月亮與六便士moon and six pence中英文摘抄_第1頁
月亮與六便士moon and six pence中英文摘抄_第2頁
月亮與六便士moon and six pence中英文摘抄_第3頁
月亮與六便士moon and six pence中英文摘抄_第4頁
月亮與六便士moon and six pence中英文摘抄_第5頁




1、aIaaaaaIII aaIaaIII aa1.制造神話是人類的天性,對那些出類拔萃的人物,如果他們生活中有什么令人感到詫異或者迷惑不解的事件,人們就會如饑似渴地抓住不放,編造出種種神話,而且深信不疑。這可以說是浪漫主義對平淡生活的一種抗議。aaa II III IaaaaaaaaaaIIIa aaaIaShe took no notice. Again the beastly stench almost made him faint, andhe lit a cheroot. His eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, and now hewassei

2、zedbyanoverwhelmingsensationashestaredatthepaintedwalls.He knew nothing of pictures, but there was something about these thatextraordinarilyaffectedhim.Fromfloortoceilingthewallswerecoveredwithastrangeandelaboratecomposition.Itwasindescribablywonderfuland mysterious. It took his breath away. It fill

3、ed him with an emotionwhichhecouldnotunderstandoranalyse.Hefelttheaweandthedelightwhich a man might feel who watched the beginning of a world. It wastremendous, sensual, passionate; and yet there was something horriblethere,too,somethingwhichmadehimafraid.Itwastheworkofamanwhohad delved into the hid

4、den depths of nature and had discovered secretswhich were beautiful and fearful too. It was the work of a man who knewthings which it is unholy for men to know. There was something primevalthere and terrible. It was not human. It brought to his mind vaguerecollections of black magic. It was beautiful and obscene. Mon Dieu, this is genius. The words were wrung from him, and he did not know he had spoken.她沒有理睬他。屋子里的腥臭味又一次差點兒把他熏倒,他點了一支方頭雪茄。法控制的感情。他對于繪畫并不怎么內(nèi)行,但是墻上的這些畫卻使他感到激動。這幅巨作的人已經(jīng)深入到大自然的隱秘中,探索到某種既美麗


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