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1、A. Look and listenLook at the pictures about various environmental problems. Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list. forests polluted overpopulated hunting animals sports millionsbillion melting drinking greenhouse protection activities population 1. The Earth is

2、(overpopulated). There are over 6 (billion) people in the world.2. Many rivers and lakes are seriously (polluted). More and more people are (drinking ) dirty water. 3. (Millions ) of trees are cut down each year. The Earth is covered by fewer and fewer (forests).4. Due to the (greenhouse ) effect, t

3、he ice in the Atlantic and Antarctic is (melting). In a century, several countries and many cities will be covered by water.5. Illegal (hunting ) still exists. Because of human (activities), many species have disappeared, and more will disappear in the near future.vB. Ask and answer the questionsAsk

4、 and answer the following questions with a partner.1. What kinds of environmental problems do you think we have?Your answer:Reference answer:There is water, air, and noise pollution. / The Earth is becoming warmer. There are more and more people and the Earth is becoming more crowded.2. What is the

5、cause of these problems?Your answer:Reference answer:The problems are caused by industrial development / the invention of automobiles.3. What can we do to solve these problems?Your answer:Reference answer:We should stop dumping waste into rivers and lakes. / Laws should be established to regulate hu

6、man behavior.Section One Listen for pronunciation skills A. Listen and practiceListen to the following statements and mark the stressed words. 1.Mary painted her living room blue.(living room )Mary painted her living room blue.(Mary )Mary painted her living room blue.(her )Mary painted her living ro

7、om blue.(painted )Mary painted her living room blue.(blue)2.This is my book.(book)This is my book.(This )This is my book.(is )This is my book.(my )3.I bought a red shirt.(I )I bought a red shirt.(shirt)I bought a red shirt.(bought )I bought a red shirt.(red )Section Two Special English programsA. It

8、em 12. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question. Which of the following statements is true?(c)a.People living in large cities have a higher risk of getting lung cancer than other diseases.b.16 percent of people in large cities die of lung cancer.

9、c.People living in seriously polluted areas have as high a risk of dying of lung cancer as those living with a person who smokes cigarettes.d.Air pollution can cause lung cancer, but not other diseases.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.How many ye

10、ars did the study cover?(b)a.12 years.b.16 years.c.18 years.d.20 yearsSection Two Special English programsB. Item 22. Listen for details 1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question. A severe winter storm in _ killed hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies. (c)a.s

11、outhern Mexicob.northern Mexicoc.central Mexicod.eastern Mexico2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Under what conditions are monarch butterflies likely to die? (b)a.When they become cold and the temperature is high.b.When they become wet and the tem

12、perature is very low.c.When they become dry after a storm.d.When they become wet and the temperature increasesSection Two Special English programsC. Item 32. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question. Which of the following is NOT an effect of ris

13、ing temperatures on wildlife?(d)a.Many animals and plants leave their native environments.b.Trees flower earlier than before.c.Birds migrate earlier than before.d.Many animals become more fierce.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.According to many

14、scientists, _ the major cause of the warmer weather.(b)a.the disappearance of some species isb.industrial gases arec.earlier flowering of plants isd.long-distance travel of birds isSection Three Read after meListen to the following statements and read after the speaker, paying attention to the under

15、lined parts. 1. The study shows that air pollution increases the risk of death from lung cancer and other diseases.2. It is the largest number of monarch butterflies killed at one time. However, scientists say the loss is not expected to threaten the species.3. Their studies found that warmer weathe

16、r is causing many kinds of wildlife to leave their native environmentsSection Four Real worldB. Watch for detailsWatch the video clip. Choose the best answers to the following questions. 1. What was the first artificial source of air pollution?(b)a.Volcanic eruptions.b.Fire.c.Wood.d.Coal.2. Marco Po

17、lo learned of the uses of coal when _.(c)ing in Russiab.working in Iing in Cing in Europe3. What punishment did the blacksmith receive for violating the sea coal law in the 14th century?(c)a.He was put in prison.b.He was burned to death.c.He was hanged.d.He was whippe

18、d.4. When did coal become an important fuel in York of old England?(b)a.In 1731.b.In 1371.c.In 1307.d.In 1273Section Four Real worldC. Listen and writeListen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases youve heard.1. In the distant past, frequent eruptions of volcanoes

19、polluted the (atmosphere), killing plants, animals, and (any people) who could not escape.2. Agricultural practices such as slash and burn, which is still (in use) today, (contributed to) the pollution of the air.3. In (1273), the burning of sea coal was banned in England. This is the (earliest reco

20、rd) of an actual air pollution regulation.4. As communities grew (in size), the (problems) with air pollution increased.5. The change from (traditional fuel) to coal caused many (objections) because of the smoke.Section One Making complaintsB. Get the themeAnswer the following questions according to

21、 the video clip youve just watched.1. How does the man start his complaint?Your answer:Reference answer:By saying Im afraid I have a complaint to make.2. What is the man complaining about?Your answer:Reference answer:The dirty environment and the noise caused by the construction.3. What does the wom

22、an promise to do?Your answer:Reference answer:She will report the mans complaints to the manager.Section Two Your turnWork in pairs. Suppose you live near a lake which used to be very beautiful. However, a factory was set up by the lake recently and a lot of waste water flows into the lake from the

23、factory. As a representative of the angry residents, you go to see the manager to complain about the problem. The manager is not in and you are received by the secretary.Your answer:Reference answer: Secretary: Good morning. Is there anything I can do for youComplainer: Good morning. Can I speak to

24、the manager? I have a complaint to make.Secretary: Im sorry. The manager is not in at the moment. May I ask what is wrong? Complainer: Well. I live near the lake. It used to be clean and beautiful. But since your factory was opened here last year, the lake has become dirtier and dirtier. Secretary:

25、Im sorry to hear that. But how do you know it is our factory thats making the lake dirty? Complainer: Please go out and look at the pipes leading from your factory to the lake. A lot of waste water is drained from the factory into the lake every day. Secretary: Oh, I do apologize for that. Ive only

26、worked here for a short time, and dont know much about it. I assure you that I will report this to the manager as soon as he comes back. Complainer: I hope he will consider this seriously. Secretary: Im sure he will.Complainer: Thanks. Goodbye. B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the mis

27、sing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part. TR Now listen to the story:One day the Lord came to Noah, who was now living in England, and said, Once again, the

28、 earth has become overpopulated, and (1) (I see the end of all lives )before me. Build another Ark and save two of every living thing along with a few good humans. You have six months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights. Six months later, the Lord looked

29、down and saw Noah weeping in his yard but no Ark.Noah! He asked, (2) (Im about to start the rain)! Where is the Ark?Forgive me, Lord, begged Noah, but things have changed. I have come across many difficulties.My neighbors claimed that I had (3) (no permission to build the Ark), even in my garden.We had to go to the Secretary of State for a decision.Then the Department of Transport asked how much it would cost for the Arks move to the sea. I


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