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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測試卷注意事項(xiàng)1考試結(jié)束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回2答題前,請務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆填寫在試卷及答題卡的規(guī)定位置3請認(rèn)真核對監(jiān)考員在答題卡上所粘貼的條形碼上的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號與本人是否相符4作答選擇題,必須用2B鉛筆將答題卡上對應(yīng)選項(xiàng)的方框涂滿、涂黑;如需改動,請用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案作答非選擇題,必須用05毫米黑色墨水的簽字筆在答題卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律無效5如需作圖,須用2B鉛筆繪、寫清楚,線條、符號等須加黑、加粗. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、This kind of plant is seen in our city

2、because it lives 4,500m above the sea level and is hard to findAoftenBalwaysCusuallyDseldom2、- What was the party like?- Wonderful. Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.AsinceBafterCwhenDbefore3、- _ all _ our class will visit Danying Garden?-Yes. Every student _ about it.ADo.know; will tellBAre.know

3、n; has toldCHave.known; was toldDWill.know; told4、It seems that your daughter shows an interest playing the guitar.Exactly. Her teacher says she has a gift musicAfor; of Bof; for Cin; of Din; for5、There are _ floors in Tobys house. And his room is on the _ floor.Athree; twoBthird; secondCthird; twoD

4、three; second6、 Many foreigners attend the first China International Import Expo (中國國際進(jìn)口博覽會)in Shanghai.Yeah, Im really proud of China. _fantastic progress China has made these years!AHowBWhatCwhat a7、Im worried about the dancing competition. I cant do it well. _. Keep dancing, and you will make it.

5、AWhat a pity!BNo way.CNo problemDPractice makes perfect.8、We often have too _ / mt / homework on weekdays.AmuchBmanyCwatchDfresh9、Many tall buildings _ in our city every year.AbuiltBare builtCwere built10、_ pollution is heavy now,I dont think its hopeless.AEven thoughBBecauseCEver sinceDWhen. 完形填空11

6、、Many people think the more time is spent, the more work will be done. So students have to 1 the whole day doing school work except three meals.Modern students have many 2 They love sports, computers and music. A two-day weekend can get them away from 3 school work, and they can do what they like. B

7、ut still teachers do not think about it. Students have so much homework that they have no time to 4 themselves. Students are really hate doing their weekend homework. So they dont do it 5 Sunday night. And there is not enough time to finish the homework 6 The poor weekend homework usually makes teac

8、hers 7 Too much school work make students 8 interest in learning. Its also bad for their 9 A horse runs faster after a rest. But for students only rest is not enough. So such a condition(狀況)should be changed to give students both 10 and knowledge.1Atake Bcost Cspend Dpay2Ainterests Bbooks Cpens Dfri

9、ends3Atoo many Bmany too Ctoo much Dmuch too4Alearn Benjoy Cteach Dlook after5Ain Bwith Cat Duntil6Acarefully Bangrily Chelpfully Dwidely7Ahappy Bweak Cangry Dstrong8Alose Bto lose Closing Dlost9Aheads Bideas Chealth Dmessages10Afood Bpleasure Cmoney Dsubjects. 語法填空12、IV.語法填空:用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,未提供單詞的根據(jù)上下

10、文填入適當(dāng)?shù)脑~。My father and I had a big argument. We avoided 1(see) each other recently. But last Tuesday I decided to tell my father I loved him. The next morning I got up early. I was so excited 2I could hardly sleep. At 9 a.m. I called my dad.3he answered the phone,I said, “Dad,can I come over after wo

11、rk tonight? I have something 4 (tell) you.” My dad answered angrily, “Now what?”I told him it wouldnt take long, so he 5(final) agreed. At 5:30 p.m., I was ringing the doorbell at my parents house. Dad 6(answer) the door. I took one step and said, “Dad, I just come over to tell you that I love you.”

12、 After my father heard the words, he hugged me and said, “l(fā) love you too, son, 7Ive never been able to say it.” It was such 8 great moment that I didnt want to move. After a while I left. Two days after that visit, my dad, who had heart 9(problem), passed away.So my advice for all of you 10 (be): Do

13、nt wait to do the things that need to be done now. 閱讀理解A13、Special OffersFree soft drinkBuy any meal for at least 6 yuan at Mikes Caf and receives a free soft drink. We serve the best hamburgers and snacks in the mall. Come in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service. Free soft drink of

14、fer ends on November 12.Buy one, get one freeBuy one shirt at LOTTE-Mart Menswear(男士專柜), and get another shirt of the same value free. You can choose any tie here, then we will give you another one at no cost. Hurry! Offer ends on November 10.10% OffShow this ticket at Xinhua Book Store to get a 10%

15、 discount on any book you buy. We have lots of books to choose from, including childrens books, novels, travel guides and hobbies. You are sure to find something that youll enjoy. Shop now for Christmas.6 Hours Free ParkingIf you spend 100 yuan or more in RT-Mart, you will receive six hours of free

16、parking. When you have spend 100 yuan or more, just take this ticket that you pay for your goods to the service desk. They will stamp your parking ticket to allow 6 hours of free parking.1The information above is probably takes from _.Aa sports reportBa story bookCa fashion magazineDan advertisement

17、 poster2If the price of the book is 40 yuan, you need to pay _.A4 yuanB36 yuanC40 yuanD44 yuan3You can get another tie for free _ at LOTTE-Mart Menswear.Aon November 9Bon November 11Con November 13Don Christmas Day4How long can you park your car for free at most after spending 108 yuan in RT-Mart?A1

18、 hours.B5 hours.C6 hours.D7 hours.5What can Tom get for free after he has spent 7 yuan at Mikes Caf?AA soft drink.BThe best hamburgers.CThe best snacks.DA delicious meal.B14、Super International Crafts (工藝品) Market1/F, Super Shopping Center, 12 Shopping Road, ssKowloon, next to Dandys Store and Cleos

19、 Cafe. The Super Shopping Center is proud to hold the Super International Crafts Market. The market owns hand-crafted products from all over the world. Come to learn about other cultures and see beautiful things from different countries! A part of the sales will be given to the International Childre

20、ns Fund (ICF). Some of the interesting products include:Beaded bracelets (圓珠手鏈) from AfricaDo you love bracelets? Here you can find bracelets made from special wooden beads, and no two pieces are the same! Each bracelet looks expensive, but costs only $20. What is more, if you buy two, you can get a

21、 card for a free drink at Cleos Cafe!Silk handbags from ThailandThese colorful bags are beautiful and useful! You can use them every day. Each bag is as much as $150. If you buy more than one, they will be 10% cheaper for you.Fantastic!We will have introductions about the different countries, as wel

22、l as a lucky draw (M!) for a free trip to one of the special countries in the market! You can also taste foods from the different countries at our International Foods Stand.Visit the International Crafts Market and learn about different cultures.Buy beautiful, interesting things and support the Inte

23、rnational Childrens Fund!1The passage above is probably _.Aa piece of newsBa visitors letterCa shopping guideDa trip introduction2The Super International Crafts Market is _.Anext to Cleos CafeBnext to 12 Shopping RoadCon 1/F, Dandys StoreDon 2/F, Super Shopping Center3People can _ in the market.Alea

24、rn about different culturesBvisit the International Childrens FundCsell their own hand-crafted productsDsee beautiful things mostly from ssKowloon4Which is right according to the passage?ATwo bracelets cost $20.BThe bracelets look the same.CEach bag costs only $135.DThe handbags are colorful.5What c

25、an we do to have a free trip to a country in the market?AGive money to the ICF.BTake part in a lucky draw.CBuy wooden beads from Africa.DTaste different foods in the market.C15、Town ParkOpening hours8:00 am8:00 pm in winter10:00 am10:00 pm in summerRulesPut litter into rubbish cans.Keep your dog on

26、a lead(牽狗鏈).No golf.Dont sleep overnight on the benches.Dont stay inside after closing time.Swimming PoolOpening hours10:00 am3:30 pm on weekdays9:00 am9:30 pm on weekendsRulesYou must wear proper swimsuits.An adult must stay with children under six at all times.No smoking in the pool area.Food and

27、drinks are not allowed near.1When can you go swimming?AAt 1:00 pm on Tuesday.BAt 9:00 am on Monday.CAt 8:00 pm on Thursday.DAt 10:00 pm on Saturday.2What can you do in the park?APlay golf with friends.BThrow litter everywhere.CStay inside after the park is closed.DKeep the dog on a lead.3Where may y

28、ou probably see the information?AIn a storybook.BOn a notice board.CIn a film magazine.DIn a math book.D16、Last Sunday evening, my parents went out for a walk with my sister. But I studied alone at home because I should have an English test the next day. Suddenly, I saw bright light in my neighbors

29、kitchen. I thought he was cooking, so I went on studying.Soon, there was a terrible smell in the air and I thought something was wrong. I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbors kitchen. So I shouted, “Fire, Fire!” But no one heard or came out.I ran quickly to my house to call 119, and then

30、 I rang my neighbors doorbell, knocked at the door, but there was noresponse. I got into the house through the window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom. I woke him up and we rushed out of the house together.We tried our best to pour water through the kitchen window, but the fire was too

31、heavy. Luckily, the firemen came and put out the fire quickly. When my parents came back, they found I was dirty and tired. After my neighbor told them the whole story, they were happy and said I was a brave boy.1The underlined word “response”can be replaced (代替)by .Aresult Banswer Cquestion2Why did

32、nt the writer go out for a walk with his parents?ABecause his parents only liked his sister.BBecause he would have an English class.CBecause he had to study for an English test.3Who put out the fire at last?AThe writer.BThe writers neighbor.CThe firemen.4According to the passage, which of the follow

33、ing is TRUE?AThe writers neighbor was sleeping when the fire started.BThe fire happened last Friday evening.CThe writers parents were angry when they knew what had happened.5Whats the passage mainly about?AHow to put out a fire.BI studied for a test at home.CI saved my neighbor from the fireE17、Leon

34、 was a postman. Every day after Leon woke up, he would feed his 37 cats. Leon didnt really want 37 cats, but one by one they had turned up on his doorstep, and Leon had taken them in. Every day, after feeding the cats, Leon would collect the mail from the red postboxes in the village and take it hom

35、e to sort(分類). “If only I had 37 helpers instead of 37 cats, my job would be so much easier,” Leon thought. Just then, the cats started meowing for their dinner. That gave Leon an idea. That night, Leon stayed up making 37 cat-sized postal backpacks. Each backpack fitted neatly onto a cats back. The

36、n, he went around to each postbox, putting signs up that read: Postbox closed. Please use the Postal Cat Service. The next day, Leon put a backpack on each cat and dropped off the cats around the village. Leon knew that the cats would be happy lazing around all day. He also knew that they would alwa

37、ys come home for dinner. Leon spent the day relaxing, waiting for his helpers to return. Leon was right. The cats did return, but they did not bring home many letters. Somehow, the cats had managed to wriggle(蜿蜒而行) out of their backpacks. Or lose their letters. Or get the letters wet. “Cats are just

38、 too unreliable(不可靠的)” Leon thought. Just then, there was a scratching(刮擦聲) at Leons door. A dog was waiting to be invited inside. That gave Leon an idea.1Why did Leon keep 37 cats?ABecause his favourite animal was cat.BBecause he wanted the cats to help him.CBecause the cats came to his home one by

39、 one, and he had to keep them.DBecause the cat he kept were reliable.2What do you think the last sentence of the passage mean?ALeon would have some dogs to help him.BLeon would refuse the dog to get into his house.CLeon would let the dog in and make friends with his cats.DLeon would treated the dog

40、more friendly than the cats.F18、Once a tiger was in a cage. Soon a good man went by. As soon as the tiger saw the man, the tiger began to cry. “Please! Please!” the tiger called. “Please, let me out.” “No,” said the good man. “If I do, you will eat me.” “I will not eat you,” the tiger said. “Please

41、let me out.”The good man believed the tiger. He opened the door of the cage. The tiger jumped out. “How silly you are,” the tiger laughed. “Now I am going to eat you.” “Wait!” the man cried. “You ought not to eat me. Let us ask others what they think.” “You may ask three others. ” the tiger said.The

42、 good man asked a tree. The tree said, “I give shade (樹蔭). And yet I am cut down. Let the tiger eat you.”Next, the good man asked a bird. The bird said, “I hurt no one. Yet people hunt and kill me. Let the tiger eat you.”The last one that the good man asked was a road. The road said, “I dont care if

43、 the tiger eats you. People could not get along too well without me. Yet all day and all night people step on me without even a thank you.”The tiger was ready to eat the good man. Just then a dog came by. “What is happening?” asked the dog. The man told the dog the whole story.“I dont understand,” s

44、aid the dog. “The tiger wants to eat you because you put him in a cage?”“No, no,” said the man. “Some other men put him in a cage.”“Oh,” the dog said. “He is going to eat you because you do not have a cage.”“Silly dog!” the tiger cried. “Dont you understand? I was in the cage. This man let me out.”“

45、Oh, I see,” the dog said. “When the man was in the cage, you let him out.”“I was in the cage!” the tiger cried. “In this way!” with that, he jumped back into the cage.At once, the dog closed the door of the cage. “Oh,” the dog laughed. “At last I understand!”The good man and the dog walked off. The

46、tiger looked sad in the cage. If he waited long enough, perhaps another good man would come by.根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案, 并將其標(biāo)號填入題前括號內(nèi)。1When the tiger saw the man, he began to cry, because _.Ahe wanted the man to help him out of the cageBhe wanted to eat the manChe wanted to eat the dogDhe wanted to eat the bird

47、2After the tiger jumped out of the cage, he wanted _.Ato thank the man Bto eat the manCto ask the others Dto run away3The tree _ with the tiger because _ to the tree.Aagreed; humans were kindBagreed; humans were not kindCdisagreed; humans were kindDdisagreed; humans were not kind4The bird let the ti

48、ger eat the man because _.Apeople helped birdsBit liked tigersCit liked the manDpeople hunted and killed him5What happened to the tiger at last?AThe dog agreed that the tiger could eat the good man.BThe tiger jumped back into the cage and was closed in the cage again.CThe tiger ate the good man and the dog.DThe tiger made fri


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