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葡萄酒的釀造Wine making 每個釀酒師在葡萄酒的釀造前、中、后都經(jīng)受這各種考驗。Every winemaker brings his one touch before, during, and after the wine making process.釀酒過程中的每一個選擇都會影響葡萄酒的口味和品質(zhì):Each choice in the successive steps of the elaboration of wine has repercussions on the taste and the quality of the wine :園地的選擇The choice of the terroir天氣(成熟期)The climate (and the date of harvest)葡萄品種的選擇,這是決定性的。The choice of the grape-variety, it is determinant 用于發(fā)酵的容器的類型The type of container in which the fermentation will take place 發(fā)酵過程中溫度的控制The temperature at which the juice of grape is maintained during the fermentation 發(fā)酵的時間The fermentation period 葡萄酒陳釀容器The type of container in which the maturation will take place 沒有人可以說釀酒只有一種方法。Nobody can pretend there is only one unique method of making wine. 這也是葡萄酒的迷人之處,因為釀酒師必須對如此多樣的葡萄酒類型供我們選擇負(fù)責(zé)任。That is the beauty of wine as winemakers are also responsible for the incredible diversity of wines we can choose from.不言自明葡萄酒釀造需要技術(shù)和經(jīng)驗。釀酒師不僅是一個工匠更是一個藝術(shù)家。Needless to say that winemaking requires savoir-faire and experience. A winemaker is not only an artisan but also an artist.釀酒的十個步驟10 steps to make wine 以下步驟僅供參考!它們能告訴你葡萄酒是怎么釀造的:The following steps are informative only! They give an idea how wine is made :1.種葡萄樹plantation (or grafting) of a vine stock 2.田間管理growing of the grape-bunch 3.采收葡萄harvesting the grapes 4.除梗破碎*de-stemming* and crushing the grapes 5.酒精發(fā)酵alcoholic fermentation of the liquid 6.浸漬*maceration* 7.分離raking the wine 8.蘋果酸乳酸發(fā)酵malolactic fermentation 9.老熟maturation of the wine 10.裝瓶bottling the wine 帶星號的一般只用于紅葡萄酒釀造 * : only for red wine, normally葡萄漿:葡萄壓榨產(chǎn)生的汁。Must : it is the grape-juice produced by crushing. 酒精發(fā)酵:在酵母菌的作用下糖轉(zhuǎn)化為酒精和二氧化碳,這是葡萄汁轉(zhuǎn)變成葡萄酒的過程。Alcoholic fermentation : the juice becomes wine under the natural action of yeast which changes sugar in alcohol. 浸漬:皮渣(果皮、種子和果梗)浸泡在汁中,使酒更有骨架,同時浸提出顏色的過程。Maceration : the pomace (skin, pips and stems) impregnate the must giving body and color. 分離:皮渣和汁分離的過程。發(fā)酵汁生產(chǎn)自流酒、皮渣生產(chǎn)壓榨酒。Raking : pomace and must are separated. The must becomes vin de goutte, the pomace becomes vin de presse. 蘋果酸乳酸發(fā)酵:自然菌的作用下,粗糙的蘋果酸轉(zhuǎn)變成柔順穩(wěn)定的乳酸的過程。Malolactic fermentation : under the action of natural bacteria, the harsh malic acid changes itself in lactic acid supple and stable. 陳釀:澄清后的葡萄酒放到木桶里穩(wěn)定,使它完美。Maturation : the wine is clarified and put in casks/barrels to stabilize and perfects itself. 在葡萄園 IN THE VINEYARD 優(yōu)質(zhì)的葡萄酒產(chǎn)自葡萄園中。土壤、水分、陽光和氣候共同決定了葡萄的質(zhì)量最終決定了葡萄酒的品質(zhì)。 Great wines begin in the vineyard. The combination of soil, water, sunlight and climate all play an important role in determining the quality of the grapes and ultimately the quality of the resulting wine. 葡萄需要被精心的管理。它們需要提供足夠的水分來生產(chǎn)優(yōu)質(zhì)的葡萄。 Well vines need to be managed properly. They need to be supplied with, amongst other things adequate water so they can produce quality grapes. 缺水讓葡萄生長緩慢,就象人一樣,而且會奮力結(jié)出更好的果實.葡萄喜光,需要大量日照.葡萄園里葡萄應(yīng)該被種植的更益于充分接觸陽光。 A vine without enough water can become stressed, very much like us and struggle to produce quality fruit. Vines also need access to sunlight and plenty of it.The vineyard needs to be planted in such a way as to maximise the sunlight penetrating into the canopy. 生長初期如果沒有足夠的光照會影響成漿果熟度。 In the early stages of development if the berries do not receive enough sunlight they will not ripen properly. 初期葡萄漿果含有較高的酸和較低的糖。在葡萄樹上掛果時間越長,漿果變得越甜。漿果的含糖量對于釀酒是很重要的。 When the berries first appear on the vine they are highly acidic with low sugar levels. The longer the grapes are on the vine the sweeter they become. This sugar level is important as it is needed to make good wine. 隨著葡萄的成熟,漿果逐漸增大紅色品種開始加深。這時就是轉(zhuǎn)色期。 As grapes ripen they become larger and red varieties change from green to purple. This stage is known as VERAISON. 葡萄完全成熟之后,可以被人工采摘或者機(jī)械采收。 When the grapes are fully ripened they can either be hand or mechanically harvested. 采收The Harvest 采收或采摘肯定是葡萄酒釀造的第一步。大多是釀酒師都人為葡萄酒是是產(chǎn)自葡萄酒園中。為了生產(chǎn)優(yōu)質(zhì)的葡萄酒,葡萄應(yīng)該在恰當(dāng)?shù)臅r間杯采摘,最好在生理成熟的時候。Harvesting or picking is certainly the first step in the actual wine making process. most winemakers acknowledge that wine is made in the vineyard, at least figuratively. In order to make fine wine, grapes must be harvested at the precise time, preferably when physiologically ripe.采收The Harvest 采收可以用及其也可以人工采摘。然而大多樹酒莊鐘情于手工采摘,因為他們認(rèn)為機(jī)械采收對于葡萄和葡萄園過于粗暴。 Harvesting can be done mechanically or by hand. However, many estates prefer to hand harvest, as mechanical harvesters can often be too tough on the grapes and the vineyard. 一旦葡萄運(yùn)到酒廠,釀酒師就跳出枝條、腐爛或者生青的漿果,準(zhǔn)備破碎。 Once the grapes arrive at the winery, reputable winemakers will sort the grape bunches, culling out rotten or under ripe fruit before crushing. 破碎CRUSHING 葡萄采收后盡快開始釀造非常重要。 le=margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt class=MsoNormalOnce the grapes have been harvested it is important to begin the winemaking process as quickly as possible. 葡萄被轉(zhuǎn)入破碎機(jī)。葡萄果梗和果皮和果汁分離。 The fruit is tipped into the crusher 。The grape stems and skins are also separated from the juice at the crusher. 釀紅葡萄酒和白葡萄酒的區(qū)別就在這了。 Here is where the process of making white wine and red wine differs. 發(fā)酵FERMENTATION 葡萄汁和果梗和果皮分離后,發(fā)酵就開始啟動。簡單來說,發(fā)酵就是葡萄汁中糖分轉(zhuǎn)化成酒精的過程。這個過程中要加入酵母菌。酵母菌的作用是消耗汁中的糖分產(chǎn)生酒精,同時放出二氧化碳?xì)怏w和熱量。糖分全部轉(zhuǎn)化成酒精以后酵母菌就死去,結(jié)束他的使命。發(fā)酵結(jié)束我們得到原酒。Now that the juice has been separated from the stalks and skins the winemaker can now begin the process known as FERMENTATION. Put simply, fermentation is the process whereby the grape sugars are converted into alcohol. This is achieved by adding yeast to the juice. The role of the yeast is to eat up all the sugar in the juice and produce alcohol. Gas in the form of carbon dioxide is also produced, as is heat. After converting the sugar to alcohol the yeast cells die and their job is complete. After Fermentation we now have something resembling WINE. 過濾和澄清處理FILTRATION & CLARIFICATION 發(fā)酵結(jié)束后,澄清處理酒開始。這個過程除去葡萄酒中大量不需要的物質(zhì)。 Once fermentation is completed, the clarification process begins.These processes remove most of the unwanted material in the wine. 釀酒師可以選擇將清酒分到其他的罐或橡木桶中,發(fā)酵罐中留下沉淀和酒渣。 Winemakers have the option of racking or siphoning their wines from one tank or barrel to the next in the hope of leaving the precipitates and solids called pomace in the bottom of the fermenting tank. 陳釀MATURATION 陳釀是指葡萄酒在調(diào)配前的老熟的一短時間。葡萄酒一般在橡木桶中完成陳釀過程。橡木桶越小與葡萄酒接觸的面積越大,陳釀效果越好。 Maturation is the time where the wine spends some time maturing before being blended. This is normally undertaken in oak barrels. The smaller the oak barrel the greater the surface area of oak to wine, therefore increasing the amount of oak influence. 橡木桶陳釀時間是釀酒一個很重要影響因素。紅葡萄酒可以陳釀數(shù)月到兩年的時間。橡木桶中陳釀時間越長,橡木對酒品質(zhì)的影響越大。 Time spent in oak is an important factor in winemaking. Red wines can spend from a few months to two years in oak. The longer the period in oak the greater the oak influence. 調(diào)配BLENDING 有人說葡萄酒釀造的藝術(shù)實際上是調(diào)配的藝術(shù)。總體上來說是對的,因為所有優(yōu)秀的釀酒師都知道調(diào)配不同批次葡萄酒的能力的重要。 Some say the art of winemaking is really the art of BLENDING. This is true in many cases as all great winemakers know the importance of being able to blend different parcels of wine. 從單一的園區(qū)的原酒得到特定品質(zhì)的葡萄酒是很困難的。 It is very difficult to obtain a desired style from a single parcel of wine. 如果釀酒師能得到不同葡萄酒原的原料,甚至是來自不同地區(qū),就有機(jī)會調(diào)出特定類型的葡萄酒了。 If the winemaker has the resources to obtain fruit from various vineyards, possibly even from various regions the opportunity exists to blend the wines to improve the style of wine. 裝瓶BOTTLING 葡萄酒釀造的最后的任務(wù)就是裝瓶了。這是一個非常粗糙的過程,葡萄酒會因裝瓶受到影響。葡萄酒的香氣可能會因裝瓶受到影響。 The final task in the winemaking process is bottling. This is a very rough process and the wine normally suffers as a result of bottling. The wines aroma and flavours will be disrupted by the bottling process. 葡萄酒裝瓶通常有一下步驟:壓塞、套膠冒、貼標(biāo)和裝箱。高檔的葡萄酒進(jìn)入市場前會經(jīng)過一定時間的瓶內(nèi)陳釀。 The wine normally has the following undertaken at bottling cork added, capsule added, labels applied and packed into outer cartons. More premium wines will spend some further time maturing before being sent to the market. The majority of wine however is despatched to Liquor Retailers soon after bottling. 紅葡萄酒的釀造Red wine making 除梗破碎Crushing and destemming the grapes 葡萄一運(yùn)到酒廠就被除梗破碎成葡萄汁。The grapes just arriving in the cellar are crushed and destemmed to release their juice and pulp. 得到的葡萄汁灌入容器中進(jìn)行發(fā)酵。The must obtained that way is put in a tank to go trough the process of fermentation. 酒精發(fā)酵Alcoholic fermentation 發(fā)酵是一個自然的過程。葡萄上的自然酵母(添加干酵母也正在被推廣)將葡萄汁的糖分轉(zhuǎn)化成酒精和二氧化碳?xì)怏w。Fermentation is a natural process. Yeasts living in the grapes the addition of selected yeasts is generalizing change the sugar contained in the must in alcohol and carbonic gas. 為控制發(fā)酵,釀酒師把溫度保持在25-30C,定時通風(fēng)。如果溫度低于25C酒體會單薄,如果高于30C酒中單寧過多。The winemaker assist the action of the yeasts by maintaining the temperature around 25 to 30C and by ventilating the must regularly. Under 25C the wine will not have enough body, above 30C, the wine will be to tannic. 浸漬前發(fā)酵過程持續(xù)4-10天,然后進(jìn)行蘋果酸乳酸發(fā)酵。The fermentation process goes on for 4 to 10 days until the maceration and then the malolactic fermentation. 浸漬Maceration 這個過程中葡萄皮中的單寧成分和色素進(jìn)入發(fā)酵汁中。通過液體和固體成分(果皮、果核,有時也有果梗)的接觸使酒具有結(jié)構(gòu)和顏色。It is the period when the tannic elements and the color of the skin diffuse in the fermented juice. The contact between the liquid (must) and the solids elements (skin, pips and sometimes stem) will give body and color to the wine. 這個階段,復(fù)雜的操作證明了釀酒師的才能:溶解、提取、排除、擴(kuò)散、煎熬、注入。At this stage, complex operation will prove the talent of the winemaker: dissolution, extraction, excretion, diffusion, decoction, infusion. 對于博若萊紅葡萄酒或者新葡萄酒浸漬過程非常短暫,這樣的酒柔和單寧含量少。要長時間陳釀的葡萄酒需要大量的單寧,所以浸漬時間要夠長。這樣的酒要浸漬數(shù)天,可能是幾個星期。For Vins primeurs or Vins nouveaux (new wines) the maceration is very short. The vines are supple and contain little tannin. Wines destined to be kept long need a lot of tannin, so the maceration needs to be long. The wine will macerate for several days, maybe several weeks. 分離Raking 酒和固體物質(zhì)分離。分離出來的酒成為自流酒。有時皮渣壓榨出里面含有的汁。生產(chǎn)壓榨酒,壓榨酒中含有大量的單寧。 Times New RomanThe wine is separated from the solids, the pomace. The wine obtained by raking is called free run wine (vin de goutte). Sometimes, the pomace is pressed in order to extract the juice it still contains. This wine is called press wine (vin de presse). It is richer in tannin. 根據(jù)釀酒師的品嘗或者當(dāng)?shù)厝说南埠米粤骶坪蛪赫ゾ票换旌匣蛘叻謩e處理。Depending on the winemaker taste or the local habit, free run wine and press wine are blended or treated separately. 蘋果酸乳酸發(fā)酵Malolactic fermentation 蘋果酸乳酸發(fā)酵是酒中的蘋果酸轉(zhuǎn)變成乳酸和二氧化碳的過程。這一發(fā)酵使新(生)葡萄酒的酸澀、粗糙等特點消失,而變得柔軟。It is the process during which the malic acid of wine changes into lactic acid and carbonic gas under the action of bacteria living in the wine. Malic acid is harsh, it is changed into lactic acid supple and stable. 這一發(fā)酵在18-20C條件下持續(xù)幾個星期。This fermentation is obtained in a tank during a few weeks at a temperature between 18 and 20C. 葡萄酒的穩(wěn)定Stabilization 葡萄酒釀造過程結(jié)束了但是酒還釀成。為了讓葡萄酒能陳釀和發(fā)展,必須再經(jīng)過澄清處理。之后這個飲料被放入橡木桶穩(wěn)定處理。The wine making process is finished but the wine is not. To be able to age and to improve the wine must be clarified again. After that the beverage will be put in oak casks where it will stabilize. 紅葡萄酒的多樣性體現(xiàn)在它能跟任何類型的食物搭配。但是你據(jù)不能推斷所有的酒的口味都一樣。The diversity of red wine is such that it can match any type of food. But you must absolutely not conclude from this that all red wines taste the same. 白葡萄酒的釀造White wine making 白葡萄酒不是白色的,實際上是黃色的。這樣的表達(dá)已經(jīng)非常普遍,人們以說道黃色的葡萄酒酒用白葡萄酒來表達(dá)。White wine is not really white but, in fact yellow. But the expression being universal one says of a yellow wine that it is white.釀造白葡萄酒比釀造白葡萄酒更精巧一些。Vinification of white wine is more delicate than vinification of red wine. 有兩種方法釀造白葡萄酒:Two methods coexist to make white wine: 第一種房方法用白葡萄(其實是綠色、黃綠色、金黃色或者粉黃色)。這種方法白葡萄酒是白葡萄汁發(fā)酵的產(chǎn)品。1. The first one is to use white grape ( which is in fact green, greenish yellow, golden yellow or pinkish yellow!). That way the white wine is the result of the fermentation of the juice of white grapes juice only.第二種方法比較復(fù)雜。是用出去要盡量減少接觸的皮和核的紅葡萄汁發(fā)酵,因為皮和核中含有色素??梢杂眠@種方法來釀造白葡萄酒,但是很少用。2. The second method is more complex. One uses the juice of red grape-variety cleared of it skin and pips, with which it must absolutely not get in contact as they contain the coloring substances. It is possible to get white wine that way but it is seldom done.時間緊迫:Time is counted : 原料運(yùn)到發(fā)酵站后,葡萄馬上被帶梗破碎。葡萄汁(自流汁)被導(dǎo)入發(fā)酵罐中。剩下的葡萄被盡快壓榨。空氣是白葡萄酒的大敵,因為與空氣接觸會使葡萄酒氧化變色。壓榨汁再加到自流汁中。Immediately after their arrival in the cellar, the grapes are crushed but not destemed. The juice (free run must) is sent to settle in containers. The rest of the grapes is pressed as quickly as possible. Air is the enemy of white wine. At its contact the wine oxidizes or becomes colored. The must from pressing is added to the free run must. 葡萄汁的準(zhǔn)備Preparation of the must : 靜止六到十二個小時后葡萄汁中的雜質(zhì)和汁分離漂浮在汁表面。可以通過分離出去雜質(zhì)。葡萄汁準(zhǔn)備好可以被澄清處理了。澄清汁被導(dǎo)入其他容器等待發(fā)酵。After six to twelve hours the particles and impurity of the grape separate from the must and float on the surface. They are removed by the raking of must. The must is ready to be clarified. The clarified juice is poured in a tank, ready to ferment. 酒精發(fā)酵Alcoholic fermentation : 白葡萄酒只是葡萄汁發(fā)酵的產(chǎn)物。White wine results of the fermentation of must only.沒有固體物質(zhì)(果梗、果皮、果核)參與。No solid (stem, skin, pips) intervenes. 發(fā)酵溫度控制十分關(guān)鍵。最好是保持在18 C左右。釀酒師通常給汁降溫讓酵母菌正確工作。The control of the temperature is essential. It has to be maintained around 18 C. The winemaker regularly cools the must to allow the yeast to work correctly.發(fā)酵過程持續(xù)兩到三個星期。釀酒師每天都會注意發(fā)酵的進(jìn)展。The fermentation goes on for two to three weeks. The winemaker daily checks the evolution of the process. 當(dāng)酒精發(fā)酵結(jié)束后,跟紅葡萄酒一樣,白葡萄酒被放入木桶中陳釀之后裝瓶。When fermentation is over, the wine is put in cask and raked, just like a red wine then it is bottled. 釀酒師經(jīng)常選用橡木桶,它能夠給葡萄酒提供需要的橡木單寧。但是也不僅僅是這樣,單寧是陳釀的主要物質(zhì)。這就是為什么白葡萄酒在木桶中陳釀時間不像紅葡萄酒那樣長的原因。Winemakers often choose oak casks which gives the wine the tannin it needs. But it will not be sufficient, tannin is the essential element for aging. It is why white wine does not keep as long as red wine. 另一方面白葡萄酒有各種各樣的口感:超干、干、半干、圓潤的、甜的、汽酒、氣泡葡萄酒、馬德拉化的On the other hand white wines present a larger variety of tastes: very dry, dry, semi-dry, mellow, syrupy, petillant, sparkling, madeirized 白葡萄酒可以在很多場合飲用:餐前、餐中或者餐后、甚至是平時.White wine can be drunk on any occasion: before, with or after a meal, and even between meals. 白葡萄酒通常被認(rèn)為是開胃酒,有時也用作餐后酒。很多人喜歡在炎熱的夏天喝白葡萄酒。白葡萄酒的清爽提神作用是出了名的。White wines are often considered as aperitif wines, sometimes as desert wines. Many people like to drink white wine in hot weather. Its refreshing qualities are very well known. Ros wine making 桃紅葡萄酒總的來說桃紅葡萄酒不是紅葡萄酒和白葡萄酒混合而成的。(桃紅的香檳是一個例外)First of all Ros wine is not a blending of red and white wine (abstraction made of the exceptional case of Champagne Ros). 桃紅葡萄酒由紅葡萄釀造,今年來很多釀酒師在紅葡萄中混入一定量的白葡萄。Ros wine is made from red grape-varieties. And, nowadays, many winemakers mix a certain amount of white grapes with the red. 桃紅葡萄酒的釀造是非常精細(xì)的。這也是為什么葡萄酒愛好者有時對桃紅酒感到失望的原因。值得一提的是歐洲的桃紅酒是干型的,美州的是甜型的類似白葡萄酒。The elaboration of ros wine is delicate. It


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