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1、1,拼音 Pinyin,2,漢語拼音 Chinese Pnyn,Function:Just like the phonetic alphabets in English, Pnyn helps us to read Chinese words. Formation: Initials 聲母 shng m Finals 韻母 yn m Tones 聲調(diào) shng dio e.g. 你 (you) n-i- n 好 (good,fine) h-ao- ho,3,聲調(diào) shng dio,The Chinese putonghua has four basic tones. They are show

2、n by the tone-marks:(the 1st tone),(the 2nd tone),(the 3rd tone),(the 4th tone). Different tones may express different meanings.,4,a o e i u ,dn yn m 單 韻 母: simple finals,5,6,7,聲調(diào) shng dio,1. The tone-mark should be placed over the vowels,eg: n, g,b 2. When a tone-mark is placed above the vowel i, t

3、he dot over it must be left out,eg: b,wn jin ji 3. A compound final carries two or more vowels, the tone-mark is placed over the vowel which pronounced with the mouth opening wider and louder,usually a,o,e,eg: li, pio, du,8,聲調(diào) shng dio,輕聲(the Neutral Tone) Every Chinese character in Chinese Putonghu

4、a has its specific tone.But sometimes,in a word or a sentence some syllables lose their original tones and become weak and short, therefore it is called the neutral tone.The neutral tone syllables are shown by the absence of the tone-mark, for example: Bba 爸爸(father,dad) mma 媽媽(mother, mum),9,聲母 shn

5、g mConsonants, 21,When used as initials, the following consonants are pronounced roughly the same as they are in English. b p m f d t n l g k h j s,10,聲母 shng mConsonants, 21,When used as initials, the following consonants are pronounced quite differently from what they are in English. q x z c zh ch

6、 sh r,11,聲母 shng mConsonants, 21,聲母有21個(gè): b p m f d t n l 玻 坡 摸 佛 的 特 訥 勒 g k h j q x 哥 科 喝 基 欺 希 zh ch sh r z c s 知 吃 詩 日 資 雌 思,12,聲母 shng mConsonants, 21,在每個(gè)本音(清音、濁音)后面配上不同的元音,這樣發(fā)出的響亮聲音就叫做聲母的讀音。 b玻(bo) p坡(po) m摸(mo) f佛(fo) d的(de) t特(特) n訥(ne) l勒(le) g哥(ge) k科(ke) h喝(he) j基(ji) q欺(qi) x希(xi) zh知(zhi

7、) ch吃(chi) sh詩(shi) r日(ri) z資(zi) c雌(ci) s思(si) 這就是漢語的聲母發(fā)音和拉丁字母(英語字母)輔音發(fā)音的重要區(qū)別。,13,聲母 shng m,b b lu 菠蘿 (pineapple) b ba 爸爸 (dad) b 不 (no) (similar with b in Brother but no buff of breath),14,聲母 shng m,P po b 跑步 (running,run) (similar to p in port pie But should be more articulated with more aspirati

8、on),15,聲母 shng m,m m m 媽媽 (mum) mi 買 (buy) (same as m in man mug),16,聲母 shng m,f ch fn 吃飯 (eating) fng 風(fēng) (wind) (same with f in from far ),17,聲母 shng m,d d 大 (big, huge) ddi 弟弟 (younger brother) (similar with d in dog dust but no puff of breath ),18,聲母 shng m,t ti yng 太陽(sun) t bi 特別( very much) (si

9、milar to t in term tide top But should be more articulated with more aspiration),19,聲母 shng m,n nn rn 男人 (male,man) n 拿 (take,pick,hold) (similar as n in no nation),20,聲母 shng m,l lng 龍 (dragon) kui l 快樂(happy) (same as l in letter learn ),21,聲母 shng m,g g ge 哥哥 (older brother) go 高 (tall, high) (Si

10、milar with g in grill good but no puff of breath),22,聲母 shng m,k K k y 渴 (thirsty) 可 以 (can) shng k 上 課 ( have class) ko sh 考試(exam) (similar to k in key But should be more articulated with more aspiration),23,聲母 shng m,h h shu (drink water) h 河 (river) hi hn 海 (sea) 很 (too much) (h sounds like “h”

11、in the English word“her” heart , but it must be added more friction of the breath than it is in English.),24,聲母 shng m,j j 雞 (chicken) ji 家( home) (j in Jeep ),25,聲母 shng m,q q 七 (seven) qin 錢(money) q zi (wife) ( ch in cheese ),26,聲母 shng m,x x 西(the west) x hun 喜歡(like) xu x 學(xué) 習(xí) (study) (sh in she

12、ep ),27,聲母 shng m,z z 字(characters) zu 坐(sit) (similar with ds in friends z in zero ),28,聲母 shng m,c ci 菜 (vegetable, dishes) ci 猜(guess) (similar with the ts in bits students ),29,聲母 shng m,s s 四 (four) s nin 思念 (miss someone) (similar to s in student),30,聲母 shng m,zh zh 這(this) zhn 站 (stand) zh do

13、 (know) ( similar with dge in judge ),31,聲母 shng m,ch ch 吃(eat) chng 長(zhǎng)(long) (similar to ch in church,but must have srong puff of breath),32,聲母 shng m,sh lo sh 老師(teacher) sh 十 (ten) (similar to sh in shirt),33,聲母 shng m,r rn 人 (human,people) r 熱 (hot) (similar to r in run),34,聲母 shng mTest: listen

14、and choose the Initials you hear.,b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s,35, o e i u 啊 喔 呃 衣 屋 迂,dn yn m 單 韻 母: simple finals,36,a in Father y 阿 姨 b b 爸 爸 m m 媽 媽,37,o,Aw W 我 f 佛,38,e,Uh kui l le k 餓 快 樂 了 可,39,i,E see bee n m fn 4 你 米 飯,40,u,oo in Loop book b xn b zh do 不 行 不 知 道,41,(First,tr

15、ytopronouncei,andthenyourtonguestayshere,graduallypurseyourlips.Tryityourself) y xi y l s 魚 下 雨 綠 色,42,韻母 yn m,Single finals a o e i u ,43,復(fù)韻母是指由兩個(gè)或三個(gè)元音組成韻母。復(fù)韻母共13個(gè): i ei o ou 哀 欸 熬 歐 ia ie io iou(iu) 呀 耶 腰 憂 u uo ui uei(ui) 蛙 窩 歪 威 e 約,44,f yn m 復(fù) 韻 母(componund finals),ai ei ao ou ia ie ua uo e,45,

16、f yn m 復(fù) 韻 母(componund finals),ai ei ao ou ia ie ua uo e,46,ai,ai(asinhigh) w i n k i 我 愛 你 可 愛 zi bi 在 白 zi jin 再 見,47,ei,(likealongaortheeiineight) li hi 累 黑,48,ao,-ao(asinhoworout) ho mo sho lo o zo shn ho 好 貓 少 老 高 早 上 好,49,ou,(liketheowinloworboat) du u ku shu zu 都 狗 口 手 走,50,ia,ia(likeyainyard

17、) ji 家,51,ie,-ie(likeyeinyes) bi ji r xi xi 別 節(jié) 日 謝 謝,52,ua,-ua(ufollowedbya) ku hu zhu shu 夸 花 抓 刷,53,uo,-uo(asinwar) c su du sho u ji 廁 所 多 少 國(guó) 家,54,e,xu x xu shen xu xio d xu yu hu 學(xué) 習(xí) 學(xué) 生 學(xué) 校 大 學(xué) 約 會(huì),55,sn chng yn m 三 重 韻 母( finals consisting of 3 single finals),uai uei(ui)iao iou(iu),56,uai,-ua

18、i(likewiinwild) shui hui shui 帥 壞 衰,57,Uei (ui),-ui(similartoway) du b du u hu b hu shu shu 對(duì) 不 對(duì) 貴 會(huì) 不 會(huì) 水 誰,58,iao,-iao(likeyowinyowl) jio jio bio nio lio tin xio 叫 腳 表 鳥 聊 天 小,59,iou(iu),-iu(likeyoinyoga) di ni li 丟 牛 六,60,漢語拼音 Chinese Pnyn,復(fù)韻母iou和uei與聲母相拼,實(shí)際發(fā)音時(shí)o和e往往消失,于是就縮寫為iu和ui的形式。遇到韻母是iu和ui的音

19、節(jié)時(shí),發(fā)音響亮的部分在后面的元音上,所以調(diào)號(hào)標(biāo)在后一個(gè)元音上。如: 球:qi 聲調(diào)標(biāo)在u上。 歸:gu 聲調(diào)標(biāo)在i上,省略i上的點(diǎn)。 標(biāo)調(diào)號(hào)的口訣: 有不放過,沒找o e 。 iu ui標(biāo)后頭,單個(gè)韻母沒的說。,61,b yn m 鼻 韻 母(nasal finals),62,漢語拼音 Chinese Pnyn,鼻韻母是指由一個(gè)或兩個(gè)元音帶上一個(gè)鼻輔音n或ng構(gòu)成的。鼻韻母共16個(gè): n en ang eng ong 安 恩 昂 亨的韻母 轟的韻母 ian in iang ing iong 煙 因 央 英 雍 uan uen(un) uang ueng 彎 溫 汪 翁 an n 冤 暈 鼻韻母

20、uen與聲母相拼,實(shí)際發(fā)音時(shí)e往往消失,于是就縮寫為un。去掉e后,只剩下了元音u ,所以調(diào)號(hào)只能標(biāo)在u上。,63,qin b yn m 前 鼻 韻 母 (front nasal finals),an en in ian uen(un) uan an,64,an,-an(likethesoundsofJohnorangry) mn ch fn hn y hn nn 慢 吃 飯 漢 語 很 難,65,en,-en(like“eninopen) rn zhn u rn ti u rn 人 中 國(guó) 人 泰 國(guó) 人 zn me yn zhn zhn de m 怎 么 樣 真 真的嗎,66,in,-in

21、(asinbin) nn jn tin xn 您 今 天 新,67,ian,-ian(similartoyen) qin du sho qin min tio fn din 錢 多 少 錢 面 條 飯 店,68,uan,-uan(ufollowedbyan) lun dun un mn 亂 短 關(guān) 門,69,uen(un),As when yn kn mn chn tin 云 昆 明 春 天,70,an n,-uanun(followedbyan n,onlywithinitialsj,q,x) yun qun xun z 遠(yuǎn) 勸 選 擇,71,hu b yn yn m 后 鼻 音 韻 母(b

22、ack nasal finals),ang eng ing ong iang ueng iong uang,72,ang,(likethesoundofunderorrang) pn mn zhn shn k rn zn 胖 忙 張 上 課 讓 臟,73,eng,-eng(liketheunginlung) fn nn xu shen 風(fēng) 能 學(xué) 生,74,ing,-ing(likesing) mn zi tn 名 字 聽 n jio shn me mn zi ? 你 叫 什 么 名 字 ?,75,ong,ong(liketheunginlungwithaslightoosound) yn d

23、n n zu zhn u 用 東 工 作 中 國(guó),76,iang,(-ifollowedbyang),77,uang,-uang(likewangintwang),78,ueng,u after with eng,79,iong,(imergedwithong),80,t sh yun yn yn m 特殊 元 音 韻 母( special finals),er 兒 er can not be combined with any other yunmu( finals) ,it can only be the finals by itself. It is commonly used in n

24、orthern dialect. There are many words in the northern dialect pronunciation of vowels occur due to the volume of tongue action sound change, and this phenomenon is called er hua.,81,er,er in herd,82,-i (in zi ci si)-i(in zhi chi shi),83,Simple Vowels,a jar o log e bird er,2,84,i east u moon ,85,a o

25、e,i u ,86,3、Initial Consonants,b(+o) brother b b b p(+o) pie p p p m(+o) mug m m m f(+o) far f f f,87,d(+e) dust d d d t(+e) tide t t t n(+e) nation n n n l(+e) learn l l l,88,g(+e) grill g g g k(+e) key k k k h(+e) heart h h h,89,j(+i) j j q(+i) q q x(+i) x x,90,z(+-i) zero z z z c(+-i) students c

26、c c s(+-i) students s s s,91,zh(+-i) zh zh zh ch(+-i) ch ch ch sh(+-i) sh sh sh r(+-i) r r r,92, m b l m b l m b l m b l,93,Mark tones rules,(1)aoeiu b bo bi xi p pu d ni xi (2)iu,ui li ni ; du tu,94,(3) j,q,x j j q q x x n l,95,5、Other Vowels,ai i mi ci ei bi hi fi ao o lo bo ou u du tu,96,ia y xi

27、ji ie y li bi,97,韻母 yn m,i 1. When i stands by itself as a syllable, it should be written as yi. 2. i should be written as y when it is placed at the beginning of a final standing by itself as a syllable, or y is added before i,eg: ia-ya ie-ye iou-you iang-yang,98,韻母 yn m,u 1. When u stands by itself as a syllable, it should be written as wu. 2. When u combines with other finals to form syllables, it should be written as W,eg: ua-wa


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