1、Marketing Talent ManagementMarketing Competency Framework and Academy Approach,April 2008,2,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Introduction,The Marketing Talent Management Team has developed this presentation to provide a general introduction to Marketing Talent Management and a methodolo
2、gy to assist in designing and delivering marketing competency management and/or marketing academy projects. This presentation offers a set of methods including a number of templates and proven project examples teams may leverage in project planning and delivery. While this deck is not meant to be pr
3、esented in its entirety to a client, you may use this information in creating your proposal or client presentation. Specific client examples and project documents cannot be shared with a client. For assistance with a client opportunity or more information, please contact one of the contacts of the M
4、arketing Talent Management Team: Patrick Mosher, Global Sales 53% have been in post for under 12 months,The proportion of US stock market value based on investor expectations of future growth*,1.9,58%,*Source: Spencer Stuart executive search; *Source: Analysis of Russell 3000 Index; May 2003 *Source
5、: Advertising Age Global Marketing Report 2005,The median marketing spend for a Global 100 company is $0.6 billion*,Accelerated organic growth is essential,5,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Main Complexities for a Marketing Function,CMOs must deliver growth fast in an increasingly comp
6、lex environment Globalization: Driving competition and changing market economics Rapid Innovation: Reducing sustainable competitive advantage Product Proliferation: Increasing complexity and commoditization Planning and Execution Deficiencies: Reducing growth strategy market impact and increase Oper
7、ational Efficiency Call for greater ROI / accountability on marketing spend Trend to closely link Marketing to partners in the organization, e.g. Finance and Sales Adopt new ways of marketing: Shift from branding / advertising focus to more direct account management New Media CMO priorities focus on
8、 growth and innovation:,Revenue growth,Customer acquisition/retention/satisfaction,Innovation,0%,5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%,35%,40%,45%,Percentage of respondents,Align Marketing with Business Strategy,Drive new product development,6,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Product / service prolife
9、ration is increasing complexity for Marketing,The growth in product / service proliferation is largely due to Line extensions to existing offerings (42%)New product / service innovations (18%) Improvements to existing offerings (38%)Entering new geographies with existing offerings(17%) Entering new
10、product / service categories (24%),*Source: Unravelling complexity in products and services; Wharton University of Pennsylvania; N=424,By how much has the number of products/services offered by your organization grown in the last five years?, 23% of organizations said the number of products / servic
11、es they offered more than doubled in the last five years.,7,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Globalisation Ask employees where they see themselves as being competency proficiency level wise and where they think they should be (this approach is more open to the typical errors associated
12、with self reporting) or, Undertake an as-is skills assessment via an online survey eg Trivium to determine current skill level. You will then be able to compare this with the job analysis data you have collected to identify whether there are any gaps in competency proficiency level and if so where.
13、Trivium helps to: Provide a detailed picture of current marketing Skills Identify greatest gap areas from desired skill set Enable most effective targeting of training to address gaps Ensure training is targeted at correct level Once you have identified any gaps you will be able to start to identify
14、 ways of closing these gaps through eg job shadowing, coaching or a structured training program.,Test,Build,Design,Analyze,Plan,45,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Department Goals,Roles,Competency Model.,Plan,Analyze,Test,Design,Build,Deploy,1. Role Definition,2.Competency Management,A
15、cademy Design and Development,Gap Analysis .,Data collection of current goals,Data collection of current roles,Analyze existing model,Analyze existing roles,Identify future goals of the organisation,Identify key roles and develop descriptions,Data collection of current competencies,Establish strateg
16、ic objectives and define use,Develop core and functional competencies,Identify critical behaviours,Map to competencies,Define competencies and proficiency levels,Create competency dictionary,Identify gap between current and suggested proficiency levels,Establish strategic objectives and define use,M
17、ap competencies to roles,Validate initial mapping with job incumbents,Finalise competency list,Measure effectiveness and results,Review and update model,Assess existing employee competency gaps,Implement planning and training,Marketing Talent Management2. Competency Management Gap Analysis,Refine co
18、mpetency and proficiency levels,Finalize competency model,46,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Define Competency Management Gap Analysis Plan,Establish Strategic Objectives and Define Use,Identify gap between current and suggested proficiency levels,Objectives Identify the purpose of the
19、 competency model.,Primary Inputs Initial list of competencies Understanding of the vision and direction of the organisation,Primary Deliverables Understanding of the reason and purpose of the competency model,Secondary Deliverables None,Key Terms Job Critical Behavior: A quality or characteristic a
20、ssociated with successful performance. Proficiency Level: The specific behavioral indicators that indicate successful performance of a competency at varying levels. Competency Dictionary: The collection of competencies needed for various jobs throughout the organization. Core Competency: Competencie
21、s that reflect the skills and behaviors needed by all employees in the organization. Functional Competency: Competencies that are required for success in a particular job or workforce.,Participating Roles Managers Employees,Responsible Roles HR Executive HR Director Training Representative,Template
22、None,Sample Deliverable Canon interview questions for directors,Overview - Plan Through interviews or questionnaire with key stakeholders you should gain an understanding of the strategic objectives of the organisation and how the current project fits into this. You will also be able to establish ho
23、w the competency model will be used throughout the organisation. It is imperative to know this before the start of the project as it may impact the stages you go through and the design approach taken.,Client Example Canon: Canons vision is to become a world class organisation and in order to help th
24、em achieve this, they recognised that they needed to achieve high performance through a more skilled and productive workforce. For this reason, Canon wanted the introduction of a more consistent competency approach to permeate throughout the organisation. The questionnaire was used with function dir
25、ectors. It takes up to one hour to complete in detail.,47,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Define Competency Management Gap Analysis Analyze,Establish Strategic Objectives and Define Use,Identify gap between current and suggested proficiency levels,Objectives Identify the current levels
26、 of proficiency compared with that which is required.,Primary Inputs Information regarding current competency proficiency level and desired competency proficiency levels,Primary Deliverables Proficiency Level Comparison,Secondary Deliverables None,Key Terms Job Critical Behavior: A quality or charac
27、teristic associated with successful performance. Proficiency Level: The specific behavioral indicators that indicate successful performance of a competency at varying levels. Competency Dictionary: The collection of competencies needed for various jobs throughout the organization. Core Competency: C
28、ompetencies that reflect the skills and behaviors needed by all employees in the organization. Functional Competency: Competencies that are required for success in a particular job or workforce.,Participating Roles Managers Employees,Responsible Roles HR Executive HR Director Training Representative
29、,Template & Tools Trivium,Sample Deliverable Canon Questionnaire,Overview - Analyze There are a number of ways of establishing current versus desired competency proficiency levels: First you can use a questionnaire / interview approach to ask employees and line managers their view of current vs. fut
30、ure competency proficiency levels. Secondly you can use Trivium to identify the current skills profile of its workforce and compare this information with desired future performance levels. In order to assess any current competency gap, undertake an as-is skills assessment via an online survey to det
31、ermine current skill level. You will then be able to compare this with the job analysis data you have collected to identify whether there are any gaps in competency proficiency level and if so where. Thirdly you could review annual performance appraisal information and compare with the desired futur
32、e performance levels.,48,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Define Competency Management Gap Analysis Analyze,Establish Strategic Objectives and Define Use,Identify gap between current and suggested proficiency levels,Client Example Canon: The client decided they were uninterested in the
33、current proficiency level people saw themselves in and decided to concentrate on the proficiency level people thought they should be performing at. However during the plan competency management (model) phase, we included the information in the questionnaire / interview we developed. This meant we co
34、uld capture this information informally and use it as additional information to give the client to help give an indication of the level of training required.,49,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Source Content / Supplier,Performance Appraisal,KPIs.,Plan,Analyze,Test,Design,Build,Deploy,4
35、. Curriculum Design Detail,Data collection of current training suppliers,Data collection of current appraisal methods and processes,Analyze existing training suppliers,Analyze existing processes and tools,Course objectives and content at a high level,Data collection of current KPIs,Analyze existing
36、KPIs,Design new KPIs,Develop KPI Scorecard,Provide link between competency model and performance,Curriculum Design.,Detailed content,3. Curriculum Design,Data collection of current training,Analyze training needs of employees,Develop curriculum for each role,Design high level role curriculum,Design
37、detailed course content,Review mapping of courses to competencies and proficiency levels,Map courses to competencies and proficiency levels,Marketing Talent Management3. Curriculum Design Curriculum Design,Academy Design and Development,50,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Develop Curric
38、ulum Design Curriculum Design Plan,Objectives Gain an understanding of the training currently undertaken in the organisation.,Primary Inputs List Interview analysis or information gathered about a role Current training list,Primary Deliverables Current Training Catalogue,Secondary Deliverables None,
39、Key Terms Training: refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of skills and knowledge that relates to specific useful skills for workplace learning to improve performance. It can be classes as on-the-job or off-the-job.,Participating Roles Managers
40、Employees,Responsible Roles HR Executive HR Director Training Representative,Template & Tools Current Courses,Sample Deliverable Curriculum Design Data Collection Microsoft BMO As Is Curriculum,Overview Plan Gather a list of all the training courses currently conducted by the marketing department. T
41、he client may already have a comprehensive list detailing who takes what course. If not you will need to create the list from scratch. Some of this information may come from the job analysis information you have obtained.,Data collection of current training,Analyze training needs of employees,Develo
42、p curriculum for each role,Design high level role curriculum,Client Example Canon: There was no formal list of training undertaken by the Marketing department as there was no structured learning program in place. Employees had attended training on an individual as needed basis. For this reason, it w
43、as decided to gather information regarding recent training courses attended during the questionnaire / interview phase and not to create a current course list.,51,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Develop Curriculum Design Curriculum Design Analyze,Objectives Gain a comprehensive underst
44、anding of the current training taking place, the needs of the roles, the individuals, the department and the organisation.,Primary Inputs List of current Training Courses and who attends them,Primary Deliverables Draft of Training Requirements,Secondary Deliverables None,Key Terms Training: refers t
45、o the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of skills and knowledge that relates to specific useful skills for workplace learning to improve performance. It can be classes as on-the-job or off-the-job.,Participating Roles Managers Employees,Responsible Roles
46、HR Executive HR Director Training Representative,Template & Tools None,Sample Deliverable Microsoft marketing curriculum assessment Microsoft training questionnaire Microsoft Design Curriculum Survey,Overview Analyze Review all previous analysis you have gathered through job analysis e.g. direct obs
47、ervation, interviews and questionnaires as well as using the current training list as input. It is important to consider all aspects of training needs and tie them in with the business objectives of the department and the organisation. Individuals may have stated a specific training need they have o
48、r you may identify a theme or clear training need across a group of people. From this information generate a draft list of the training requirements you consider the key roles to have. Consider current and future training needs and how they will help the marketing department achieve its goals.,Data
49、collection of current training,Analyze training needs of employees,Develop curriculum for each role,Design high level role curriculum,Client Example Canon: 14 marketing roles had been identified. It took approximately 2 - 3 days to go through the questionnaire / interview analysis to generate an ini
50、tial draft of the type of training required for each role.,52,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Develop Curriculum Design Curriculum Design Design,Objectives Identify the training needs for a given role at a high level over a given period of time.,Primary Inputs Interview analysis or inf
51、ormation gathered about a role Current training list Competency and proficiency levels requirements per role,Primary Deliverables Role Curricula Design,Secondary Deliverables None,Key Terms Training: refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of skil
52、ls and knowledge that relates to specific useful skills for workplace learning to improve performance. It can be classes as on-the-job or off-the-job.,Participating Roles Managers Employees,Responsible Roles HR Executive HR Director Training Representative,Template & Tools None,Sample Deliverable Ca
53、non Curriculum Design Microsoft Curriculum Design Microsoft High Level Role Curriculum Microsoft marketing curriculum assessment,Overview Design Review all previous analysis you have gathered through eg direct observation, interviews and questionnaires as well as using the current training list as i
54、nput. Consider the structure of the curriculum eg whether everyone will work their way through a training course list or whether some courses are more urgent than others and therefore should be conducted first. Consider whether courses should be categorised in any way eg into different types of trai
55、ning course. Consider how / where to display the curricula once designed as this may have an impact on the structure you adopt. Consider the number of training days per year that the organisation can support. If you are introducing a number of training levels, consider the amount of time you would e
56、xpect someone to take to move from one level to the next. At this stage it can also be worth considering how to determine whether an individual has met the requirements of a training course. Is attendance sufficient? Will they do a test? Will they be measured on the job?,Data collection of current t
57、raining,Analyze training needs of employees,Develop curriculum for each role,Design high level role curriculum,Map courses to competencies and proficiency levels,53,Copyright 2008 Accenture All Rights Reserved.,Develop Curriculum Design Curriculum Design Design,Client Example Canon: The curriculum d
58、esign was actually agreed during the design of a Sales Academy which took place before the marketing project. However it took x time to design and agree the format of the curricula with the client. It was decided that 10-15 training days per level was acceptable. It was anticipated that it would tak
59、e 12-18 months to complete all the training courses at one level.,Data collection of current training,Analyze training needs of employees,Develop curriculum for each role,Design high level role curriculum,Map courses to competencies and proficiency levels,Overview Design - continued Once you have completed a training description for a given course, you should be able to identify the competencies and proficiency levels. These are the competencies and levels that you think (on the basis of the information you currently have about the course), will be developed
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