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1、翻譯課概論(導引)單詞基礎建設 basicconstruction infrastructure淡季lightseasons slackseasons淡茶weaktea 淡水” freshwater第一產(chǎn)業(yè) theprimaryindustry第二產(chǎn)業(yè) thesecondaryindustry第三產(chǎn)業(yè) thethirdindustrythetertiaryindustry /theserviceindustry褲子trousers pants/slacks/jeans面條noodles pasta黃頭發(fā)yellowhair blond/blonde廁所 WC/toilet mensroom/w

2、omensroom/ restroom/powderroom1) 一架從昆明起飛的小飛機,載著我們,飛越群山,把我們送到了景洪. 1a) A small plane took off from Kunming, carried us, flew over the mountains, and sent us to Jinghong. Improved: 1b) A small plane from Kunming flew over the mountains and sent us to Jinghong. 2) Party officials worked long hours on me

3、ager food, in cold caves and by dim lamps. 黨的干部住寒冷的窯洞,吃簡陋的飲食,靠微弱的燈光,長時間地工作著。詞組3) 風和日麗之時,佘山、金山、崇明島隱隱可見。原譯:On a day of gentle breeze and bright sun, the Tower dominates an indistinct view of 改譯:On a fine day, you can even see in the distance, though not very clearly. 4) In the doorway lay at least twe

4、lve umbrellas of various colors and sizes. 門口堆著至少十二把各種顏色和尺寸的傘Ref. 門口堆著一堆傘,少說也有十二把,五顏六色,大小不一句子永遠記住你rememberyouforever alwaysrememberyou真遺憾 itsapity thatstoobad/itsashame小心臺階payattentiontothesteps mindthesteps 我感到很痛Iampainful. Ifeelgreatpain亞洲四小龍theFourLittleDragonsofAsia theFourLittleTigersofAsia百里挑一

5、 oneinahundred oneinathousand干杯!(要一飲而盡。)Cheers!Bottomup. Cheers!Bottomsup. 5) 我老公他看你下崗了,舍不得花錢,就自己跑到電影院買了兩張票,今天晚上請我們兩個人去看電影。 (老房有喜) My husband has bought two film tickets for us tonight, because youre laid off and have to cut your expenses.(6) John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game

6、. 約翰為人可靠,他既忠誠又辦事公道.(7) Wall Street is a dog-eat-dog place. 華爾街是個殘酷的地方.教學目的與要求教學目的: 闡釋翻譯的性質與特點、介紹翻譯的基本理論、概括翻譯的常用技巧、揭示英漢語言、文化、思維的差異、提高英語理解和漢語表達水平,加強文字素養(yǎng)、培養(yǎng)跨文化交流的能力。教學要求: 能靈活地運用所學翻譯理論與常用技巧,發(fā)揮主觀能動性,做到忠實、通順地翻譯中等難度的文學作品節(jié)錄,以及英美報刊雜志有關政治、經(jīng)濟、歷史、文化等時文;提高邏輯思維、形象思維、經(jīng)驗思維等認知能力,通過翻譯表現(xiàn)出較高的綜合素養(yǎng)。1. What is translation

7、?(翻譯的定義)The Oxford English Dictionary: to turn from one language into another(從一種語言轉換成另一種語言);Websters third New International Dictionary of the English Language: to turn into ones own or another language(轉換成本族語或另一種語言)。翻譯是一種“語言轉換”活動。The definition is:Translation is a rendering from one language into

8、another, i.e., the faithful representation in one language of what is written or said in another language.To be more exact, in Nidas & Tytlers words美國翻譯理論家Eugene A. Nida:Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first

9、in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (所謂翻譯,是指在譯語中用最切近而又自然的對等語再現(xiàn)原語的信息,首先在語義上,其次在文體上。)A good translation is one which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to wh

10、ich that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work. 好的翻譯應該是把原作的長處完全地移注到另一種語言,以使譯人語所屬國家的本地人能明白地領悟、強烈地感受,如同使用原作語言的人所領悟、所感受的一樣。(泰特勒,1790)Alexander Fraser Tytler: 綜合各家之長:翻譯是把一種語言表達的意義用另一種語言傳達出來,以達到溝通思想情感、傳播文化知識、促進社會文明,特別是推動譯語文化興旺昌盛的目的。Translation is an activity of re

11、producing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language.2. Scope of Translationin terms of languages:in terms of the mode:in terms of materials to be translated:in terms of disposal: (full-text translation, abridged translation, adapted translation)1.按語言分類:語內翻譯(intralingual

12、 translation)語際翻譯(interlingual translation)2. 按活動形式分類:筆譯(translation)口譯(oral interpretation): 連續(xù)傳譯(consecutive translation) 和同聲傳譯(simultaneous translation)3. 按翻譯材料的文體分類:應用文體翻譯 科技文體翻譯論述文體翻譯新聞文體翻譯藝術文體翻譯4. 按處理方式分類:全譯 節(jié)譯 摘譯 編譯 譯述3. Criteria in China A. We know Xuanzang once said about translation 既需求真,又

13、需喻俗,which means both faithful to the original and easy to understand. B. Yan Fus (嚴復) “three character guide”, which was first proposed in 1898 in the Preface of his translation of the book Natural Selection(天演論), is the principle of “faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance” (信、達、雅). C. Some revi

14、sions such as faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness (信、達、切); faithfulness, expressiveness and fitness (信、達、貼), D. Fu Leis (傅雷) spiritual conformity/resemblance in spirit (神似)E. Qian Zhongshu (錢鐘書) transmigration (化境) 魯迅:翻譯:力求其易解, 保存原作的豐姿。反對牛頭不對馬嘴,提出“寧信而不順”之原則。 林語堂的“忠實、通順、美”瞿秋白的“信順統(tǒng)一” 許淵沖的“音美、形美

15、、意美(三美)”Criteria for beginners: Faithfulness & Smoothness 十八世紀末的英國學者亞歷山大泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler, 1747-1814)。他在論翻譯的原則(Essay on the Principles of Translation)一書中提出了著名的翻譯三原則:(1)譯文應完全復寫出原作的思想(A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.)(2)譯文的風格和筆調應與原文的性質相同(The

16、style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original.)(3)譯文應和原作同樣流暢(A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.)Three Principles of Translation: (1)It is a position which if we endorse,it will really mean endorsing the rule of the jungle, that i

17、s, a world without law.譯文一:如果我們認可這種狀況,那就真正意味著贊同叢林法則,也就是無法無天的世界。譯文二:如果我們認可這種狀況,那就真正意味著贊同弱肉強食的原則,也就是一個沒有法制的世界。佳句欣賞:Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us. Their shadows slept, or almost slept, upon the water, a gentle quivering along showing that it was not complete sleep, or if sleep, t

18、hat it was sleep with dreams. 眼前不遠,漁舟三五,凝滯不前,檣影斜映在水上,仿佛睡去,偶爾微見顫動,似又未嘗熟睡,恍若驚夢。(高健譯)4. Nature of TranslationNature of Translation Translation is a science.Translation is an art.Translation is a craft.Translation is a skill.Translation is an operation.Translation is a language activity.Translation is c

19、ommunication 1) 翻譯是跨語言(cross-linguistic),跨文化(cross-cultural),跨社會(cross-social)的交際活動。 2) 翻譯是一種語言文化承載的意義轉換到另一種語言文化中的跨語言,跨文化的交際活動。 Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language. 翻譯的本質是釋義,是意義的轉換. Translation is always meaning-based.對翻譯的性質,有過

20、許多描述,其中奈達(Eugene.A.Nida)的論述是:“翻譯是指從語義到文體在譯語中用最切近而又最自然的對等語再現(xiàn)原文的信息。” Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor/target language, the closet natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.3) 翻譯是科學(science),是藝術(art),是技能(craft)翻譯是科學,因

21、為它涉及思維和語言,反映了存在與認識,主體與客體的關系,這種關系可用受一定規(guī)律支配的語言加以描述,翻譯有科學規(guī)律可循,所以是科學。 translation is a kind of science because it has a whole set of rules governing it and certain objective laws to go by in the process of translating just as other sciences do.翻譯是藝術,因為翻譯是譯者對原文再創(chuàng)造的過程。譯者不可避免地帶有自己的主觀色彩,有他自己的獨創(chuàng)性。 translatio

22、n is also an art, a bilingual art. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words, in words of a different language.翻譯是技能,譯者需采用增詞,減詞,切分,轉換等方法。 besides, its also a craft, because in translation, certain skills and technique are needed in o

23、rder to attain clearness of style, and fluency in language.A. Preparation: basic knowledge about both languages as well as the background knowledge; basic skills in translation are necessary;B. Comprehension: understanding accurately the meaning of the source language; How?C. Expression/Representati

24、on: try to express the meaning in idiomatic Chinese;D. Revision /proofreading: check again and again to polish the language. 5. The Process of TranslationSTEP 1 The Stage of Understanding1. The understanding in the process of translation is different from the understanding in our daily reading.First

25、 of all, the aim of the understanding in the process of translation is representing (表達) the content faithfully, so we have to try to understand the text completely, deeply and in detail. Secondly, in the understanding in translation, we are thinking in two languages, and in two ways. So, its very c

26、omplicated.1.Suddenly the line went limp. “Im going back,” said Kurth. “We must have a break somewhere, wait for me. Ill be back in 5 minutes. (linguistically)2. It is good for him to do that. (logically)STEP 2 The Stage of Representation1.直譯(Literal Translation)Literal Translation means translating

27、 according to the surface meaning and keeping the structures of sentences. Literal translation keeps both the content and the form of the original work.2.意譯 ( Liberal Translation)Because of the different way of thinking some of the English sentences cannot be translated in the literal way, they can

28、only be translated in the liberal way. In liberal translation the form can be neglected but the content must always be faithful. 3. The Relation between Literal Translation and Liberal TranslationThere has been the discussion about literal translation and liberal translation. In fact, they are both

29、necessary in translation. We cant imagine anyone using only literal translation or liberal translation in their translating.But I hated him, and I had a feeling that hed surely lead us both to our ancestors.Armed to teethDo you see any green in my eyesEugene A. Nida 的翻譯過程6. History of Translation in

30、 China 1)佛經(jīng)翻譯時期,從東漢開始至唐宋,1000余年.The first high tide of translation in China is the translation of The Buddhist Scripture (佛經(jīng))。It began at the end of the Han Dynasty, came to flourishing in the dynasties of Sui and Tang, declined in the Song Dynasty. It lasted more than 1000 years .(支謙、道安,鳩摩羅什、真諦、玄奘)

31、2)明末清初:西方科技翻譯 (徐光啟、利瑪竇;李之藻)3)清朝后期:西方哲學、文學翻譯 重要人物:林紓、嚴復4)中國近代翻譯史:“五四”運動是分水嶺; 重要人物:魯迅、瞿秋白、林語堂、朱生豪 5)繁榮階段:新中國的成立7. Western translation history第一個高潮是在公元前3世紀中葉。第二個高潮發(fā)生于公元4世紀至6世紀之間。 第三個高潮是11世紀至12世紀之間。第四次高潮是14-16世紀的歐洲文藝復興時期。第五次高潮,是第二次世界大戰(zhàn)結束以來。翻譯因人類的交際需要而生。在克服阻礙交流的語言差異的同時,翻譯為交流打開了通道。多虧翻譯,人類社會從相互阻隔走向相互交往,從封閉走向開放,從狹隘走向開闊。翻譯如同拉開帷幕,讓我們能窺見最神圣的殿堂;翻譯如同揭開井蓋,讓我們能汲取甘泉。那么怎樣才能做好翻譯呢? 8. 翻譯所具備的條件: 1. 要知道你工作上常用的專門用語,


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