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Lesson Plan 5E教學科學課程教案_第5頁




1、5E Lesson PlanGrade Level: 4th Time Required: 45-50 min.1. FL Next Generation Sunshine State Benchmark: SC.4.P.8.3-Explore the Law of Conservation of Mass by demonstrating that the mass of a whole object is always the same as the sum of the masses of its parts.2. Learning Outcomes: Student will iden

2、tify the state of matter changes has no effect on its mass.3. Essential Questions: When the water changes from solid to liquid, will the mass change or not?4. Materials: (per group) three ice cubes in a sealed bag , a balance, counterweights, a scale, a recording sheet for each student, a pot of hot

3、 water, a piece of cloth, ice-cream stick, refrigerator.5. Content: Matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas. Matters can change states from one to another, while the total number of molecules of matter dosent change. The mass of the matter stays the same no matter which state is the matter in

4、. We call it the Law of Conservation of Mass. Before learning about this, children should already know about 3 states of matter, mass and matter can change state from one to another.6. Procedures: a. Engage: Ask: Have bought ice-cream sticks and put them into refrigerator and wait until they are fro

5、zen? What will happen to the ice-cream if you take them out of the refrigerator? Say: Since we all know that matter will change its state from one to another. Today, we are going to learning about whether the states of water changes will influence the mass of water. Review and ensure the contents th

6、at children already know: Three states of matter: solid, liquid. and gas Mass: the amount of matter in an object Reading recording sheet together. Remind children of safety rules and rules for working with parters and how we record data.b. Explore: Gather materials and make sure all balances are cal

7、ibrated. Have children get materials from front table. Have children predict what will happen to mass in each state of water and write down on recording sheet. Students will begin to test their prediction. They will use a balance and counterweights to record the data of ice cubes. Then students put

8、the sealed bag into the pot of hot water. After ice cubes melted completely, take the bag out of the pot. Use the cloth to wipe the water. Then measure it and record the data. During the time ice cubes melting, teacher will circulate around the classroom. Listen to childrens thinking and hold the an

9、swers. Ask questions like: Why did you predict the mass will change according to the state of matter? Why did you predict the mass will stay the same while the state of matter changed? What can you notice about the ice cube and the water when you doing the activity? How do you know that?c. Explain:

10、Teacher will call students together with their recording sheets. Make students discuss about their data they connected, and make a conclusion about whether the change of state will influence the mass of matter and provide evidence. Ask students: “ Why do you think the mass stays the same while the s

11、tates of matter changes? Can you explain to us?” Lead children to notice that the water in stealed bags didnt change. The mass of the water stays the same according to the data. Say, “Remember water has 3 states, and it can change from one to another. Ice is frozen by water.” So the amount of water

12、in the sealed bag stays the same while the states of matter changes. This is the Law of Conservation of Mass. Because we didnt add something or get something out of the bag, the sum of mass didnt change.d. Extend: Say: I am wondering what if we freeze ice-cream stick . Will it stays the same amount

13、of matter inside? Write your prediction and explanation on the recording sheet. Now, your group will put the ice-cream stick into the refrigerator. After 10 minutes, take them out and it with balance, then record the data. (During the 10 minutes, continue the evaluating part.)e. Extend: Collect thei

14、r recording sheet, and evaluate it with a rubric. Use performance rubric during their exploration and explanation part. Collect data for performance. Before beginning the science lesson tomorrow I will give children the following journal prompt: If I have a 25 cents coin, and I went out saw a coin m

15、aker on my way home. I put a coin inside, and the machine melted it and make it a special shape. Will it worth the same price as 25 cents?7. Differentiation:a. ELL: Group ELL with native speakers. Allow them to draw pictures or use their own word to explain.b. Child with dyslexia: highlight importan

16、t words and give an short explanation on the recording sheet. 8. Refences:Conservation of mass. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 5, 2014, from /wiki/Conservation_of_massDoes mass change during a change of state? (2014). In BBC. Retrieved February 6, 2014, from http:/www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/does-mass-change-during-a-change-of-state/10618.htm


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