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1、FRANK FANG The National Blueprint for promoting PA in the mid-life and older adult population 提升中老年人身體活動的藍圖參考美國藍圖如何推廣The National Blueprint for pro要推廣老年人的身體活動你會怎樣作?由較廣泛且多元的角度來看.家庭社區(qū)醫(yī)院和醫(yī)護人員政府或機關(guān)決策者宣導(dǎo)與政策研究其他要推廣老年人的身體活動你會怎樣作?由較廣泛且多元的角度來看Abstract 摘要The National blueprint 美國藍圖: Increasing physical activi

2、ty among adults age 50 and older was designed to develop a national strategy for the promotion of physical active lifestyles among the mid-life and older adult population.提升五十歲以上中老年人身題活動的全國策略以養(yǎng)成動態(tài)生活方式 Abstract 摘要The National bluepr構(gòu)想The blueprint identifies barriers to PA in the areas of research, h

3、ome and community programs, medical systems, public policy and advocacy, and marketing and communications.先找出推展身體活動各領(lǐng)域的障礙: 包括研究, 家庭與社區(qū), 醫(yī)學(xué)系統(tǒng), 公共政策, 和行銷與溝通(還有整合策略)構(gòu)想The blueprint identifies barabstractIn addition, the blueprint proposes a number of concrete strategies that could be employed in order

4、to overcome the barriers to PA in society at large. This paper summarizes and reviews progress achieved in advancing each of the 18 strategies. 這個藍圖提供許多具體的策略, 可以克服許多身體活動的社會障礙.六個方向 每個方向三個策略 共十八個策略abstractIn addition, the bluepCross-cutting strategies整合策略1, create a national clearinghouse to dissemina

5、te effective, tested public education, social marketing materials, and public policy information on PA and aging.(Lead Organization: Active for LifeNational Program Office ).負(fù)責(zé)單位: 全國活動總部設(shè)立全國的可互動的機構(gòu):傳送有效 可信的公共教育, 社會行銷和公共政策的資訊.Cross-cutting strategies整合策略1進度: 動態(tài)生活全國總部設(shè)於德州農(nóng)工大學(xué), 和許多的單位合作 評估相關(guān)的資訊Progress

6、 to Date. The Active for Life National Program Office at Texas A&M University System has been working with the Administration on Aging, the National Council on the Aging, and the National blueprint Office to assess the form of information that is necessary in a national clearinghouse and the value o

7、f a learning network related to pre-exercise screening.進度: 動態(tài)生活全國總部設(shè)於德州農(nóng)工大學(xué), 和許多的單位合作Cross-cutting strategies #2 第二個整體策略Develop a population-segmented mass-marketing campaign to increase knowledge and awareness levels related to PA and fitness among the 50+ population. (Lead Organization: AARP)規(guī)劃一個高

8、年齡族群的大型行銷宣導(dǎo)計畫 來提升中老年人身體活動與體適能有關(guān)的知識和覺知Cross-cutting strategies #2 第二Progress to date 進度The ACSM hosted a meeting of representatives from national organizations that offer training and/or certification for PA instructors who work with older adults. The goal of the meeting was to identify consensus con

9、tent standards for PA leaders. 美國運動醫(yī)學(xué)會主辦一個來自許多個單位代表的會議, 這些單位提供老年運動指導(dǎo)員的訓(xùn)練或證照.Progress to date 進度The ACSM hoHome and community strategies 家庭與社區(qū)的策略Home and community strategies are those that encompass efforts at the local level to develop partnerships between community groups, agencies, and services p

10、romoting PA to better serve the needs of mid-life and older adults. 結(jié)合社區(qū)的力量, 包括社區(qū)團體, 機構(gòu)和服務(wù)團隊, 考量中老年人需要, 提供較佳的服務(wù)以提升身體活動量.Home and community strategies Home and community strategy #1Identify professionals in the community who can serve as resources for information and assistance to programs and groups

11、 working in the area of aging and PA. (Lead Organization: ACSM)找出社區(qū)可提供中老年身體活動計畫協(xié)助與資訊的專業(yè)人員負(fù)責(zé)單位 美國運動醫(yī)學(xué)會Home and community strategy #1Cross-cutting strategiesProgress to Date: ACSM has developed Profinder, a web-based directory of experts who can be contacted to provide professional advice and assistan

12、ce to individuals and groups with questions about aging and PA. ACSM is working through their regional chapter network to advertise the program and identify a comprehensive network of experts. Profinder currently has a database of 800 experts. Cross-cutting strategiesProgreHome and community strateg

13、y #2Establish and provide technical assistance to national, regional, and local partnerships among health, aging, urban/community planning, transportation, environmental, recreation, social service, and private sector organizations.建立和提供全國, 地區(qū)和地方技術(shù)協(xié)助的夥伴關(guān)係(於健康, 老化, 社區(qū)計畫, 交通, 環(huán)境休閒和社會服務(wù)和私立單位等).Home and

14、 community strategy #2. (Lead Organization: National buleprint Office, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).負(fù)責(zé)單位: 美國伊利諾依大學(xué). (Lead Organization: NationalHome and community strategy #2Progress to Date: The National Blueprint office at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign established a web

15、site in 2001 to allow partners to share information and resources, learn about upcoming events and research news, and access presentations, photos, and other materials to use in promoting the Blueprint. 建立網(wǎng)站資料分享資訊, 研究新聞, 照片, 資源和新活動等信息.Home and community strategy #2Home and community strategy #3Provi

16、de community organizations with a template for good PA programs. (Lead Organization: National Council on the Aging, (NVOA) ).提供社區(qū)推展身體活動良好的例子, 以供參考.Home and community strategy #3Home and community strategy #3Progress to Date: NCOA has completed a Best Practices in PA Programming for Older Adults comp

17、etition. This effect has resulted in a wealth of information regarding the development and maintenance of successful PA programs.進度: 目前提供許多良好老年人推展身體活動的資料. Home and community strategy #3Marketing and communication StrategiesMarketing and communication strategies are needed to share information about

18、best practices and model programs in the area of PA. for example, support materials can be provided to help organizations replicate successful programs. 行銷與溝通策略: 分享有關(guān)成功方法或活動模式的資訊, 讓其他的單位來實踐或推動成功活動.Marketing and communication StMarketing messages developed by Buleprint groups will be targeted to spec

19、ific segments of the 50+ population in such a way as to maximize the likelihood of reaching the intended audiences.Marketing messages developed bMarketing and communication Strategies #1Establish a comprehensive PA trade association to provide support to businesses and corporations that share an int

20、erest in increasing PA levels among the older adult population. (Lead Organization: International Council on Active Aging, ICAA).建立完整身體活動的互動關(guān)係, 對有興趣提升老年人身體活動的企業(yè)和機構(gòu)提供支持.Marketing and communication StMarketing and communication Strategies #1Progress to Date: the ICAA is a PA trade association that pro

21、vides ongoing staff education, training, programming, and networking opportunities that can assist organizations in developing facilities and implementing wellness and fitness programs.進度: 對有興趣的企業(yè)員工提供教育, 訓(xùn)練, 活動和連結(jié)通道, 使這些單位能提供設(shè)施和規(guī)劃體適能與全人健康的活動. Marketing and communication StMarketing and communication

22、 Strategies #2Develop a national program that would provide incentives for communities to increase PA levels among the age 50+ population. (Lead Organizations: Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) )研發(fā)全國計畫以提供誘因, 鼓勵社區(qū)提升中老年人的身體活動.Market

23、ing and communication StMarketing and communication Strategies #2Progress to Date: the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and CDC collaborated to develop a mechanism for recognizing organization, groups, and/ or communities that have made a significant contribution to the promotion of

24、 physical active lifestyle. Marketing and communication StMarketing and communication Strategies #2The administration on aging launched a national You Can! Steps to Healthier Aging campaign as a strategy that build on the commitment and local experience of community organizations in every state.The

25、agency will provide to participating organizations that cater to seniors a kit that includes activity guides, publicity templates, and rewards for participants.Marketing and communication StMarketing and communication Strategies #3Support efforts to develop PA programs and messages that are targeted

26、 to specific segments of the age 50+ population. (Lead Organization: AARP).Progress to Date: Several Blueprint partner organizations have developed marketing and communication guides to assist organizations and groups with developing effective and targeted messages about PA.Marketing and communicati

27、on StMedical system strategies Medical systems strategies are needed to provide PA guidelines and best practices to health care professionals to help educate patients and to provide PA prescriptions for chronic illnesses and to maintain physical wellbeing.Partnerships between medical professionals a

28、nd local community resources are needed to help refer patents to local PA opportunities.Medical system strategies MediMedical system strategies #1Disseminate information on PA guidelines and best practices to the medical community. (Lead Organizations: ACSM and Center for Disease Control and Prevent

29、ion) Medical system strategies #1DiMedical system strategies # 1Progress to Date: A coalition of national organizations led by the ACSM and the Center of Disease Control and Prevention has developed an overview of best practices, guidelines, and recommendations regarding PA for older adults.Medical

30、system strategies # 1PMedical system strategies #2Develop partnerships between medical professionals and the community to facilitate patient referrals to local PA resources. (Lead Organization: ACSM).Progress to Date: ICAA and American Academy of Family Physicians have partnered to provide a program

31、 for physicians to refer patients to age-friendly PA facility. Medical system strategies #2DeMedical system strategiesThe Age-friendly Facility designation recognizes organizations that have made commitments to creating age-friendly facilities in the design, staffing, programming, marketing, and ope

32、rations.Medical system strategiesThe AMedical system strategies #3Develop resources for clinicians to use in making personalized PA recommendations/prescriptions for their patients. (Lead organization: American Geriatrics Society)Medical system strategies #3DeMedical system strategies #3Progress to

33、Date: the American Geriatrics Society, the American Association of Family Physicians, ACSM, and the Thera-Band Corporation have developed an Active Aging Toolkit which is designed to assist healthcare providers prescribe PA programs for their patients. Medical system strategies #3PrPublic Policy Str

34、ategiesPolicy and advocacy strategies are needed at the local, state, and national levels. Specific tactics will include the development of a cohesive legislative agenda, regular meeting with lawmakers, and the development of a unified consensus statement on the benefit of physically active lifestyl

35、e.Public Policy StrategiesPolicyPublic Policy Strategies #1Develop a coalition to conduct public analysis and to identify unified public policy strategies in the area of PA and aging. (Lead Organizations: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Administration on Aging).Public Policy Strategies #1DevPubli

36、c Policy Strategies#1Progress to Date: the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation convened a Public Policy Roundtable in early 2003 to develop a public policy and legislative guide to assist blueprint organizations in their interactions with government and legislative groups.Public Policy Strategies#1ProgPu

37、blic Policy Strategies #2Educate policymakers about the importance of PA for the older population.Include information that provides examples of effective policy in this arena. (Lead Organization: National coalition for Promoting PA). Public Policy Strategies #2EduPublic Policy Strategies #2Progress

38、to Date: working in partnership with SGMA International and several other blueprint partners, the national coalition for promoting PA is disseminating the outcomes of the 2003 Public Policy roundtable to policymakers at the federal and state level. Public Policy Strategies #2ProPublic Policy Strateg

39、ies #3Generate information on the cost effectiveness of increasing regular PA among the older population to help support public policy, program development, and reimbursement efforts. (Lead Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Public Policy Strategies #3GenPublic Policy Strategie

40、s Public Policy Strategies #3Progress to Date: the Centers for Disease control and Prevention, Active Living Leadership, and the Fifty-Plus Association have launched an on-line calculator that determines the financial costs of physical inactivity for businesses and communities. Public Policy Strateg

41、ies PubliResearch strategiesNew research projects are needed to increase our understanding of the complex interactions between health, physical activity, and the aging process. For example, there is a need to understand behavioral factors related to PA participation and adherence. Research strategiesNew researcResearch strategies #1Identify valid and relia


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