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1、. 職場(chǎng)應(yīng)用題目 1For Contestant A Only選手 A:某公司業(yè)務(wù)擴(kuò)大,現(xiàn)需要租用新的辦公室。假設(shè)你是該公司辦公室主任,手上有總經(jīng)理對(duì)選址的出一個(gè)符合要求的最佳地點(diǎn)。在比賽第一階段,你需在 30 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù):1. 閱讀總經(jīng)理提出的選址要求,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 1;2. 向隊(duì)友詢問三個(gè)辦公地點(diǎn)的信息,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 2;3. 與隊(duì)友討論,選出一個(gè)你們認(rèn)為最佳的地點(diǎn),完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A 填寫,供其在賽場(chǎng)陳述時(shí)參考。)4. 準(zhǔn)備第二階段的匯報(bào)內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 3 分鐘內(nèi)向裁判匯報(bào)任務(wù)完成情況,

2、內(nèi)容需涵蓋以下要點(diǎn):1) What is your groups task?2) Which office have you chosen for the company?3) Why have you chosen this office? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this office and havent chosen the other two.)For Contestant A OnlyPlease read the requirements for an office.Dear Mr. Holt,As yo

3、u know our company is getting bigger and we will shortly need a new office. I would like you to find a suitable place for us to move to. Ideally, it should have good public transport connections because people travel from all over the city. So, one located near the metro or bus stops would be really

4、 helpful for staff. The offices themselves should have space for a minimum of 150 people but it would be better if there was enough space for 200 because our company is likely to keep getting bigger. Our budget is limited to 200,000 yuan per month. Included in the office, I would like you to find on

5、e with a canteen for staff to eat in. There should be parking for 50 cars for senior management and visitors. Lastly, I would like an office with space for a staff gym. Its important for our staff to be happy and healthy.Sincerely,MichaelFor Contestant A OnlyWorksheetSection 1Read the requirements f

6、or an office and complete the following form.DetailsRequirementsLocationNear _ or _SpaceBetween _ and _ peopleCostLimited to _Facilities_, _ and _Section 2Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.DetailsInformation about each officeOffice A: _LocationOffice B: _Office C: _Office

7、 A: _SpaceOffice B: _Office C: _Office A: _CostOffice B: _Office C: _Office A: _FacilitiesOffice B: _Office C: _Section 3Discuss the question with Contestant B and make a decision.Which office do you choose for the company?Office AOffice BOffice CFor Contestant B Only選手 B:假設(shè)你是某公司辦公室職員,你的隊(duì)友是辦公室主任。公司因

8、發(fā)展壯大,需要租用新辦公室。你的隊(duì)友有公司對(duì)新辦公室的具體要求,你的手上有三個(gè)可供選擇的辦公室。請(qǐng)與你的隊(duì)友溝通,選出一個(gè)符合要求的最佳辦公室。在比賽第一階段,你需在 30 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù):1. 認(rèn)真閱讀三個(gè)辦公地點(diǎn)的具體情況,提取相關(guān)信息;2. 與隊(duì)友溝通,提供其所需信息,協(xié)助其完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 2;3. 與隊(duì)友討論,選出一個(gè)你們認(rèn)為最能滿足要求的辦公室,協(xié)助隊(duì)友完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A 填寫。)4. 準(zhǔn)備第二階段的答問內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 2 分鐘內(nèi)回答裁判的三個(gè)問題。回答需與實(shí)際任務(wù)相結(jié)合,表達(dá)清楚、有理有據(jù)、有邏輯性。Fo

9、r Contestant B OnlyPlease read the following information about the three offices and help Contestant A complete the worksheet.Office A 1 kilometre from the metro, 400 metres from a bus stop Space for 150 people 150,000 yuan a month A canteen and twenty parking spaces but no room for a gymOffice B 40

10、0 metres from the metro, 200 metres from a bus stop Space for 175 people 200,000 yuan a month A canteen, seventy parking spaces and room for a gymOffice C 600 metres from the metro, 200 metres from a bus stop Space for 200 people 220,000 yuan a month A canteen, fifty parking spaces and a well-equipp

11、ed gym 職場(chǎng)應(yīng)用題目 2For Contestant A Only選手 A: 某咖啡連鎖店想要開一家新店,需要為新店選址。假設(shè)你是新店的店長(zhǎng),手上有總經(jīng)理對(duì)新店選址的基本要求。你的隊(duì)友是選址負(fù)責(zé)人,給出了三個(gè)地點(diǎn)的相關(guān)資料。請(qǐng)與你的隊(duì)友溝通,選擇一個(gè)你們認(rèn)為最合適的咖啡店地點(diǎn)。在比賽第一階段,你需在 30 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù):1.認(rèn)真閱讀總經(jīng)理對(duì)新店選址的基本要求,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 1;2.向隊(duì)友詢問三個(gè)地點(diǎn)的相關(guān)信息,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 2;3.與隊(duì)友討論,選出一個(gè)你們認(rèn)為最能滿足要求的咖啡店地點(diǎn),完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A

12、 填寫,供其在賽場(chǎng)陳述時(shí)參考。)4.準(zhǔn)備第二階段的匯報(bào)內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 3 分鐘內(nèi)向裁判匯報(bào)任務(wù)完成情況,內(nèi)容需涵蓋以下要點(diǎn):1.What is your groups task?2.Which shop have you chosen for the company?3.Why have you chosen this shop? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this shop and havent chosen the other two.)For Contestant A OnlyPlease read

13、the requirements for a new coffee shop.Dear Miss Johnson,As you know our coffee shops are doing very well and I feel it is time to add a new store to our group. We would very much like our new store to be in the downtown area and I would like you to choose a suitable location. When choosing the loca

14、tion there are some important things I would like you to consider. Firstly, we need a location where a lot of people walk past. It would be best if we could be located in the centre of the business district. We need space that can seat at least 80 people. It would also be good if there is space for

15、children to play in. While the location and space are important, we must also think about the price. The rent per month should not be higher than 50,000 yuan. Lastly, we need to think about the competition in the area. Wed also like to sell sandwiches, salads and fruit in our shop, so its better if

16、there is no shop selling similar food near us. Could you please find a suitable location and get back to me as soon as possible?Sincerely,CathyFor Contestant A OnlyWorksheetSection 1 Readthe requirements for a new coffee shop and complete thefollowing form.DetailsRequirementsLocationLocated in the _

17、Seating spaceFor at least _ peopleRentNo higher than _ per monthCompetitionNo nearby shops selling _Section 2Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.DetailsInformation about each shopShop A: _LocationShop B: _Shop C: _Shop A: _Seating spaceShop B: _Shop C: _Shop A: _RentShop B:

18、 _Shop C: _Shop A: _CompetitionShop B: _Shop C: _Section 3Discuss the question with Contestant B and make a decision.Which shop do you choose for the company?Shop AShop BShop CFor Contestant B Only選手 B:某咖啡連鎖店想要開一家新店,需要為新店選址。假設(shè)你是新店的選址負(fù)責(zé)人,手上有三個(gè)地點(diǎn)的相關(guān)信息。你的隊(duì)友是新店的店長(zhǎng),手上有總經(jīng)理對(duì)新店選址的基本要求。請(qǐng)與你的隊(duì)友溝通,選擇一個(gè)你們認(rèn)為最合適的咖

19、啡店地點(diǎn)。在比賽第一階段,你需在 30 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù):1.認(rèn)真閱讀三個(gè)地點(diǎn)的情況介紹,提取相關(guān)信息;2.與隊(duì)友溝通,提供其所需信息,協(xié)助其完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 2;3.與隊(duì)友討論,選出一個(gè)你們認(rèn)為最能滿足要求的咖啡店地點(diǎn),協(xié)助其完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A 填寫。)4.準(zhǔn)備第二階段的答問內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 2 分鐘內(nèi)回答裁判的三個(gè)問題。回答需與實(shí)際任務(wù)相結(jié)合,表達(dá)清楚、有理有據(jù)、有邏輯性。For Contestant B OnlyPlease read the following information about the three

20、 shops and help Contestant A complete the worksheet.Shop A Located in the main business district Seating space for 100 people Rent: 50,000 yuan per month Near a caf offering a wide range of sandwiches, cakes and saladsShop B Located in the main business district Seating space for 85 people Rent: 46,

21、000 yuan per month Near a caf offering cakes and hot sandwichesShop C Located in the main shopping area Seating space for 75 people and a childrens playground Rent: 57,000 yuan per month Near a caf offering a wide range of salads, fruit and soups 職場(chǎng)應(yīng)用題目 3For Contestant A Only選手 A: 某公司想要為員工提供健身房(heal

22、th club)福利,以強(qiáng)健其體魄。假設(shè)你是該公司的總經(jīng)理助理,手上有對(duì)健身房各個(gè)方面的要求。你的隊(duì)友是辦公室負(fù)責(zé)人,手上有三家健身房的資料。請(qǐng)與你的隊(duì)友溝通,選擇一家你們認(rèn)為最符合要求的健身房。在比賽第一階段,你需在 30 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù):1.閱讀公司對(duì)健身房的各方面要求,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 1;2.向隊(duì)友詢問三家健身房的相關(guān)信息,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 2;3.與隊(duì)友討論,選出一家你們認(rèn)為最能符合公司要求的健身房,完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A 填寫,供其在賽場(chǎng)陳述時(shí)參考。)4.準(zhǔn)備第二階段的匯報(bào)內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 3 分鐘

23、內(nèi)向裁判匯報(bào)任務(wù)完成情況,內(nèi)容需涵蓋以下要點(diǎn):1.What is your groups task?2.Which health club have you chosen for the company?3.Why have you chosen this health club? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this health club and havent chosen the other two.)For Contestant A OnlyPlease read the requirements for a he

24、alth club for staff use.Dear Mr. Lucas,To support our staff, I would now like to offer health club membership to all employees. Obviously, we do not have space to build a gym in our offices so can you find a suitable health club in the local area? The health club should meet the following requiremen

25、ts:Be located near our officesA wide range of facilities including a gym, a swimming pool and classes such as yogaOpen 24 hours a dayHave a social programme and a bar or a restaurantLess than 350 yuan per month per personPlease look into the available options and get back to me as soon as possible.

26、Sincerely, SallyFor Contestant A OnlyWorksheetSection 1 Read the requirements for a staff health club and complete the following form.DetailsRequirementsLocationIt should be close to _.FacilitiesThe health club should have _, _ and _.Opening hoursIt should be open _.Social programmeHave a social pro

27、gramme and a _ or a _.CostLess than _ per month per person.Section 2Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.DetailsInformation about each health clubHealth club A: _LocationHealth club B: _Health club C: _Health club A: _FacilitiesHealth club B: _Health club C: _Health club A:

28、_Opening hoursHealth club B: _Health club C: _Health club A: _Social programmeHealth club B: _Health club C: _Health club A: _CostHealth club B: _Health club C: _Section 3Discuss the question with Contestant B and make a decision.Which health club do you choose for the company? Health club A Health

29、club B Health club CFor Contestant B Only選手 B: 某公司想要為員工提供健身房(health club)福利,以強(qiáng)健其體魄。假設(shè)你是該公司的辦公室負(fù)責(zé)人,手上有三家健身房的資料。你的隊(duì)友是公司總經(jīng)理助理,手上有對(duì)健身房各個(gè)方面的要求。請(qǐng)與你的隊(duì)友溝通,選擇一家你們認(rèn)為最能符合要求的健身房。在比賽第一階段,你需在 30 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù): 1.認(rèn)真閱讀三家健身房的情況介紹,提取相關(guān)信息; 2.與隊(duì)友溝通,提供其所需信息,協(xié)助其完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 2; 3.與隊(duì)友討論,選出一家你們認(rèn)為最能滿足要求的健身房,協(xié)助其完成任務(wù)單中的Section

30、3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A 填寫。) 4.準(zhǔn)備第二階段的答問內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 2 分鐘內(nèi)回答裁判的三個(gè)問題?;卮鹦枧c實(shí)際任務(wù)相結(jié)合,表達(dá)清楚、有理有據(jù)、有邏輯性。For Contestant B OnlyPlease read the following information about the three health clubs and help Contestant A complete the worksheet.Health club A Facilities availablegym, pool and classes Open 24 hours 1 kilome

31、tre from the office Social programme and bar available 350 yuan per month per personHealth club B Facilities availablegym, pool and classes Open 7 to midnight 2 kilometres from the office Small caf and no social programme 260 yuan per month per personHealth club C Facilities availablegym, pool and c

32、lasses Open 24 hours 1.5 kilometre from the office Social programme and bar and restaurant available 310 yuan per month per person 職場(chǎng)應(yīng)用題目 4For Contestant A Only選手 A:某公司要招聘一名實(shí)習(xí)生(intern),工作時(shí)間為今年夏天。假設(shè)你是該公司人力資源部負(fù)責(zé)招聘的經(jīng)理,手上有對(duì)新實(shí)習(xí)生各個(gè)方面的要求。你的隊(duì)友是人力資源部員工,手上有三名候選實(shí)習(xí)生的資料。請(qǐng)與你的隊(duì)友溝通,選擇一名你們認(rèn)為最符合公司要求的實(shí)習(xí)生。在比賽第一階段,你需在 3

33、0 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù):1.閱讀公司對(duì)實(shí)習(xí)生的各方面要求,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 1;2.向隊(duì)友詢問三名候選人的相關(guān)信息,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 2;3.與隊(duì)友討論,選出一名你們認(rèn)為最符合公司要求的實(shí)習(xí)生,完成任務(wù)單中的Section 3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A 填寫,供其在賽場(chǎng)陳述時(shí)參考。)4.準(zhǔn)備第二階段的匯報(bào)內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 3 分鐘內(nèi)向裁判匯報(bào)任務(wù)完成情況,內(nèi)容需涵蓋以下要點(diǎn):1.What is your groups task?2.Which candidate have you chosen for the company?3.Why have yo

34、u chosen this candidate? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this candidate and havent chosen the other two.)For Contestant A OnlyPlease read the requirements for a new intern.Dear Mrs. Richmond,We have a position available this summer for a college student to gain work experience in o

35、ur department. We often have lots of good letters and applications sent in that we keep on file. I would like you to look through these and choose a suitable candidate. Our requirements for the new intern are as follows:An average academic results above 70%Some experience of working with othersEngli

36、sh at least at intermediate level and ideally one other language at a basic levelBe available for a minimum of 2 months this summer and longer if possibleWant to work in finance in the futurePlease look through the letters and come back to me with your choice. Sincerely, HarleyFor Contestant A OnlyW

37、orksheetSection 1Read the requirements for an intern and complete the following form.DetailsRequirementsAcademic resultsAn average above _ExperienceShould have experience of _Language skills_ level in English plus one other languageAvailabilityNeed to work for _Future career planWant to work in _Sec

38、tion 2Communicate with Contestant B and complete the following form.DetailsInformation about each candidateCandidate A: _Academic resultsCandidate B: _Candidate C: _Candidate A: _ExperienceCandidate B: _Candidate C: _Candidate A: _Language skillsCandidate B: _Candidate C: _Candidate A: _Availability

39、Candidate B: _Candidate C: _Candidate A: _Future career planCandidate B: _Candidate C: _Section 3Discuss the question with Contestant B and make a decision.Which candidate do you choose for the company? Candidate A Candidate B Candidate CFor Contestant B Only選手 B: 某公司要招聘一名實(shí)習(xí)生(intern),工作時(shí)間為今年夏天。假設(shè)你是該

40、公司人力資源部的員工,手上有三名候選實(shí)習(xí)生的資料。你的隊(duì)友是該公司人力資源部的招聘經(jīng)理,手上有對(duì)新實(shí)習(xí)生各個(gè)方面的要求。請(qǐng)與你的隊(duì)友溝通,選擇一名你們認(rèn)為最能符合公司要求的實(shí)習(xí)生。在比賽第一階段,你需在 30 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù):1.認(rèn)真閱讀三名候選人的情況介紹,提取相關(guān)信息;2.與隊(duì)友溝通,提供其所需信息,協(xié)助其完成任務(wù)單中的 Section 2;3與隊(duì)友討論,選出一名你們認(rèn)為最能滿足要求的實(shí)習(xí)生,協(xié)助其完成任務(wù)單中的Section 3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A 填寫。)4.準(zhǔn)備第二階段的答問內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 2 分鐘內(nèi)回答裁判的三個(gè)問題。回答需與實(shí)際任務(wù)相結(jié)合,表達(dá)清楚、有理

41、有據(jù)、有邏輯性。For Contestant B OnlyPlease read the following information about the three candidates and help Contestant A complete the worksheet.Candidate A An average above 80% Give group presentations frequently Speak intermediate English and basic Japanese Free the whole of June, July and August Want t

42、o become an accountant in the futureCandidate B An average above 70% Active in weekly group work Speak advanced English and basic French Free in July and August Want to work in investment in the futureCandidate C An average above 75% Work in a team in his weekend job Speak English and basic French F

43、ree in July only Want to work in law in the future 職場(chǎng)應(yīng)用題目 5For Contestant A Only選手 A:某公司想要更換簽約的快遞公司(courier company),以得到更好的服務(wù)。假設(shè)你是該公司的辦公室主任,手上有對(duì)快遞公司各方面的要求。你的隊(duì)友是辦公室職員,手上有三家快遞公司的資料。請(qǐng)與你的隊(duì)友溝通,選擇一家你們認(rèn)為最能符合要求的快遞公司。在比賽第一階段,你需在 30 分鐘內(nèi)完成以下任務(wù):1.閱讀公司對(duì)快遞公司的各方面要求,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Section 1;2.向隊(duì)友詢問三家快遞公司的相關(guān)信息,填寫任務(wù)單中的 Sect

44、ion 2;3.與隊(duì)友討論,選出一家你們認(rèn)為最能符合公司要求的快遞公司,完成任務(wù)單中的Section 3;(備注:任務(wù)單僅由選手 A 填寫,供其在賽場(chǎng)陳述時(shí)參考。)4.準(zhǔn)備第二階段的匯報(bào)內(nèi)容。在比賽第二階段,你需在 3 分鐘內(nèi)向裁判匯報(bào)任務(wù)完成情況,內(nèi)容需涵蓋以下要點(diǎn):1.What is your groups task?2.Which courier company have you chosen for the company?3.Why have you chosen this courier company? (Please give detailed reasons why you have chosen this courier company and havent chosen the other two.)For Contestant A OnlyPlease read


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