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1、期末輔導(dǎo)課,I. Choose the best from the following : 1. My father is getting _on_. He keeps forgetting things. 2. The death of his wife was a big blow to him. He just could not get over it. 3. Her French was very limited. She found it difficult to get across her ideas. 4. Please switch it off when you get

2、though with the Xerox. 5. One employer said that he would take him in if he would accept fie dollars per hour.,6. He was not at all afraid when he was told to appear before the judge. He though that because he was the mayors son, he could get away with it. 7. With his big fleshy nose he takes after

3、his grandpa. 8 He agreed to take our difficulties into consideration. 9. His salary was low. But he managed to get by because he was single and had very simple needs. 10. He looked so sincere. I was taken in.,11. When the news reached the village , it filled everyones heart with great anxiety . 12.

4、We used to . have trouble making both ends meet, but now they even have a reasonably big bank account. 13. Her absence was very conspicuous , for normally she was always there before everyone else. 14. your letter reminds me of the old days when we were in the university. 15. The hunter frightened t

5、he little girl into crying.,16. He has managed to translate his term paper into English. 17. The other day something went wrong with our computer. It was Robert who noticed that It was not functioning properly. 18. The fire went out in the middle of the night. No wonder it was so cold. 19. There is

6、something mysterious going on on the earth. Just look at the strange weather we have been having. 20. I dont go for disco. Its much too noisy for my taste.,21. The color of your tie should go with your shirt. This tie is red, and your shirt is brown. These two colors just dont go well. 22.This young

7、 man was fond of fixing things. He could almost fix everything. He was something of a jack-of-all-trades. 23. The government should respect peoples citizen rights. And the people in return should give the government their support. 24. He made for the balcony as soon as he heard someone knock at the

8、door. But it was too late.,25. It was so dark that I could not make_out_any thing. 26. He said that he had a wonderful job and was making a lot of money,but his mother knew that he had made it all up. 27. Its a big mistake to keep the young people out. We must give them a chance. 28. Strictly speaki

9、ng, no one can keep out politics. We are all deeply involved.,29. The path wounded its way up to the mountaintop. 30. In the United States, many many poor people are actually fat from hunger, because they cannot afford a balanced diet and have to eat a lot of junk food.,31.With his fleshy nose he ta

10、kes _ his grandpa. A. after B. like C. as D.from 32.His salary was low. But he managed to get_ because he was single and had very simple needs. A over B. in C. by D. out 33. His effort was _ of great praise. A worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. wealth,34.That Jewish organization decided to hunt him do

11、wn they learnt that this SS officer was still _. A. live B. living C. lived D. alive 35.Did you _ him that we were going to meet today? A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk 36.This is not as bad a result _ we expected. A. as B. like C. that D. which,37. The sheer will _ brought him strength through the o

12、peration. A. living B. lived C. to live D. alive 38. He had lost both his legs. Nobody knew how he managed to _ back home. A. climbed B. crept C. crawled D. slipped 39. The other day he said he knew what I had been _ . A. going through B. going out C. going off D. going down,40. He _ on the grass, a

13、nd buried his face in his hands, and wept. A. fall himself down B. flung himself down C. let himself down D. turned himself down 41. _ his sunglasses, I would have recognized him. A. Were it not for B. But C. But for D. For,42. He does not, never did, like to be _ . A. contracted B. contacted C. con

14、tradicted D. concentrated 43. There _in the ground to push them any higher. A. wasnt enough strength B. wasnt strength enough C. enough wasnt strength D. strength wasnt enough,44. I had always _ that humanity was destined to move forward. A. take for granted B. taken granted C. taken for granted D.

15、granted 45. His father, impatient with the boys _ his studies, cut off his allowance. A. neglect B. neglect of C. ignorance D. indifference,46. If we had used a computer, _ much sooner. A. we would finish the calculation B. we would have finished the calculation C. we would have been finished the ca

16、lculation D. we would be finished the calculation 47. His breath didnt come_ , for he stopped twice, and leaned on his cane to rest. A. as easy as it used to B. as easily as it used to C. as easily it used to D. easily as it used to,48. The _ shower of stones and ash went into its second day. A. dea

17、d B. dying C. deadly D. death 49. Some doctors believe that obesity is simply a _ of genes. A. matter B. affair C. thing D. case 50. A black dress someone had given her mother _over the chair before the sewing machine. A. lay B. lie C. lying D. laid,III.Mistake Identification: I.1. It is highly desi

18、rable that every effort will A B made to reduce expenditure and that C every member of the stuff economize D wherever possible.,2. Traveling to work by car is more A convenient than to use public transport, B for there is no irritation caused by waiting for buses or underground trains C for as long

19、as half an hour sometimes. D,3. Pairs is one of many world cities that are A currently developing programs of B restoring its historical buildings. C D 4. I had no success at all about A B C convincing Mary of my point of view. D,5. Many of the population in the rural A B areas is composed of manual

20、 laborers. C D 6. It was not until she had got everything A B ready for the experiment the next day C did she leave her lab. D,7. When Christmas was over and their A children went, the old couple were again B C left to themselves D,8. The new policy on energy resources is sure A B to have great impa

21、ct for our C D environmental preservation. 9. That seems to me that marriage agrees with A B him because he looks so happy now. C D,10. The butterfly fits into the environment so A B well that we can not hardly find it. C D,Translate: (A) 他現(xiàn)在知道了那天所發(fā)生的一切,他后悔不該批評(píng)孩子們。 Now that he knew what had happened

22、 that day, he regretted having criticized the children. 2. 在農(nóng)村有很多致富途徑。 你可以種樹(shù), 可以養(yǎng)魚(yú),養(yǎng)雞,養(yǎng)豬,甚至養(yǎng)奶牛。,There are many ways to get rich in the countryside. You can get rich by planting trees, raising fish, raising chicken, pigs, or even cows. 3. 用這種方法,我們可以毫不費(fèi)勁地把油和水分開(kāi)。 We will have no trouble separating oil

23、from water.,4。 同志們都關(guān)心他, 可是他以為這一切是理所當(dāng)然的。 The comrades showed great concern for him, but he took it all for granted. 5. 我看你最好把大衣脫掉, 穿點(diǎn)隨便的衣服。 I think youd better take off your coat and put on something casual.,6. 不必一切都記下來(lái), 只要記一個(gè)大概就行了。 You dont have to take everything down. Just write down the gist of i

24、t. 7.他爸爸一定要讓他學(xué)法律, 可是我覺(jué)得他不是當(dāng)律師的材料。 His father insists on making him study law, but I dont think he has the makings of a lawyer.,8. 他們?nèi)ツ曜屢粋€(gè)年輕的工程師當(dāng)了他們廠長(zhǎng)。 Last year, they made a young engineer director of their factory. 9. 只要你把它堅(jiān)持下去,半年以后年你就會(huì)完全變成另一個(gè)人。 So long as you keep it up, youll be a different man i

25、n six months.,10. 熟話說(shuō): 條條大路通羅馬。 As the old saying goes: all roads lead to Roma. 11. 在他身上發(fā)現(xiàn)了一把刀子, 這使人們懷疑他是殺人兇手。 The discovery of a knife in his possession led people to suspect that he was the murderer.,12.他雖然已年過(guò)古稀,卻仍然過(guò)著積極,充實(shí)的生活。 Although he was over 70, he is leading a full active life. 13.越往上爬越困難,

26、有一段時(shí)間里他們四個(gè)小時(shí)只爬了五米。 The higher they climbed, the more difficult it became. At one time, they only covered 5 meters in four hours.,14。暴炸聲使這個(gè)小男孩飛快地跑到他媽媽的懷抱里。 The explosion sent the little boy dashing into his mothers arms. 15 那人說(shuō)他的長(zhǎng)壽歸功于適當(dāng)?shù)娘嬍常?jīng)常運(yùn)動(dòng)以及良好的醫(yī)療。 The man said that he owed his long life to prope

27、r diet, regular exercise and good medical care.,16. 要不是老師們的幫助,我不會(huì)取得這樣的進(jìn)步。 But for the help of my teachers, I would not have made such progress. 17.那男孩一躍而起,沖出房子看發(fā)生了什么情況。 The boy jumped to his feet and rushed out of the house to see what was happening.,18. 除了他在論文中所透露的情況之外我對(duì)他的發(fā)明一無(wú)所知。 I have heard nothi

28、ng about his discovery except what he has revealed in his paper. 19 在學(xué)習(xí)上你應(yīng)該高標(biāo)準(zhǔn),不要只是滿足于考試及格。 You should aim high in your studies. Dont be contented just to pass exams.,20. 干部必須帶頭與偏袒偏愛(ài)作斗爭(zhēng)。 All leaders must take the lead in the struggle against favoritism. 21. 他領(lǐng)導(dǎo)學(xué)生反對(duì)學(xué)校當(dāng)局對(duì)進(jìn)步學(xué)生的迫害。 He led the students i

29、n opposing the persecution of progressive students by the school authorities.,22.他們決定不坐火車而乘飛機(jī)到西安去。 They decided to go to Xian by plain rather than by train. 23. 我從來(lái)沒(méi)有見(jiàn)到他這么生氣過(guò)。 I have never seen him so angry. 24.我們還在作他的工作,我相信他會(huì)回心轉(zhuǎn)意的。 We are still working on him, I am sure he will come around,(B) 1. 如

30、果你把讀書(shū)當(dāng)做一種樂(lè)趣, 它才能成其為樂(lè)趣。假如你把注意力放在別人告訴“該”讀的書(shū)上,你很可能覺(jué)得索然寡味。但是,假如你放下自己不喜歡的書(shū),另試一本,直至找到對(duì)自己有意義的書(shū),然后心情輕松的讀下去,那么,幾乎可以肯定,你會(huì)感到其樂(lè) 無(wú)窮。假如你由于波瀾群書(shū)而變得更高尚,智慧,善良,文雅,你就不會(huì)覺(jué)得讀書(shū)是一種負(fù)擔(dān)了。,Reading can be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you “ ought” to read, you probably wont have fun. But

31、if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that means something to you,and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good timeand if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser,kinder,or more gentle,you wont suffer during the process.,2. 我們很少有人費(fèi)力去研究自己所真愛(ài)的

32、信念的淵源。實(shí)際上,我們對(duì)此做法有一種天生的厭煩心緒。我們喜歡堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為我們一直習(xí)慣接收的東西是正確的。因次當(dāng)有人對(duì)我們所提出的設(shè)想有疑點(diǎn)時(shí),所激起的憤恨會(huì)使我們尋求各種借口,以使自己繼續(xù)相信我們已有的信念。 Few of us take the pains to study the origins of our cherished beliefs; indeed, we have a natural dislike for so doing. We like to continue believing what we have been,accustomed to accepting as t

33、rue, and the resentment aroused when doubt is cast upon our assumptions leads us to seek every manner of excuse for continuing to believe as we already do.,3. Lot of American students enjoy watching sports games, TV programs, or fixing up their cars, and attending all kinds of socials; however, ther

34、e are also some diligent and hard-working college boys and girls. They never waste a single minute. I often came across those who spent hour after hour in the library, fully occupying themselves with computer data, microfilms and Xerox copiers duplicating reference materials for their schoolwork ass

35、ignments.,多數(shù)美國(guó)大學(xué)生十分喜歡觀看體育比賽, 觀看電視節(jié)目或親自動(dòng)手修理自己的汽車, 參加各種社交活動(dòng)。 人而仍由一些學(xué)生十分勤奮努力。 他們從不浪費(fèi)一分鐘。我們經(jīng)常遇到一些學(xué)生,他們?cè)趫D書(shū)館里一呆就是幾個(gè)小時(shí),研究計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)字,處理微縮膠卷,復(fù)印完成課外作業(yè)所需要的資料,With the development of computers, some adolescents have become computer fans. They are very close to computers, but are not willing to communicate with peopl

36、e around them. They even dont have much to say to their parents. This, in the long run, will do them harm. In this modern society, success in career requires not only expertise but also good interpersonal skills. Psychologists often tell us that only when we have both high academic IQ and high emoti

37、onal EQ, can we succeed in our career.,隨著計(jì)算機(jī)的普及應(yīng)用, 一些青少年已經(jīng)成了“電腦迷”。他們同電腦很親密,可是不太愿意和周圍人們交往, 甚至不愿同父母說(shuō)上多少話。長(zhǎng)此以往,這對(duì)他們的成長(zhǎng)是不利的。 在現(xiàn)代社會(huì)里,人們要取得事業(yè)上的成功,不僅要有較好的專業(yè)技能,而且必須善于處理好人與人之間的關(guān)系。心理學(xué)家常說(shuō),有高“智商”,還要有搞“情商”,方能取得事業(yè)的成功。,What is the utility of scientific knowledge? Francis Bacon answers that question by saying that

38、science gives us power. It enables us to exercise a certain degree of mastery or control over the physical and social phenomena of the world in which we live. Another way of answering the question is to say that science enables us to produce things. Applied by the engineer or the physician, it helps

39、 him to build bridges or to restore health. But the same knowledge can also be used, as we know, to destroy things and to harm or kill men.,科學(xué)知識(shí)的用處是什么?弗蘭西斯。培根這樣回答:科學(xué)給我們以力量。科學(xué)是我們對(duì)我們所生活的世界中的自然與社會(huì)現(xiàn)象加以某種程度的政府或控制。對(duì)這一問(wèn)題的另外一種回答是:科學(xué)使我們生產(chǎn)物質(zhì)產(chǎn)品。工程師運(yùn)用知識(shí)建造橋梁,內(nèi)科醫(yī)生能運(yùn)用知識(shí)使人身體恢復(fù)健康。但是正如我們所知, 同樣的知識(shí)也可以用于破壞,傷害,殺人。,The to

40、ols of his industry are so common and so cheap that they have almost ceased to have commercial value. He needs no bulky pile of raw material, no elaborate apparatus, no service of men or animals. He is the sovereign of an empire, self-supporting, self-contained. No one can sequestrate his estate. No

41、 one can deprive him of his stock in trade; no one can prevent him exercising it as he chooses. The pen is the great liberator of men and nations. No chains can bind, no poverty can choke, no tariff can restrict the free plan of his mind.,作家工作的工具極為平常,極為便宜,幾乎不再有商議價(jià)值。他不需要成堆的原材料,不需要精密的儀器,不需要?jiǎng)e人孝犬馬之勞。他的職

42、業(yè)不依靠別人,只靠自己。 除了他自己以外,任何事都無(wú)關(guān)緊要。 他就是一國(guó)之君,既自給,又自立。任何人都不能沒(méi)收他的資產(chǎn)。任何人都不能剝奪他的從業(yè)資本;任何人都不能強(qiáng)迫他違心的施展才華;任何人都不能阻止他按自己的選擇發(fā)揮天賦。他的筆就是人類和各民族的大救星。他的思想在自由馳騁,任何束縛都無(wú)法禁錮,任何貧困阻擋不住,任何關(guān)稅也無(wú)法限制。,Passage 1 More than 26 million North American Children compete in sports, according to surveys by the Youth Sports Institute. Thats

43、6 million more children than were involved 10 years ago. Most parents are happy that their children are involved in sports activities, but some sports and child experts are beginning to worry. They believe that children are often damaged by competing in sports at an early age.,Many children between

44、5 and 12 years of age have problems with motor coordination and cant perform well in sports. They are often hurt physically, many doctors say that these children are also hurt emotionally- they become frightened of losing and feel like they are failures. Coaches and parents who yell at them and crit

45、icize them forget that sports are supposed to be fun and that the children are trying their best.,Many parents and coaches dont realize how important athletic success is to young children. In a recent survey, elementary school girls and boys said they would rather do well in sports than get good mar

46、ks in school. Young athletes often quit sports activities because they are not “stars”. But studies have shown that many high school “stars” were not top athletes in elementary school. Their emphasis on winning may be causing some of the finest future athletes to drop out.,One sports expert, Dr. Rob

47、erts, calls for parents and coaches to remember that sports are for kids- not to make coaches or parents feel proud and successful. He says, ”Coaches tell children Always remember to keep your eye on the ball. I tell coaches, Always remember to keep your eye on the child!”,1. The phrase “drop out” i

48、n paragraph 5 means A. to cease to compete B. to win the competition C. to fall far behind D. to appear, to form 2 According to Dr. Roberts, what is the most important thing to remember in childrens sports? A. motor coordination B. the child C. competition D. failure,3.According to this article, why

49、 are childrens sports a major concern? A. Future athletic success depends upon good coaching. B. Winning is everything. C. Physical fitness influences your life. D.Children believe that success in sports is very important.,4。According to this article, some of the best future athletes may be quitting

50、 sports. Why? A. They are often physically injured at a young age. B. They will never be “star” in high school. C. They were not successful at a young age . D. Their coaches dont care about winning.,Passage 2 If you are like most people , your intelligence varies from season to season. You are proba

51、bly a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year. A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington concluded from other mens work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.,He found that cool weather i

52、s much more favourable for creative thinking than is summer heat. This does not mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer. Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring mans mental abiliti

53、es are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature.,Fall is the next best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking. 1.According to the passage, your intelligence probably changes with _. A. places B. seasons C.

54、 activities D. work,2。 You are probably a lot sharper in the _than you are at any other time of the year. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 3 The mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be _ in the summer. A. low B. high C. the lowest D. the highest,4。According to the passage, spri

55、ng appears to be the best period of the year for _ A. skating B. running C. walking D. thinking 5。The above passage is _. A. nonsense B. reasonable C. incorrect D. unreasonable,Passage 3 Owing to the uncertainty of the weather, outdoor cafes are not a feature of English life. Their place is partly f

56、illed by what are colloquially known as “pub”, public houses. Here you can get any form of alcoholic drink, from beer to whisky, or nowadays “soft” drinks. Many pubs also run some kind of snack bar that provides cold food such as sausages, ham, olives, salad, veal-and-ham pies, rolls and butter and

57、sometimes hot pies or toasted sandwiches.,Some pubs maintain the traditional division into two parts-a public bar and a saloon bar. In the first there is often a dart board and groups of friends will gather in the pub for a friendly match. The loser may have to pay for a round! In the saloon bar you

58、r drinks cost a little more, but the atmosphere is quieter and there are perhaps fewer people. In many pubs there is also a restaurant, and the food there is usually plain but of good quality; in fact, to taste good, traditional English food you would do well to visit a reputable pub. Many businessmen habitually have lunch in a pub near their office. In the country, the pub is often part an inn where you can put up for nigh


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