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1、.現(xiàn)在完成時精講和練習(xí)(附答案)一、現(xiàn)在完成時的六種常用情景: (一)表示過去發(fā)生或已經(jīng)完成的動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結(jié)果, 1、The car has arrived。 車子來了。(對現(xiàn)在結(jié)果的影響是:車子已在門口) 2、Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗戶打破了。(對現(xiàn)在結(jié)果的影響是:窗戶仍破著) 3、Its so dark。 Someone has turned off the light. 這里很黑,有人剛把燈關(guān)了。(對現(xiàn)在結(jié)果的影響是:現(xiàn)在很黑) 4、Are you free? I have finished my homework. I am fr

2、ee. 你有空嗎?我已經(jīng)做完了家庭作業(yè)。我有空。(我已經(jīng)完成了家庭作業(yè),對現(xiàn)在影響是:很有空)。 (二)表示過去已經(jīng)開始,一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作或狀態(tài)。一般會和表示從過去某一時刻延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在(包括“現(xiàn)在”在內(nèi))的一段時間的狀語連用。 如for+時間段、since+過去的時間點(diǎn)、疑問詞how long等。這時表示持續(xù)動作或狀態(tài)的動詞必須是延續(xù)性動詞。1、My uncle has worked at this factory for five years。 我叔叔在這個工廠工作已經(jīng)五年了。 2、Mr. Black has lived in China since 2002。 自從2002年Mr. Bl

3、ack 一直住在中國。 3、How long have you been here? 你來這里多久了? 4、I have learnt English for more than ten years。 我已經(jīng)學(xué)了10多年的英語。(從10年前開始,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在) 5、She has swum since half an hour ago。 我已經(jīng)游泳了半個小時。(半個小時前開始,到現(xiàn)在還在游) (三)經(jīng)驗(yàn)性用法:表示從過去開始到目前為止這段時間中反復(fù)發(fā)生的動作或多次出現(xiàn)的狀態(tài)。常與頻度副詞如often、always、every week、twice(三次、n次)等連用。 1、I have been

4、 to the Summer Palace twice。 我曾經(jīng)去過頤和園兩次。 2、He has always said so。 他總是這么說. (四)表示人曾有過或到目前為止從未有過的經(jīng)歷. 1、Have you ever been to the Summer Palace? 你曾去過頤和園嗎? 2、I have never had a car. 我從未有過汽車。 (五)現(xiàn)在完成時還常與句型 This is the first time,Its the first time 連用。 This is the first time he has driven a car. 這是他第一次開車。

5、(六)現(xiàn)在完成時和最高級連用表示到現(xiàn)在為止是最的。 Its the most boring film Ive ever seen. 這是我看過的最令人厭煩的電影。2 現(xiàn)在完成時的語法結(jié)構(gòu) 過去 現(xiàn)在 將來 (一)肯定式:主語+助動詞(have/has)+動詞的過去分詞。 (二)否定式:否定式直接在助動詞后面加上not。 主語+助動詞否定形式(have/has + not)+動詞的過去分詞。 have not,has not的縮略式分別為havent ,hasnt。另外若是肯定句改成否定句時,若有some、already時,要分別改成any,yet。 有時not可以用never代替,表示“從來沒

6、有”的意思。例句如下: 1、We have never spoken to a foreigner 我們從來沒有和外國人說過話。 2、I have never seen him before 以前我從來沒有見過他。 (三)一般疑問式:疑問式是把助動詞提到主語之前。 助動詞(Have/Has)+主語+動詞的過去分詞。 肯定回答 Yes,主語+助動詞(Have/Has) 否定回答 No,主語+助動詞否定形式(have/has + not)。有時也可以用No,not yet。 No ,never。 No,not even once。 陳述句改成一般疑問句時,把陳述句中的have或has放到句首,句末

7、打問號,同時把句中的some ,already改為any ,ye t就構(gòu)成了一般疑問句 (四)否定疑問式:把助動詞+not提到主語之前 助動詞(Have/Has)+主語+not +動詞的過去分詞。 助動詞(Have/Has)nt+主語+動詞的過去分詞。 否定疑問式簡單回答(肯定/否定)Have I not (Havent I) studied?Yes, you have. No, you havent.Have you not (Havent you) studied?Yes, I have. No, I havent.Has he not (Hasnt he) studied?Yes, he

8、 has. No, he hasnt. (五)特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞+助動詞(Have/Has)+主語+動詞過去分詞。 (六)助動詞have 有人稱和數(shù)的變化。第三人稱單數(shù)has,其余用have。 (七)例句: 1、Has he gone to the library ? 他是去了圖書館嗎? Yes ,he has. 是的,他去那里了。 No, he hasnt. 不,他沒去那里。 2、How long has Mrs Smith been in Beijing?Smith夫人來北京多長時間了? 三、現(xiàn)在完成時的標(biāo)志詞(一)當(dāng)句中有never(從來沒有), ever(曾經(jīng)), just(剛剛)

9、, already(肯定), yet(否定), before(以前),recently(近來),so far(到目前為止),in the past/last few Years(在過去幾年里)、up to now(直到現(xiàn)在)等時,常用現(xiàn)在完成時。 1、already 往往用于肯定句,用在疑問句時表示強(qiáng)調(diào)或加強(qiáng)語氣。yet 用于否定句和疑問句。yet在否定句中有“還”之意。 (1)He has already left here。 他已經(jīng)離開這里了。 (2)Has he already left here? 他(真的)已經(jīng)離開這里了嗎?(表示加強(qiáng)語氣) (3)My teachers havent

10、 had breakfast yet。 我的老師們還沒有吃早飯。 (4)Have you written to your parents yet? 你已經(jīng)給你父母寫過信了嗎? 2、never 是否定詞,表示“從來沒有”,表示全部否定。而ever 表示“曾經(jīng)”,多見于疑問句或否定句中。(這個用法還需要在考證。) (1)We have never been to the Great Wall。 我們從來沒有去過長城。 (2)Have you ever been to Canada? 你們曾經(jīng)去過加拿大嗎? (3)Have you ever seen the film? No. I have nev

11、er seen it 你曾經(jīng)看過這部影片嗎? 沒有,從來沒看過。 (4)Nobody in our class has ever been there。 我們班沒有人去過那。 3、just表示“剛剛”,用于完成時態(tài)時,與already,never 等副詞的位置一樣,多用在助動詞have/has和動詞過去分詞之間。 (1)He has just come back。 他剛剛回來。 (2)They have just finished the work。 他們剛剛完成那項(xiàng)工作。 (3)The train has just arrived。 火車剛到。 4、in the past few years

12、 意思是“過去幾年來”,可作現(xiàn)在完成時的時間狀語;in the past意思是“在過去”,常作一般過去時的時間狀語。 (1)Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years. 過去幾年來,我的家鄉(xiāng)發(fā)生了很大的變化。 (2)Where did you work in the past? 你過去在哪里工作? 5、lately, recently是完成時的時間狀語,just now 有a moment ago 之意,是一般過去時的時間狀語。 (1)Did you see Joan just now? 你剛才看到瓊了

13、嗎? (2)Have you heard from your family lately/recently? 你最近收到家人的來信了嗎? 6、even since then與from then on (after that)都有“打那以后”之意,前者是完成時的時間狀語,后者常用作一般過去時的時間狀語。 (1)Shes lived here ever since then。 打那以后,她一直住在這。 (2)I didnt hear of Jim from then on/after that。 打那以后,我就沒有吉姆的消息。 7、before泛指“以前”時,可用于現(xiàn)在完成時中;ago表示“現(xiàn)在的

14、一段時間以前”,是一般過去時的時間狀語。 (1)Ive never been to Japan before。 我以前沒去過日本。 (2)She went to Japan a year ago 她一年前去了日本。 8、so far(到目前為止),these days(這些天) 也是現(xiàn)在完成時常見的時間狀語。 (1)So far, no man has travelled farther than the moon. 到目前為止, 還沒有人到月球以外旅行。 (2)What have you done these days? 這些天來,你做了什么事? 9、now, today, this mor

15、ning, this year等有時可以用現(xiàn)在完成時中,以表示到說話時這一時間尚未結(jié)束。 (1)I have learned how to swim now。 我現(xiàn)在終于學(xué)會了怎樣游泳。 (2)Have you seen Han Meimei this morning? 你今天上午看到韓梅梅了嗎? (二)當(dāng)句中有for +段時間或since +點(diǎn)時間等時,主句常用現(xiàn)在完成時,謂語動詞必須是延續(xù)性動詞,若是非延續(xù)性動詞,要改為延續(xù)性動詞或表狀態(tài)的詞(短語)。 1、for +一段時間 (1)I have been here for 5 weeks。 我已經(jīng)在這里五個星期了。 (2)Hes stud

16、ied English for 3 years。 他學(xué)習(xí)英語已經(jīng)三年了。 2、since +表示過去某一時間的)時間點(diǎn) 它的三種用法是: (1)since +(過去的月份/年份)。 I have been here since 2000. 我從2000年以來一直在這里。 (2)since + 一段時間+ago。 I have been here since 5 years ago. 我從五年前就在這里。 (3)since +一般過去時從句。 I have been here since I graduated in 2000. 我從2000年畢業(yè)就一直在這里。 3、短暫性動詞與延續(xù)動詞間的轉(zhuǎn)換

17、 短暫性動詞在肯定句、疑問句中不能與時間段連用,這些動詞是:become, begin, buy, borrow, arrive, come, die, fall, finish, get to know, go, join, leave, marry 等。 為了表述這種意思,我們常用相應(yīng)的延續(xù)性動詞have,keep等或短語“be+名詞(形容詞、位置副詞、介詞短語)”來代替短暫性動詞。 arrive (at/in)- be (in/at) become be beginhave borrow keep buy have come (go, arrive, get) be here/there

18、/in close-be closed diebe dead fall asleep (ill) be asleep (ill) finish be over get (to)-be (in/at) get to knowknow, joinbe in 或者be a member of leavebe away (from), marrybe married等 reach-be (in/at) return-be back start/begin-be on open-be open 也可以仍用原短暫性動詞,用句型“It is since從句(從句中用一般過去時)”或用“一般過去時+ ago”

19、這一結(jié)構(gòu)來表述延續(xù)性的動作或狀態(tài)。 (1)他入黨五年了。 He has been in the Party for five years. He has been a Party member for five years. It is five years since he joined the Party. He joined the Party five years ago. (2)電影開始五分鐘了。 The film has been on for five minutes. It is five minutes since the film began The film began

20、five minutes ago. (3)He has been a soldier for three years。 他參軍三年了。 (4)His father has been dead for two years。 他父親去世二年了。 (5)We have studied English for three years。 我們(開始)學(xué)英語已三年了。 但在否定句中,短暫性動詞可以與時間段連用。 (1)I havent bought the bike for a year. 我買這輛自行車還不到一年。 (2)She hasnt come here for an hour. 她來這兒還沒有一

21、個小時。 四、現(xiàn)在完成時注意事項(xiàng): 1、since 可單獨(dú)使用, 表示“自那時起”。另外since前也可加上ever,以加強(qiáng)語氣。 (1)Eg. I have been here (ever) since. (2)I have been here (ever) since I graduated in 2000. 2、對for或since引導(dǎo)的時間狀語提問必須用how long, 決不能用when. (1)I have lived here for 10 years。(對劃線部分提問) How long have you lived here? (2)She has stood here si

22、nce 2 hour ago。(對劃線部分提問) How long has she stood here? 3、have been 與have gone 的用法比較 (1)have been to:到過,去過。表示曾經(jīng)到過某處,但現(xiàn)在人不在那兒。 (2)have gone to:去了。表示已經(jīng)去了某地,現(xiàn)在人可能在去的途中或已在那兒了。 (3)have been in:呆在某處一段時間了。 以下是具體例句: (1)Has she ever been to Nanjing? 她曾去過南京嗎? (2)You have never been there, have you? 你以前從未去過那兒,是嗎

23、? (3)I have been to Guiling ,I went there last year. 我去過桂林,我去年去的。 (4)She has gone to Nanjing. 她已經(jīng)去南京了。五、現(xiàn)在完成時與一般過去時的區(qū)別(一)一般過去時表示過去某時發(fā)生的動作或單純敘述過去的事情,強(qiáng)調(diào)動作?,F(xiàn)在完成時為過去發(fā)生的,強(qiáng)調(diào)過去的事情對現(xiàn)在的影響,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是影響。I saw this film yesterday.(強(qiáng)調(diào)動作發(fā)生的時間是yesterday 。)I have seen this film.(強(qiáng)調(diào)對現(xiàn)在的影響,電影的內(nèi)容已經(jīng)知道了。) (二)一般過去時和表示過去的時間狀語連用

24、,如:ago, last week/.In 2008, in the past, just now, the day beforeyesterday, yesterday .Then(那時),that day, one day, once(從前) (三)現(xiàn)在完成時常和recently(近來),ever, never, twice,so far(到目前為止), since,for,in the past/last few years , already(肯定句), yet(否定,疑問句), just(剛剛), before(以前)連用?,F(xiàn)在完成時不與表示過去的時間狀語連用。 (四)現(xiàn)在完成時可表

25、示持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作或狀態(tài),動詞一般是延續(xù)性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know. 六、非延續(xù)性動詞和延續(xù)性動詞(一)延續(xù)性動詞和非延續(xù)性動詞。動詞按其動作發(fā)生的方式、動作發(fā)生過程的長短,可分為延續(xù)性動詞和非延續(xù)性動詞。 “過去對現(xiàn)在”( 非延續(xù)動詞)“過去到現(xiàn)在”(延續(xù)性動詞) 延續(xù)性動詞表示能夠延續(xù)的動作,這種動作可以延續(xù)下去或產(chǎn)生持久影響。此類動詞常見的如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。 非延

26、續(xù)性動詞也稱終止性動詞、瞬間動詞或短暫性動詞,表示不能延續(xù)的動作,這種動作發(fā)生后立即結(jié)束。此類動詞常見的如open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow, buy等。(二)非延續(xù)動詞的記憶口訣:現(xiàn)在完成在瞬間;非延只連時間點(diǎn);終止需轉(zhuǎn)換;否定方可碰一段。 1、非延續(xù)動詞可以有現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),但不可以接一段時間,若要接一段時間,須要做一些相應(yīng)的變換。 2、非延續(xù)動詞動詞在完成時態(tài)中的否定式可以接一段時間。 3、初中階段常見的瞬間動詞有: (1)來(come)、去(go)、到(get t

27、o/reach/arrive at)、離(leave)、看(see)、聽(說)hear。 (2)買(buy)、賣(sell)、開(open)、關(guān)(close)、起床(get up) 跌落(fall sleep)參加(join/take part in)、開發(fā)(begin/start)。 (3)還(return/give)(與)借(borrow/lend) (4)變成(become/turn)、帶(bring/take)、給(give)、死(die)、完(finish/end)、接(receive/hear from)。 (5)口訣:兩始兩到,來去加跳;借進(jìn)借出,買床失落,給開關(guān)死離。 兩始st

28、art,begin;兩到get to,arrive; 來去come,go; 加跳join,jump; 借進(jìn)借出lend, borrow ; 買床失落buy,get up,lose,fall; 給開關(guān)死離give,open,close,die,leave。 4、非延續(xù)性動詞表示的動作極其短暫,不能持續(xù)。因此,不可與表示一段時間的狀語連用(只限肯定式)。試比較: (1)他死了三年了。 誤:He has died for three years。 正:He has been dead for three years。 正:He died three years ago。 正:It is three

29、years since he died。 正:Three years has passed since he died。 (2)史密斯先生來這兒五天了。 誤:Mr. Smith has come here for five days。 正:Mr. Smith has been here for five days。 正:Mr. Smith came here five days ago。 正:It is five days since Mr. Smith came here。 正:Five days has passed since Mr. Smith came here。非延續(xù)性動詞延續(xù)性動

30、詞arrivebe herebecomebebegin to studystudybegin/startbe onborrowkeepbuy/gethavecatch get a coldhave a coldclosebe closedcome herebe herecome tobe income to workworkdiebe deaddressbe dressedendfinishbe overfall asleepbe asleepfall ill(sick, asleep)be ill(sick, asleep)finish/endbe overget to knowknowge

31、t to/ arrive / reachbe (in)get upbe upgo (get) outbe outgo abroadbe abroadgo therebe therego to schoolbe in schooljoinbe in/be a member ofleavebe away(from)marrybe married(to)move tolive inopenbe open / keepopenput onwear 或be onsit downbe seatedwake upbe awake現(xiàn)在完成時練習(xí)一一、翻譯下列句子: 1、你曾經(jīng)吃過魚和薯?xiàng)l嗎? 2、我剛剛丟了我

32、的化學(xué)書。 3、我以前從來沒去過那個農(nóng)場。 4、他已經(jīng)吃過午飯 5、你已經(jīng)看過這部電影了嗎? 6、我哥哥還沒回來。 7、這本字典我已買了三年了。 8、他離開中國三年了。 9、我認(rèn)識他們五年了。 10、他們已去了美國五年了。 11、自從他搬到濟(jì)寧,他就住這兒了。 12、我妹妹成為一個大學(xué)生已經(jīng)三年。 13、自從1999年以來他們就認(rèn)識。 14、我來到這個學(xué)校已3年多了。 二、用since和for填空 1._two years 2._two years ago 3._last month 4._ 1999 5._yesterday 6._ 4 oclock 7 4 hours 8._an hour

33、 ago 9. _we were children 10._ lunch time 11._ she left here 12. He has lived in Nanjing _ the year before last. 13. Ive known him _ we were children. 14. Our teacher has studied Japanese _ three years. 15. She has been away from the city _ about ten years. 16. Its about ten years _ she left the cit

34、y.三、結(jié)束性動詞轉(zhuǎn)換為以下延續(xù)性動詞或者表示可以延續(xù)的狀態(tài)的短語。 (一)arrive at / in sp / get to / reach sp / come / go / move to sp be in sp / at school / at home / on the farm / be here / be there 1、He got to Beijing five minutes ago. He Beijing for . 2、I moved to the USA in 2008. I the USA since . 3、I went home yesterday. I hom

35、e for . 4、They came here last week. They _ here since _. (二)come to / go back to / return to be back to go out be out 1、He came out two years ago. He _ for _. 2、We return to Beijing yesterday. We _ _ to Beijing since _. (三)become be 1、I became a teacher in 2000. I _ a teacher for _. 2、The river beca

36、me dirty last year. The river _ _ dirty for _ _. (四)close be closed open be open 1、The shop closed two hours ago. The shop _ _ for _. 2、The door opened at six in the morning. The door _ _ _ for six hours. (五)get up be up; die be dead; leave sp. be away from sp. fall asleep / get tot sleep be asleep;

37、 finish / end be over; marry be married; 1、I got up two hours ago. I _ _ _since _. 2、He left Shanghai just now. He _ _ _ Shanghai for five minutes. 3、My grandpa died in 2002. My grandpa _ _ _for _ _. 4、The meeting finished at six. The meeting _ _ _ for six hours. 5、I got to sleep two hours ago . I _

38、 _ _ since _ _. 6、They married in 1990. They _ _ _since _. (六)start / begin to do sth. do sth. ;begin be on 1、I began to teach at this school in 1995. I _ _ at this school since _. 2、The film began two minutes ago. The film _ _ _ for _ _. (七)borrow keep; lose not have ;buy have ;put on wear catch /

39、get a cold have a cold; get to know know 1、They borrowed it last week. They _it since _. 2、I bought a pen two hours ago. I _a pen for _. 3、I got to know him last year. I _ him since _. 4、I put on my glasses three years ago. I _ my glasses for _. (八)have / has gone to have been in 1、He has gone to Be

40、ijing. He _ Beijing for two days. (九)join the league / the Party / the army be a league member /a Party member / a soldier be a member of the league / the Party be in the league / the Party / the army 1、He joined the league in 2002. He _ a _ for two years. He _ a _ the _ for two years. He _ the leag

41、ue for two years. 2、My brother joined the army two years ago. My brother _a _ for _ _. My brother _ in _ for two years.四、劃線提問 1、I have been there for two days. _ _ _ you _ _ _ ? 2、My father has lived here since 2000. _ _ _ your father _ _? 3、He left here yesterday. _ _ he _ _? 4、They bought a book t

42、wo hours ago. _ _ they _ a book五、用have(has) been 或have(has) gone 填空。 A: Where _ Li Fei _? B: He _ to Hainan Island. A: How long _ he _ there? B: He _ there for three days. A: When will he come back , do you know? B: Im afraid he wont come back recently. A: Could you tell me the way to Hainan Island? B: Sorry, I _ never _ there. A: How many times _ Li Fei _ to that place? B:


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