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Lesson ElevenPage 1 of 11 Lesson Eleven On Getting Off to Sleep Words and Expressions 1abominably adv 令人討厭地In an offensive and hateful manner 2anvil n 鐵砧 A heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering 3avail n 效用A means of serving 4bovine adj 遲鈍 愚蠢Stupid 5callous adj 無情的Unmerciful 6corporal adj 肉體的 身體的Bodily 7coy adj 害羞的 扭捏的Shy 8crooked adj 歪的 彎曲的Bend 9crushing adj 強烈的 壓倒一切的Strong and forceful 10 defy v 公然反抗 不服從 Resist openly refuse to obey If you defy the law you may find yoursef in prison defiance n 公然反抗 不服Resistance or open disobedience No one in the army acted in defiance of orders defiant adj 違抗的 公然不服的Showing defiance openly disobedience Lesson ElevenPage 2 of 11 11 depth n 深度 Deepness 12 eventful adj 重要的 充滿大事的Full of big events 13 glimmer n 微光Twilight 14 imperishable adj 不朽的Enduring undying 15 inconsistency n 反復(fù)無常 不一致Inconstancy 16 ineffectuality n 無效 不靈驗Be of no effect 17 inhuman adj 非人的 無情的Nonhuman unhuman 18 insomnia n 失眠癥Vigilance 19 laudanum n 鴉片酊Tincture of opium 20 legion n 大量 眾多A great deal 21 literally adv 實際上 照字意的In a literal sense 22 malice n 敵意 惡意Enmity hostility 23 meditate vi 思考Think about consider He sat there meditating his plan meditation n 思考Meditating She has been deep in meditation when I walked into the office 24 metallic adj 金屬的Metalline 25 monotony n 枯燥無味 單調(diào)Dull 26 never failing adj 從不失敗的Never failed 27 oblivion n 忘卻Disremember 28 overpowering adj 強烈的Strong and forceful Lesson ElevenPage 3 of 11 29 pell mell adv 紛亂地 紛至沓來Troublous 30 phantasy n 幻覺 想像Illusion and imagination 31 plumb adv 正的 垂直的Upright vertical 32 prose v 用散文寫 Write an article in an expressive style 33 refreshed adj 精力得到恢復(fù)的With restored energy 34 remonstrate v 抗議 告誡Make a protest We remonstrate against his cruelty to old people remonstrance n 抗議 規(guī)勸Protest The people who made remonstrance against government were arrested 35 reproach v 責備Find fault the parents reproached the child for wasting time reproach n 責備Reproaching He looked at me with a look of reproach reproachful adj 責備的Full of reproach What he has done is a reproachful behaviour reproachfully adv 責備地In a reproachful manner 36 restless adj 不安寧的Unable to relax or be still 37 sledge hammer 大錘Big and heavy hammer Lesson ElevenPage 4 of 11 38 slumber n 睡眠Sleep 39 snore vi 打鼾 Drive one s pigs to market 40 soporific adj 催眠的Hypnotic 41 spritualism n 唯靈論Only belive in sprit 42 stile n 籬墻兩邊的階梯 A vertical member in a door or window frame 43 straighten vt 弄直Make something upstraight 44 stupenduous adj 極大的Gigantic and huge 45 superman n 超人A man with super power 46 swine n 豬 Pig 47 sycophantic adj 諂媚的Flattering 48 tangible adj 有形的 可觸知的Corporeal 49 torment v 使痛苦 使煩惱 折磨 Cause severe suffering to annoy Don t torment yourself by thinking of the past torment n 痛苦 煩惱 折磨Severe bodily or mental pain or suffering She suffered torment from her headache tormenting adj 折磨人的Excruciating 50 unvaryingly adv 不變地 總是Always never changing 51 verity n 真實性 事實 真理 Fact truth Lesson ElevenPage 5 of 11 52 vexation n 惱怒 苦惱State of being vexed Her roommate brought constant vexations to her vex v 使苦惱Annoy distress trouble She was vexed because her boyfriend was late for the date vexatious adj 令人煩惱的Annoying There were a lot of vexatious regulations before 53 wakeful adj 醒著的 不眠的Wake 54 warlike adj 好戰(zhàn)的Militant 55 woo vt 求愛 求婚 追求 In pursuit of 56 bundle of contradictions矛盾的集合體 57 saving grace可取之處Redeeming feature 58 half heartedly 心不在焉地Absentminded Text Explanation 1Surely humor is the saving grace of us saving grace means 可可取取之之處處 Lesson ElevenPage 6 of 11 2 you may depend upon it that before I have gone very far I feel an overpowering desire for sleep you can be sure that before I have gone very far I feel a strong and forceful desire for sleep 3But let me be between the sheets at a late hour and I can do anything but sleep between the sheets between the sheets on a bed one to lie on the other to lie under 在在被被子子和和床床單單之之間間 4Between chime and chime of the clock I can write essays by the score Between chime and chime of the clock I can write a great number of essays 5Nothing stands between me and half a dozen imperishable masterpieces but pens ink and paper I can easily produce half a dozen imperishable masterpieces if only I had pens ink and paper Nothing stands between means there are no barriers between 6If it be true that our thoughts and mental images are perfectly tangible things to the inhabitants of the next world Unfortunately the inhabitants of the next world can not feel and touch our thoughts and images in our minds 7When I am in the humour I can compose grand symphonies and paint magnificent pictures Lesson ElevenPage 7 of 11 When I am in the mood I can compose grand symphonies and paint magnificent pictures 8Once in bed when it is time to close the five ports of knowledge most folks I know seem to find no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts in oblivion to close the five ports of knowledge 用用 五五個個知知識識港港口口 比比喻喻五五種種感感觀觀 sight heraring smell taste and touch herehere representingrepresenting allall ofof thethe senses senses no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts in oblivion no difficulty in completely forgetting their functions in this world no difficulty in falling sleep 9It is not so with me to whom sleep is a coy mistress much given to a teasing inconsistency and for ever demanding to be wooed 而而我我卻卻不不行行 對對我我來來說說 睡睡眠眠就就像像一一個個忸忸怩怩的的情情婦婦 愛愛以以反反復(fù)復(fù)無無常常挑挑逗逗男男人人 讓讓男男人人不不停停地地向向她她求求愛愛 to be given to something means to tend to do something especially something that one should not do Have as a habit He is given to lying 他愛撒謊 10 lest too light winning make the prize light For fear that if something is won too easily it won t be treasured appreciated 輕輕易易得得到到的的東東西西不不會會珍珍惜惜 Lesson ElevenPage 8 of 11 11 I suspect their taste in higher matters I feel doubtful whether they have any taste in things of higher values here means things like art and music and literature et 我我懷懷疑疑他他們們對對高高品品味味事事的的鑒鑒賞賞力力 12 Iron wills apart there must be a lack of human sympathy or depth in a man apart here means not considering depth in a man 指指人人的的造造詣詣深深度度 拋拋開開鋼鋼鐵鐵般般意意志志 他他一一定定缺缺乏乏人人類類同同情情心心和和造造詣詣深深度度 13 ignore completely those memories and fancies which will sometime leap From hiding places ten years deep Those memories and fancies which had been buried deep in one s mind for ten years will sometimes crop up 完完全全忽忽視視那那些些記記憶憶和和幻幻想想 有有時時會會從從深深藏藏了了十十年年的的地地方方跳跳出出來來 14 there is no comparing notes with them You can t exchange ideas with them Lesson ElevenPage 9 of 11 15 no midnight confidence There is no opportunity to tell them his secrets in midnight quiet when there are no other people around because they ll be fast sleep 16 no casting up the balance of the day s pleasure and pain not able to calculate whether you have more pleasure than pain or vice versa in a day s life 17 They sink at once into stupid heavy slumber leaving you to your own mental devices They fall into stupid deep sleep very quickly leaving you alone mentally to find ways to deal with your own problem 18 The famous old plan of counting sheep jumping over a stile has never served my turn served my turn means served my purpose 數(shù)數(shù)跳跳過過籬籬笆笆墻墻兩兩邊邊階階梯梯的的羊羊的的著著名名的的老老方方法法對對我我已已不不起起作作用用 19 sleep drew the curtain She fell asleep 20 how T was faring these days Lesson ElevenPage 10 of 11 how T was getting along these days T 這這段段時時間間過過得得怎怎么么樣樣 21 not for the first and please Heaven Not the last time Not for the first time for him to read Lamb s letters and please Heaven Not the last time to read them He was praying to God that he would be able to read Lamb s letters again implying that he liked the letters very much 22 a Mr H who proses it away from morning to night and never gets beyond corporal and material verities a Mr H who talks endlessly but everything he says is boring and trivial 有有一一個個H先先生生 從從早早到到晚晚不不停停地地談?wù)務(wù)撜撘灰恍┬┛菘菰镌餆o無味味的的話話題題 corporal and material verities 關(guān)關(guān)于于身身體體和和物物質(zhì)質(zhì)的的大大實實話話 指指瑣瑣碎碎無無聊聊的的小小事事 23 I have literally f
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