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1、人教版八年級下冊英語第一單元重點短語與句型漢譯英專項練習1、突然司機看到一個老人躺在路邊。 The driver an old man on the side of the road.2、 靠近他的一位女士正在大喊救命。 A woman was help.3、 司機,24歲的王平,沒有多想就停下了公交車。The bus driver WangPing , the bus without . 4、 王先生知道他必須馬上行動。Mr wang knew he .5、 他期望大部分乘客下車并且等下一班公交車。He most of the passengers and the bus.6、 但是使他驚奇

2、的是,他們都同意和他一塊去。 But ,they all him。7、 有些乘客幫助王先生把老人抬到車上。Some passengers Mr wang the man onto the bus.8、 多虧了王先生,醫(yī)生及時挽救了老人的生命。 Mr Wang, the doctors the man .9、 司機沒有考慮自己,他只考慮挽救一條生命。 The driver didnt ,he only a life. 10、 據(jù)說許多乘客不想幫助別人因為他們不想惹麻煩。It is said many passengers dont want because they dont .11、 怎么了?

3、 ? 你怎么了? ? 12、 他是一個對爬山感興趣的美國人。He is an American who mountain .13、作為一個登山者,他習慣于冒險。 mountain ,he .14、這是關于做危險運動的令人興奮的事情之一 。This is the exciting about sports。15、 有許多次,阿倫因為(意外)事故幾乎失去生命。 many times when Aron his life accidents.16、 在2003年4月26日,在尤他州登山時他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在非常危險的處境。 April 26, 2003, he in a very dangerous sit

4、uation when in Utah.17、 在那天,當阿倫獨自登山時,他的手臂被壓在落在他身上的一塊360千克的巖石下。 that day, Arons arm was caught under that him when he was climbing in the mountains.18、 因為他的手臂不能自由活動,他在那兒待了五天,希望有人會發(fā)現(xiàn)他。Because he could not he there for five days and that someone would him.19、 但當他的水喝完了,他知道他將不得不采取措施 來挽救自己的生命了。 But when h

5、is water , he knew that he would do something 。20、他不愿那天就死去 。因此他用刀子切除了他的一半右臂。He wasnt that day. So he his knife to half his right arm. 21、 他用左臂給自己打上繃帶以至于他不會失去太多的血。 , he he wouldnt blood。22、在那之后,他爬下山去尋找?guī)椭?, he the mountain to 。23、 在他失去手臂之后,他寫了一本名為生死兩難的書。 After , he wrote a book Between a Rock and Har

6、d Place。24、它的意思是“處于一個你似乎無法擺脫的困 境之中”This being in a difficult situation that you cant seem to .25、在這本書中,阿倫講述了關于 做出明智抉擇和掌握自己生命的重要性。Aron the of , and of being ones life.26、 他對登山如此酷愛以至于即使這次經(jīng)歷之后他還繼續(xù)爬山。His mountain climbing is great he mountains even after this . 27、 我們有和阿倫一樣的勇氣嗎? Do we have spirit Aron?

7、28、在我們發(fā)現(xiàn)自己處于進退兩難的處境之前以及在我們不得不做出意味著生死抉擇之前,讓我們來想想 它。 it before we find “between a rock and a hard place”, and before we that could 。 29、他踢足球時候傷著了自己。 He hurt himself soccer。 必背詞組1. have/get a headache =headache hurts 頭痛2. have/get a stomachache= stomachache hurts 胃痛3. have/get a toothache = toothache h

8、urts 牙痛4. have/get a very sore throat = throat hurts a lot 喉嚨痛5. have/get a sore back = back hurts 背痛6. have/get a sore leg = leg hurts 腿痛(傷)7. have a fever 發(fā)燒8. have colds =have a cold 感冒9. have a nosebleed 流鼻血10. have a cough 咳嗽11. have a heart problem 心臟病12. have the same spirit as Aron和Aron 有一樣的

9、精神13. had a serious mountain climbing accident 遇到了嚴重的登山事故14. get into trouble 遇到麻煩15. get hit on the head 撞到了頭16. get out of. 從出來;遠離 lie down and rest 躺下休息17. rest for a few days 休息幾天18. have a rest = take a rest 進行休息19. have a break=take a break (短暫的)休息20. get some sleep 睡覺 21. get some rest 休息22.

10、Expect most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus 期待絕大多數(shù)或全部的乘客下車去等下一班車23. see a dentist and get an X-ray 去看牙醫(yī)并照片24. drink some hot tea with honey 喝加了蜜的熱茶25. take ones temperature 給某人量體溫26. take good care of myself好好照顧自己27. take the man to the hospital 把這個人送到醫(yī)院28. move the man

11、 to onto the bus 把這個人抬 有必要不沾計算機一段時間30. put some medicine on the cut 在傷口上敷藥31. put a bandage on the finger 把創(chuàng)可貼繃在手指上32. put your head back 把頭往后仰33. put on my jacket 穿上我的夾克34. move my neck 整個周末都玩電腦游戲36. stop the bus without thinking twice 沒有細想就停了車37. stop the blood 止血38. hurt yourself playing soccer在踢

12、足球時傷了你自己39. found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah 在猶他州爬山時發(fā)現(xiàn)自己處于非常危險的境地40. cut myself by accident 意外砍傷了我自己41. have to act quickly 必須趕快行動42. Mr. Wang and the passengers 多虧了王先生和乘客們43. saved the man time 及時救了這個人的命44. an American man who is interested in mountain climbing一個對爬山

13、感興趣的美國人45. one of the exciting things 刺激的事情之一46. almost lost his life accidents 因為事故幾乎失去了他的生命47. climbed the mountain 下山 48. the of making good decisions 做好決定的重要性49. be in of ones life 把握生命50. make a that could mean or 做出生死抉擇51. Aron of water.= Arons water ran out. Aron喝光了水52. ate too much junk food

14、 at my friends birthday party在朋友的生日party上吃了太多垃圾食品53. to ones surprise, 令某人吃驚的是54. agreed with him 同意和他一起去55. an old man 撞到一個老人56. right away 立刻,馬上57. right now 剛才58. fall down 倒下,摔倒59. it under water 用水沖60. of/about 講述61. still go mountain climbing 依然去爬山62. doesnt risks 不介意冒險63. give 放棄64. an all-yo

15、u-can-eat meal 所有東西都好吃的一餐65. run under the hot sun 在毒辣的太陽下跑66. be used to something 習慣于做必背句子1. the matter( with you)?=Whats ( with you)? 怎么了?2. should I do? 我應該做什么呢?/我該怎么辦呢?3. Should I my temperature? No, you shouldnt. /Yes, you should.我應該測量體溫嗎?不,你不應該。/是的,你應該測一測。4. Thats probably why. 也許那就是原因。 5. If

16、 your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.假如你的頭明天還痛,就去看醫(yī)生。6. At 9:00 a. m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man on the side of the road.昨天上午9點,26號車行進在中華路時,駕駛員看到一個老人躺在馬路邊。7. A woman him was shouting for . 他旁邊的一個女人正在聲呼救。8. Its sad that many pe

17、ople dont want to help others because they dont want any .許多人因為不想惹麻煩而不想幫助他人,這很令人傷心。9. But the driver didnt think about himself. He only a life.但是這個駕駛員不考慮自己,他只考慮挽救生命。10. As a mountain climber, Aron is to taking risks.作為一個登山者,Aron習慣于冒險。11. Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that on him when he

18、 was climbing in the mountains. Arons 的胳膊被壓在一塊360公斤的巖石下,那塊巖石是當他獨自一個爬山時掉到他身上的。12. Because he could not his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him.因為他的手臂無法動彈,他在那個呆了五天,希望有人會發(fā)現(xiàn)他。13. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something his own .但當他的水喝光的時候,他知道他不得不行動起來挽救自己的生命。14. So he used his knife to h


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