1、OSHA 29 CFR 1926 - Subpart M,Safety Standards for Fall Protection in the Construction Industry Effective: February 6, 1995,Total Construction Fatalities1985-1993,Falls From Elevation 33%,Caught In/Between 18%,Struck By 22%,Shock 17%,Other 10%,Falls From Elevation - Breakdown,Roof 27%,Other 16%,Scaff
2、old 17%,Steel Erection 10%,Floor Opening 7%,Aerial Lift Basket 3%,Suspended Platform/ Vehicle 3%,Concrete Erection 3%,Ladder 8%,Open Sided Floor 4%,Number of Construction Fatalities Due to Falls 1985-1993,Analysis of Heights For Construction Fatalities Caused by Falls 1985-1993,Construction Activity
3、% of Total Fatalities 1985 - 1993,Painting, Paper Hanging and Decorations - 63%,Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning - 31%,Heavy Construction, except Highway & Street - 15%,Highway and Street, except Elevated Highways - 2%,Building Construction - Nonresidential - 50%,Building Construction - Reside
4、ntial - 29%,Construction Activity (Contd)% of Total Fatalities 1985 - 1993,Miscellaneous Special Trade Contractors 47%,Concrete Work 30%,Roofing, Siding and Sheet-Metal Work 73%,Carpentry and Floorwork 63%,Masonry, Stonework, Tile Setting and Plastering 62%,Electrical Work 24%,1926.500(a)(1) Scope a
5、nd Application,Whos Affected by Subpart M? EVERYONE EXCEPT:,Employees making an inspection. Employees working on scaffolds. (Subpart L) Employees working on stairways and ladders. (Subpart X) Employees working on equipment used in tunneling operations. (Subpart S),Whos Affected by Subpart M? EVERYON
6、E EXCEPT:,Employees engaged in the construction of electric transmission, distribution lines, and equipment. (Subpart V) Employees working on cranes and derricks. (Subpart N) Employees performing steel erection work in buildings. (Subpart R),1926.500(b) Definitions,1926.501(b)(1) Unprotected Sides a
7、nd Edges,1926.501(b)(2) Leading Edges,Exception:,When the employer can demonstrate that it is infeasible or creates a greater hazard to use these systems, the employer shall develop and implement a fall protection plan.,Definition,Infeasible - means that it is impossible to perform the construction
8、work using a conventional fall protection system (i.e., guardrail system, safety net system, or personal fall arrest system) or that it is technologically impossible to use any of these systems to provide fall protection.,1926.501(b)(3) Hoist Areas,1926.501(b)(4) Holes,1926.501(b)(5) Formwork and Re
9、inforcing Steel,1926.501(b)(6) Ramps, Runways, and Other Walkways,1926.501(b)(7) Excavations,1926.501(b)(8) Dangerous Equipment,1926.501(b)(9) Overhand Bricklaying and Related Work,1926.501(b)(10) Roofing Work On Low-Slope Roofs,1926.501(b)(11) Steep Roofs,1926.501(b)(12) Precast Concrete Erection,E
10、xception:,When the employer can demonstrate that it is infeasible or creates a greater hazard to use these systems, the employer shall develop and implement a fall protection plan.,1926.501(b)(13) Residential Construction,Exception:,When the employer can demonstrate that it is infeasible or creates
11、a greater hazard to use these systems, the employer shall develop and implement a fall protection plan.,1926.501(b)(14) Wall Openings,1926.501(b)(15) Walking/Working Surfaces Not Otherwise Addressed,1926.501(c)(1) Protection From Falling Objects,Erect toeboards, screens, or guardrail systems to prev
12、ent objects from falling.,1926.501(c)(2) Protection From Falling Objects,Canopy Structure,Barricade,1926.502(b) GuardrailSystems,1926.502 (b)(1), (2) &(14),Top edge height shall be 42” +/- 3” from walking/working level, and able to withstand 200 lbs. of force. Midrails shall be installed at a height
13、 midway between top edge and walking/working level, and able to withstand 150 lbs. of force.,1926.502(b)(9) Guardrail Systems,Top rails and midrails shall be at least 1/4 inch nominal diameter. Top rail shall be flagged at not more than 6-foot intervals with high-visibility material.,1926.502 (b)(13
14、),Guardrails at points of access shall be provided with gates or offset to that a person cannot walk directly into the hole.,1926.502(c) Safety Net Systems,1926.502(c)(1) Safety Net Systems,Install as close as practicable under the walking/working surface on which employees are working, but in no ca
15、se more than 30 feet below such level.,1926.502(c)(2) Safety Net Systems,Net Extension 5 feet and 10 feet 10 feet 13 feet,1926.502(c)(3) Safety Net Systems,Install with sufficient clearance to prevent contact with any surfaces or structures below.,1926.502(c)(4) Safety Net Systems,When the employer
16、can demonstrate that a drop test is unreasonable, the employer shall certify that the net and installation can meet an impact force equivalent to the impact forces of a drop test.,Definition,Competent Person - means one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundin
17、gs, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.,1926.502(c)(5)&(6) Safety Net Systems,Inspect nets weekly for wear, damage, and other deterioration.,Remove any materials, scrap, equi
18、pment, and tools, that have fallen into net.,1926.501(c)(7) Safety Net Systems,Maximum mesh opening shall not exceed 36 sq. inches nor longer than 6 inches on any side. Mesh crossings shall be secured to prevent enlargement of mesh opening.,1926.501(c)(8)&(9) Safety Net Systems,Minimum breaking stre
19、ngth for border rope webbing is 5,000 lbs. Connections shall be as strong as net components. Connections shall be spaced not more than 6 inches apart.,1926.502(d) Personal FallArrest Systems,1926.502(d) Personal Fall Arrest Systems,Connector means a device which is used to couple (connect) parts of
20、the personal fall arrest system and positioning device systems together. It may be an independent component of the system, such as a carabiner, or it may be an integral component of part of the system (such as a buckle or dee-ring sewn into a body belt or body harness, or a snap-hook spliced or sewn
21、 to a lanyard or self-retracting lanyard.),1926.502(d)(8) Personal Fall Arrest Systems,Horizontal lifelines shall be designed, installed, and used, under the supervision of a qualified person, as part of a complete personal fall arrest system, which maintains a safety factor of at least two.,Definit
22、ion - from 1926.32(l),Qualified Person - means one who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the wor
23、k, or the project.,1926.502(d) Personal Fall Arrest Systems,Rope Grab means a deceleration device which travels on a lifeline and automatically, by friction, engages the lifeline and locks so as to arrest the fall of an employee. Lanyards and vertical lifelines shall have a minimum breaking strength
24、 of 5,000 lbs. Each employee shall be attached to a separate lifeline.,1926.502(d)(12) Personal Fall Arrest Systems,Self-retracting lifeline/lanyard means a deceleration device containing a drum-wound line which can be slowly extracted from, or retracted onto, the drum under slight tension during th
25、e normal employee movement, and which, after onset of a fall, automatically locks the drum and arrests the fall.,1926.502(d)(12) & (15) Anchorage,Limit free fall distance to 2 ft. or less and able to sustain a 3,000 lb. min. tensile load.,Capable of supporting at least 5,000 lbs. per employee attach
26、ed.,* t = (2h/g) or :How Long Does It Take To Fall?,Height (feet) Time (seconds) 4 0.5 16 1.0 36 1.5 64 2.0 100 2.5 144 3.0 256 4.0 576 6.0,.5,g = Gravitational Constant of 32.2 ft/s h = Height of Fall in feet t = Time of Fall in seconds,2,*,Velocity,v = (2gh),v = Velocity, assuming no initial veloc
27、ity g = Gravitational Constant of 32.2 ft/s h = Height of fall in feet,.5,2,Momentum Of Fall,M = mv,M = Momentum in foot- pounds/second m = Mass in pounds v = Velocity, assuming no initial velocity,Skull Fracture,2Eg m 50 x 2 x 32.2 12 16.3 ft/sec,E = Kinetic Energy g = Gravitational Constant m = We
28、ight of an average human head,A skull would fracture at approximately 50 foot- pounds/second . The velocity of a fracture is expressed in the equation:,v =,=,=,Peak Fall Arresting Forces - Forces Generated by 220 lbs Steel Weight Free-Falling 6 ft,Force in lbs.,Determining Minimum Anchorage Point He
29、ight,C = Clearance H = Anchor Point Height L = Distance Between Anchorage Point and D-Ring S = Deceleration Distance 5 = Harness D-Ring Height Free Fall = 5 + L - H = 6 max. OSHA Clearance = 5 + L - H + S = 9.5 Minimum Clearancewhere S = 3.5 max. OSHA,1926.502(d)(16) & (17) Harnesses,Limit maximum a
30、rresting force to 1,800 pounds. Rigged so that an employee cannot free fall more than 6 feet. Attachment point located in center of back near shoulder level.,1926.502(e) Positioning Device Systems,1926.502(f) Warning LineSystems,Warning-Line System,Erected around all sides of roof work area. 6 feet
31、from edge - 10 feet when using mechanical equipment. Two warning lines at points of access, material handling, storage, and hoisting areas. Rope, wire, or chain flagged at not more than 6-foot intervals with high visibility material.,Warning-Line System,The rope, wire or chain shall be rigged or sup
32、ported so that its lowest point is no less than 34 inches and the highest point is no more than 39 inches from the walking/working surface. Stanchions shall be capable of resisting, without tipping over, a force of at least 16 pounds applied horizontally against the stanchion 30 inches from the walk
33、ing/working surface.,Warning-Line System,The rope, wire or chain shall have a minimum tensile strength of 500 pounds. The line shall be attached so that pulling on one section of the line will not result in slack being taken up in adjacent sections. Employees are not permitted between the roof edge
34、and warning line unless performing roofing work in that area.,1926.502(g) Controlled Access Zones,1926.502(g)(1) Controlled Access Zones - Leading Edge,Extends parallel along the unprotected or leading edge. Control line connected to guardrail system or wall. Line situated not less than 6 feet nor m
35、ore than 25 feet from edge.,Consists of ropes, wires, and tape with a minimum breaking strength of 200 lbs. and is marked with high visibility materials at not more than 6 foot intervals. Stanchions rigged so that the lowest point is not less than 39 inches nor more than 45 inches.,1926.502(g)(1) Co
36、ntrolled Access Zones - Leading Edge (contd),Control line erected not less than 6 feet nor more than 60 feet, or half the length of the member being erected, whichever is less, from the leading edge.,1926.502(g)(1) Controlled Access Zones - Precast Concrete,Lines erected not less than 10 ft. nor mor
37、e than 15 ft. from the working edge. Lines extended to enclose all employees performing overhand bricklaying and related work. Lines erected at each end to enclose zone. Only employees engaged in work permitted in zone.,1926.502(g)(1) Controlled Access Zones - Overhand Bricklaying,1926.502(h) Safety
38、 Monitoring Systems,Safety-Monitoring System,Competent person to monitor Warns employees nearing hazard On same walking/working surface Within visual Contact Able to communicate orally with workers No mechanical equipment used or stored in safety-monitoring system area,A shout may be the last thing
39、a worker hears as he or she hurtles to the ground.,1926.502(i) Covers,1926.502 (i) Covers,1926.502 (i) Covers,1926.502 (i) Covers,1926.502 (i) Covers,Capable of supporting twice the maximum axle load. Capable of supporting twice employee, equipment, and material weight. Secured to prevent accidental
40、 displacement. Color coded or marked with the word “HOLE” or “COVER”.,1926.502(j) Protection From Falling Objects,1926.502(j)(1),(2) & (3) Toeboards,Erected a sufficient distance to protect employees below. Able to withstand a force of 50 lbs. outward and downward. Minimum height of 3 and 1/2 inches
41、 with no more than 1/4 inch gap at walking/working surface.,1926.502(j)(5) & (6) Guardrail System,Erect paneling or screening when material exceeds guardrail systems top rail. No materials or equipment stored within 4 feet of working edge.,1926.502(j)(8) Canopies,Canopies used for falling object pro
42、tection shall be strong enough to support and prevent penetration by any objects which might fall into canopy.,1926.502(k) Fall Protection Plan,Available for employees engaged in leading edge work, precast concrete erection work, or residential construction work only. Up to date, site specific plan
43、prepared by qualified person, with a copy maintained at the job site. Changes to plan must be approved by qualified person.,Definition - from 1926.32(m),Qualified Person - a person who has successfully demonstrated his ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or
44、 the project.,1926.502(k) Fall Protection Plan (Contd),Plan must document reasons why conventional fall protection systems are infeasible or would create a greater hazard. Documentation of other measures taken to reduce or eliminate fall hazards for workers not using conventional fall protection.,19
45、26.502(k) Fall Protection Plan(Contd),Plan must identify each location where conventional methods cannot be used, and locations must be classified as controlled access zones. When alternative measures have not been implemented, a safety monitoring system shall be used.,Plan must state name or identi
46、fy employees who are designated to work in controlled access zones. If an employee falls, or some other related serious incident occurs, the employer must investigate the circumstances of the fall or incident, and determine if the fall protection plan needs to be changed to prevent recurrence.,1926.502(k) Fall Protection Plan(Contd),1926.503 Training Requirements,The nature of falls in the work area. The correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassemblin
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