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1、八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下學(xué)期期中試題題號(hào)111111IVV1u1XIAll總分得分聽(tīng)力部分(25分)II.聽(tīng)句子,選出與你所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容相符的圖片。(5分)122I n .聽(tīng)對(duì)話及問(wèn)題,選擇正確的答案。(5分) () 6. A. They are talking in the park.jB. They are talk ing on the phone.II C. They are clea ning up a house.( )7. A. Their parents.B. Their friends.!I C. The school.II () 8. A. She was doing her homewor

2、k. B. She was play ing computer games.j C. She was doing the housework.II () 9. A. Sweep the floor. B. Fold the clothes.! C. Do the dishes.|j () 10. A. She got into a fight with her friend.IB. She had too much homework.I! C. She lost his book.IIII川.聽(tīng)長(zhǎng)對(duì)話,選擇正確的答案。(5分) 聽(tīng)第一段對(duì)話,回答第11、12小題。j () 11.How man

3、y people went swim ming with Lin da?IA. Three. B. Four. C. Five.I()12. When did they come back?I A. At 10 a. m. B. At 4 p. m. C. At 5 p. m.I聽(tīng)第二段對(duì)話,回答第1315小題。()13. The two speakers are most probably .II A. a teacher and stude nt B. a doctor and a patie ntI C. a pare nt and a child! () 14. What s the

4、matter with the woman?II A. She had a cold. B. She failed the exam.II C. She lost her bag.()15. What did the man tell the woma n to do?!I A. To work harder. B. To take some medici ne.II C. To drink more water.! iv.聽(tīng)短文,完成下面表格。短文聽(tīng)兩遍。(10 分);NOTICEI There will be a 16.I Speaker ; Sara Jones. an American

5、 17,I Place:In the 18.I Time:At 7 : 00-on 19,eveningI Topic:Experiences in 20.I 筆試部分(95分)Ij V.單項(xiàng)選擇。(15分)I| () 21. What s wrong with Simon ? He isn t at school today.! His leg hurt. He wasby a motorcycle this morni ng.Ij A. treated B. hit C. operated D. curedcan go back to schoolI| () 22. free educat

6、ion(免費(fèi)教育),more and more poor children! in the mountain area( 山區(qū))IA. Without B. Thanks to C. Instead of D. BecauseI () 23. my surprise, Jin Ming was chosen into our school football team.! Congratulations. He did well playing football when he was very young. I hope he llj be the best player in our sch

7、ool.II A. To; of B. At; at C. To; in D. In; aboutI! () 24. He lost his key. It made himin the cold to wait for his wife s return.II A. to stay B. stayed C. stays D. stayI! () 25. We decided tothe notices to raise money for the sick child.A. hand in B. hand up C. hand out D. hand overiI () 26. I try

8、on those shoes in the window?I. They are just on show. A. Could; Yes, you canB. Can; Sorry, you could ntC. Could; Sorry, you can t D. Can; Yes, you couldII () 27. There s no needyou to buy such a big house.A. with B. for C. to D. atIII () 28. Julie didn t leave her officethe police arrived.II A. how

9、ever B. whenever C. while D. until () 29. My teacherto help me with English.!I A. brought B. offered C. gave D. lentII () 30. He isa cute babywe all like him. A. so; that B.very; that C. such; that D. so; becauseI () 31. My sister with my parentsdumplingsII when I got home yesterday.A. are maki ngB.

10、 is mak ingII C. was makingD. were makingII ( ) 32. Our class are going to have a picnic tomorrow. If you don t go,A. neither will I B. neither do IIC.so do ID. so I doII ( ) 33.my cousin is very young,shecan help with the housework.II A. Once ; / B. Though; butI C. Although ; / D. Although; but! ()

11、 34. you get Anna some flowers?Good idea. She likes flowers a lot.II A. Why don tB. Why not C. Why do D. Why didj ( ) 35. She didn t answer me, she asked me another question.II A. eitherB. instead of C. yet D. InsteadIIIw.完形填空。(10分)Somestudents get along well with their teachers, but some can t. The

12、y have 36 withIn fact, it s important to remember that! their teachers. They may say that their teachers are too 37 .If they make mistakes.38their teachers will become very an gry.iI mistakes is part of learning. By pointingout your 39 andhelping you make them right,II the teacher is 40 you. In fact

13、, getting along with your teachers makes it easier toun dersta nd less ons and to do 41 in tests.Whe nyou have this kind of relati on shipwitha teacher, he or she can be some one you can 42 when you have problems. Getti ng alongII with a teacher is similar to havi ng a “ bus in ess relati on ship ”

14、. It s n early the 43 asfamily relati on shipsand frien dships,which are built on love.the bus in ess relati on ships that your pare nts have with the people they 44 with. !.I They re differentfrom youryou dont 45 to be good friends or like each other a lot.II In a bus in ess relati on ship,You simp

15、ly n eed to respectII 36. A. competitions B. problemsII 37. A. kindB. sad C. glad(尊重)one ano ther and be nice.C. fights D. partiesD. strict38. A. maki ngI39. A. ideasB. feeli ngC. keep ing D. collect ingB. troublesC. ways D. mistakesI 40. A. givingB. teach ingC. i nviti ng D. fooli ng41. A.good42. A

16、. talk toII 43. A. differentB. niceC. fine D. wellB. compare to C. argue with D. expla in toB. sameC. easy D. hard44. A. liveB. careC. sitD. workII 45. A. wantB. likeC. needD. Worryvn .閱讀理解。(20 分)(A)I Linda,14!My parents do 10 hours* housework a eek. My mother does most of thej housework .like cooki

17、ng and folding the clothes* My father ran only do theII washing - sweep the floor nnd lake out the tmsh* He really neetls to learn hou to ! do housework.I !Celina-13jMy mother and my father each do 50% of the work. My mother does theIwashing utul cleans the living room* My futher makes the bed lhuI

18、drives me toschool*! ij Paul, 16I!My father doesn t rlo a lot but he tries to help* He hang up the clothesI after niv mother does the laundry and my【not her is happy thnt he ahvays givesI| hei- a hand.I I-Bi0/15IMv mother is a doctor. She is bnsv with her work everv (lav - so she hasJfc*VVV!little t

19、ime to do lions work. In fact she isn t good tit doing IwusAvork. So myjfather has to do most of it. Sometimes my grand mol her comes to help I I! () 46. Linda s father doesn tat home.j A. do the wash ingB. take out the trashII C. sweep the floor D. fold the clothes! () 47. How does Celina go to sch

20、ool?IjA. By bike.B. By bus.I|C. By car.D. By subway.! ( ) 48. The underlined phrase“ hangs up ” means “” in Chinese.IA. 閑逛 B. 晾曬 C. 熨燙 D. 清洗I () 49. Whose father does most of the housework?IA. Linda s. B. Celina s. C. Paul s. D. Bill s.j () 50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage

21、?II A. Linda is one year older tha n Celi na but one year youn ger tha n Bill.!B. Celina s father needs to learn how to do housework.C. Paul s mother is angry with his father because he never helps her with housework. |II!D. Bill s grandmother helps Bill with his schoolwork.!IIIIII(B)iiI Are you fee

22、li ng tired in class every day? Are you feeli ng that you lose atte ntio n inI class? Are you feeling“brain( 大腦) -dead” sometimes?I Well, if you an swer “ yes ” to these questi ons, you are not sleep ing eno ugh. But you are jIII not alone. Many people thought the world have n t got eno ugh sleep, e

23、specially stude nts.I Gett ing eno ugh sleep is good for your health, so try the follow ing ways.Use your time wisely(明智地)III You should make pla ns of things you want to get done. Never wait till the last mome ntIto study for an exam or finish a task because you are only hurting your body in the lo

24、ng! run.!I Sleep like a babyIRemember when you were a child and your parents asked you to take naps(小睡)? Taking III naps is important to you if you lose sleep during the night.|III Sleep more, suffer( 遭受)lessIYou should n t make yourself suffer any Ion ger. So toni ght, clear your mind and tryiiI to

25、 get a few more hours of sleep than you did the nights before! So how much sleep do you|III need? Researchers have done an experiment. They put people in an environment without clocks I or win dows and ask them to sleep any time they feel. 95 perce nt sleep betwee n seven andj eight hours out of eve

26、ry 24.jIII () 51. If you are feeling tired, maybe.IA. you are sleep ing too muchIiIB. you aren t sleep ing eno ugh|I C. you are sleep ing eno ughI()52. What should we do if we have lots of things to do?IA. Work hard at them.|IIIB. Make pla ns of things we want to get done first.IC. Never do till the

27、 last mome nt.I“”|j () 53. What s the meaning of “sleep like a baby ” in the passage?jIII A. Sleepi ng all day.IB. Taking n aps duri ng the ni ght.IIC. Taking n aps whe n los ing sleep duri ng the ni ght.()54. How much advice does the writer give us in the passage?I! A. Three pieces. B. Two pieces.

28、C. Many pieces.()55. What does the writer tell us in the passage?II A. Every pers on should take a n ap.I B. Every person should get eno ugh sleep for health.C. Every pers on should sleep without clocks or win dows.iII vrn.詞匯(10分)| A)根據(jù)首字母提示或者中文意思,拼寫(xiě)單詞。I 56. What s the m with Jack?II 57. We shouldn

29、t laugh at( 殘疾的 )people. 58.Could you please( 借給)me a red pen?j 59. It s important to have good( 交流 )with parents.II 6O.PIease ewhy you were late again today. B)用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。I 61. Don t give up(try) paragliding.II 62.There are some(difficult) with our homework. 63.Her(kind) made us moved.II 64.The su

30、n(rise) from the east.II 65.He has a(tooth), so hedoesn t want to eat anything.IIi IX .根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)意思完成句子。(10分)II 66.他需要躺下來(lái)休息。 He n eedsand rest.Ij 67.我們希望想出一個(gè)好主意來(lái)幫助貧困生。I We hopea good idea to help poor students.68.Tom每天都花很多時(shí)間做家作。|I Tommuch timeher homework.II 69.父母總是拿我跟別人比。 My parents always me other child

31、re n.70.My mother is strong in English.(改寫(xiě)同義句)II My motherin English.IIIX .翻譯。(10分)(1)Whenyou feel worried or stressed out, everything seems to go wrong at once. You can tI(2)你可能會(huì)與父母或者朋友爭(zhēng)論。You may have! remember what the teacher say in blems with sleep in g,too. For example,II tired when yo

32、u get up.II If you are under too much pressure,(4)(3) you can t get to sleep or you still feelmaybe it s time to change your life a bit by doingsometh ing differe nt.I It s important for you to learn to relax. You can listen to some light music.I也是一種好的放松方式。 71.將(1)處的句子翻譯成中文。(5)閱讀! 72將(2)處的句子翻譯成英文。73

33、將(3)處的句子翻譯成中文。74將處的句子翻譯成中文。I 75將(5)處的句子翻譯成英文。!幻.任務(wù)型閱讀。(io分)Have you ever heard of the Watoto Children s Choir(合唱團(tuán))? It is a music group fromII Africa. It works to improve the way of life forchildren in Africa.IThe choir is traveli ngI all over the world with a team of adults. Their performances mix

34、native African music anddance with moder n style.iThe choir was started in Kampala, Uganda. Watoto means“ children ” in Swahili( 斯瓦I 希里語(yǔ)).The choir is made up of people who have lost one or both of their parents. The Watoto Child Care Ministries(咅部門(mén))provide care for orphans( 孤兒)in Uganda. Thej Watot

35、o Village is a collection of houses built especially for the orphans. Each house hasII a woman who takes care of about eight children. At present the Watoto Village is looking after 1,600 children by placing them in families. The children will be looked after withj health care and food and get the l

36、ove that every child needs.IIDenn is Kiima is the team leader of the Watoto Childre n s Choir. He said, “ Our goal is to raise the future leaders of Uganda. Wehope they will change the country for the better. Wecan t tell what will happen. It s either good or bad, and we re hoping for the best. ”i根據(jù)

37、短文內(nèi)容,回答下列問(wèn)題。II 76. What is the Watoto Children s Choir? 77. What does the Watoto Children s Choir work for?I 78. What do the WatotoChildren s Choir s performances mix?II79. What people is the Watoto Children s Choir made up of?III 80. What s the woman s job in each house in the Watoto Village?!劉.書(shū)面表

38、達(dá)。(15分)III由于父母溺愛(ài),現(xiàn)在許多孩子基本不做學(xué)習(xí)以外的事情,導(dǎo)致獨(dú)立生活能力不強(qiáng)。請(qǐng)根據(jù)下列表格內(nèi)容,談?wù)勛鳛橹袑W(xué)生,我們應(yīng)該如何培養(yǎng)自己的獨(dú)立性。不少于80字。WaysThings we can dobegi n with our own thingsclea n our rooms.help with houseworkcook.lear n activelylear n by ourselvesthink about things by ourselvesi11IHow to be In depe ndenti!八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)期中測(cè)試卷聽(tīng)力材料I I .聽(tīng)句子,選出與你所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容相符

39、的圖片。每個(gè)句子聽(tīng)一遍。1. A lot of old people are Ionely. We should listen to them and care for them.II 2. My alarm went off on time so I got up early.II 3. I have a toothache and I can t eat anything.4. They han ded out no tices after school.!I 5. I have too much homework so I don t have any free time to do t

40、hings I like.II n .聽(tīng)對(duì)話及問(wèn)題,選擇正確的答案。對(duì)話及問(wèn)題聽(tīng)兩遍。6. W: I m phoning you to know if you can help set upa house for children.IM: I d love to.I Q: What are they doi ng? 7. W: Childre n are un der too much pressure. They n eed time and freedom to relax.jM: You are right. The school shouldn t push the kids so h

41、ard.II Q: Who gives the childre n too much pressure? 8. M: Hi, Lisa. Were you doing your homework whe n I called you yesterday?j W: No, I was play ing computer games.II Q: What was Lisa doing whe n the man called her yesterday? 9. W: Could you please sweep the floor, Tom?jM: Sorry, I can t. I must f

42、old the clothes.II Q: What must Tom do?!10. M: What s wrong with you, Gina?j W: I got into a fight with my best friend.IQ: What happe ned to Gin a?!川.聽(tīng)長(zhǎng)對(duì)話,選擇正確的答案。每段對(duì)話聽(tīng)兩遍。j 聽(tīng)第一段對(duì)話,回答第 11、12小題。II M: Hi, Linda ! What were you doing at ten o clock yesterday morning?W: Oh, I was swim ming with my frien

43、ds, Gina, Alice and An drea.II M: Did you have a good time?W: Yes. We didn t return until four oclock in the after noon.聽(tīng)第二段對(duì)話,回答第1315小題。M: What s the matter with you?W: I m not feeling well, doctor.M: OK. Let me take your temperature. Ur There s nothing serious.W: Do I n eed any medici ne?M: No. Just a little cold.W: What shall I do the n?M: Drink more water, andyo


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