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2、Datta SSheeet26Sectiion IV. Geenerral Conndittionns oof CConttracct (GCCC)28Sectiion V. Speeciaal ccondditiionss off coontrractt41Sectiion VI. Sccheddulee off reequiiremmentts. Sectiion VIII. TTechhniccal Speecifficaatioon. 4849Sectiion VIII. SSampple Forrms55 Bidd Foorm andd Prricee Sccheddulees56

3、BBid Seccuriity Forrm 60 CConttracct FFormm62 PPerfformmancce SSecuuritty FFormm64 BBankk Guuaraanteee ffor Advvancce PPaymmentt.65 MManuufaccturrers AAuthhoriizattionn Foorm 677Sectiion VIIII. Undderttakiing by tennderrer on antti-bbribberyy pooliccy/ codde oof ccondductt annd ccomppliaancee prrogr

4、ram. 68AcronnymssTAA Taanzaaniaa Aiirpoortss AuuthoorittyKPH Kiilommetrres Perr HoourMPH Miiless Peer HHourrpsi ppounnds perr sqquarre iinchhRPM Reevollutiionss Peer MMinuuteBHP BBrakke HHorsse PPoweerIGPM Immperriall Gaalloons Perr MiinutteBS Brritiish StaandaardID Innterrnall DiiameeterrAC Alttern

5、natiing CurrrenntDC Dirrectt Cuurreentc/w coomplletee wiithl or Itss liitree(s)inch(s)C Deegreee CCenttigrradee/Ceelsiiusamp(ss) aampeere(s)kg kkiloograammeel b ppounnd(ss)gm grrammmem meetreemm millimeetreecm ceentiimetterft fooot/ffeett1CI Immperriall Chhemiicall InndusstriiesBDS BBid Datta SSheee

6、tCIF Cosst, Inssuraancee annd FFreiighttCIP Carrriaage andd Innsurrancce PPaidd too (pplacce)EDI Eleectrroniic DDataa InnterrchaangeeEXW Exx faactoory, exx woorkss orr exx waarehhousseFCA FFreee CaarriierFOB FFreee onn BooarddGCC GGeneerall Coondiitioons of ConntraactICC Intternnatiionaal CChammberr

7、 off CoommeerceeIFB Invvitaatioon ffor BiddsITB Insstruuctiionss too BiiddeersSCC SSpecciall Coondiitioons of ConntraactUNCITTRALL Unniteed NNatiionss Coommiissiion on Intternnatiionaal TTradde LLawSectiion I: Invvitaatioon FFor BiddsTENDEER NNo 1110 OF 20003/220044FOR SUPPLLY OOF FFOURR X-RAYY MAAC

8、HIINESS TOO TAANZAANIAA AIIRPOORTSS AUUTHOORITTY1. Thhe GGoveernmmentt off thhe UUnitted of Reppubllic of Tannzannia thrrouggh tthe Tannzannia Airrporrts Autthorrityy haas sset asiide Funnds forr thhe ooperratiion of thee aiirpoortss. IIt iis iinteendeed tthatt paart of thee prroceeedss off thhe ffu

9、ndd wiill be useed tto ccoveer eeliggiblle ppaymmentt unnderr thhe cconttracct ffor thee Suupplly oof FFourr X-Rayy Maachiiness.2. Thhe CCenttrall Teendeer BBoarrd oon bbehaalf of Tannzannia Airrporrt AAuthhoriity (TAAA) noww innvittes seaaledd biids froom rrepuutabble mannufaactuurerrs aand supppli

10、ierss off X-Rayys MMachhinees aas ffolllowss.Item No.DescrripttionnQuanttityy1.Hold Bagggagge XX-Raay MMachhinees32.Palleet SSizee X- Raay MMachhinees1Biddeer mmustt biid ffor alll ittemss.3.Inttereesteed eeliggiblle bbiddderss maay oobtaain furrtheer iinfoormaatioon ffromm annd iinsppectt thhe BBid

11、ddingg Doocummentts aat tthe offficee off thhe EExeccutiive Seccrettaryy, PPPF Towwer andd Caar PParkkingg Arrcadde, 8thh Flloorr Noorthh Wiing, Juuncttionn off Ohhio andd Gaardeen AAvennue, P.O. Boxx 499, DDar Es Sallaamm, ffromm 7:30 am to 3.330pmm onn Moondaays to Friidayys iincllusiive excceptt

12、onn Puubliic HHoliidayys.4.A ccompplette sset of thee biiddiing Doccumeentss annd aaddiitioonall seets mayy bee puurchhaseed bby iinteeresstedd biiddeers on thee suubmiissiion of a wwritttenn apppliicattionn too thhe aaddrresss giivenn unnderr paaraggrapph 33 abbovee annd uuponn paaymeent of a nnon-

13、reffunddablle ffee of Tshhs 1150,0000/= (Taanzaaniaa Shhilllinggs OOne Hunndreed aand Fiffty Thoousaand Onlly) or equuivaalennt iin ffreeely connverrtibble ccurrrenccy. Paaymeent shoouldd bee maade eittherr byy Baankeers DDrafft, Cassh oor BBankkers CCheqque, too thhe PPermmaneent Seccrettaryy, MMin

14、iistrry oof FFinaancee, PP.O. Boox 991111, DDar Es Sallaamm.5.Alll biids in onee orrigiinall pllus twoo coopiees, prooperrly fillledd inn, eenclloseed iin pplaiin eenveeloppes musst bbe aaccoompaanieed bby aan oorigginaal bbid seccuriity in an acccepttablle fformm inn ammounnt oof TTshss 100,0000,00

15、00.00 (Taanzaaniaa Shhilllinggs TTen Milllioon) prooperrly adddresssedd too thhe EExeccutiive Seccrettaryy, PPPF Towwer andd Caar PParkkingg Arrcadde, 8thh Flloorr Noorthh Wiing, Juuncttionn off Ohhio andd Gaardeen AAvennue, P.O. Boxx 499, DDar Es Sallaamm. AAll bidds mmustt eiitheer bbe ddeliiverre

16、d by hannd oor bbe ssentt byy reegissterred posst sso aas tto rreacch tthe Darr Ess Saalaaam, befforee thhe ddeaddlinne ffor subbmisssioon oof bbidss.6. Thee deeadllinee foor tthe subbmisssioon oof bbidss iss 099.000 hoourss Loocall tiime on Friidayy 266th AAuguust,20004. biids willl bbe oopenned in

17、 pubblicc annd iin tthe preesennce of biddderrs reepreesenntattivees wwho chooosee too atttennd iin tthe Connferrencce rroomm off Exxecuutivve SSecrretaary, PPPF TToweer aand Carr Paarkiing Arccadee, 88th FFlooor Noorthh Wiing, Juuncttionn off Ohhio andd Gaardeen AAvennue, P.O. Boxx 499, DDar Es Sal

18、laamm, aat 009:000 hhourrs llocaal ttimee onn Frridaay 226thh Auugusst,220044. BBidss seent by posst mmustt bee reegissterred. Thhe oouteer ccoveer sshalll bbe ccleaarlyy maarkeed “TENNDERR Noo 1110 OOF 220033/20004FFORSSUPPPLY OF FOUUR XX-RAAY MMACHHINEES TTO TTANZZANIIA AAIRPPORTTS AAUTHHORIITY; N

19、OOT TTOBEEOPEENEDD BEEFORRE 009:000 HHOURRS OONFRRIDAAY 226THH AUUGUSST,220044”7. TTeleegraaphiic, Tellex, Teeleffax andd laate nonn- TTeleegraaphiic, Tellex andd Teeleffax willl nnot be accceptted. Quuotaatioons nott reeceiivedd annd nnot opeenedd inn puubliic aat tthe pubblicc biid oopenningg ceer

20、emmonyy shhalll noot bbe aacceepteed ffor evaaluaatioon iirreespeectiive of thee ciircuumsttancces.EXECUUTIVVE SSECRRETAARY CENTRRAL TENNDERR BOOARDDSectiion II: Innstrructtionns tto BBiddderssTablee off CllaussesA. Inntrooducctioon. 81. Soourcce oof FFundds. 82. Elligiiblee Biiddeers . 883. Elligii

21、blee Gooodss annd SServvicees.884. Coost of Bidddinng.8B. Thhe BBidddingg Doocummentts .95. Conntennt oof BBidddingg Doocummentts. 96. Claarifficattionn off Biiddiing Doccumeentss. 97. Ameendmmentt off Biiddiing Doccumeentss . 9C. Prrepaarattionn off Biids. 1008. Laanguuagee off Biid. 1109. Doccumee

22、ntss Coonsttituutinng tthe Bidd. 10010. Bidd Foorm. 11011. Bidd Prricees . .1112. Bidd Cuurreenciies. 12213. DDocuumennts Esttabllishhingg Biiddeerss Elligiibillityy annd QQuallifiicattionn. . 12214. DDocuumennts Esttabllishhingg Gooodss EEliggibiilitty aand Connforrmitty tto BBidddinggDocummentts.

23、13315. Bidd Seecurrityy. 14416. Perriodd off Vaaliddityy off Biids . 1517. Forrmatt annd SSignningg off Biid. 115D. Suubmiissiion of Bidds. 11518. Seaalinng aand Marrkinng oof BBidss. 1519. Deaadliine forr Suubmiissiion of Bidds. 11620. Latte BBidss. 16621. Moddifiicattionn annd WWithhdraawall off B

24、iids.166E. Oppeniing andd Evvaluuatiion of Bidds. 11722. Opeeninng oof BBidss byy thhe PPurcchasser .1723. Claarifficaatioon oof BBidss.17724. Preelimminaary Exaaminnatiion.11725. Connverrsioon tto SSinggle Currrenncy. 11826. Evaaluaatioon aand Commparrisoon oof BBidss. 18827. Dommesttic Preeferrenc

25、ce . 22228. Conntacctinng tthe Purrchaaserr. 2329. PPostt-quualiificattionn.23F. Awwardd off Coontrractt. 23330. AAwarrd CCritteriia. 23331. PPurcchassers RRighht tto VVaryy Quuanttitiies at Timme oof AAwarrd .2332. PPurcchassers RRighht tto AAcceept Anyy Biid aand to Rejjectt Anny oor AAll Bidds. 2

26、4433. NNotiificattionn off Awwardd. 2434. SSignningg off Coontrractt. 24435. PPerfformmancce SSecuuritty. . 24436. CCorrruptt orr Frraudduleent Praactiicess.244Instrructtionn too Biiddeers A. IIntrroduuctiion1. Soourcce oof Fundds1.1 Thee Gooverrnmeent of thee Unniteed oof RRepuubliic oof TTanzzanii

27、a tthrooughh thhe TTanzzaniia AAirpportts AAuthhoriity hass seet aasidde ffundds ffor thee opperaatioons of thee aiirpoortss. IIt iis iinteendeed tthatt paart of thee prroceeedss off thhe ffundds wwilll bee ussed to covver eliigibble payymennt uundeer tthe conntraact forr Suupplly oof ggoodds sspecc

28、ifiied in thee Biid DDataa Shheett. 2. Elligiiblee Biddderss2.1 Thhis Invvitaatioon tto TTendder, iss oppen to alll fiirmss caapabble of suppplyyingg thhe ggoodds ccompplyiing to speecifficaatioon iin tthesse bbidddingg doocummentt. FFirmms oof aa meembeer ccounntryy maay bbe eexclludeed iif aas aa

29、maatteer oof llaw or reggulaatioon, Tannzannia proohibbitss coommeerciial rellatiionss wiith thaat ccounntryy.2.2 Biiddeers shoouldd noot bbe aassoociaatedd, oor hhavee beeen asssociiateed iin tthepast, diirecctlyy orr inndirrecttly, wiith a ffirmm orr anny oof iits afffiliiateeswhichh haave beeen e

30、engaagedd byy thhe PPurcchasser to proovidde cconssulttinggserviicess foor tthe preeparratiion of thee deesiggn, speecifficaatioons, anndotherr doocummentts tto bbe uusedd foor tthe proocurremeent of thee gooodss too beepurchhaseed uundeer tthiss Innvittatiion forr Biids.2.3 GGoveernmmentt-owwnedd e

31、nnterrpriisess inn thhe UUnitted Reppubllic of Tannzannia mayypartiicippatee onnly if theey aare leggallly aand finnancciallly auttonoomouus, ifthey opeeratte uundeer ccommmercciall laaw, andd iff thhey aree noot aadepenndennt aagenncy of thee Puurchhaseer.2.4 Biddderrs sshalll nnot be undder a ddec

32、llaraatioon oof iinelligiibillityy foor ccorrruptt annd ffrauudullentt prractticees iissuued by thee Gooverrnmeent of thee Unniteed RRepuubliic oof TTanzzaniia iin aaccoordaancee wiith ITBB Cllausse 336.11.3. Elligiiblee Gooodss and Serrvicces3.1 AAll gooods andd reelatted serrvicces to be supppliie

33、d undder thee coontrractt shhalll haave theeir oriiginn inn elligiiblee soourcce ccounntriies, annd aall exppenddituuress maade undder thee coontrractt wiill be limmiteed tto ssuchh gooodss annd sservvicees.3.2 FFor purrposses of thiis cclauuse, ooriggin meeanss thhe pplacce wwherre tthegoodss arre

34、mmineed, groown, orr prroduucedd, oor tthe plaace froom wwhicch ttherelatted serrvicces aree suupplliedd. GGoodds aare prooducced wheen, thrrougghmanuffactturiing, prroceessiing, orr suubsttanttiall annd mmajoor aasseemblly oofcompoonennts, a commmerrciaallyy-reecoggnizzed prooducct rresuultss thhat

35、 issubsttanttiallly diffferrentt inn baasicc chharaacteerissticcs oor iin ppurpposee orr uttiliityfrom itss coompoonennts.3.3 TThe oriiginn off gooodss annd sservvicees iis ddisttincct ffromm thhe nnatiionaalitty oofthe BBiddder.4. Coost of Bidddinng4.1 TThe Biddderr shhalll beear alll coostss assso

36、cciatted witth tthe preeparratiion anddsubmiissiion of itss biid, andd thhe PPurcchasser nammed in thee Biid DDataaSheett, hhereeinaafteer rrefeerreed tto aas thee Puurchhaseer, wiill in no casse bberespoonsiiblee orr liiablle ffor thoose cossts, reegarrdleess of thee coonduuct oroutcoome of thee bi

37、iddiing proocesss.B. Thhe BBidddingg Doocummentts5. Coonteent of BBidddingg DDocuumennts5.1 TThe gooods reqquirred, biiddiing prooceddurees, andd coontrractt teermss arrepresccribbed in thee biiddiing doccumeentss. TThe bidddinng ddocuumenntsincluude thee foolloowinng ssecttionns:(a) Invvitaatioon t

38、to TTendder(b) IInsttrucctioons to Biddderrs (ITBB)(c) BBid Datta SSheeet(d) GGeneerall Coondiitioons of Conntraact (GCCC)(e) SSpecciall Coondiitioons of Conntraact (SCCC)(f) Schheduule of Reqquirremeentss(g) TTechhniccal Speecifficaatioons(h) BBid Forrm(i) Billl oof QQuanntittiess(j) Bidd Seecurrit

39、yy Foorm(k) CConttracct FFormm(1) PPerfformmancce SSecuuritty FFormm(m) BBankk Guuaraanteee FFormm foor AAdvaancee Paaymeent(n) MManuufaccturrers AAuthhoriizattionn Foorm5.2 Thhe BBiddder is exppectted to exaaminne aall insstruuctiionss, fformms, terrms,and sspeccifiicattionns iin tthe bidddinng ddo

40、cuumennts. Faailuure to furrnisshall iinfoormaatioon rrequuireed bby tthe bidddinng ddocuumennts or to subbmitt abid nnot subbstaantiiallly rrespponssivee too thhe bbidddingg doocummentts iineveryy reespeect willl bbe aat tthe Biddderrs rissk aand mayy reesullt iin ttherejecctioon oof iits bidd.6. C

41、llariificcatiion of BBidddingg Docuumennts6.1 A pprosspecctivve BBiddder reqquirringg anny cclarrifiicattionn off thhe bbidddingg ddocuumennts mayy nootiffy tthe Purrchaaserr inn wrritiing or by cabblehereeinaafteer, thee teerm cabble is deeemedd too inncluude Eleectrroniic DDataaInterrchaangee (EED

42、I) annd ffacssimiile att thhe PPurcchassers aaddrresssindiccateed iin tthe ITBB Cllausse 119.11. TThe Purrchaaserr wiill ressponnd iinwritiing to anyy reequeest forr cllariificcatiion of thee biiddiing doccumeentsswhichh itt reeceiivess noo laaterr thhan tenn (110) dayys pprioor tto tthe deaadliinef

43、or tthe subbmisssioon oof bbidss prresccribbed in Bidd Daata Sheeet. Wrritttencopiees oof tthe Purrchaaserrs ressponnse (inncluudinng aan eexpllanaatioon oof tthequeryy buut wwithhoutt iddenttifyyingg thhe ssourrce of inqquirry) willl bbe ssentt tooall pprosspecctivve bbiddderss thhat havve rreceeiv

44、eed tthe bidddinng ddocuumennts.7. Ammenddmennt oof Bidddingg Docuumennts7.1 At anyy tiime priior to thee deeadllinee foor ssubmmisssionn off biids, thhePurchhaseer, forr anny rreasson, whhethher at itss owwn iinittiattivee orr innrespoonsee too a claarifficaatioon rrequuestted by a pprosspecctivve

45、BBiddder,may mmodiify thee biiddiing doccumeentss byy ammenddmennt.7.2 Alll pprosspecctivve bbiddderss thhat havve rreceeiveed tthe bidddinng ddocuumenntswill be nottifiied of thee ammenddmennt iin wwrittingg orr byy caablee, aand willlbe biindiing on theem.7.3 Inn orrderr too allloww prrosppecttive

46、e biiddeers reaasonnablle ttimee inn whhichh tootake thee ammenddmennt iintoo acccouunt in preeparringg thheirr biids, thhePurchhaseer, at itss diiscrretiion, maay eexteend thee deeadllinee foor tthesubmiissiion of biddsC. Prrepaarattionn off Biids8. LLangguagge oof Bidd8.1 Thee biid ppreppareed bby

47、 tthe Biddderr, aas wwelll ass alll ccorrrespponddencce aanddocummentts rrelaatinng tto tthe bidd exxchaangeed bby tthe Biddderr annd tthePurchhaseer, shaall be wriitteen iin tthe lannguaage speeciffiedd inn thhe BBidData Sheeet. Suuppoortiing doccumeentss annd pprinntedd liiterratuure furrnissheddb

48、y thhe BBiddder mayy bee inn annothher lannguaage proovidded theey aareaccommpanniedd byy ann acccurratee trransslattionn off thhe rreleevannt ppasssagees iinthe llangguagge sspeccifiied in thee Biid DDataaSheeet, inn whhichh caase, foorpurpoosess off innterrpreetattionn off thhe BBid, thhe ttrannsl

49、aatioon sshalll ggoveern.9. DoccumeentssConsttituutinngthe BBid9.1 TThe bidd prrepaaredd byy thhe BBiddder shaall commpriise thee foolloowinng ccompponeentss: (a) a BBid Forrm aand a PPricce SScheedulle ccomppletted in acccorddancce wwithh ITTB CClauusess 100, 111, andd 122; (b) doccumeentaary eviid

50、ennce esttabllishhed in acccorddancce wwithh ITTB Claausee 133 thhat thee Biiddeer iis eeliggiblle tto bbid andd iss quualiifieed tto perrforrm tthe conntraact if itss biid iis aacceepteed; (c) doccumeentaary eviidennce esttabllishhed in acccorddancce wwithh ITTB Claausee 144 thhat thee gooodss annd

51、 aanciillaary serrvicces to be supppliied by thee Biiddeer aare eliigibble gooods andd seerviicess annd connforrm tto tthe bidddinng ddocuumennts; annd (d) bbid seccuriity furrnisshedd inn acccorrdannce witth IITB Claausee 155.10. BBid Forrm10.1 TThe Biddderr shhalll coomplletee thhe BBid Forrm aand

52、 thee appproopriiatee Prricee Sccheddulee fuurniisheed iin tthe bidddinng ddocuumennts, inndiccatiing theegoodss too bee suupplliedd, aa brrieff deescrripttionn off thhe ggoodds, theeircounttry of oriiginn, qquanntitty, andd prricees.10.2 FFor thee puurpoose of graantiing a mmarggin of dommesttic pr

53、eeferrencce, biddswill be claassiifieed iin oone of thrree grooupss, aas ffolllowss:(a) GGrouup AA: AAll othher bidds ooffeerinng ggoodds ffromm wiithiin tthe Uniitedd Reepubblicc off Taanzaaniaa.(b) GGrouup BB: BBidss offferringg gooodss off fooreiign oriiginn too beeimporrtedd byy thhe PPurcchasse

54、r dirrecttly or thrrouggh tthe Supppliiers llocaal AAgennt.10.3 Too faacillitaate thiis cclasssifficaatioon bby tthe Purrchaaserr, tthe Biddderr shhalllcomplletee whhichheveer vverssionn off thhe PPricce SScheedulle furrnisshedd innthe bbidddingg doocummentts iis aapprroprriatte pprovvideed, howweve

55、er, thaat tthecomplletiion of an inccorrrectt veersiion of thee Biill of Quaantiitiees bby ttheBiddeer wwilll noot rresuult in rejjecttionn off itts bbid, buut mmereely in theePurchhaseerss reeclaassiificcatiion of thee biid iintoo itts aapprroprriatte bbidgroupp.11. BBid Priicess11.1 Thee Biiddeer

56、sshalll iindiicatte oon tthe appproppriaate Priice Schheduule thee unitt prricees (wheere apppliccablle) andd tootall biid ppricce oof tthe gooods it propposees tto ssuppply undder thee coontrractt.11.2 Priicess inndiccateed oon tthe Priice Schheduule shaall be enttereed ssepaarattelyy inn thhe foll

57、lowiing mannnerr:(a) Forr gooodss offferred froom wwithhin thee Unniteed RRepuubliic oof TTanzzaniia:(i) thhe ppricce oof tthe gooods quootedd exx-shhowrroomm prricee pllus cusstomms ppluss duutiees ppayaablee/paaid on preevioouslly iimpoorteed ggoodds.(ii) anny TTanzzaniian salles andd ottherr taax

58、ess whhichh wiillbe paayabble on thee gooodss iff thhe cconttracct iis aawarrdedd.(iii) thhe ppricce ffor inllandd trranssporrtattionn, iinsuurannce, annd ootheerlocall coostss innciddenttal to delliveery of thee gooodss too thheirrfinall deestiinattionn, iif sspeccifiied in thee Biid DDataa Shheett

59、.(iv) thee prricee off ottherr (iinciidenntall) sservvicees, if anyy, llistted inthe BBid Datta SSheeet.(b) FFor gooods offfereed ffromm abbroaad:(i) thee prricee off thhe ggoodds sshalll bbe qquotted CIFF naamedd poortof deestiinattionn, oor CCIP borrderr poointt, oor CCIP nammed plaaceof deestiina

60、ttionn, iin TTanzzaniia, as speeciffieddin thhe BBid Datta SSheeet. In quootinng tthe priice, thhe BBidddershalll bee frree to usee trranssporrtattionn thhrouugh carrrieersregissterred in anyy elligiiblee coounttriees. SSimiilarrly, thheBiddeer mmay obttainn innsurrancce sservvicees ffromm anny ccou


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