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1、王老師中考英語難點突破,精英班課程,首字母填空,攻克首字母填空的關(guān)鍵,文章理解 詞性分析 詞匯積累,文章理解,首字母填空是一種對綜合能力的測試,其中最基本的就是對文章整體意思的理解和把握。 在做這類題目時,不僅要看懂句子,而且要看懂文章,快速地將整篇文章看完讀懂后再落筆填詞。 練習(xí)建議:學(xué)會“讀得快”“讀主干”“遇到生詞猜一猜,詞性分析,理解文章意思后,要分析缺的詞是什么詞性。 句子的分析靠語法知識,基于語法知識,就可以發(fā)現(xiàn)缺空的詞匯是什么詞性的,然后再去篩選合適的單詞,這樣單詞的范圍就集中了。 練習(xí)建議: 學(xué)會用語法知識分析句子成分和結(jié)構(gòu); 積累單詞時要同時記住單詞的詞性,詞匯積累,讀懂文章

2、,確定了缺空單詞的詞性,選詞范圍就縮小到了一系列同義詞,最后根據(jù)給出的首字母選擇詞匯進(jìn)行填寫即可。 填寫時注意詞匯的拼寫以及相應(yīng)的變化,比如名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)、代詞的主賓格、動詞的時態(tài)等等。 練習(xí)建議: 平時多積累詞匯,最好有自己的生詞本,將平時閱讀到的、其他途徑積累的各種單詞及其詞性進(jìn)行記錄和整理,并定期復(fù)習(xí),知己知彼,百戰(zhàn)百勝,我們可以從老師的角度出發(fā),分析出題用意和考查目標(biāo),An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went ou

3、t with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening, and then when it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed. At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I dont want money, but give me one of your pictures

4、. What is money? In a week, it will all be finished, but your pictures will still be here. ” The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such nice things about his painting. The farmer smiled and answered, “It is not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When

5、he comes here next month, I will show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.,An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening, a

6、nd then when it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed. At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I dont want money, but give me one of your pictures. What is money? In a week, it will all be finished, but your pictures w

7、ill still be here. ” The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such nice things about his painting. The farmer smiled and answered, “It is not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes here next month, I will show him your picture, and then he will

8、 not want to be an artist any more, I think.,My friend Jones is not a very practical person. Driving along a main road one dark night he suddenly had a flat tyre. Even worse, he discovered that he didnt have a spare wheel in the back of his car! Jones waved to passing cars and lorries, but no one of

9、 them stopped. Half an hour passed and he was almost in despair. At last he waved to a car just like his own. To his surprise, the car actually stopped and a well-dressed young woman got out. Jones was terribly disappointed. How could a person like this possibly help him? The lady, however, offered

10、him her own spare wheel, but Jones had to explain that he had never changed a wheel in his life! She set to work at once and fitted the wheel in a few minutes while Jones looked on in admiration,My friend Jones is not a very practical person. Driving along a main road one dark night he suddenly had

11、a flat tyre. Even worse, he discovered that he didnt have a spare wheel in the back of his car! Jones waved to passing cars and lorries, but no one of them stopped. Half an hour passed and he was almost in despair. At last he waved to a car just like his own. To his surprise, the car actually stoppe

12、d and a well-dressed young woman got out. Jones was terribly disappointed. How could a person like this possibly help him? The lady, however, offered him her own spare wheel, but Jones had to explain that he had never changed a wheel in his life! She set to work at once and fitted the wheel in a few

13、 minutes while Jones looked on in admiration,考點猜測,實詞,主要是名詞和動詞,很少考文章中多次出現(xiàn)的詞,但是會考同義詞、近義詞。 固定搭配和習(xí)語(Idiom)中的介詞是考試重災(zāi)區(qū)。 否定詞要注意,對文章的意思有關(guān)鍵的作用。 如果缺的詞匯是修飾名詞性成分的,一般是形容詞;如果除去缺的詞匯,整個句子結(jié)構(gòu)完整,意思也基本表達(dá)完全,則缺詞很可能是副詞,先從“無字母填空”做起,可以先從“無字母填空”開始練習(xí),重點掌握文章理解和詞性分析的技巧。由于“無字母”填空沒有首字母限制,可以盡量地把符合要求的單詞都列出來,首字母填空”練習(xí),熟練掌握“無字母填空”的方法和

14、技巧后,即可開始“首字母填空”的練習(xí),2006-2012年南京市中考真題分析,2006年,We have been in Australia for three days. Were having a g time here. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. There is so m to see that it is impossible for me to tell you everything. Sydney is a beautiful city. There are many big t and beauti

15、ful flowers around the houses and they l_ really beautiful. There are also some special a in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas. They are really lovely,During the past three days weve visited many p of interest around Sydney. Id like to spend more time here. But we will f to another city, Cairn

16、s, to see coral beds (珊瑚礁) tomorrow. It is said that words cannot d_ the beauty of the colourful corals. Many famous cartoon films were made there. Now we are b packing our bags so that we will not lose time when we leave. We can enjoy o in Cairns this time tomorrow, Im looking forward to going ther

17、e,2007年,Advertisements are everywhere! Theyre on the r_ and TV, in newspapers and magazines. on buses and buildings. Theyre on websites and mobile phones. Companies g_ their products to film stars, pop stars and sports stars to u_ so that fans will buy them in order to copy the stars,Advertisements

18、have become so common(常見的) that they arent w_ any more. We dont like advertisements. so we try not to see them. We turn o_ the advertisements on computers. We refuse(拒絕) to watch them on TV, or read them in magazines. We no longer pay attention to the posters all around us. We dont copy the stars b_

19、 we know they dont really like the things they advertise,This means that advertising companies need a new w_ to sell. They cant make their products “cool” by advertising. Advertisements arent cool, and teenagers wont buy the things in advertisements i_ because the advertisements say they are fashion

20、able. The latest way to advertise is not to advertise,I_ of using stars, companies are using teenagers. They pay them to tell their friends about new products. Teenagers dont want to dress like everyone else and buy the things that everyone else has. They want to look d_ and create their own style.

21、Teenagers dont think its cool to copy the stars or buy things theyve seen in advertisements,2008年,In many big cities in the world, the overuse of cars is thought to be one of the major causes of air pollution. What will cars be 1_in the future,Some experts think that todays cars are in trouble b _ t

22、hey use too much petrol( 汽油 ). They say the car of the future will be much, much smaller. The car of tomorrow will be m _ without a motor or air conditioning. Itll have no radio and no lights. Tomorrows car will be an o_ air car with no doors or windows. It neednt have a pollution control system bec

23、ause it w 90 use petrol. In fact, this new car will be pushed by the drivers feet. Very few people will be killed in accidents, because the top s_ will be five miles per hour. However, we are also warned not to ask for pretty c_ , because the cars will come in grey only,Other car experts do not hold

24、 the same idea. They are s _ that the future will be happier. They think that all our problems will soon be solved by car companies with the production of the Supercar. Tomorrows car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable than b_ . The Supercar will have four rooms, TVs, running water, heat, a

25、ir conditioning, and maybe a swimming pool. Large families will travel on 1 _ trips comfortably. If petrol is in short supply ( 供給) , the Supercar will run on water,2009年,When the Great Library of Alexandria burned, the story goes that one book was saved. But nobody thought it was a v_ book. A poor

26、man, who could read a little, bought it for a few coins,The book wasnt very interesting, but between its pages there was something very interesting i_. It was a thin strip of vellum(羊皮紙) on which was written the secret of the “Touch stone”,The touchstone was a small pebble(卵石) that could t_ any comm

27、on metal into pure gold. The writing e_ that it was lying among thousands of other pebbles that looked exactly like it. But the secret was that the real stone would feel w_, while ordinary pebbles were cold,So the man camped on the seashore and began testing pebbles. He knew that if he picked up ord

28、inary pebbles and threw them down again b_ they were cold, he might pick up the same pebble hundreds of t_. So, when he felt one that was cold, he threw it into the sea. He spent a whole day doing this but none of them was the touchstone. Y_ he went on and on this way,2010年,You may open your electro

29、nic mail and find information about how to buy medicine, cheap airline tickets, books and, of course, computers and computer products(產(chǎn)品). But the use of electronic spam(垃圾郵件) to _ products has become a major problem to many people as it makes computer c_ more difficult,Many computers who want to se

30、nd a lot of advertising may u_ the services of “spammer”. A spammer is a p_ or company that uses computers to send out millions of copies of the same sales information. Spammers find e-mail a_ from websites, news groups and “chat room”, where people send m_ to each other,Most spam is sent by compani

31、es that try to get you to buy their products. Some of these are h_ companies that offer good products for fair prices. These companies can offer their products for a l_ price than you might find in a store. However, much of the spam on the Internet is sent by criminals trying to sell products that d

32、o not exist or offer things they will not p_. They are only interested in stealing your money. One country in Africa has become famous for the criminals who try every known trick to cheat people,2011年,As we know, museums are buildings where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people

33、 can go and see them. For examples, art museums are places where people can learn about v_ cultures. More and more popular “design museums” that are opening today, however, perform quite a different role. U_ most art museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found in our daily life, s

34、uch as fridges and washing machines,The a_ of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits(展品). Being different from the art museum visitors, design museums visitors s_ feel frightened or puzzled. This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why m

35、ass-products(批量生產(chǎn)) work and look as they do, and how design has i_ the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something b_ their understanding,Several new design museums have opened their doors in r_ years. Each of

36、 these museums has tried to satisfy(滿足) the publics growing interest in the field with new i_. Londons Design Museums, for example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins. The choice open to design museums seem f_ less strict than those

37、to art museums, and visitors may also sense the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys c _from our everyday life,2012年,Your local community is the area near your home where you work, play, and go to school. The neighbourhood where

38、 your f 71 make coonnections with other people, and the place you feel like you belong to,People are very social animals. We need to t_73_and interact(交往)with other human beings. We often understand ourselves b _74_when we discuss our opinions. emotions, and activities with other people. Making more connections with friends and family le


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