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網(wǎng)絡文檔便捷服務、腳本、軟件定制,提供各類文檔批量下載、上傳、處理、腳本和軟件定制。另有百度積分財富值贈送,相關營銷工具以及論文代查代檢服務選校網(wǎng) 高考頻道 專業(yè)大全 歷年分數(shù)線 上萬張大學圖片 大學視頻 院校庫2011年高考新教材高三英語詞匯專項復習題一1. W_(星期三) is the fourth day of the week.2. Id like to write him a letter, but I dont know his a_(地址).3. In that shop are sold clothes in d_(不同的)sizes, colours and styles.4. He made a few mistakes in g_(語法) in his composition.5. What are you q_(爭吵) about with each other.6. In summer, a sudden change in t_(溫度) could bring rain.7. A lot of Chinese r_(飯店) sprung up abroad because more and more foreigners have come to love Chinese food.8. Most shops are open every day Sunday I_(包括).9. The s_(燦爛的) jewels are glowing in the shop window.10. You must pay more attention to your p_(發(fā)音), otherwise youll make yourself misunderstood when you speak English.二1. I didnt r_(認出)him until he took off his dark glasses.2. My parents went out last night and I stayed at home a_(獨自一人).3. he drives much f_(快)than he did three years ago.4. It is important to understand and r_(尊敬) each other among different nations.5. Congratulations on your p_(通過)the college entrance exams.6. The story happened in a m_(山)village.7. John kept quiet about the a_(事故)so as to not to be fired by the boss.8. The train started g_(起動) when I got to the station.9. With the rapid d_(發(fā)展)of foreign trade, more people are learning foreign languages.10. I think reading English newspaper is a good way of I_(改進)your English.三1. The milkman leaves us a big b_(瓶)of milk.2. The p_(答應)that the roof should be repaired within two days.3. Anybody can see the i_(重要性)of good health.4. You cant p_(可能地)run a mile in two minutes.5. The gold ring is kept in a s_(秘密的)hiding place, known only to her husband.6. There was only a large apple h_(收成)this year.7. You can get a doctor here to o_(做手術)on her.8. Have you been taking much m_(藥).9. There are many words that have more than one p_(發(fā)音).10. The job demands someone with a college e_(教育).四1. Is the Spring Festival in F_(二月).2. Usually children are c_(好奇的)about everything they see and meet.3. Different c_(慶祝活動)will be held on National Day.4. The old mother felt particularly excited when she r_(認出)her suns voice through the telephone.5. What a w_(煩惱) time the peasants had when saw their crops were flooded with water.6. Do you know how the Four Great Inventions were i_(轉人,介紹)into Europe from China.7. Hardly had the thief s_(奪,搶)the handbag out of the ladys hand when he was caught by a young man passing by.8. Little Tom ran s_(徑直地)to his mother as soon as she appeared in the door way.9. Are you well p_(準備)for the entrance examination?10. Jenny succeeded at last in p_(勸說)her parents to allow her out for work.五1. Jane was lucky that she was just s_(輕微)hurt in the accident.2. The ant is not c_(采集)this food for itself alone.3. She was a m_(模范)worker in the factory.4. My brother wants to be a p_(物理學家)when he grows up.5. When she heard that the tickets had been sold out, she was d_(失望).6. He has still kept the fine q_(品質)of a worker.7. Our teacher has o_(組織)a class trip to the West Lake.8. The teacher wanted the students to finish their c_(作文)within two hours.9. It was the captain who save all the p_(乘客)on the ship.10. After the t_( 治療 ), he felt better.六1. To my a_(吃驚)and anger, I found her lying to me.2. Not all the people know the importance of controlling the g_(增長)of population.3. Some students find it difficult to remember the changes of the i_(不規(guī)則)verbs4. They re planning a grand c_(慶?;顒?on Teachers Day.5. He stopped his car to m_(確保)sure whether something had gone wrong6. Bamboo is light because of its h_(空 ) stem.7. After his e_(解釋),I came to know why he was late for class.8. Can you i_(想象)they have been married for 60 years?9. Wood is becoming s_(緊缺)in the country and a new material must be found to replace it.10. Germany, France , England and so on are E_(歐洲)countries.七1. T_ is the third day of the week.2. Its going to rain. Youd better take an u_ with you.3. He never tells lies; he is an h_ boy.4. English is her mother t_.5. Dont tie the two piles of wood together, tie them up s_.6. I like both c_ and physics.7. Please give him a m_ to say that I will be late.8. Quality is more important than q_.9. The government a_ that they would go to war against the enemy.10. The tailor m_ Harry for a new jacket yesterday.八1. The price r_ fast in 19932. Im always n_ when I have to make a speech.3. We must o_ the rules of our school.4. Taiwan is the largest i_ in China.5. We tried to p_ him, but he wouldnt listen to us.6. The earth id one of the suns p_.7. Youve grown so tall that I didnt r_ you.8. She is too fat, she must r_ her weight.9. The car went out of c_ and hit a wall.10. It is important to spread k_.九1. What kind of v_(蔬菜) do you have for supper?2. The m_(醫(yī)療) team was made up of four doctors and five nurses.3. Einstein explained that she brought him a cake and he did the a_(算術) homework for her.4. Its d_(危險) to swim here.5. After g_(畢業(yè)) I went to the front to serve in the army.6. We must do what we can to improve the living c_(條件) of the people.7. As the storm drew near, black clouds were g_(聚集) over the sky.8. The word ”crazy” in that sentence p_(大概) means mad.9. Before the i_(發(fā)明) of the gunpowder, men fought with bows and arrows.10. She was well known as an e_(出色) dancer.十1. Youll started to learn a_(高等) mathematics when you go to college.2. The boy is interested in b_(生物), isnt he?3. Lucy is said to be a girl of a firm c_(性格).4. We should e_(鼓勵) a student when he meets with difficulties.5. She got up and drew the c_(窗簾) aside.6. Whats your f_ sport? - Football, of course.7. The party cares for us y_, as we all know.8. December is the t_ month of the year.9. Without quantity there can be no q_. Is that so?10. The students saw lots of works of art at the e_.十一1. Susans m_ to John Smith was not welcomed by his family.2. Being kind and knowledgeable, the new teacher soon became p_ among the students.3. As I entered late, he looked at me kindly without s_ me.4. The two men lived s_ from each other.5. Sports and games help to build up our bodies and c_ as well.6. A_ is a continent which is the coldest and the most difficult to reach.7. Mary tried to p_ her father to give up smoking, but she failed.8. Plastics and rubber give off p_ gases when they are burned.9. You cant leave here without p_.10. Her income is d_ what she had five years ago.十二1 An e_ is a large four-footed animal now living, with great tusks and a long trunk.2 This medicine is p_ if taken in large quantities.3 His beautiful home was the result of many years of l_.4 The teacher told the boys to c_ all the waste paper lying about and burn it.5 Mother is in the h_ of getting up early.6 The doctor said, “Sleep is necessary to h_.”7 Surely you l_ the door? I would be surprised if you hadnt.8 My hometown is s_ from the city by a river.9 Youve added too much w_ to the mixture.11. We must p_ more food for ourselves and import less.十三1 Being c_, he is always making mistakes.2 I dont think this medicine can cure your i_.3 Ill get someone to p_ my door yellow.4 A big car is too e_, and a small car may look too cheap.5 Is she losing weight? She looks a lot t_.6 The enemy plane was shot down the moment it a_.7 Thoughts are e_ by means of words.8 To my surprise, he got me a t_ for tonights show.9 He spoke English so well that I look it for g_ that he was an American.11. When did Marie Curie and her husband get radium?In the t_ century.十四1 “S_ me your tongue, please.” The doctor said.2 They were good friends and never q_ with each other.3 The students listened to the teacher c_, and tried to remember everything.4 We shouldnt judge a stranger by the clothes he w_.5 Xiao Hua made such rapid p_ that she passed the exam.6 Scientists are working hard to turn these ideas into r_.7 The w_ doctors were warmly praised on March 8th.8 She is too shy to sing in p_.9 I had no trouble in solving this p_.10 Well make a j_ to London in the summer holiday next year.十五 1. That summer the doctor changed the brace for a s_(特殊) heavy shoes.2. It is important for us to understand the course of its d_(發(fā)展).3. The workers are carrying p_(包裹)at the station.4. They refused to r_(承認) the government.5. You cant see the stars in the d_(白天).6. Ive c_(收集) three hundred Chinese stamps.7. Mr Brown patted the bay a_(慈愛) on the head.8. Go ahead with your c_(音樂會).9. However, his k_(知識) of French remained very week.10. She couldnt go to school before l_(解放).十六1. Physics may seem terribly dry and complicated at times, but a good teacher can make it i_ and simple.2. No one likes to talk to him, because he often speaks with an air of i_.3. . The old lady w_ why the boy made fun of her.4. No p_ has been given for anybody to enter the building.5. She said c_ to me when she heard I had got the full marks for English.6. He is the sort of man who draws a c_ without much thinking.7. When building m_ cost more, the price of houses increases.8. A_ there are four types of blood as far as I know.9. It is d_ to skate on such thin ice.10. The d_ from here to the town is mush the same by either of the roads.十七1. We should show no _(憐憫)to the enemies of the people.2. The Great October Socialist Revolution _(標志著)the beginning of a new era in human history.3. He not only made a _(允諾)but also he kept it.4. _(成百萬) of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun.5. The answers are _(令人滿意).6. This Swede _(欽佩Napoleon so much that he wanted to join the French army and fight for him.7. The brain needs a _不間斷supply of blood.8. Asia is separated from America by the _(太平洋).9. He said he felt _(惡心).10. We are _(主人of our country.十八1. They saw that enemy e_(逃跑)in disorder.2. Youd better take more e_(鍛煉).3. There are a lot of v_(珍貴)books in the library.4. He devoted his w_(全部)energy to the task.5. He d_(宣稱that his statement was true.6. The f_(力量)of gravity makes things fall.7. The judge and the two men were s_(滿意)with what the Arab had said.8. The f_(打架)between the naughty boys was stopped.9. U_(直到)he told me, I knew nothing about it.10. It is a g_(真的)pleasure to meet you.十九1. It is also bad manners to keep s_(沉默 ) when the teacher asks you a question.2. He m_(說服 ) give up smoking.3. The steam engine was i_(發(fā)明 ) by Walt.4. She didnt i_( 打擾) other people when they are talking.5. They are not r_(確實 ) true.6. The water in the wet clothes is being turned into v_(水蒸氣)and they get drier and drier.7. May it t_(麻煩 ) you to explain the following passage?8. The soldiers are at w_(戰(zhàn)爭 ) .9. I know its m_( 肉 ) but I cant tell whether its pork or beef.10. You must c_(挑選 ) your friend carefully.二十1. Do you know something about Lugouqiao I_( 事件 ) ?2. As we know, he is a r_( 真正 ) communist.3. She is said to have been very b_( 漂亮 ) in her youth.4. I w_( 祝 ) you a pleasant journey.5. In the classroom some children are learning to d_( 畫 ) a picture.6. They will e_( 配備 ) the workshop with new machine.7. My brother often comes to see me e_( 尤其 )when he is free.8. He fought bravely in many battles and g_( 贏得 ) their respect.9. He wrote one of his great w_( 著作 ) , “The Civil War in France”.10. She started working hard to i_( 提高 )her English.二十一.1. The Australian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to anther in order to put down the r_.2. Chairman Mao was more than a statesman, he was also a p_, who could write wonderful poems.3. He didnt have his breakfast and he felt a sharp pain in his s_.4. John D. Rockefeller was a m_, who had a lot of money. 5. Where is Mother? -She is in an u_ room.6. Can you s_ me a few minutes?7. The students really enjoyed themselves very much in their p_ education class when they can play basketball.8. Last month his father bought an e_ camera from Japan.9. The doctor first took his t_ and then said that he had a slight fever.10. He caught me i_ he saw me in the street yesterday. 二十二.1. He is feeling much better today, but cant go to school because of his w_.2. After he heard the news that his class team had lost in the game, his d_ was great.3. The leader o_ did not realize the problem and did nothing with it.4. There is a great i_ in his spoken English because he has done a lot of practice in it.5. It is sometimes necessary for parents to p_ their children when they do something wrong.6. He left secretly and everyone thought his d_ was very strange.7. C_ was the cause of the traffic accident.8. The classroom was silent, e_ for the scratching of pens and paper.9. The rules were s_ designed to protect wild animals.10. The young man was r_ by everyone for his bravery.二十三.1. There are many words that have more than one p_( 發(fā)音 ).2. He wondered whether it would be p_( 適當 )to knock at the door of her room.3. These papers were secret and were not p_ ( 公布 )until 1887.4. The electric wires are p_ ( 保護 ) by a rubber covering.5. Somebody ought to p_( 懲罰 )the thief and teach him a lesson.6. At that time food was scarce and of poor q_( 質量 ).7. Mathematics is the science of pure q_( 數(shù)量 ).8. My real q_( 爭議 )with him in the way he treats his students.9. The school promised r_( 迅速 ) results in the learning of languages.10. You are not very r_( 合乎情理 ) if you expect a child to understand such a deep theory.二十四.1. His f_ newspaper was the Times. He likes it very much.2. You are f_ in being able to live in the country. I think you are very happy.3. They were poor and f_ in debt.4. In g_ lessons we learn about all kind of countries and their people.5. He used the power to i_ his belief on others.6. Radioactivity is very important part of modern science, medicine and i_.7. The discovery of radium was a very important part of the scientific k_ of the modern world.8. Our holidays are l_ to weeks a year.9. When people are very ill, they are often fed with l_ food like milk.10. The m_ of doctors believe that smoking is harmful to health.二十五 It is p_ that I might be of some use in that part of work. Being out of work causes p_. I dont think that it would be of much p_ value to either of us. Everyone is singing your p_(贊揚). He did too little p_ for his examination. I am not going to buy a house at the p_ high price. Food is broken up in the mouth by the p_ of the teeth. All she said to comfort and make me brave had p_ its effect. Last nights p_ was a great success. Officials of both sides reported that no p_ had been made on the talks.二十六.1. This is _(特別) important in written English.2. Just be _(耐心) a while. These things take time.3. Can we _(說服) her out of her foolish plans. 4. He was a _(先驅) in modern medical practice.5. _(塑料) are used in many modern articles instead of wood, metal and so on.6. Some plants have _(有毒的) roots and fruit.7. He left his own country for _(政治的) reason.8. If you change the _( 位置) of the chair around the table, there will be more room.9. Freds good nature makes him the most _(受歡迎的) boy in the school.10. The _(人口) of the city rose by 20%.二十七1. You should give the students a c_ feeling of success. You should often encourage them.2. When ice forms on the bridge, c_ work has to be stopped.3. He was always able to make c_ decisions.4. He was c_ to know what was happening in the office.5. What was the latest d_ in medicine?6. There is not really much d_ in their points of view.7. Police, in white jackets, were d_ the flow of traffic.8. We tried to d_ him from climbing the mountain without a guide.9. I have something of great importance to d_ with you.10. They become e_ at catching the talks.二十八1. The earth, on which we live, is made up of seven c_ and four oceans.2. Your explanation is far from s_, I think.3. The ladies who are m_ the cloth are weavers.4. The p_ of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.5. The murderer was caught and later s_ to death.6. When I asked the shop a_ to show me that dress, she made no answer.7. You must make an a_ to her for your not goi
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