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1、表語從句,Definition(定義) 表語是用來說明主語的身份、性質(zhì)、品性、特征和狀態(tài)的,表語常由名詞、代詞、數(shù)詞、動詞過去分詞、動詞的-ing形式、副詞、介詞短語、形容詞、不定式和從句等來充當(dāng),Eg. (例子) The person stood in front of you just now is my headmaster. 剛才站在你前面的那個人是我的校長。 I didnt know that it was you at that time. 當(dāng)時我不知道那是你。 The door remained closed. 門仍然關(guān)著。 Marys daily job is cleaning

2、 the house. 瑪麗的日常工作就是打掃這間房子,名詞充當(dāng)表語,代詞充當(dāng)表語,動詞過去分詞充當(dāng)表語,動詞- ing形式充當(dāng)表語,The house is not only large but also beautiful. 這所房子不僅大而且漂亮。 When I went to your house, you were out. 當(dāng)我到你家的時候,你不在家。 No one was in the dorm, when she arrived. 當(dāng)她到達(dá)的時候,宿舍里沒有人。 My job is to teach you English. 我的工作是教你們英語。 The reason why

3、 he came late was that his clock didnt work. 他遲到的原因是他的鬧鐘壞了,介詞短語充當(dāng)表語,副詞充當(dāng)表語,形容詞充當(dāng)表語,不定式充當(dāng)表語,從句充當(dāng)表語,觀察思考,指出句子成分,Henry was an American businessman,Henry met an American businessman,主語,表語,主語,謂語,賓語,及物動詞,連系動詞,表語從句的定義,The question is who will do it,The question is difficult,表,表語從句,表,2. 表語從句的構(gòu)成,主語 + 系動詞 + 引

4、導(dǎo)詞 + 簡單句,This is why he did it,表語從句放在連系動詞之后,充當(dāng)復(fù)合句中的表語,What I want to say is that I am tired,可以接表語從句的系動詞有: 1: be(being,been,am,is,are,was,were) 2: feel , seem , look, appear ,sound, taste , smell 3: stand , lie , remain ,keep, stay 4: become ,get , grow , turn ,go ,come, run,fall 5: prove證明, turn out

5、,連接詞:that / whether /as if /as though (if不引導(dǎo)表語從句) 連接代詞:who / whom / whose / which / what 連接副詞:when / where / why / how / because,Predictive clause 表語從句 1. that 1) that 在從句中不擔(dān)任句子成分,無實(shí)際意義,一般不能省略 2)在表“建議,勸說,命令”的名詞idea, suggestion, request, proposal 建議等后面的表語從句中,謂語動詞用“should + 動詞原形”,should可省略 My opinion

6、is that its getting better and better. My suggesstion is that we (should) start early tomorrow,whether在表語從句中表 ,但不充當(dāng)句子的成分。if 引導(dǎo)表語從句.如: 1.What the doctor really doubts is whether my mother will recover from the serious disease疾病 soon. 2. The question is whether it is worth doing,是否,不能,as if, as though

7、 引導(dǎo)的表語從句 as if/though引導(dǎo)的表語從句常置于連系動詞look, seem, sound, be, become等后面,常用虛擬語氣,表示不存在的動作或狀態(tài)。 e.g. It sounds as if/though somebody was knocking at the door,主語+連系動詞(look/seem/appear)+that/as if從句,as if/as though引導(dǎo)的表語從句如果是事實(shí),就用陳述語氣,如果與事實(shí)不符,就用虛擬語氣(主句一般現(xiàn)在時從句就用過去式,be的話變成were。主句是過去式,從句用過去完成時)。 It looks as if he

8、 were her own father.(與事實(shí)不符) Dark clouds are gathering. It looks as if its going to rain,As /as if、as though,形勢并不像外表所看到的那樣。 她看上去很擔(dān)憂他父母的病情。 他好像瘋了似的,The situation is not as it seems to be,She looks as if she is worried about her fathers disease,It was as though he were mad,because,because引導(dǎo)表語從句通常只用于“T

9、his/That/It is because”結(jié)構(gòu)中。 My anger憤怒 is because you havent written to me for a long time. 你為什么不來出席座談會?是病了么,Why were you absent from the forum? Was it because you were ill,that, why與because引導(dǎo)表語從句時的區(qū)別,雖然三者均可引導(dǎo)表語從句,但that沒有詞義,而why和because有自己的意思;另外,雖然why和because都可引導(dǎo)表語從句,但前者強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)果,后者強(qiáng)調(diào)原因。如: The reason was

10、 that you dont trust her.原因是你不信任她。 The fact is that they are angry with each other.事實(shí)是他們生彼此的氣。 He was ill. Thats why he was sent to the hospital.他病了,所以被送到醫(yī)院來。 He was sent to the hospital. Thats because he was ill.他被送到醫(yī)院,是因?yàn)樗×?填空: The reason why we didnt trust him is _ he has often lied,reason 做主語時

11、,表語從句只能用that引導(dǎo), 不能用why 引導(dǎo)。句型結(jié)構(gòu)為: The reason (why/for)is /was that. The reason is that,that,The reason why he was late was that he missed the train by one minute this morning (當(dāng)主語是reason時,表語從句要用that引導(dǎo)而不是because,他早上來晚的原因是他晚了一分鐘而沒趕上火車,注意,主語為reason 時,表語從句連接詞用that, 但以it, this, that 開頭做主語的句子,則可用because。 T

12、he reason for his being late was that he missed the early bus. She was late this morning. That was because she missed the early bus. * The reason _ he was late was that he missed the early bus,why,例題2: The reason why he failed is _he was too careless. A. because B. that C. for D. because of,B,注意點(diǎn)2:

13、主句主語為reason, 只能用that引導(dǎo)表語從句,不可用because,連接代詞who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever 連接副詞 where, when, how, why,The problem is who we can get to replace her. 問題是我們能找到誰去替換她呢,The question is how he did it. 問題是他是如何做此事的,That was what she did this morning on reaching the attic. 那就是她今晨上了閣

14、樓干的,That is where he was born,那就是他出生的地方,where, when, why, how引導(dǎo)的表語從句 連接副詞where, when, why, how除在句中起連接作用外,在從句中還充當(dāng)時間、地點(diǎn)、方式、原因狀語,本身具有詞義。 e.g. Thats where I cant agree with you. This is why Sara was late for the meeting. This is how they overcome the difficulties. My strongest memory is when I attended

15、an American wedding,表語從句的常用句型,名詞主語bethat從句 The fact is that I was in the garden when the robbery happened. 作主語的名詞通常有表示事實(shí)、真理的名詞fact, truth 或表示看法觀點(diǎn)的名詞idea, opinion, belief, view, feeling, suggestion, plan等。 suggestion, proposal, advice, requirement 等詞后的表語從句要用虛擬語氣(should)do,名詞主語+be+that引起的表語從句,如: 1.The

16、 fact is that our team has won the game. 2.The truth is that she was a kind person. 3. My opinion is that we should discuss it with them,名詞主語bewh-疑問詞引導(dǎo)的從句 The trouble is where we can get the things we need. wh- 引導(dǎo)的主語從句bethat 從句 What surprised me most was that all the pupils were unusually quiet. Thi

17、s / That be wh-疑問詞引導(dǎo)的從句 This is how you make the Italian pizza,表語從句的常用句型,注意,表語從句中的 that 不能省略 表語從句中只能用 whether 不能用 if 表語從句中,從句用陳述句語序,2.-Are you still thinking about yesterdays game? -Oh, thats_ . A. what makes me feel excited B. whatever I feel excited about C. how I feel about it D. when I feel exci

18、ted,A,解析: 這是由what 引導(dǎo)的一個表語從句,在從句中充當(dāng)主語,這句話的意思為:那是使我感到興奮的事。故答案為A,2.-I drove to Zhuhai for the air show 空中表演last week. -Is that_ you had a few days off? A.why B.when C.what D.where,解析:這是一個由why引導(dǎo)的表語從句,表示原因.這句話的意思是這就是你離開的原因嗎?。故答案為A,A,4.When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the gold

19、en rule: Always give the monkey exactly_ he wants . A.what B.which C.when D.that,解析:這是一個賓語從句,wants后面缺少賓語,Always give the monkey exactly what he wants是一句諺語,意思是永遠(yuǎn)給予他人他確實(shí)想要的東西。故答案為A,A,小結(jié),1. 表語從句的構(gòu)成,引導(dǎo)詞+簡單句,2. 引導(dǎo)詞,連詞that, whether, as ,as if,連接代詞who, what, which,連接副詞when, where, how ,why,3. 3個注意點(diǎn),if 不引導(dǎo)表

20、語從句,主語為reason時,引導(dǎo)詞用that,語序,1. The question is _ we will have our sports meet next week. that B. if C. when D. whether 2The reason why he failed is _he was too careless. because B. that C. for D. because of 3. Go and get your coat.去拿你的衣服 It s _you left it where B. there C. there where D. where there,4The problem is _to take the pla


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