



1、XX托業(yè)考試閱讀資料:簡奧斯汀簡奧斯汀(Jane Austen , 1775 年 12 月 16 日-1817 年 7 月 18 日 ) 是英國聞名女性小說家,她的作品首要關(guān)注鄉(xiāng)紳家庭女性的婚姻 和糊口,以女性特有的詳盡入微的不雅察看力和活躍滑稽的文字真實(shí) 地描畫了她四周世界的小 * 。Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the most famous of allEnglish novelists, and today her novels are more popular than ever, with several recently adapted as

2、 Hollywood movies. But we do not have many records of what she looked like. For a long time, the only aepted image of Austen was an amateur sketch of an adult Austen madeby her sister Cassandra. However, recently a professionally painted, full-length portrait of a teenage girl owned by a member of t

3、he Austen family has e up for sale.Although the professional painting is not titled Jane Austen, there are good reasons to believe she is the subject.簡奧斯汀是最有名的英國小說家之一。時(shí)至今日,她的作品 變得更受接待了, 稀有部被好萊塢改編成片子了。 可是對(duì)于她的長相 卻沒有太多的記實(shí)。 很長一段時(shí)刻以來, 獨(dú)一被認(rèn)可的奧斯汀的畫像 是她妹妹卡桑德拉畫的。 可是這幅成年奧斯汀素描并不是出自于專業(yè) 畫家。然而,比來一副奧斯汀家族成員持有的畫像想要出

4、售。這幅出 自專業(yè)畫家之手的全身畫像膳縵沔是一個(gè)少女奧斯汀。 盡管這幅專業(yè)畫作上并沒有寫有簡奧斯汀,可是我們?nèi)允怯凶銐虻睦碛上嘈女嬌?的人就是她。First, in 1882, several decades after Austen s death,Austen s family gave permission to use the portrait as an illustration in an edition of her letters. Austens familyclearly recognized it as a portrait of the author. So, for

5、over a century now, the Austen family itself has endorsed the claim that the girl in the portrait is Jane Austen.首先,在 1882 年,在奧斯汀棄世幾十年后,奧斯汀家族曾經(jīng)授 權(quán)這幅畫作為她出書的手札集上本人畫像。 奧斯汀家族當(dāng)然能夠確認(rèn) 脹均畫就是作者。所以,一個(gè)多世紀(jì)曩昔了,奧斯汀家族仍是為這幅 畫背書,認(rèn)為這個(gè)女孩就是簡奧斯汀本人。Second, the face in the portrait clearly resembles the one in Cassandra s

6、 sketch, which we know depicts Austen. Though somewhat amateurish, the sketch municates definite details about Austen s face. Even though the Cassandra sketch is of an adult Jane Austen, the features are still similar to those of the teenage girl in the painting. The eyebrows, nose, mouth, and overa

7、ll shape of the face are very much like those in the full-length portrait.第二,這幅畫上人物的面龐和卡桑德拉畫的那幅畫很相似,而桑德拉的畫作上的人物確定是奧斯汀。 盡管卡桑德拉的畫作略顯業(yè)余,可是仍是很好地描畫了奧斯汀面部的細(xì)節(jié)的。 盡管卡桑德拉的畫描畫的是成年簡奧斯汀,可是面部細(xì)節(jié)仍是同這幅畫上少女奧斯汀很是相似的。眉毛、鼻子、嘴和整個(gè)輪廓都跟這幅全身畫作很是相似。Third, although the painting is unsigned and undated, there is evidence that i

8、t was painted whenAusten was a teenager. The style links it to Ozias Humphrey, a society portrait painter whowas the kind of professional the wealthy Austen family would hire. Humphrey was active in the late 1780s and early 1790s, exactly the period when Jane Austen was the age of the girl in the pa

9、inting.第三,機(jī)關(guān)這幅畫沒有簽名也沒有日期,可是確信這幅畫的繪 制時(shí)刻是奧斯汀少女時(shí)代。這幅畫從氣概上看是奧扎厄斯?jié)h弗里的 作品。他是一個(gè)專門受雇于奧斯汀這樣富有家族的上流社會(huì)肖像畫家。 漢弗里活躍時(shí)代是1780末到170歲首,而這個(gè)時(shí)代剛好恰是簡奧 斯汀十幾歲的時(shí)代。閱讀部門需要提取的不雅概念是:- Main point:有一副畫膳縵沔的人物是簡奧斯汀- Sub point 1:這幅畫獲得了奧斯汀家族的認(rèn)可- Sub point 2:面龐同簡奧斯汀的另一幅畫很像- Sub point 3:氣概上看是奧扎厄斯?jié)h弗里的作品,此人活躍時(shí)代簡奧斯汀的春秋同畫作相符聽力材料:The evidence linking this portrait to Jane Austen is not at all convincing. Sure, the painting has long been somewhat loosely connected to Austen s extended family and their descendents, but this hardly proves it s a portrait of JaneAusten as a teenager. There


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