



1、且看且珍惜4 第四篇Oh, otto!哦,奧托1.Something important 重要的事情The children in Class Four were busy working。Then their teacher, Miss Underwood, said: I have something very important to tell you.四班的孩子們正忙著功課。他們的老師,安德伍德小姐說:“我有非常重要的事情要跟你們講”。She smiled and said: A new boy is coming to our class. His name is Otto and

2、he comes from far, far away. In fact, he comes from outer space她笑著說:“一個(gè)新男孩將來到我們班,他的名字叫奧托。他來自很遠(yuǎn)很遠(yuǎn)的地方,事實(shí)上,他來自外太空”( this is Ottos first day at earth school. Here he is)(這是奧托在地球?qū)W校的第一天。他來了)The door opened and a boy came in. he looked just like the other children-but he was a different colour. he was gree

3、n.門開了,一個(gè)男孩走了進(jìn)來,他看上去就像其他孩子一樣,但是(膚色)顏色不同。他是綠色的。Miss Underwood told Otto to sit with Jo and Charlie and Josh. 安德伍德小姐讓奧托和喬、查理、喬什坐在一起,Then she looked at Jo and added, I want you to take care of our new boy and give him a hand if he needs it.然后她看著喬,補(bǔ)充道:“我想要你照顧下我們的新男孩,如果他需要,就伸只手幫幫他?!眕lease, Miss, said Otto

4、. Im not NEW. Im seven and a half. And I dont already. Look!“拜托,小姐,” 奧托說,“我不是“新的”,我已經(jīng)七歲半了。而且,我不需要一只手,我已經(jīng)有兩只手了,你看!”O(jiān)h, Otto! Miss Underwood smiled. just sit down and be a dear.“哦,奧托,”安德伍德小姐笑說,“坐下吧,乖乖的”O(jiān)tto sat down.奧托坐了下來。Then he said, I dont think I can be a deerbut I can quack like a duck.接著他說,“我不覺

5、得我能成為鹿,不過我能像鴨子一樣嘎嘎的叫”。He flapped his arms, like wings, and went: Quack! Quack! Quack!他拍打著胳膊,象拍打著翅膀一樣,走著叫著“嘎,嘎,嘎”Charlie joined in: Quack! QUACK! QUACK!查理也加入了進(jìn)去,和他一起“嘎,嘎,嘎”。Miss Underwood smiled at Otto. No quacking n class! she said.安德伍德小姐笑著對(duì)奧托說“課堂上不能學(xué)鴨子叫”。Then she frowned at Charlie. Charlie! she s

6、aid. you know better than that! Get on with your work.然后她對(duì)查理皺了皺眉:“查理”,她說“你知道什么該做什么不該做,繼續(xù)做你的功課吧”Its not fair! Charlie grumbled. I get into trouble and that new boy doesnt!“這不公平!”查理抱怨道,“我受到批評(píng),這個(gè)新男孩卻一點(diǎn)兒事也沒有”。Thats when Charlie decided he didnt like Otto. He didnt like him one bit.就在那時(shí),查理決定不喜歡奧托了,他一點(diǎn)都不喜

7、歡他。2.Charlie is cross查理生氣了Otto made a lot of mistakes.奧托犯了很多的錯(cuò)。Charlie leaned back on his chair. Otto tried to do the same thing. But he fell downand so did all the paints.查理向后仰靠在他的椅背上。奧托也試著那樣做。但是,他摔倒在地上,并且桌子上各種顏料也被帶倒。Now Charlie was green too-and he wasnt happy about it.現(xiàn)在查理也成了綠人,他對(duì)此一點(diǎn)都不高興。Charlie

8、got crosser and crosser and crosser.查理越來越生氣了。At playtime, when Otto was in the playground, Charlie decided to scare him.課間,當(dāng)奧托在操場的時(shí)候,查理決定去嚇唬嚇唬他。If you stand there, youll get eaten by a bear, said Charlie.“如果你站在那里,你會(huì)被熊吃掉的”查理說。A bear! Where? Otto screamed.“一只熊,在哪里?”奧托尖叫道Charlie goggled. we keep the be

9、ar in the heads office. All Earth schools have a bear, he went on. sometimes the bear gets outand sometimes its hungry!Otto looked very scared.查理咯咯地笑著?!拔覀儼岩活^熊關(guān)到校長的辦公室里了,所有地球上的學(xué)校都有一頭熊”,他接著說,“有時(shí)熊會(huì)出來并且有時(shí),熊很餓!”奧托看上去被嚇到了。3.Treasure Hunt尋寶游戲That afternoon the class was having a Treasure Hunt. All the chil

10、dren were looking forward to it.那天下午,班上正在組織一個(gè)尋寶游戲。所有的孩子都很期待。Miss Underwood gave each pair of children the same clue.安德伍德小姐給了每組學(xué)生同樣的線索。I want you to work in a pair with Otto, she said to Jo.“我想要你和奧托一組”她對(duì)喬說。Work in a pear? said Otto How? It will have to be a big pear. Not too juicy. We could all get s

11、ticky.“在一個(gè)梨里?”奧托說“怎么做?”“那得要一個(gè)大大的梨,不能有太多汗水,我們不能被弄得粘乎乎的”Jo laughed. Oh, Otto! You dont understand anything! 喬大笑“哦,奧托,你什么都不懂”The Treasure Hunt began.Charlie worked with Josh. Jo worked with Otto.尋寶游戲開始了。查理和喬什一起,喬和奧托一起。This was the clue that they had to follow:(Start at the classroom door.Then walk alon

12、g.Dont go right.Then you wont go wrong.) 這是給他們提供的線索:在教室門前開始,往前走,不能向右,這樣你就不會(huì)搞錯(cuò)?!斑@是什么意思啊?”查理說What does that mean? said Charlie.“這是什么意思???”查理說。I dont know, said Josh. But when Miss Underwood hid the treasure last time, it was in the playground.“我也不知道”喬什說道。“但是安德伍德小姐藏寶的時(shí)候,是在操場”Lets go there! Charlie said

13、to Josh. Quick! Well be first.“那我們就去那兒!”查理對(duì)喬什說,“快點(diǎn),我們就是第一了.”O(jiān)tto jumped up to follow them-but Charlie had a plan. He stuck out his foot and tripped Otto up.奧托跳起來去跟著他們,但是查理心生一計(jì),他伸出腿把奧托絆倒在地。Enjoy your trip! Charlie laughed, and ran off with Josh.好好享受你這一絆吧!查理大笑著,和喬什一起跑開了。Jo helped Otto up.喬把奧托扶了起來。All

14、the other children ran out of the classroom and followed Charlie and Josh. They turned right, towards the playground.其他所有的孩子都跑出了教室,跟著查理和喬什后面。他們向右,直奔操場。Jo sighed. Now were going to be last.喬嘆了口氣,“現(xiàn)在我們要當(dāng)最后一名了”。We wont be last, said Otto, because theyre all going the wrong way. Look at the clue.“我們不會(huì)成為

15、最后一名的,”奧托說,“因?yàn)樗麄兌甲咤e(cuò)方向了”,“你看這線索” (Start at the classroom door.Then walk along.Dont go right.Then you wont go wrong.)Otto pointed at the clue. it means we start here-at the classroom door and we dont turn RIGHT-because that would be wrong. We have to turn LEFT.奧托指著線索?!斑@上面說我們從這兒(教室的門)出發(fā),不能向右,因?yàn)槟鞘清e(cuò)的方向。我

16、們得向左。”They set off in the other direction to the rest of the children.他們從和其他孩子不同的另一個(gè)方向出發(fā)了。Charlie and Josh were looking for treasure in the playground and they were getting fed up.查理和喬什在操場上尋找著寶藏,他們覺得厭倦了。theres nothing here, said Charlie. Lets look inside the school.“這兒什么都沒有”查理說,“我們?nèi)W(xué)校里面看看”They went

17、back into the school hall, past the heads office and thats when they saw it他們往回走,進(jìn)了學(xué)校的走廊,經(jīng)過校長辦公室時(shí),他們看到了there IS a bear! Charlie said. there really is! “有只熊!”查理說,“真的有只熊!”They ran screaming back to their classroom. Help! Help! Weve seen a bear.他們尖叫著跑回他們的教室?!熬让?!救命!我們看到了只熊?!?.Oh, Otto哦,奧托Jo and Otto had

18、 turned left and walked along the corridor. Look! said Otto.奧托和喬左轉(zhuǎn)沿著走廊向著走。 “看”奧托說。There was an arrow and it was pointing to a plant pot.有一個(gè)箭頭,那個(gè)箭頭指向一個(gè)花盆。Jo picked up the pot and found a map. There was another clue on the map.喬拿起了花盆,找到了一張地圖。 地圖上有尋寶的又一個(gè)線索。(clue number2 Follow this map if you want to d

19、o well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.)(線索2:如果你想成功,就跟著這張圖走。就在能找到咒語的地方好好搜索。)Jo and Otto followed the map to the school library.喬和奧托按地圖的指示,來到學(xué)校圖書館。Jo read out the clue again:Follow this map if you want to do well.Just look in the place where you find a spell.喬再次讀了下線索:如果你想成功,就跟著這張圖走。就在能找

20、到拼字游戲的地方好好搜索。I understand! said Otto. look-theres a pile of spelling books. Thats where well find a “spell!”“我知道了!”奧托說,“看,那兒有一堆拼寫課本,那就是我們能找到拼寫的地方”Youve got it, Otto! said Jo.“你猜對(duì)了,奧托!” 喬說。Behind the pile of spelling books, there was a box of golden coins. Yum! said Jo. Its chocolate money!在那堆拼寫課本后面,

21、有一盒子的金幣,“吔,”喬說,“是金幣巧克力!”Back in the classroom, Jo and Otto shared out the treasure chocolate.回到教室,奧托和喬均分了巧克力。But whats the matter with Josh and Charlie? asked Otto.“喬什和查理怎么了?”奧托問Some of the other children laughed.Charlie and Josh thought they saw a bear!其他的孩子們大笑起來?!安槔砗蛦淌惨詾樗麄兛吹搅诵?!”A bear! said Otto. Jo told me you were making up that story to scare me.“一只熊?”奧托說,“喬告訴我,你在編故事嚇我呢”Charlie looked ashamed. It wasnt really


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