



1、Unit4 Earthquake1. 教材分析本單元以地震為中心話題 ,介紹了地震這一自然現(xiàn)象,使大家對地震的起 因、前兆、危害及如何在震中自救等有了較全面的了解。各項語言活動主要圍繞這個中心內(nèi)容對人,事,物進行了描述。這些練習內(nèi)容讓學生思考如何去避免地 震或至少是避免太多的損失。即對于災難要有正確的認識,要用積極的態(tài)度來對 待它。1.1 Warmi ng-up用唐山和舊金山的兩幅圖片導入本單元,旨在讓學生運用有關知識去描述所見圖片,并發(fā)揮想象力來描述震后這兩個城市的情景。帶著疑問去學新知識,來完善自己對地震的認識。另一方面,它也為學生提供了功能項 目、短語詞匯、和語法知識方面的練習。1.2

2、Pre-reading是Warming-up的延續(xù)。它由對圖片的想象轉(zhuǎn)入到經(jīng)歷地震的 想象中。由兩個問題組成。第一個問題其目的是提高學生在危急關頭的應變能力, 第二個問題旨在培養(yǎng)學生對周圍事物的觀察能力,并結合圖片培養(yǎng)學生運用語言 的能力,也對課文內(nèi)容作了伏筆。1.3 Reading從內(nèi)容來看,它包含了地震的方方面面;從功能項目來看,它 包含了本單元大部分的詞匯和語法內(nèi)容,為下一步的語言運用做好了準備。這是 一篇新聞報道,記述了唐山地震的前兆,經(jīng)過,危害及救援工作。整篇文章語言 生動,扣人心弦,能讓人感到地震的可怕性,也能感到政府對災區(qū)人民的關懷。體現(xiàn)出了人類在自然災害面前的脆弱和戰(zhàn)勝困難時體

3、現(xiàn)出來的集體主義精神。同時也讓學生對災難臨頭時如何自救等知識有所了解。1.4 Comprehe ndi ng 是對目標語言的全面練習,也指導了學生的學習方法 和步驟。它要求學生從字、詞、句、語段總體上去把握課文內(nèi)容。The First PeriodReading ( I )Teach ing goals 教學目標1. Target Ianguage 目標語言a.重點詞匯和短語well, pond, burst, can als, steam, dirt, injure, brick, dam, useless, steel, shock, rescue, quake, electricity,

4、 army, shelter, fresh, organize, bury, at an end, dig out,coal mine, in ruinsb. 重點句子1. Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them. P262. The number of the people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000 P263. It seemed as if the world was at an end. P264. It was a city w

5、hose hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone. P265. Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan. P266. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. P267. Workers buil

6、t shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. P262. Ability goals 能力目標Enable the students to describe the earthquake of TangshanLet the students write a summary of“A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN ”T SLEEP”.3. Learning ability goals 學能目標Help the students learn how to describe the earth of Tangshan.

7、Help the students master the target language by doing some exercises.Teaching important points 教學重點a. Present a sequenceof events to introduce to the students and try to describe an earthquake. Let student pay attention to some useful words sentences and way to describe an earthquake.b. Let the stud

8、ents know what the correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people.Teaching difficult points 教學難點Teach the students how to appreciate an article.Teaching methods 教學方法a. Discussingb. Skimming and scanningTeach ing aids 教具準備A slide proj

9、ectorTeach ing procedures & ways教學過程及方式Step IRevision (2 minutes)Check the homework with the whole class.Step n Warming-up (3 minutes)Ask the students to read the instructions and make sure they know what to do, and then have a discussi on about the two pictures.Step 川 Pre-reading (3 minutes) There

10、are two questio ns in this part. Both are very in teresti ng. The first one can more or less reveal the students values; while the second one can enlarge their imagination. No matter what their answers are, as long as they have given careful thoughts to the situati ons, their an swers should be good

11、.Step IV Reading (20 minutes)In this part, the teacher should ask the students to read the passagequickly and silently for the first time to get the general idea of the passage.Ask them to pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. This can help them finish Exercise 3 in Comprehending. I

12、t is about the main idea of each paragraph. Then ask them to read the text again carefully to obtain some details. Before reading for the second time, show some questions on the screen, and let the students read the questions first. These questi ons can guide them to have a good un dersta nding abou

13、t the text. They can also make preparations for Exercises1 and 2, which are about details.Skimmi ng (5 mi nutes)The teacher shows the screen and gives them a little time to think over.1 Stra nge thi ngs were happe ning in the coun tryside of n ortheast Hebei.2 The disaster happe ned.3 Nearly everyth

14、 ing was destroyed.4 All hope was not lost.Careful reading (15 minutes) read the questi ons.Show on the scree n.1. What n atural sig ns of a coming disaster were there?2. Can you think of some reas ons why these sig ns were n t no ticed?3. What eve nts probably made the disaster worse?4. What situat

15、i ons probably made the disaster worse?5. How were the survivors helped?Give the stude nts 8 minu tes to read the text and the n to think over or discuss thequesti ons. The teacher should walk in the classroom to help those who n eed help.Step V Extension (8 minutes)T: All of you did very well. Now

16、I still have some questions to let you think over.Please look at the questi ons on the scree n:1. From whose point of view are eve nts described? How do you know?2. What is the mood of this passage? How is it created?3. Why do you think the writer chooses to express his feelings about the quake rath

17、e-tha n simply report ing what happe ned?4. Why is the title A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN T SLEEP?5. What does the sentenceSlowly, the city began to breathe again mean?The teacher can ask the studentsto have a discussion in groups of four at first andthen ask some of them to show their ideas.Suggested an

18、swers:S1: He uses a third- person sway to describe the quake. His description is veryobjective. For example, the sec ond senten cei n the third paragraph. The writersays, “ Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.” The writer usesthey in stead of we.S2: The mood is serious and a bit s

19、ad. It is created by giving details of how manypeople and ani mals were killed or injured, and how many build ings were destroyed.S3: Although the writer was not there, he felt sad for the people of Tangshan. Heknows that some pers onal feeli ngs will make the readi ng more in teresti ng.S4: I think

20、 the reason is that, as usual, night is the time to sleep, and usually night should be safe and quiet. But that night everything changed. The writer uses A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN T SLEEP as a title is to show how terrible and how unusual the night was.S5: Here we can see that the writer compared the c

21、ity to a person who suffered a lot in the disaster. He felt her pain, and he worried about her. So when he said that people came to help her, we can feel his feelings to the city. The city will not die, she has hope and she can recover from the pain.Step W Comprehending (5 minutes)By now, the studen

22、ts have had a further understanding aboutthe text. So it s time to have a summary about what they have learned in this class. The comprehending part on Page 27 gives them a good chance to do this. Exercise 1 is about the details in the text, which is easy to finish. Exercise 2 is about the important functional item of this unitsequence. Exercise 3 asks the students t


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