnivverssityy 4 to Patthwaay tto LLeaddersshipp? A: Thhe aanswwer is 20 canndiddatees (i.ee., an inccreaase of oveer 1100%). Numbeer oof eeachh tyype of stuudennt aat UUnivverssit
50、yy 4:1,0000 seenioors x 660% = 6600 Typpe AA sttudeentss1,0000 seenioors x 440% = 4400 Typpe BB sttudeentss Candiidattes atttracctedd bee Seee tthe Worrld messsagge:(1% xx 6000) + (3% x 4400) = 18 canndiddatees Candiidattes atttracctedd byy Paathwway to Leaaderrshiip mmesssagee:(5% xx 6000) + (2% x
51、4400) = 38 canndiddatees Increeasee inn caandiidattes ressulttingg frrom chaangee inn meessaage:38 - 18 = 220 mmoree caandiidattes (ann inncreeasee off ovver 1000%)Questtionn8Q8: WWhatt soort of nexxt sstepps sshouuld we telll oour cliientt weed likke tto ttakee baasedd onn whhat we havve ddisccusss
52、ed todday? A: Thhe aabillityy too coome to a llogiicall, ddefeensiiblee syynthhesiis bbaseed oon tthe infformmatiion avaailaablee att anny ppoinnt iin aan eengaagemmentt iss crritiicall too thhe wworkk wee doo. EEvenn thhouggh wwedd coonsiiderr ouurseelvees tto bbe vveryy eaarlyy inn thhe ooverralll prroje
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