1、010417shelm038jl_rajv5iconfidentialthis report is solely for the use of client personnel. no part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from mckinsey & company. this material was used by mckinsey & company durin
2、g an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.august 20, 2001mobile handset competitor profile: motorolasamsung electronics china (sec china)010417shelm038jl_rajv5i2overview of competitor analysis framework1. background informationlocationregistered capitalmanagementteamequit
3、ystructurestarting yearnumber of employeesera analysis4. value chain strategy5. organization and ownership6. financial performancefocus onmarketing, advertising and promotiondistribution (channel and sales force)organization structureownership structuresales profit 2. strategy 3. product/market miss
4、ionvisioncorporate strategymarket positionkey product offeringskey customersvalue propositiongeographic focuspricing010417shelm038jl_rajv5i3background information1. background informationlocationregistered capitalmanagementteamequitystructurestarting yearnumber of employeesera analysis4. value chain
5、 strategy5. organization and ownership6. financial performancefocus on marketing, advertising and promotion distribution (channel and sales force)organization structureownership structuresales profit 2. strategy 3. product/market missionvisioncorporate strategymarket positionkey product offeringskey
6、 customersvalue propositiongeographic focuspricing010417shelm038jl_rajv5i4motorola has high aspirations for its china businesstargeting sales of us$ 10 billion in china by 2002/2003focusing production operations in china, as production there is about 15-20% cheaper than in singapore and 30-40% cheap
7、er than in europesource: analyst reports010417shelm038jl_rajv5i5motorolas china business spans six product categoriesmotorola chinamobilehandsetsnetworkequipmentpagerstwo-wayradiossemi-conductorsautoelectronics andaccessoriesmobilenetworkequipmentfixed linenetworkequipmentwirelesscommunicationssourc
8、e: motorola websiteset up representative office in 1987operations include:1 holding company1 wofe8 joint ventures26 subsidiaries12,000 employeesus$ 3.4 billion total investment to date010417shelm038jl_rajv5i6strategy1. background informationlocationregistered capitalmanagementteamequitystructurestar
9、ting yearnumber of employeesera analysis4. value chain strategy5. organization and ownership6. financial performancefocus on marketing, advertising and promotion distribution (channel and sales force)organization structureownership structuresales profit 2. strategy 3. product /marketmissionvisioncor
10、porate strategymarket positionkey product offeringskey customersvalue propositiongeographic focuspricing010417shelm038jl_rajv5i7motorolas handset strategy combines an attractive product range with superb value chain managementdeveloped a wide product range which covers all key price points and offer
11、s a wide range of functionalityinvested heavily in product localization through china-based r&d teamexpanded local manufacturing in order to reduce costs and improve time-to-marketclosely managed first-tier group of nine resellers in order to minimize price competition and facilitate order trackingc
12、ommitted handset promotionspeedy roll-out of new releasesprovision of high-quality after-sales servicesadvanced technologyproduct rangevalue chaincorecompetencies010417shelm038jl_rajv5i8product/market1. background informationlocationregistered capitalmanagementteamequitystructurestarting yearnumber
13、of employeesera analysis4. value chain strategy5. organization and ownership 6. financial performancefocus on marketing, advertising and promotion distribution (channel and sales force)organization structureownership structuresales profit 2. strategy 3. product /marketmissionvisioncorporate strategy
14、market positionkey product offeringskey customersvalue propositiongeographic focuspricing010417shelm038jl_rajv5i9motorola has entered the low-end of the mobile handset market since 1999. its products are more function-driven compared with nokias products, which are more fashion-drivenmotorola takes
15、more than 50% of the share in the high-end and high-mid-end of the mobile handset market, and more than 20% of the share in the low-end and mid-low-end. its low-end handsets represent more then 50% of its product offeringsmotorolas market share is relatively consistent across tier-cities and geograp
16、hies, taking approximately 30% everywherekey messages - product/market010417shelm038jl_rajv5i10motorola has recently focused on building out its low-end product portfolio product positioning dec 2000business/professional personalproduct positioning jun 2000v8088 (1.6%)business/professional personalv
17、998 (5.6%)lf2000 (2.9%)lf2000 (4%)368c (3.1%)338c (0.6%)t2688 (4.8%)cd928 (1.1%)v2188 (3.8%)v2088 (2.0%)a6188 (1.4%)v8088 (3.9%)v998+ (7.0%)p7689 (1.8%)l2000 (2.2%)lf2000 (1.7%)368c (2.3%)t2688 (6.2%)v2188 (1.3%)v2088 (1.0%)366c (0.5%)t2288 (0.3%)t360 (0.3%)high high-mediummedium-low low high high-m
18、ediummedium-low low source: interviews, mckinsey analysis010417shelm038jl_rajv5i11motorola models are more function-driven than nokiafashion businessbasicfunchangeable cover sub-100gvoice-dialrecordingvibrationtri-bandwapbuilt-in modemir-portchinese inputli-ion batterysms messaginggamescomposable/ d
19、ownloadable ringer tone82106210p7689v998+l2000wwwfashionclassicprice in china (rmb)26522878236918001452equivalent features, nokia more fun/fashion vs. motorola more functionsmotorola offers lower price models with similar features, tri-band and wap* nov. 2000 pricekey differences010417shelm038jl_raj
20、v5i12source:gfk, sino-mrmotorola has higher shares in china in fashion and business segmentsnokiamotorolamodels2000241122131184071030chinataiwanhong kongindonesia2621512280113189326173128370156120241721126380520029singapore514302184218202316flagship8850a6188fashion-high8210, 8250v8088, v998+fashion-
21、low3310t360, t2988, t2688basic3210, 5110v2088/2188, v2288, startac, cd928/938business-low6150l2000 seriesbusiness -high6210, 7110p7689total:010417shelm038jl_rajv5i13motorola has driven sales increases particularly in the low-end products522518172211846mid-low(rmb1500-2500)high-mid(rmb2500-3500)high(
22、rmb 3500)december 2000april 2001product mixpercent of unitsmarket share by price pointpercentlow (rmb3500)low (rmb1500)source: interviews, sino-mr (dec 2000 - april 2001), mckinsey analysismid(rmb2000-2500)010417shelm038jl_rajv5i14motorolas market share is relatively consistent across tier cities an
23、d geographiesmarket share by tier citiespercentmarket share by geographic areaspercentnorthwestnortheastcentral292930303030tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 2000april 2001southeastsource: sino-mr, gfk313126363329dec 2000-april 2001010417shelm038jl_rajv5i15value chain strategy1. background informationlocationregi
24、stered capitalmanagementteamequitystructurestarting yearnumber of employeesera analysis4. value chain strategy5. organization and ownership 6. financial performancefocus on marketing, advertising and promotion distribution (channel and sales force)organization structureownership structuresales profi
25、t 2. strategy 3. product/market missionvisioncorporate strategymarket positionkey product offeringskey customersvalue propositiongeographic focuspricing010417shelm038jl_rajv5i16motorolas value delivery system strategy has evolved since 1997. product development has been more customer oriented and ne
26、w releases are catering for needs by different customer segments. localization of mobile handset manufacturing has been furthered to a production capacity of 18 million units in tianjin and 8 million units in hangzhou. with increasing investment in sales and marketing, motorola is now the strongest
27、brand in chinamotorola employs ptac, cellstart, heguang, eastcom, sunyin, sinya, north telecom, hengxin, and forte as its 9 first-tier resellers. it intends to reduce the many tiers of resellers that has become a disadvantage to motorolas channel efficiencymotorolas key strength lies in advanced tec
28、hnology, committed promotion, wide distribution network and quality after-sales servicekey messages - value chain strategy010417shelm038jl_rajv5i17motorolas value chain has evolved over the past three yearsfrom. . . (1997)to. . . (2000/2001)manufacturing sales and marketingdistributionproduction cap
29、acity in tianjin (1.5 million) and hangzhou (200,000)strong brand awarenessmarket share 34%50% reimport via hong kong strong nationwide tiered dealer network (10-15 tier a dealers)close relations with ptts expanding production capacity at tianjin to 18 million units, and at hangzhou to 8 million uni
30、tsstrongest brand awareness in chinadeveloped needs-based customer segmentation market share 30%50% reimport via hong kongnumber of dealers limited to 9; shared exclusivity by product kept strong retail support (doubled marketing and sales staff since 97)source: interviews, mckinsey analysis010417sh
31、elm038jl_rajv5i18motorolas key strengths lies in advanced technology, committed promotion, wide distribution networks and quality after-sales services source: idc 2000key strengthsrecent development committed handset promotionspeedy roll-out of new releasesstrong brand recognitionpays more attention
32、 to market needs continues to promote models with free giftssales and marketinghas nine first-tier resellers, the largest number among vendors price competition among resellers is eliminated can effectively manage the production volume with close tracking of orders from the channelsbest vendor on ch
33、annel support in promotion, advertisement, service centers and fundingaltered its strategy in 2000 to employ two authorized reseller from every modeldistributionprovision of quality after-sales servicessets up internet-based consumer club and plans to double service stations in 2001after-sales servi
34、cesadvanced technologyhighly localized products - strong local r&d (800 engineers, 18 research centers, investment 13 b. rmb)high rate of new product introduction (9 new products in 2000)ready for 3gproduct development010417shelm038jl_rajv5i19motorola distributes exclusively through nine first-tier
35、resellerssource: idcrationalesmotorola employs ptac, cellstart, heguang, eastcom, sunyin, sinya, north telecom, hengxin, and forte as its 9 first-tier resellers.historically assigned one motorola model to each reseller eliminates price competition enables motorola to effectively manage production vo
36、lume with order trackingrecently shift strategy to have 2 authorized resellers for every model in order to improve promotions and access to customersmotorola is the best vendor on channel support as promotion and advertisement is provided. it also helps resellers to set up service centers to handle
37、repair and maintenance services.as the leading vendor in china, motorolas channel strategy is of continued importancemotorola channel structuremotorolas well-built distribution network plays an important role in its success in chinatoo many tiers of resellers become a disadvantage to motorolas chann
38、el efficiencyvendor1st-tier resellers2nd -tier resellersretailers/retail chain storesconsumers100%21%64%3%85%12%76%010417shelm038jl_rajv5i20organization and ownership1. background informationlocationregistered capitalmanagementteamequitystructurestarting yearnumber of employeesera analysis4. value c
39、hain strategy5. organization and ownership6. financial performancefocus on marketing, advertising and promotion distribution (channel and sales force)organization structureownership structuresales profit 2. strategy 3. product /marketmissionvisioncorporate strategymarket positionkey product offering
40、skey customersvalue propositiongeographic focuspricing010417shelm038jl_rajv5i21motorola has 8 jvs, 1 wofe and 1 holding company in china, among which hangzhou eastcom cellular phone (8 million units production capacity) and motorola tianjin (mcel, 18 million units capacity) are devoted to mobile han
41、dsetsmotorola is mainly organized along product lines, however, its wofe in tianjin has been reorganized to be more customer focused. motorola tianjin is divided into 4 sectors, i.e. personal communication for consumers, commercial, government and industrial solutions for corporate and government, g
42、lobal telecommunication solutions for telecom operators, and integrated electronic systems for assemblerskey messages - organization and ownership010417shelm038jl_rajv5i22motorola has 8 jvs and 1 wofe in china, among which 1 jv and the wofe are devoted to mobile handsetsmotorola (china) investmentle
43、shan - phoenix semi-conductorshanghai motorola paging productshangzhou motorola mobile communi-cationhangzhou eastcom cellular phoneshanghai zhongmei automotive electronicshuamin smart card,beijing huamin smart card system manufacturingmotorola tianjin (mcel)established yearproduct offering199519952
44、0002000199919981992semiconductorpagergsm and cdma networkmobile handsetsautomotive electronicssmart card system and productmobile handsetsmobile infrastructuresemi-conductorstwo-way radiosbase stationshandset accessorieswith ansenmei and leshan radiowith shanghai radio (srcem)with eastcom and putian
45、42%with eastcom and putianwith shanghai gewith sino-overseas construction information100%source: motorola press release010417shelm038jl_rajv5i23motorola is organized along product lines, however its wofe in tianjin has been regorganized to be more customer focused r&d hang zhou/shanghaimanu-facturin
46、gsalesservicesmanu-facturingsalesservicesmotorola china personal communication commercial, government and industrial solutions global tele-communication solutions integrated electronics systems asia tele-communication product manufacturing site (planned)r&dmanu-facturingr&dmanu-facturingsalesr&dmanu-facturingsalesr&dmanu-facturingmobile handset* pager*in 2001, 18 million units capacitygsm, cdma mobile network a
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