



1、精品教學教案設計| Excellent teaching plan教師學科教案20- 20學年度第學期任教學科:任教年級:任教老師:xx市實驗學校精品教學教案設計| Excellent teaching plan育人猶如春風化雨,授業(yè)不惜蠟炬成灰BNGLIS1 I(三弔級起點)三年級上冊LessonWhats this?教材分析I本課是三年級上冊英語第八課,本節(jié)課主要學習What s this? What s句型,通過學習使學生學會對不同劃線部分提問的區(qū)別,同時通過課文重點句子的學習,進一 步提高學生聽、說、讀、寫的綜合語言能力。通過錄音及模仿來熟練掌握課本詞匯和句型,讓學生能用所學知識表達和

2、交流。教學目標【知識目標】1. 能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞 :book, desk, chair, blackboard, pan da, hippo, elepha nt, mon key.2. 能熟練掌握句型:Whats this/ that Its a 【能力目標】(1 )能夠通過師生說、兩兩說和自主聽讀體驗交際式英語教學的一般過程,掌握英語說聽的基本方法;(2) 能夠通過兩兩說和綜合說體驗合作學習的過程和方法;(3) 能夠仔細傾聽老師和同學的發(fā)言,有語言表達和與同學交流的愿望?!厩楦心繕恕?1) 激發(fā)和保持學生英語學習的動機,實現趣能”兩得;(2) 在學生兩兩交流和小組合作交流中,培養(yǎng)孩子

3、合作意識和合作精神,能夠相互配 合完成一段通順流暢的說話訓練。教學重難點【教學重點】能夠聽、說、讀、寫單詞 :book, desk, chair, blackboard, pan da, hippo, elepha nt, mon key.【教學難點】能熟練掌握句型:Whats this/ that Its a f課前準備Tape recorder, Multimedia教學過程LJStep 1. Greeti ng and In troduct ionBegi n by greeti ng the class with a smile!T: Good after noon, stude nt

4、s.S: Good after noon, teacher.Step 2. New wordsegg雞蛋bun 圓面包rat 老鼠map 地圖Step 3. Let s talk.Hello, Eve! What this?It s an egg, a red egg.Is it a bu n?No, it s a hot dog.What s that?It s a rat.What s that?It s a cat.Step 4. Let s learnWhat s this/that?It s a bun.Step 5. Let s chantWhat is this, Mr Hare

5、?It is a bear.What is that, Mr Hare?It is a chair.The bear is on the chair.Step 6. Let s readRead these words below. And learn the usage and reading of vowels and consonants. Read and write words based on pictures.leg pen map fat Step 7. Listen and tick Listen to the recording and select the correct

6、 option. Then imitate the tone of the voice in the recording and see who is more excellent.Step 8. Let s make and learnLearn words and find the right parts, speak English words based on pictures to develop students recognition and response skills.arm head hand foot leg bodyStep 9. Listen and doGroup

7、 cooperation. Do corresponding actions according to the instructions. Other students see if it is correct. Lear n to spell and use words. Follow the record ing and spell it. See who remembers fast and accurate. And let the stude nts try to write a simple con versati on accord ing to the content of this sect ion and the n read it to the stude nts. The stude nt or teacher corrects the in struct ions.Touch your bodyClap your handsTouch your


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