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1、Welcome to our class!,The subjunctive mood 虛擬語氣 Part 1,Learning goals,1. Know what the subjunctive mood refers to 2. Know the different forms of the subjunctive mood 3. Master the structure of the subjunctive mood about “if ” 4. Do some exercises about the 3th aim,語氣,英語的動詞一般可帶有三種不同的語氣:陳述語氣,祈使語氣和虛擬語氣

2、。不同的語氣用動詞的不同形式(有的還借助句法形式)來表示。,虛擬語氣,虛擬語氣是一種特殊的動詞形式, 一是用來表示說話人所說的話不是一個事實,而是一種假設(shè)、猜測、懷疑等(常用在條件狀語從句中或讓步狀語從句中); 一是表示說話人的愿望、要求、命令、建議等 (常用在名詞性從句中)。 簡言之,即:不是事實或不大可能發(fā)生的事情,就用虛擬語氣來表述,虛擬語氣的概念,虛擬語氣的??夹问剑?If 引導的條件句,a. if真實條件句 表示條件是真的或有可能實現(xiàn)的, 采用陳述語氣。,b. if虛擬條件句 表示條件是虛擬的或幾乎無法實現(xiàn)的, 采用虛擬語氣。,If we have chances, we can h

3、ave further cooperation.,If I have another chance, I will visit China again.,if真實條件句用于陳述語氣,假設(shè)的情況很有可能發(fā)生,其中if是“如果”的意思,if條件從句 一般現(xiàn)在時,主句 will shall+動詞原形 情態(tài)動詞 + 動詞原形,What will you do if it rains tomorrow?,I will sleep at home if it rains tomorrow.,if虛擬條件句 表示條件是虛擬的或幾乎無法實現(xiàn)的, 采用虛擬語氣。,if 引導的虛擬條件句,與現(xiàn)在事實相反,與過去事

4、實相反,與將來事實可能相反,If I had a great deal of money, I would buy a villa (別墅) for my parents.,與現(xiàn)在事實相反,?,If I were the schoolmaster of Gaocheng No. 1 Middle school, I would let the students get up a little later to get a better sleep.,與現(xiàn)在事實相反,if虛擬條件句,If+主語+ 動詞的過去式 (be動詞一般用were),主語+would ( should / might / c

5、ould )動詞原形,1. If I had a great deal of money, I would buy a villa (別墅) for my parents. 2. If I were the schoolmaster of Gaocheng No. 1 Middle school, I would let the students get up a little later to get a better sleep.,即:If+一般過去時態(tài) (be動詞一般用were),If Yao Jiaxin had driven more carefully, he would not

6、have caused the car accident in May,2009.,與過去事實相反,If Tom had learnt how to swim, he would not have been trapped on that island for four years.,與過去事實相反,If he had got up earlier , he could have caught the train.,與過去事實相反,if虛擬條件句,If+主語+had +動詞的過去分詞,1. If Yao Jiaxin had driven more carefully, he would no

7、t have caused the car accident in May,2009. If Tom had learnt how to swim, he would not have been trapped on that island for four years. 3. If he had got up earlier , he could have caught the train.,即:If+過去完成時態(tài),主語 + would ( should / might / could )have done,If I met Obama some day, I would shake han

8、ds with him. If I were to meet Obama some day, If I should meet Obama some day, ,與將來事實相反,if虛擬條件句,1、If+主語+動詞過去式 2、If+主語+were to+ 動詞原形 3、If+主語+should +動詞原形,主語+would ( should / might / could )動詞原形,If I met / were to meet / should meet Obama some day, I would shake hands with him.,總結(jié):if虛擬條件句,1、If+主語+動詞過

9、去式 2、If+主語+were to+ 動詞原形 3、If+主語+should +動詞原形,If+主語+ 動詞的過去式 (be動詞一般用were),主語+would ( should / might / could )動詞原形,即:If+一般過去時態(tài) (be動詞一般用were),If+主語+had +動詞的過去分詞,即:If+過去完成時態(tài),主語 + would ( should / might / could )have done,主語+would ( should / might / could )動詞原形,(4+1),注意以下問題:,1. 錯綜時間虛擬條件句 2. (if省略) 倒裝虛擬條

10、件句 3. 含蓄條件句,1. 錯綜時間條件句,1、If+主語+動詞過去式 2、If+主語+were to+ 動詞原形 3、If+主語+should +動詞原形,If+主語+ 動詞的過去式 (be動詞一般用were),主語+would ( should / might / could )動詞原形,即:If+一般過去時態(tài) (be動詞一般用were),If+主語+had +動詞的過去分詞,即:If+過去完成時態(tài),主語 + would ( should / might / could )have done,主語+would ( should / might / could )動詞原形,錯綜時間條件句,

11、錯綜時間條件句,(4+1),1. 錯綜時間虛擬條件句 即:if虛擬條件句與主句的時間不一致。 1). If you had followed my advice, you would be able to finish the work now. 如果你當時聽了我的話,現(xiàn)在就能完成這份工作了。 (從句說明過去,主句說明現(xiàn)在。) 2). If I were you, I would have gone to her birthday party. 如果我是你,我就去參加她的生日晚會了。 (從句說明現(xiàn)在,主句說明過去。),3). If you hadnt lent me some money, I

12、 couldnt have bought the new house and most likely I would be still living in the dangerous house now. 假若你不借錢給我,我不可能買下這幢新 房,很可能現(xiàn)在還住在危房里。 (從句說明過去,主句說明過去和現(xiàn)在。),2. 在虛擬條件句中,如果條件句中有were, had(助動詞)或should時,可使用倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),但if必須省略。若條件從句為否定句,否定詞not應(yīng)置于主語之后,而不能與were,should,had等縮略成werent,shouldnt,hadnt置于句首。,1). Had I se

13、en him then, I would have been very happy. = If I had seen him then, I would have been very happy. 2). Should I have time, I would go with you. = If I should have time, I would go with you. 3). Were I not so busy, I would go with you. = If I were not so busy, I would go with you.,2. (if省略) 倒裝虛擬條件句 補

14、充例句: 要不是 (固定句式) If it had not been for your help, we couldnt have finished the work yesterday. = Had it not been for , If it were not for lacking money, I would go travelling right now. = Were it not for lacking money, ,與過去事實相反,與現(xiàn)在事實相反,But for 要不是,(1) I was ill that day. Otherwise, I would have take

15、n part in the sports meet.(副詞),(2) He telephoned to tell me of your birthday, or / otherwise I would have known nothing about it. (連詞),直陳語氣,虛擬語氣,直陳語氣,虛擬語氣,3. 含蓄條件句 有時為了表達的需要,在虛擬語氣中并不總是出現(xiàn)if引導的條件句,而通過其他手段來代替條件句。,含蓄條件句,(4) Everything taken into consideration, they would have raised their output quickly

16、.(獨立主格) = If everything had been taken into (了解即可) consideration, ,(3) I might have given you more help, but I was too busy.(連詞),直陳語氣,虛擬語氣,(5) 用介詞短語代替條件狀語從句常用的介詞有with, without, but for 等。如: What would you do with a million dollars? We could not have finished the work ahead of time without your help.

17、 But for the rain, we would have finished the work.,=If you had a million dollars, what would you do?,=If we hadnt got your help / If you hadnt helped us, ,=If it hadnt been for the rain, ,虛擬語氣,虛擬語氣,虛擬語氣,1. If my father _ here now, he _ tell me what to do. were; would was; will had been; would is; w

18、ill,Exercise,A,2. If he _my advice, he wouldnt have lost his job. followed B. should follow C. had followed D. would follow,Exercise,C,3. If I _ in the 22nd century, I _ my vacation in a very different way.,should live; would spend will live; should spend are living; should have spent will be living

19、; would have spent,A,4. _ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will,Exercise,tomorrow,B,5. But for the help of my English teacher, I _ the first prize in the English writing competition. A. would not win B. would not have won C. wou

20、ld win D. would have won,Exercise,B,6. If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1955,the housing problems now in some parts of this country _ so serious. A. wouldnt be B. will not have been C. wouldnt have been D. would have not been,Exercise,now,in 1955,A,7T he weather has been

21、very hot and dry. Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables _. A. wouldnt die B. didnt die C. hadnt died D. wouldnt have died,Exercise,D,had rained,now,8. They _ two free tickets to Canada,otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go. had got B. go

22、t C. have got D. get,Exercise,B,otherwise,9. Why didnt you buy the flat? I_,but I didnt have the money. would have B. bought C. would like to D. had bought,Exercise,A,but,The subjunctive mood 虛擬語氣 Part 2,Learning goals,1. Know the different forms of the subjunctive mood 2. Master the structures of t

23、he different forms of the subjunctive mood 3. Do some exercises about the grammar,虛擬語氣的常考形式:,If 引導的條件句,a. if真實條件句 表示條件是真的或有可能實現(xiàn)的, 采用陳述語氣。,b. if虛擬條件句 表示條件是虛擬的或幾乎無法實現(xiàn)的, 采用虛擬語氣。,總結(jié):if虛擬條件句,1、If+主語+動詞過去式 2、If+主語+were to+ 動詞原形 3、If+主語+should +動詞原形,If+主語+ 動詞的過去式 (be動詞一般用were),主語+would ( should / might / c

24、ould )動詞原形,即:If+一般過去時態(tài) (be動詞一般用were),If+主語+had +動詞的過去分詞,即:If+過去完成時態(tài),主語 + would ( should / might / could )have done,主語+would ( should / might / could )動詞原形,(4+1),注意以下問題:,1. 錯綜時間虛擬條件句 2. (if省略) 倒裝虛擬條件句 3. 含蓄條件句,should do ! should do ! should do !,二. 名詞性從句中的虛擬語氣,二. 名詞性從句中的虛擬語氣,一 “堅持” (insist) , 二“命令” (

25、order, command) , 四“建議” (advise, suggest, propose, recommend) , 五“要求” (ask, demand, require, request, desire) + (that) sb (should) do . 或是 (that) sb / sth (should) be done,賓語從句,我們建議Tom 去休息一下。 他堅持要我與他同行。 他們要求派Tom去那兒工作。 老師要求作業(yè)要及時完成。,We suggested _ .,He insisted _ .,They requested (that) Tom _ .,(that)

26、 Tom have a rest,(that) I (should ) go with him,(should) be sent to work there,The teacher asked (that) our homework _ .,(should) be finished in time,2. 這些動詞相對應(yīng)的名詞性從句也用should do It is suggested that we (should) practise reading English everyday. The suggestion given by our teacher is that we (should

27、) practise reading English everyday. The teacher give us a suggestion that we (should) practise reading English everyday.,2. 這些動詞相對應(yīng)的名詞性從句也用should do It is ordered / commanded / suggested / advised / requested / required / demanded that (should) do The / Ones insistence / order / command / suggestio

28、n / advice / proposal / recommendation / request / requirement / demand / desire is / was that (should) do a / the suggestion / request (等) that (should) do ,主語從句,表語從句,同位語從句,Its suggested that the plan (should) be carried out at once . The old womans demand is that her son (should) come to see her o

29、nce a week. We are in favor of the advice that the factory (should) be closed down.,3. wish 的賓語從句,1. wish 的賓語從句,與現(xiàn)在事實相反: 一般過去時( be 用were ) 與過去事實相反: 過去完成時 與將來事實相反: would/could +V.原 should,I wish I _ (be) as tall as Yao Ming.,were,I wish/wished I _ (have not) eaten so much watermelon.,hadnt,I wish it

30、_ ( will ) rain tomorrow. If so, I can stay at home to have a good sleep.,would,He wishes he _ ( become ) a scientist some day.,could / would become,三. 虛擬語氣特殊句型與固定句式:,1. would rather,寧愿,但愿,sb did ,與現(xiàn)在或?qū)砬闆r相反,sb had done ,與過去情況相反,I would rather you returned me my money now.,I would rather we hadnt to

31、ld her the bad news.,I would rather you came tomorrow.,2. as if / as though,思考: as if / as though 后面的句子是主句還是從句?,He behaves as if he_(own) the house.,owned,1). 從句的動作與主句動作同時發(fā)生 (可以理解成與現(xiàn)在事實相反),He behaves as if he _ (be) the owner of the house.,were,She talked about Rome as though she _ (be) there hersel

32、f.,had been,2). 從句的動作發(fā)生在主句動作之前 (可以理解成與過去事實相反),He coughed (咳嗽) twice as if someone would come. 他咳嗽兩聲就好像有人要來了。,3). 從句的動作發(fā)生在主句動作之后 (可以理解成與將來事實相反),總結(jié),as if / as though,與現(xiàn)在事實相反: 一般過去時( be 用were ) 與過去事實相反: 過去完成時 與將來事實相反: would/could + V.原 (了解) should,與 wish 的賓語從句相似,3. It is (high / about ) time (that) “是時

33、候. (做某事)” 注意: should不能省略,sb did,sb should do,是時候采取措施來保護環(huán)境了。 It is ( high / about ) time that we took / should take measures to protect the environment. 你該走了。 Its (high / about) time that you went / should go.,4. 在表達驚異、惋惜、遺憾、理應(yīng)如此等意義的固定句式中常使用虛擬語氣 Its necessary / strange / natural (自然的, 理應(yīng)如此的) / import

34、ant + that sb (should) do,1). It is important that we _ ( master ) a foreign language. 2). 真奇怪,她竟然拒絕來參加party。 Its _ that she _ to come to the party. 3). 鳥在樹上安歇 / 休息是很自然的。 It is _ that a bird _ in trees.,( should ) master,(should) refuse,strange,natural,(should) rest,5. If only ! 要是就好了,If only,與現(xiàn)在事實相

35、反: 一般過去時( be 用were ) 與過去事實相反: 過去完成時,If only it stopped raining now! If only we had followed your advice!,總結(jié),wish, would rather, as if / as though, if only 表虛擬時的共同點是: 時態(tài)往后退一步,同if虛擬條件句,四. 情態(tài)動詞表示虛擬,1. 本想/打算做某事卻沒做 2. 本應(yīng)該做某事卻沒做 3. 本不該做某事卻做了 4. 本能夠做某事卻沒做 5. 寧愿過去做了某事卻沒做 6. 最好過去做了某事卻沒做 7. 本不必做某事卻做了,would ha

36、ve done should/ought to have done shouldnt/oughtnt to have done could have done would rather have done had better have done neednt have done,must have done might have done cant/ couldnt have done,過去肯定發(fā)生了 過去可能發(fā)生了 過去不可能發(fā)生,1. insist, suggest 2. as if/though 3. if,五. 可用可不用虛擬語氣的情況,insist / suggest 各有兩種意思

37、,用不同的語氣 insist : “堅決/持要求”用虛擬語氣,即 should do; insist : “堅持認為, 堅持說”用陳述語氣 suggest : “建議”用虛擬語氣,即should do; suggest : “表明、暗示”用陳述語氣,1. The teacher suggested that we _ (practise) more after class. 2. Her pale face suggests that she _ (be) ill today. 3. He insisted that all of us _ (get) there on time by any

38、 means. 4. He insisted that he _ (not steal) the diamond, and that he should be set free. 他堅持說他沒偷鉆石,應(yīng)該立刻被釋放。,(should) practise,is,(should) get,hadnt stolen,as if / as though Whenapencilispartlyinaglassof water, itlooksasifit were broken. The dark clouds are gathering. It looks as if it is going to rain.,If 引導的條件句,a. if真實條件句 表示條件是真的或有可能實現(xiàn)的, 采用陳述語氣。,b. if虛擬條件句 表示條件是虛擬的或幾乎無法實現(xiàn)的, 采用虛擬語氣。,Exercise,判斷是否虛擬,2. 判斷虛擬類型,3. 判斷虛擬時間,Pass!,虛擬語氣應(yīng)試對策,I advised that you _ the job as soon as possible . A finished B finishing C


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