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1、Module 5,Shopping,Unit 1,What can I do for you,market n.市場 supermarket n.超市 biscuit n. 餅干 lemon n.檸檬 strawberry n. 草莓 size n. 尺寸 try on 試穿 wait a minute 稍等一會 sale n. 降價出售 fresh adj. 新鮮的,檢測單詞預習情況,Mothers Day 母親節(jié),Do you know,母親節(jié)的來歷: 母親節(jié)起源于美國。1906年5月9日,美國費城的安娜賈薇絲的母親不幸去世,她悲痛萬分。在次年母親逝世周年忌日,安娜小姐組織了追思母親的活動

2、,并鼓勵他人也以類似方式來表達對各自慈母的感激之情。此后,她到處游說并向社會各界呼吁,號召設立母親節(jié)。她的呼吁獲得熱烈響應。1913年5月10日,美國參眾兩院通過決議案,由威爾遜總統(tǒng)簽署公告,決定每年5月的第二個星期日為母親節(jié)。這一舉措引起世界各國紛紛仿效,至1948年安娜謝世時,已有43個國家設立了母親節(jié),Mothers Day,What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mothers Day? What is Betty going to make for her mother? What does Betty want to buy?

3、 When are they going to the shop,A T-shirt,A cake,Strawberries, biscuits and some lemons,Tomorrow afternoon,Listen and answer,Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum. Purple. All right. Small. What about this one,can I do for you,does she like,does she take,What,What colour,What size,Certainly. Look at

4、the price. Its 198 yuan. Thats too much. But Theres a sale on today. OK,May I ,wait a minute,Everything is,I will take it,try it on,half price,Ive got some food to buy too. Yes. Id like some sausages. Thirty-eight yuan a kilo. Half a kilo,help you,are they,would you like,Can I,How much,How much,OK.

5、A kilo beans and two lemons. Thatll be thirty yuan. Oh, the strawberries . How much are they? Ten yuan a kilo. One kilo, please. Heres fifty-nine yuan,look fresh,would you like,What else,Now plete the table,one,99 yuan,half a kilo,one kilo,19 yuan,10 yuan,Role to read the conversation,分角色朗讀課文,If you

6、 want to buy clothes, act it,Colour: black Size: Small Price: ¥98,Colour: blue Size: large Price: ¥60,Colour: red Size: middle Price: ¥50,回顧重點句型 1.What can I do for you?=Can I help you? 2.Id like to buy for 3.What color do you like ? 4. What size do you take? 5.May I try it on? Certainly. 6.How much

7、 is/are?= Whats the price of? 7.There is a sale on today? Everything is half price. 8. What else would you like,達標練習,一、根據中文提示完成句子: 1. I am going to buy for my mother on _ (母親) Day 2. My brother likes eating _ (草莓). 3. Theres a _ (降價) on today. 4. Everything is half _ (價格). 5. What _ (別的) would you l

8、ike,Mothers,strawberries,sale,price,else,1.This shirt is 50 yuan.(提問) _ _ is this shirt? _ _ _ of this shirt? 2.Can I help you?(同義句) _,try on 試穿 May I try it/them on? 我可以試穿一下嗎,back,Theres a sale on today. 今天降價。 a sale on= on sale Everything is half price. 所有物品都是半價,back幻燈片 8,當你去商場的時候,售貨員經常會說,Can I help you? What can I do for you? 你常這樣回答: Id like to buy.(for) Id like some,back,Small Middle large,售貨員會問你要什么顏色和尺寸,What color do you like? What size do you take? 穿,你想知道價格可以這樣問,Buy clothes,How much is / are,back,Buy food,價錢表示方法:five yuan a kilo 一公斤五元 How much would you li


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