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1、一動詞be(is,am,are)的用法:說明身份,年齡,狀態(tài)等。口訣:我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟著他(he),她(she),它(it)。單數(shù)名詞用is,復數(shù)名詞全用are。變否定,更容易,be后not加上去。變疑問,往前提,句末問號莫丟棄。還有一條須注意,句首大寫莫忘記。be動詞的用法:be動詞包括“am”, “is”, “are”三種形式。第一人稱單數(shù)(I)配合am來用。 句型解析析:I am+I am a student. I am a boy.第二人稱(You)配合are使用。句型解析:You are+ You are my good friend. You are

2、a good person.第三人稱單數(shù)(He or She or It)配合is使用。句型解析:She(He, It) is + She is a good girl. She is so cute.人稱復數(shù) (we /you/they)配合are使用。句型解析:We (You, They) are + We are in Class 5,Grade 7. You are good students.注意:1 綜合解析當使用be動詞的時候,前面請先加上第幾人稱。be動詞前面的人稱,是不可隨意替換的。例如:I am, You are, She is,并不會出現(xiàn)I is, You am, She

3、 are 這樣的情形。2 當只有第一人稱和第二人稱或第三人稱時應該把第二人稱或第三人稱放在前例如:you and I, Tom and I 當?shù)诙朔Q和第三人稱放在一起時把第二人稱放在前面,例如:you and Tom 當三者都有時,排序為:2 3 1例如you, Tom and I練習:1. Where _ Ann . She _ here. 2. How old _ you . I _ thirteen. 3. _ you Mr Read . Yes, I _. 4. What _ your name. My name _ Ann二 情態(tài)動詞Can 1 can作“能、會”解,否定式是can

4、not,縮寫為cant。 “can+動詞原形” “cant+動詞原形” :表示某人能做或不能做某事Can 是情態(tài)動詞,沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化。Can 表示的”能力”為現(xiàn)在的能力,而不是過去或?qū)淼哪芰Α?). for ability表示能力。例如: Can you write in English? Yes, I can. I can run fast,can you? 2). indicating acquired knowledge or skill表示獲得的知識或技能。例如: Can she speak Japanese? No, she cant.她會說日語嗎?不,她不會。 3). ind

5、icating permission表示許可。例如: Can I read your newspaper?我能看看你的報紙嗎? Can I take you home?我送你回家行嗎? We cant wear jeans at work.我們上班時不準穿牛仔褲。 4). indicating requests表示要求。例如: Can you help me with this box?你能幫我弄這個箱子嗎? Can you feed the cat?你喂喂貓好嗎? 5). indicating possibly表示可能性。例如: That cant be Maryshes in hospit

6、al.那不可能是瑪麗她住院了。 He cant have slept through all that noise.那么吵他不可能睡得著覺。 Theres someone outsidewho can it be?外面有人會是誰呢? 6). used to make suggestions用以提出建議。例如: We can eat in a restaurant, if you like.你愿意的話,咱們可以在飯館吃飯。 I can take the car if necessary.必要時我可以開車去。三 情態(tài)動詞Would 1 Would是will的過去式,可用于各人稱,表示過去時間的意志

7、、愿望和 決心等。如:I told peter that I would go along wit him.我告訴彼得我要跟他一塊去。2 would用來表示現(xiàn)在時間時時,不論是表達說話人本身的意志或向?qū)Ψ教岢稣埱螅^will婉轉(zhuǎn)。如:Would you like to have a glass of wine? 你要喝杯酒嗎?Would you please tell me the way to the nearest bus-stop? 注在日常會話中,I would like to和I should like to都可以說,I would like的簡略式為Id like。如:yes,

8、Id like to. Yes, Id love to Yes, very much. Sorry, ai already have an appointment. 3 Would還可以表示過去習慣發(fā)生的動作I found that retired persons would often go to the park to play chess.我發(fā)現(xiàn)退休的人經(jīng)常到公園里下棋。When he had a problem to solve,he would work at it until he found an answer.當他有個問題要解決時,他總是想辦法一直到找到答案為止。練習:1 -C

9、an you speak Japanese? -No, I_.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not2 The children_ play football on the road.A. cant B. can C. mustnt D. must3 -Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday?A. Here you are B. Sorry, I cant C. Yes, please D. Let me try4 Excuse me. _ you please pass me that c

10、up?A. Do B. Should C. Would D. Must5 _ you like to have another try?A. Could B. Will C. Would D. Do6 -Would you like to go boating with us? -Yes, _.A. Id like B. I want C. Id like to D. I do四 “there be”句型There be句型主要用以表達“某處(某時)有某人(某物)?!逼浠窘Y構為“There be某物(某人)某地(某時)”其中there是引導詞,沒有詞義;主語是be后面的名詞, be是謂語動詞

11、,在一般現(xiàn)在時中be只用is和are兩種形式。There be句型中的be動詞如何確定呢?請先看看下面這首歌訣:Be動詞,有三個,am,is還有are。“There be”真特別,不留am只留倆,那就是is還有are。要用is還是are,須看其后的名詞是單數(shù)還是復數(shù)。若是單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞用is,否則就用are。如:There is a tree behind the house.There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).There are some pears in the box.(3)注意:如果“be”后的主語是由and連接的兩個或兩個以上的名詞,那么

12、be的形式要遵循“遠親不如近鄰”的原則。也就是說,“be”的形式是由與它最近的那個名詞來確定的。若那個名詞是單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞要用is,是復數(shù)就用are。如:There is a book and some pens on the floor.There are some pens and a book on the floor.肯定句:there is an apple on the table否定句:there isnt an apple on the table.一般疑問句: Is there an apple on the table? 回答:yes, there is. / No, t

13、here isnt特殊疑問句:what is there on the table.1. 定義:There be句型表示某處存在某物或某人。2. 結構:(1) There is +單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞/不可數(shù)名詞+ 地點狀語.(2) There are +復數(shù)名詞+地點狀語.there是引導詞,在句中不充當任何成分,翻譯時也不必譯出。句子的主語是某人或某物,謂語動詞be要與主語(某人或某物)的數(shù)保持一致。當主語是兩個或兩個以上的名詞時,謂語動詞要與跟它最近的那個名詞一致。 There is a bird in the tree. 樹上有一只鳥。 There is a teacher and many

14、students in our classroom.我們教室里有一位老師和許多學生。 There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 樹下有兩個男孩,一個女孩。3.There be句型與have的區(qū)別:(1) There be 句型和have都表示“有”的含義。區(qū)別如下:There be表示“某處存在某物或某人”;have表示“某人擁有某物/某人”,它表示所有、擁有關系。 eg.He has two sons. 他有兩個兒子。There are two men in the office. 辦公室里有兩個男人。(2)當have表示“包括”、“存在”的

15、含義時,There be 句型與其可互換。A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week.一個星期有七天。4 變臉一:否定句There be句型的否定式的構成和含有be動詞的其它句型一樣,在be后加上not或no即可。注意not和no的不同:not是副詞,no為形容詞,not a/an/any + n. 相當于no+ n.。例如:There are some pictures on the wall. There arent any pictures on the wall. =There are no pictures on th

16、e wall.There is a bike behind the tree. There isnt a bike behind the tree.=There is no bike behind the tree.5 變臉二:一般疑問句There be句型的一般疑問句變化是把be動詞調(diào)整到句首,再在句尾加上問號即可,此為調(diào)整法。但同時要注意:當肯定句中有some時,要將其改為any(否定變化也一樣)??纯聪旅鎯删涫侨绾胃念^換面的吧:There is some water on Mars. Is there any water on Mars?There are some fish in th

17、e water. Are there any fish in the water?6 變臉三:特殊疑問句There be句型的特殊疑問句形式有以下三種變化: 對主語提問:當主語是人時,用Whos+介詞短語?;當主語是物時,用Whats + 介詞短語?。注意:無論原句的主語是單數(shù)還是復數(shù),對之提問時一般都用be的單數(shù)形式(回答時卻要根據(jù)實際情況來決定)。如:There are many things over there. Whats over there?There is a little girl in the room.Who is in the room? 對地點狀語提問:提問地點當然用

18、Where is / are+主語?啦!例如:There is a computer on the desk. Where is the computer?There are four children on the playground. Where are the four children? 對數(shù)量提問:一般有兩種句型結構:How many+復數(shù)名詞+are there+介詞短語?How much+不可數(shù)名詞+is there+介詞短語?練習:五 “have got”六 序數(shù)詞七 一般現(xiàn)在時一般現(xiàn)在時:1) 它表示經(jīng)常性、習慣性的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。e.g. I go to school

19、on foot. He is very busy now. 2)表示主語的特征、性格、能力、愛好等。e.g. He can swim. I work hard. I like watching TV. 3)表示客觀真理,表示格言或警句中e.g. There are seven days in a week. The moon moves round the earth. 一 其結構按正常語序,即“主語+謂語+其它”,有時為了起強調(diào)作用,時間狀語也可提前.二 其句式變化可分為兩種情況 1)表示動作, 一般人稱作主語的,變否定句須在動詞前加助動詞dont;變一般疑問句須在句首加助動詞do。 The

20、y have lunch at 12:00. They dont have lunch at 12:00. Do they have lunch at 12:00?2)單三人稱做主語的,變否定句須在動詞前加助動詞doesnt;變一般疑問句須在句首加助動詞does。Jenny speaks English very well. Jenny doesnt speak English very well. Does Jenny speak English very well? 含有be動詞的要在be上做變化. E.g. Danny is a good student. Danny isnt a go

21、od student. Is Danny a good student?三 其時間狀語為often、 usually、 always、 sometimes等頻率副詞,on Saturdays、 in the morning(afternoon evening) 、every day 等。 做題時常見錯誤如下:一、be動詞與行為動詞同時出現(xiàn)在句子中例:We are plant (plant) the trees in spring.解析:學生往往會用漢語的思維方式去翻譯,就成了“我們是在春天植樹”。這是學習英語最忌諱的,要看語法是不是正確,在英語中,be是表狀態(tài),do是表動作,兩種動詞不能同時出

22、現(xiàn)在句子中,可記住如下口訣:“英漢語言有差異,be 、do不能放一起,仔細琢磨細分析,語法千萬要牢記?!倍稳朔Q形式易出錯例:1 He plaies (play) football very well.2 Danny gos (go) to school at 7:10. 答案:1 plays 2 goes 解析:1以輔音字母加y結尾的動詞變單三人稱形式才能把y換成i再加es;2與名詞變復數(shù)不同,變單三人稱形式以o結尾的詞要加es.三、在句式變換時易出錯例:1 Does Jenny has (has) a good friend?2 Brian doesnt lives (not live

23、) in China. 答案:1 Does have 2 doesnt live 解析:單三人稱做主語的一般現(xiàn)在時做句式變化時,可記住如下口訣:“見助動,用原形”。此口訣也可推廣用于一般過去時態(tài)中。e.g. He didnt go home yesterday.四、對do的理解易出錯例:We dont (not do) our homework in the afternoon. 答案:dont do解析:do是一個比較難理解的詞,它有三個含義: a)是所有行為動詞的總稱;b)是助動詞,無實義;c)是一個具體的行為動詞“做,干”。此句中給出的do指“做,干”,not指把此句變?yōu)榉穸ň?,故須在d

24、o前加助動詞dont。五、對主語的數(shù)判斷有誤例: Li Ming with me are (be) in Beijing. 答案: is 解析:表面一看是“我和李明兩個人在北京”,但with在此做伴隨狀語,不能做主語,故用is.另外,賓語從句中,從句部分若是表示客觀真理,不管主句是何時態(tài),從句都要用一般現(xiàn)在時;在時間和條件狀語從句中,主句表將來,從句要用一般現(xiàn)在時。練習:1 Jenny _ in an office. Her parents _in a hospital.A work works B works work C work are working D is working work

25、2 One of the boys_ a black hat.A have B there is C there are D has3 We will go shopping if it_ tomorrow.A dont rain Bdidnt rain Cdoesnt rain Disnt rain 4 He said the sun _in the east and _in the west.A rose; set B rises; sets C rises, set D rise; sets5 Wang Mei _ music and often _ to music.A like; l

26、isten B likes; listens C like; are listening D liking ; listen6 Jenny_ English every evening.A has study B studies C study D studied答案:1 B 2D 3C 4B 5B 6B1 I can take Li Ming there when he _ ( come) to visit.2 _your sister_(know)English?3Her home_ _ _(遠離 )her school.4The pot_(not look) like yours ver

27、y much.5 Where _you_(have)lunch every day?6 Who_(想要 )to go swimming?7 _she_(do) the housework every day?8 Jenny and Danny usually_(play) games in the afternoon .答案:1 comes 2 Does know 3 is away from 4 doesnt look 5 do have 6 wants 7 does do 8 play補充知識點:一this,that和it用法(1)this和that是指示代詞,it是人稱代詞。(2)距離說

28、話人近的人或物用this, 距離說話人遠的人或物用that。如:This is a flower. 這是一朵花。(近處)That is a tree. 那是一棵樹。(遠處)(3)放在一起的兩樣東西,先說this, 后說that。如:This is a pen. That is a pencil. 這是一支鋼筆。那是一支鉛筆。(4)向別人介紹某人時說This is, 不說That is。如:This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 這是海倫,海倫,這是湯姆。(5)This is 不能縮寫, 而That is可以縮寫。如:This is a bike. Thats a

29、car. 這是一輛自行車。那是一輛轎車。(6)打電話時,介紹自己用this, 詢問對方用that。如:Hello! Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小姐嗎?Yes, this is. Whos that? 是的,我是,你是誰?注意:雖然漢語中使用“我”和“你”,但英語中打電話時絕不可以說:I am, Are you?/Who are you?(7)在回答this或that作主語的疑問句時, 要用it代替this或that。如:Is this a notebook? 這是筆記本嗎? Yes, it is. 是的,它是。Whats that? 那是什么? Its a kite.

30、是只風箏。二 these和those用法this, that, these和those是指示代詞,these是this的復數(shù)形式,指時間,距離較近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的復數(shù)形式,指時間、距離較遠或前面已經(jīng)提到過的人或事物。This is my bed. That is Lilys bed. 這是我的床。那是莉莉的床。These pictures are good. 那些畫很好。 Are those apple trees? 那些是蘋果樹嗎?在回答主語是these或those的疑問句時,通常用they代替these或those以避免重復。Are these/those y

31、our apples? 這些(那些)是你的蘋果嗎?Yes, they are. 是的,他們是。三不定冠詞a和ana和an都是不定冠詞,表示一(個,支,本,塊)的意思,但不強調(diào)數(shù)量概念,而是強調(diào)類別,用來限定名詞。a用在輔音素開頭的單數(shù)名詞前,如:a pencil(一支鉛筆),a book(一本書);an用在元音音素開頭的名詞前,如an eraser(一塊橡皮)。如果名詞前有修飾語,用a還是用an,則以該修飾語的第一音素決定用a還是用an。如:a clock 一座鐘 an old clock 一座舊鐘 a book 一本書 an English book 一本英語書a nice apple 一個

32、可愛的蘋果 an apple 一個蘋果四 名詞s所有格名詞s所有格 單數(shù)名詞后直接加 “ s ”Jims coat 吉姆的外套 Jeffs mother杰夫的媽媽以s結尾的復數(shù)名詞,只加“”Teachers Day教師節(jié) the twins books雙胞胎的書不以s結尾的不規(guī)則的名詞復數(shù),加“ s ”Childrens Day 兒童節(jié) mens shoes男式鞋表示兩者共同擁有時,只在最后一個名詞后加s表示兩者各自擁有時,要在每個名詞后加sLucy and Lilys mother 露茜和莉莉的媽媽(共同的媽媽,一個媽媽)Lucys and Kates rooms 露茜和凱特的房間(各自的房

33、間,兩間房子)五like一詞的用法like用作及物動詞,譯為“喜歡”。(1)后接名詞或代詞,表示喜歡某人或某物。如:I like the baby very much. 我非常喜歡這個小孩。(2)后接動名詞(v. -ing),表示“喜歡做某事”,著重于習慣、愛好。如:Tom likes playing football. 湯姆喜歡踢足球。(3)后接動詞不定式(to do ),表示“偶爾地喜歡做某事”,著重于某次具體的行為。如:I like reading, but I like to watch TV this evening. 我喜歡讀書,但我今晚想看電視。六句子單數(shù)變復數(shù),注意以下五要素(

34、1)主格人稱代詞要變成相應的復數(shù)主格人稱代詞,即Iwe, youyou,she,he,it they。She is a girl. They are girls.(2)am,is要變?yōu)閍re。如:Im a student. We are students.(3)不定冠詞a,an要去掉。如:He is a boy. They are boys.(4)普通單數(shù)名詞要變?yōu)閺蛿?shù)形式。如:It is an apple. They are apples.(5)指示代詞this,that要變?yōu)閠hese,those。如:This is a box. These are boxes.七英語日期的表示法英語中月

35、份和星期名稱都是專有名詞,它們的首字母必須大寫,并且前面無需用冠詞。用英語表示日期,其順序為月+日+年,日和年之間需用逗號隔開。如:August 2nd,2003(2003年8月2日)。也可以用日+月+年來表示。如:10th May,2003(2003年5月10日)英語日期前介詞的使用:若指在哪一年或哪一月,則用介詞in,若具體到某一天,則需用介詞on。She was born in 1989 She was born in August. She was born in August 1989. She was born on 2nd August, 1989.八 時間的表達法(1) 直讀式

36、,即直接讀出時間數(shù)字7: 05 seven five 8:16 eight sixteen(2) 過、差式,即幾點差幾分,幾點過幾分。(以30分為分界線)1:25 twenty-five past one 2:30 half past two3:43 seventeen to four 4:38 twenty-two to five(3)12小時制6:00 a.m. 上午6點 8:20 p.m. 下午8點20分(4)24小時制13:00 13點鐘 22:15 22點15分(5)15分可用quarter4:15 a quarter past four 5:45 a quarter to six(6)時間前通常用at.at 5 oclock at 7:30 p.m.九 關于時間的問法(1)以when提問,“什么時候”可以是較長的時間段,也可以是較短的時間點When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么時候? My birthday is Dec. 29th. 我的生日是12月29日。這里就是指一天的時間段When do you go home? 你幾點回家? I go home at 4:30 p.m. 我下午4:30回家.這里when問的是具體的時間。(2)具體幾點我們通常用what time提問What time is it now? 現(xiàn)


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