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1、應(yīng)用型大學(xué)英語(yǔ)綜合教程,Book 4,2,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit Two,Table of Contents,Language Skills Development,3,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,Focus1 content,Starter,Text: A white heron,Working with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: translation,Practice: writing,Surf

2、ing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,focus1highlights,Highlights S: Chimpanzee L: A man among wolves R: A white heron W: Writing the introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph Internet work: Introducing three world natural heritage sites i

3、n Canada,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,A. Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with the exact words you heard.,Mind Map chimpanzee / n. 黑猩猩 elusive / a. 難找的;難以解釋的 uncanny / a. 神秘的,離奇的 meticulously / ad. 細(xì)致地,一絲不茍地,6,focus1starter,1. Starter,

4、上海交通大學(xué)出版社,Chimpanzee For centuries there were fearsome tales of a half-human monster roaming the African forests. Even in modern times, knowledge of the elusive creature, the wild chimpanzee, was largely based on (1)_. Then, in 1960 a daring young English woman set out to (2) fiction from truth. She

5、 had been warned “Youll never get near the chimpanzees,” but she was (3) to try. Her name is Jane Goodall, who was 26 years old and destined to make scientific history. In spite of the odds against her, she (4) earned the chimpanzees trust.,speculation,sort,determined,gradually,7,focus1starter,1. St

6、arter,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,The picture that has (5) is an awesome portrait of the animals most like man. The (6) to humans are startling: the obvious physical resemblance; the discovery that they hunt and eat meat; the even more (7) revelation that they are intelligent enough to make and use tools; and their n

7、onverbal communication is, perhaps, the most uncanny resemblance of all. Meticulously documented on motion-picture film, Jane Goodalls classic study (8) _ from 1960 to the present day a compelling chronicle that spans three generations of chimps. It is the longest study of any wild animal group in t

8、he world.,emerged,similarities,profound,stretches,8,B. Listen to a short passage entitled A Man Among Wolves and answer the following questions.,focus1starter,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,1. Starter,Mind Map pack / n. 一群 harsh / a. 嚴(yán)酷的 fit the bill 適合需要,滿(mǎn)足要求,9,focus1starter,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,1. Starter,1. Why has Shaun been l

9、iving life as a wolf? 2. What are the risks of living with the wolves? 3. How does Shaun survive in the wild with his wolf pack?,Because he has passion for the animals and hopes to prove that man can live in harmony with wolves as long as he respects their ways.,The wolves could seriously injure him

10、, even kill him at any moment.,Shaun has spent 15 years studying wolf language and behavior and he obeys the laws of nature and the rules of the wolves. He respects wolves and is teaching them how to survive in the wild.,10,focus1starter,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,1. Starter,A Man Among Wolves This is Shaun Ellis. H

11、es done something that few would dare and even fewer understand. His passion for these animals has led him to live life as a wolf. Shaun has no formal scientific training, but for 15 years, hes studied and written about wolves in Poland and America. He spent two of those years in the United States,

12、studying with a native American wolf expert. Hes also been a wolf advisor in zoos and wildlife parks around the world. By being accepted into a wolf pack, Shaun hopes to prove that man can live in harmony with wolves as long as he respects their ways.,To be continued,11,focus1starter,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,1. St

13、arter,Day in and day out, Shaun puts his life on the line to be accepted as a member of the pack. At any moment, these wolves could seriously injure him, even kill him. But hes spent 15 years studying wolf language and behavior, and that knowledge is what keeps him alive. “Every day is a battle for

14、survival. That is harsh existence coming under natures laws, their rules.” Shaun and his pack of North American timber wolves live here, at the Combe Martin Wildlife Park in England, about 200 miles southwest of London. This is a unique experiment. By living with these wolves, Shaun hopes to gain in

15、sight into their behavior. And though he is teaching them how to survive in the wild, they are also teaching him a thing or two. This pack has allowed Shaun to enter their world and live as one of their own. Theyve even accepted him in a dominant role. So how did this man become the leader of a wolf

16、 pack? The short answer is that he fit the bill. In this case, the best wolf for the job wasnt a wolf at all.,12,focus1text,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,Text Organization,13,focus1text,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,Text Organization,14,focus1text,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,Text Organization,15,focus1text,2. Text: A white heron,1 The forest was full of sh

17、adows as a little girl hurried through it one summer evening in June. It was already eight oclock and Sylvia wondered if her grandmother would be angry with her for being so late. 2 Every evening Sylvia left her grandmothers house at five thirty to bring their cow home. It was Sylvias job to bring t

18、he animal home to be milked. When the cow heard Sylvias voice calling her, she would hide among the bushes.,Translation,白鷺 1 六月的一個(gè)黃昏,森林里樹(shù)影婆娑,一個(gè)小女孩正在其中匆匆穿行。已經(jīng)是晚上八點(diǎn)了,西爾維婭想,這么晚回家,外婆會(huì)不會(huì)生氣呢? 2 每天傍晚五點(diǎn)半,西爾維婭就離開(kāi)外婆家去把母牛牽回家。她的活就是把這頭牲口趕回家擠奶。母牛聽(tīng)到西爾維婭叫她的聲音時(shí),老是躲到灌木叢中去。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,Note that for the passive infiniti

19、ve “to be milked”, its logical subject is “the animal, which is the object of the verb “bring”. More examples of the passive infinitive: e.g. There are more than fifty proposals to be discussed at the conference. If the building project to be completed by the end of this month is delayed, the constr

20、uction company will be fined.,Question about Para. 1,16,focus1text,1. When and where does the story happen?,The story happens in a forest in June.,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,17,focus1text,3 This evening it had taken Sylvia longer than usual to find her cow. The child hurried the cow through th

21、e dark forest, toward her grandmothers home. As the cow stopped at a small stream to drink, Sylvia put her bare feet in the cold, fresh water of the stream. 4 She had never before been alone in the forest as late as this. Sylvia felt as if she were a part of the gray shadows and the silver leaves th

22、at moved in the evening breeze.,Translation,3 這天晚上,西爾維婭花了比平時(shí)更長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間才找到母牛。小女孩趕著牛,匆匆穿過(guò)陰暗的樹(shù)林,向外婆家走去。母牛在一條小溪邊停下來(lái)飲水時(shí),西爾維婭就把她的光腳浸在冰涼清澈的溪水中。 4 她以前從未這么晚還獨(dú)自一人呆在林子里。西爾維婭覺(jué)得自己仿佛與灰暗的樹(shù)影和在晚風(fēng)中搖曳的銀色樹(shù)葉融為一體了。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,hurry: vt. 使趕緊,催促 e.g. Dont hurry me. Im doing this as fast as I can. vi. 趕緊,匆忙

23、 e.g. If we hurry, well get there in time.,18,focus1text,5 It was only a year ago that she came to her grandmothers farm. Before that, she had lived with her mother and father in a dirty, crowded factory town. One day, Sylvias grandmother had visited them and had chosen Sylvia from all her brothers

24、and sisters to come help her on her farm in Vermont.,Translation,5 她是一年前才來(lái)到外婆的農(nóng)場(chǎng)。之前,她和父母住在一個(gè)骯臟擁擠的工業(yè)小鎮(zhèn)。一天,西爾維婭的外婆來(lái)看望他們,在西爾維婭所有的兄弟姐妹中挑中了她,把她帶回佛蒙特州的農(nóng)場(chǎng)做幫手。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,Question about Para. 5,Note the bare infinitive “help”. In spoken English, especially in American English, “to” is

25、often omitted from the infinitive after “come” and “go”. e.g. Come sit down. Go ask her.,19,focus1text,2. Where did Sylvia use to live before she came to her grandmothers farm?,She used to live in a dirty, crowded factory town.,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,20,focus1text,6 The cow finished drinki

26、ng, and as the nine-year-old child hurried through the forest, the air was suddenly cut by a sharp whistle not far away. Sylvia knew it wasnt a friendly birds whistle. She forgot the cow and hid in some bushes. But she was too late. 7 “Hello, little girl,” a young man called out cheerfully. “How far

27、 is it to the main road?” Sylvia was trembling as she whispered “two miles”. She came out of the bushes and looked up into the face of a tall young man carrying a gun.,Translation,6 母牛喝完水后,這個(gè)九歲的小女孩繼續(xù)在林中匆匆前行。突然,不遠(yuǎn)處傳來(lái)一聲尖銳的口哨聲,打破了林中的寧?kù)o。西爾維婭知道,這不是鳥(niǎo)兒親切的啼鳴。于是她不顧母牛,躲進(jìn)了一叢灌木,但是已經(jīng)太晚了。 7 “嗨,小姑娘,這兒離大路有多遠(yuǎn)?。俊币粋€(gè)年輕

28、人高興地喊道。西爾維婭渾身顫抖,低聲囁嚅道:“兩英里?!彼龔墓嗄緟仓秀@出來(lái),抬頭看到一個(gè)高高的小伙子,手里拿著一桿槍。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,whistle: n. 1) C 口哨聲 e.g. George scored just minutes before the final whistle. 2) C 哨子 e.g. The referee blew his whistle, and the game stopped. vi./vt. 吹口哨;吹哨子 e.g. Adam whistled happily on his way to work.,

29、whisper: vi./vt. 低語(yǔ),耳語(yǔ) e.g. You dont have to whisper. No one can hear us. n. C 低語(yǔ),耳語(yǔ) e.g. “Where are we going?” he asked in a whisper.,21,focus1text,8 The stranger began walking with Sylvia as she followed her cow through the forest. “Ive been hunting for birds,” he explained, “but Ive lost my way.

30、Do you think I can spend the night at your house?” Sylvia didnt answer. She was glad she could see her grandmother standing near the door of the farm house.,Translation,8 西爾維婭繼續(xù)趕著母牛穿過(guò)森林,陌生人跟著她走?!拔沂莵?lái)尋找鳥(niǎo)的,”他解釋道,“但我迷了路,我能不能在你們家住一宿?”西爾維婭沒(méi)有回答。她很高興看到外婆正站在農(nóng)舍門(mén)口等她。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,Question a

31、bout Para. 8,3. Why did the young man come to the forest?,He came to the forest to hunt for birds.,22,focus1text,9 When they reached her, the stranger explained his problem to Sylvias smiling grandmother. 10 “Of course you can stay with us,” she said. “We dont have much, but youre welcome to share w

32、hat we have. Now Sylvia, get a plate for the gentleman!”,Translation,9 他們走上前去,陌生人向西爾維婭的外婆說(shuō)明了他的困境,外婆一臉笑意。 10“您當(dāng)然可以住在這里?!彼f(shuō)道,“我們不怎么富裕,但還是歡迎您和我們分享一切。好了,西爾維婭,給這位先生拿只盤(pán)子。”,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,Note that the adverb “now” doesnt refer to time here. It is often used in spoken English to introduce

33、 a statement or a question. e.g. Now, lets move on to the question of payment.,23,focus1text,11 After eating, they all sat outside. The young man explained he was a bird collector. “Do you put them in a cage?” Sylvia asked. “No,” he answered slowly, “I shoot them and stuff them with special chemical

34、s to preserve them. I have over one hundred different kinds of birds from all over the United States.” 12 “Sylvia knows a lot about birds, too,” her grandmother said proudly. “She knows the forest so well, the wild animals come and eat bread right out of her hands.”,Translation,11 晚飯后,三人都坐到屋外。年輕人解釋說(shuō)

35、他是個(gè)鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)收藏家。“您把它們關(guān)在籠子里嗎?”西爾維婭問(wèn)道?!安唬彼鼗卮?,“我用槍把它們打下來(lái),然后用一些專(zhuān)門(mén)的化學(xué)藥物把它們制成標(biāo)本保存起來(lái)。我已經(jīng)有來(lái)自美國(guó)各地一百多種不同鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)的標(biāo)本了?!?12 “西爾維婭對(duì)鳥(niǎo)也很熟悉?!蓖馄抛院赖卣f(shuō),“她對(duì)這片林子了如指掌,野生動(dòng)物甚至都會(huì)到她身邊,吃她手里的面包。”,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,stuff: vt. 1) 填充,塞滿(mǎn);把塞進(jìn);使吃飽 e.g. He stuffed the shoe with newspaper. He stuffed the letter through the door a

36、nd hurried away. 2) 制作動(dòng)物標(biāo)本 e.g. They stuffed the golden eagle. n. U 材料,原料;資料;東西 e.g. All the stuff for the conference is over there.,24,focus1text,13 “Maybe she can help me then,” the young man said. “I saw a white heron two days ago. Ive been looking for it ever since. Its a very rare bird. Have yo

37、u seen it, too?” He asked Sylvia. But Sylvia was silent. “You would know it if you saw it,” he said. “Its a tall, strange bird with soft white feathers and long thin legs. It probably has its nest at the top of a tall tree.”,Translation,13 “這樣或許她能幫幫我?!蹦贻p人說(shuō),“兩天前我看見(jiàn)一只白鷺,然后一直在尋找它,這種鳥(niǎo)非常少見(jiàn)。你見(jiàn)過(guò)它嗎?”他問(wèn)西爾維婭,

38、但西爾維婭沉默不語(yǔ)。“只要見(jiàn)到它,你就會(huì)知道是它。”年輕人說(shuō),“這種鳥(niǎo)體型高大,非常奇特,羽毛又白又軟,雙腿細(xì)長(zhǎng)。它很可能把巢筑在大樹(shù)的頂端?!?上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,feather: n. C 羽毛;翎毛 e.g. feather pillow Birds of a feather flock together.,25,focus1text,14 Sylvias heart began to beat fast. She had seen that strange white bird on the other side of the forest

39、. The young man was staring at Sylvia. “I would give ten dollars to the person who showed me where it is.” 15 That night Sylvias dreams were full of all the wonderful things she and her grandmother could buy for ten dollars.,Translation,14 西爾維婭的心開(kāi)始狂跳,她在森林的另一頭見(jiàn)過(guò)這只奇特的白鳥(niǎo)。年輕人盯著西爾維婭說(shuō):“誰(shuí)能幫我找到那只鳥(niǎo),我就付給她十美元。

40、” 15 那天晚上,西爾維婭的夢(mèng)里盡是她和外婆用這十美元能買(mǎi)到的好東西。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,Questions about Para. 14,26,focus1text,4. Why did Sylvias heart beat fast when she heard the man talking about the white heron?,Because she had seen that strange white bird on the other side of the forest, and she was wondering wh

41、ether to tell the man or not.,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,5. What would Sylvia get if she told the young man where the heron was?,She would get 10 dollars.,2. Text: A white heron,27,focus1text,16 Sylvia spent the next day in the forest with the young man. He told her a lot about the birds they saw. Sylvia could not u

42、nderstand why he killed the birds he seemed to like so much. She felt her heart tremble every time he shot an unsuspecting bird as it was singing in the trees.,Translation,16 第二天,西爾維婭和年輕人在林子里呆了一整天。他告訴了她許多關(guān)于他們看到的鳥(niǎo)的事情。西爾維婭不明白,為什么他看起來(lái)這么喜愛(ài)這些鳥(niǎo),但卻要把它們殺死。每當(dāng)他把一只毫無(wú)戒心正在唱歌的小鳥(niǎo)從枝頭打落時(shí),她的心都顫抖不已。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text:

43、 A white heron,Question about Para. 16,Meaning: Whenever the young man shot a bird that was unaware of the danger and was still singing in the tree, she felt her heart beating uneasily.,unsuspecting: a. 無(wú)疑心的,無(wú)戒心的 e.g. The unsuspecting hen was scared motionless when a long snake fell down from the tr

44、ee.,28,focus1text,6. What did Sylvia and the young man do the next day?,They spent the next day in the forest looking for the heron.,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,29,17 要是他手里沒(méi)有槍?zhuān)鳡柧S婭準(zhǔn)會(huì)更加喜歡他。白日將盡,西爾維婭仍然滿(mǎn)懷欽慕之情地注視著這個(gè)年輕人,沉睡在這個(gè)孩子心底的那顆女性之心被一種愛(ài)戀的夢(mèng)幻輕輕地?cái)噭?dòng)了。他們時(shí)而停住腳步,聆聽(tīng)鳥(niǎo)兒的歌唱;時(shí)而撥開(kāi)樹(shù)枝向前急行,偶爾耳語(yǔ)幾句。西爾維婭落后幾步跟在年輕人的

45、后面,心醉神迷,那雙灰色的眼睛因興奮而變得黑亮。,focus1text,17 Sylvia would have liked him vastly better without his gun; but as the day waned, Sylvia still watched the young man with loving admiration; the womans heart, asleep in the child, was vaguely thrilled by a dream of love. They stopped to listen to a birds song; t

46、hey pressed forward again eagerly speaking to each other rarely and in whispers; Sylvia followed the young man, fascinated, a few steps behind, with her gray eyes dark with excitement.,Translation,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,Meaning: Intensely attracted by the young man, Sylvia was following him just a couple of step

47、s behind, and she was so excited that her gray eyes grew dark.,2. Text: A white heron,Note that would have done is in the subjunctive mood to assume something contrary to the fact. e.g. If she had listened to me, this would not have happened. We would have been in trouble if you hadnt told us.,vastl

48、y: ad. 非常,很 e.g. His piano playing has improved vastly since last year. This book is vastly superior to his last one.,vaguely: ad. 稍微;含糊地,模糊地 e.g. There was something vaguely familiar about her face. I vaguely remember their house. His statement was very vaguely worded.,fascinated: a. 被強(qiáng)烈吸引?。粚?duì)非常感興趣

49、e.g. Tom Cruise says he was fascinated by the plot of the film that revolves around a true life incident. Because of my fathers influence, I am fascinated with poetry.,30,focus1text,18 Long after the moon came out and the young man had fallen asleep, Sylvia was still awake. She had a plan that would

50、 get the ten dollars for her grandmother and make the young man happy. When it was near sunrise, she quietly left her house and hurried through the forest. She finally reached a huge pine tree. Her plan was to climb to the top of the pine tree. She could see the whole forest from there. She was sure

51、 she would be able to see where the white heron had hidden its nest.,Translation,18 月亮早己爬上樹(shù)梢,年輕人也進(jìn)入了夢(mèng)鄉(xiāng),西爾維婭卻無(wú)法入睡。她想出了一個(gè)主意,既能為外婆拿到十美元,又能讓年輕人高興。拂曉時(shí)分,她悄悄離開(kāi)家,匆匆穿過(guò)森林,最后來(lái)到一棵大松樹(shù)前。她打算爬到樹(shù)頂,在那兒能看到整個(gè)森林。她確信在那里能看到白鷺隱蔽著的巢。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,31,focus1text,19 Sylvias bare feet and tiny fingers grabbe

52、d the trees rough trunk. Sharp dry branches scratched at her like cats claws as she climbed higher and higher. 20 When Sylvia had at last reached the trees highest branch, the golden suns rays hit the green forest. Two hawks flew together in slow-moving circles far below Sylvia. Sylvia felt as if sh

53、e could go flying among the clouds, too.,Translation,19 西爾維婭用赤腳和小手緊緊扒住粗糙的樹(shù)干,越爬越高,松樹(shù)尖硬的枝條像貓爪一樣抓撓著她。 20 西爾維婭終于攀上了松樹(shù)最上面的一根枝椏,這時(shí),金色的陽(yáng)光傾瀉而下,映照著整個(gè)青翠的森林。兩只鷹在西爾維婭腳下很遠(yuǎn)的地方緩緩盤(pán)旋,西爾維婭覺(jué)得自己仿佛也能在白云間自由地飛翔。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,scratch: vi./vt. 抓,刮擦 e.g. The dog was scratching at the door to be let in. We

54、 scratched the paint off the wall. The cat scratched a hole in the ground.,Note that slow-moving is a hyphenated adjective, which can be formed by joining an adjective or an adverb and a present participle. Other examples: fast-growing (高速發(fā)展的), far-reaching (深遠(yuǎn)的), long-lasting (持續(xù)時(shí)間長(zhǎng)的), etc.,32,focu

55、s1text,21 Suddenly Sylvia caught a flash of white that grew larger and larger. A bird with broad white wings and a long slender neck flew past Sylvia and landed on a pine branch below her. The white heron smoothed its feathers and called to its mate, sitting on their nest in a nearby tree. Then it f

56、lew away.,Translation,21 突然,一道白光映入西爾維婭的眼簾,越來(lái)越大。那是一只有著白色大翅膀和細(xì)長(zhǎng)脖子的鳥(niǎo),它掠過(guò)西爾維婭,停在了她下面的一枝松椏上。這只白鷺理了理羽毛,對(duì)停在附近一棵樹(shù)上的鳥(niǎo)巢里的同伴叫了一聲,然后飛走了。,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,slender: a. 1) 細(xì)長(zhǎng)的,纖細(xì)的 e.g. The willow has smooth bark and slender branches. 2) 苗條的 e.g. Shes got a beautiful slender figure. 3) 微薄的,不足的 e.g.

57、The company only has a slender hope of survival.,Note that smooth in the sentence is used as a verb, meaning “to make something smooth”. Many adjectives can also be used as verbs, such as dirty, busy, warm, slow, narrow, quiet, thin, empty, free, wrong, right, better, dry, dull, etc. e.g. The teache

58、r failed to quiet the children. The car slowed down as it approached the junction.,Note that here “call to sb.” is just like “call out to sb.” or “call sb.”, which means “say or shout something loudly so that someone can hear you”. e.g. The firemen called to / called out to / called him.,mate: n. 1)

59、 C 配偶;伴侶 e.g. The male hunts for food while his mate guards the nest. 2) C 伙伴,朋友 e.g. He found himself separated from his mates. 3) C 同伴,同事 e.g. Dads office mates are throwing a party for him.,Question about Paras. 20-21,33,focus1text,7. What did Sylvia see when she reached the top of the pine tree?,She saw the golden suns rays hit the green forest, two hawks fly together in slow-moving circles far below her, and the white heron.,上海交通大學(xué)出版社,2. Text: A white heron,34,focus1text,22 Sylvia gave a long sigh. She knew the wild b


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