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1、 。 英語(yǔ)閱讀理解專題指導(dǎo)猜測(cè)詞義題 在閱讀中我們經(jīng)常會(huì)遇到許多生詞。這時(shí)許多同學(xué)立即翻閱詞典,查找詞義。這樣做不但費(fèi)時(shí)費(fèi)力,而且影響閱讀速度、影響對(duì)語(yǔ)篇的整體把握。事實(shí)上,閱讀材料中的每個(gè)詞與它前后的詞語(yǔ)或句子甚至段落都有聯(lián)系。我們可以利用語(yǔ)境(各種已知信息)推測(cè)、判斷某些生詞的詞義。近年來(lái)全國(guó)統(tǒng)一高考中加大了對(duì)考生猜詞義能力的考查,因此,掌握一定的猜詞技巧,對(duì)突破高考閱讀理解、提高我們的英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言能力都有非常重要的意義。 常見(jiàn)的題干有: 1) Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word? 2) The word.

2、could best be replaced by. 3) In the. paragraph, the word. means (refers to). 4) According to the passage,. probably means. 5) The author uses the word. to mean. 猜測(cè)詞義時(shí),一般可利用以下四個(gè)方面的線索: 一是針對(duì)性的解釋 針對(duì)性解釋是作者為了更好的表達(dá)思想,在文章中對(duì)一些重要的概念、難懂的術(shù)語(yǔ)或高深的詞匯等所做的通俗化的解釋。這些解釋提供的信息明確具體,所使用的語(yǔ)言通俗易懂,利用它們來(lái)猜測(cè)詞義就非常簡(jiǎn)單。 1.根據(jù)定義(defini

3、tion)猜測(cè)詞義 如果生詞有一個(gè)句子(定語(yǔ)從句或是同位語(yǔ)或是同位語(yǔ)從句)或段落來(lái)定義,或使用破折號(hào),冒號(hào),分號(hào)后的內(nèi)容和引號(hào)括號(hào)中的內(nèi)容加以解釋和定義,那么理解這個(gè)句子或段落本身就是推斷詞義。定義常用的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞多為:be, mean, deal with, be considered, to be, be called, define, represent, refer to, signify 等。 例1.Do you know what a territory is ? A territory is an area that an animal ,usually the male, cla

4、ims(聲稱)as its own.(2005年湖北卷) 分析由定義可推知,這里territory指的是:動(dòng)物的地盤。 例2.In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today(2005年浙江卷) 分析由同位語(yǔ)an endangered wild cat我們很快猜出生詞ocelots的義域:一種瀕臨滅絕野貓。 例3. Here is The Pines ,whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such

5、as caribou ,wild boar ,and reindeer with surprising sauces . (2004年福建卷) According to the passage ,The Pines is a . Aplace in which you can see many mobile homes Bmountain where you can get a good view of the valley Ctown which happens to be near the Banff National Park Drestaurant where you can ask

6、for some special kinds of food 分析通過(guò)whose引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句,我們可以推測(cè)到:The Pines 是一家餐館的名字,由此不難推出理解題的答案為:D。 例4. There is no cure(治愈) for Alzheimers. But a drug called ARICEPT has been used by millions of people to help their symptoms(癥狀). 61. What is ARICEPT? (C) 精選資料,歡迎下載 。 A. A medicine to cure Alzheimers B. A me

7、dicine to delay signs of aging. C. A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimers. D. A medicine to cure brain damage. 例5. Here is The Pines, whose cook has developed a special way of mixing foreign food such as caribou, wild boar and reindeer with surprising sauces. (1)According to the passage, Th

8、e Pines is a _. (D) A. place in which you can see many mobile homes B. mountain where you can get a good view of the valley C. town which happens to be near the Banff National Park D. restaurant where you can ask for some special kinds of food 2.根據(jù)舉例猜測(cè)詞義 某些閱讀文章為了證實(shí)或說(shuō)明某一觀點(diǎn),常會(huì)舉一些例子,而且時(shí)時(shí)會(huì)用一些標(biāo)志性語(yǔ)言或標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)來(lái)

9、引出,如:括號(hào)、破折號(hào)、冒號(hào)等或諸如for example, for instance, such as, and so on, just as, like, similarity 等連接詞或詞組。 eg. 1. You may borrow from the library any periodicals: Nature, News Week, Times and The listener. _期刊_ 2. Some artists plan their paintings around geometric forms like squares, circles and triangles.

10、 (幾何) 例4. The course gives you chances to know great power polities between nation states. It will provide more space to study particular issues such as relationship among countries in the European Union, third world debt, local and international disagreement, and the work of such international bodi

11、es as the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, and the World Bank.(2004年遼寧卷) 分析根據(jù)such as 后面列舉的一系列例子,我們應(yīng)該能推斷出句中的issue 是指議題。 二是內(nèi)在邏輯關(guān)系 根據(jù)內(nèi)在邏輯關(guān)系推測(cè)詞義是指應(yīng)用語(yǔ)言知識(shí)分析和判斷相關(guān)信息之間存在的邏輯關(guān)系,然后根據(jù)邏輯聯(lián)系推斷生詞詞義或大致義域。 1.根據(jù)對(duì)比、比較關(guān)系猜測(cè)詞義 在一個(gè)句子或段落中,有對(duì)兩個(gè)事物或現(xiàn)象進(jìn)行對(duì)比性的描述,我們可以根據(jù)生詞的反義詞猜測(cè)其詞義。表示對(duì)比關(guān)系的詞匯和短語(yǔ)主要有:unlike, not, but, however

12、, despite, in spite of, in contrast 等。表示對(duì)比關(guān)系的句子結(jié)構(gòu):while 引導(dǎo)的并列句。同對(duì)比關(guān)系相反,比較關(guān)系表示意義上的相似關(guān)系。表示比較關(guān)系的詞和短語(yǔ)主要有:similarly, like, just as, also, as well as 等。 例5.A childs birthday party doesnt have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun. What does the underlined word hassle (paragraph 1) probably mean? (2002

13、年NMET) A.a party designed by specialists B.a plan requiring careful thought C.a situation causing difficulty or trouble D.a demand made by guests 分析根據(jù)對(duì)比關(guān)系,這里hassle 和 a basket of fun 是相反的意義,很容易判斷理解題的答案為C。 例6.Green loves to talk, and his brothers are similarly loquacious. 該句中副詞similarly表明短語(yǔ)loves to ta

14、lk和loquacious 之間的比較關(guān)系,其意義相近。由此我們可推斷出loquacious的意思是健談的。 2.根據(jù)因果關(guān)系猜測(cè)詞義 精選資料,歡迎下載 。 在句子或段落中,若兩個(gè)事物現(xiàn)象之間構(gòu)成因果關(guān)系,我們可以根據(jù)這種邏輯關(guān)系推測(cè)生詞詞義。 例7.feel that since you are my superior , it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do . (2005年上海卷) The word presumptuous in the middle of the passage is closest in mea

15、ning to . Afull of respect Btoo confident and rude Clacking in experience Dtoo shy and quiet 分析根據(jù)since 引導(dǎo)的原因狀語(yǔ)從句的內(nèi)容(既然你是我的上司),我們可以推斷這里presumptuous的意思是:冒失的,放肆的意思,后半句的意思是:我告訴你怎么做會(huì)是一種放肆/冒失的行為。對(duì)應(yīng)的理解題答案為:B。 例8.Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots,or young leaves.(2005年江西

16、卷) 根據(jù)原因狀語(yǔ)從句的內(nèi)容,我們可以判斷Pruning的意思是:修剪(樹枝等)的意思。 3.根據(jù)說(shuō)明、并列、同等同義近義、反義等關(guān)系猜測(cè)詞義 在句子或段落中,我們可以利用熟悉的詞語(yǔ),根據(jù)語(yǔ)言環(huán)境所表面的關(guān)系猜測(cè)詞義。 例9.William Shakespeare said. The web of our life is of a mingled yarn(紗線),good and ill together. (2005年江蘇卷) The underlined word mingled in the last paragraph most probably means . Asimple Bm

17、ixed Csad Dhappy 分析句中g(shù)ood and ill together 更具體地說(shuō)明了a mingled yarn的意義,據(jù)此我們不難推測(cè)mingled的意思是:混合的,交織的。 例10.Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs ? The answer is yes, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins and three other medical centers. (2004年湖北卷) 分析根據(jù)and three other medical cen

18、ters 這種并列關(guān)系,我們很容易推斷出:Johns Hopkins是一家醫(yī)療中心。 例11.There is no reason to insult and defame the man simply because you do not agree with him. 分析根據(jù)與insult侮辱的同等關(guān)系猜測(cè)defame為詆毀 ,中傷或誹謗 例12.The game Americans call soccer is known around the world as football. 分析運(yùn)用與football的同義關(guān)系推斷為足球。 例13.The house stood at the

19、end of a quiet neat street. The little dwelling,however,looked neglected and cheerless. 分析運(yùn)用與The house近義關(guān)系可以推斷dwelling與住所有關(guān) 例14.Most women in China -educated and illiterated, urban and rural, the young and old-work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers. 分

20、析后面的urban and rural, the young and old之間都有反義關(guān)系,運(yùn)用這個(gè)關(guān)系可以推斷illiterated為未接受過(guò)教育的,即文盲 三.是通過(guò)構(gòu)詞法 在猜測(cè)詞義過(guò)程中,我們還可以依靠構(gòu)詞法方面的知識(shí),從生詞本身猜測(cè)詞義。 1.根據(jù)前綴猜測(cè)詞義 例15.Do you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools? 精選資料,歡迎下載 。 根據(jù)詞根educational (教育的),結(jié)合前綴co-(共同,一起),我們便可以猜出co-educational的意思是:男女同校教育的意思。(2

21、005年江西卷) 2.根據(jù)后綴猜測(cè)詞義 例16. Its a quiet, comfortable hotel overlooking (俯瞰) the bay in an uncommercialized Cornish fishing village on Englands most southerly point(2005年廣東卷) 后綴 -ise/ize意思是使成為;使化,結(jié)合詞根commercial(商業(yè)的),不難猜出 uncommercialized 的意思是:未被商業(yè)化的。 3.根據(jù)復(fù)合詞的各部分猜測(cè)詞義 例17.Good tool design is important in

22、the prevention of overuse injuries. Well designed tools and equipment will require less force to operate them and prevent awkward(別扭的)hand positions.(2005年北京卷) Well-designed 或許是個(gè)生詞,但我們分析該詞的結(jié)構(gòu)后,就能推測(cè)出其含義。它由well (好,優(yōu)秀)和design (設(shè)計(jì))兩部分組成,合在一起便是設(shè)計(jì)精巧的意思。 例18. We live in a technological society where most g

23、oods are mass-produced by unskilled labor. Because of this, most people that craft (手藝) no longer exists. (2004年浙江卷) 根據(jù)合成詞中的mass (大量的)和produce (生產(chǎn)),我們可以推測(cè) mass-produce的意思是:大批量生產(chǎn);規(guī)模生產(chǎn)的意思。 4.猜測(cè)詞性變換新詞含義 例19.The other teams, disappointed, were on the bus heading home. (2004年山東卷) head本為名詞,表頭。由the bus和hom

24、e的語(yǔ)境邏輯可以推斷,該句head為動(dòng)詞,表方向,結(jié)合全句可譯為開往、駛向。 例20.I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had clouded her judgment. (2004全國(guó)卷) cloud本為名詞,表云。分析語(yǔ)境邏輯可知,憂慮會(huì)影響一個(gè)人的判斷,因此該句clouded應(yīng)譯為使難以。 四.是根據(jù)生活常識(shí) 運(yùn)用自身的生活經(jīng)驗(yàn)及生活常識(shí),根據(jù)上下文能讀懂的部分,可以正確猜出詞義。下面文字中劃線單詞的詞義你能猜出來(lái)嗎? 例21.Birds fly with their wings, and they pick up the

25、ir foods, and then eat them with their beaks and they use their claws for tearing, seizing, pulling or holding objects. 例22.Most of the roses are beginning to wither because of the cold. 句子的已知部分和我們的常識(shí)告訴我們:beaks是喙;claws是爪子;wither表示枯萎。 結(jié)合以上指導(dǎo)解下列兩道閱讀理解題 五利用反義關(guān)系或同義關(guān)系推測(cè)語(yǔ)義 (1)利用反義關(guān)系推測(cè)語(yǔ)義 有些生詞的后面往往會(huì)出現(xiàn)一個(gè)或幾個(gè)反

26、義詞,或者表轉(zhuǎn)折意義的連詞,詞組等,抓住這些可以幫助我們推斷生詞語(yǔ)義。標(biāo)志詞有 although, but, however, whereas(反之),nevertheless(然而,不過(guò)),on the contrary, in contrast(相對(duì)), on the one hand, on the other hand, for one thing, for another, instead(of), rather than 等。 (2)利用同義關(guān)系推測(cè)語(yǔ)義 精選資料,歡迎下載 。 通常情況下,英語(yǔ)忌諱實(shí)詞重復(fù)。避免重復(fù)的方法之一是利用同義詞或近義詞代替。同義詞替換的修飾方法可以為我們

27、推測(cè)詞義提供明顯的語(yǔ)境線索。標(biāo)志詞有:or, like, similarly等。 eg.1. 104 studies, involving 15,000 people is proving that optimism (樂(lè)觀主義) can help you to be happier, healthier and more successful. Pessimism leads, by contrast (相反), to hopelessness, sickness and failure, and is linked to depression, loneliness and painful

28、 shyness. _悲觀主義_ 2. Mr. Smith loves to talk, and his wife is similarly(相同地) loquacious. _ 多話的,嘮叨的 Exercises: 1. Though Toms face has been washed quite clean, his neck remains grubby. _骯 臟的_ 2. Unlike the United States, where many different nationalities make up the population, Japans population is q

29、uite homogeneous. _同種的,相似的_ 3. Written language tends to be static, while spoken language constantly changes. 靜態(tài)的,穩(wěn)定的 4. He replied(答復(fù)) quickly. But after he considered the problem more carefully, he regretted(后悔) having made such a hasty decision. _匆忙的,輕率的_ 5. Although people in many countries cons

30、ider raw meat a delicacy(美味),we Chinese people seldom eat any meat that is uncooked. _生的,未加工的_ Test 1 The gunners like to describe what they do as character-building, but we knew that to wound an animal and watch it go through the agony of dying can make nobody happy. (1)The underlined word “agony”

31、in the last paragraph probably means_ (C) A. form B. condition C. pain D. sadness Test 2 The hot-air balloon took off. It was buoyant in the air as a cork(軟木塞) in water. (2)The word “buoyant” in this sentence most probably means_. (C) A. able to be used B. able to move from one place to another C. a

32、ble to float or rise to the surface D. able to carry anything 六用語(yǔ)境猜測(cè)語(yǔ)義 (1)利用“小”上下文推測(cè)詞義,即利用生詞附近的內(nèi)容推斷生詞詞義。如:I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I wont give up easily. 堅(jiān)決的,果斷的 (2)利用“大”上下文推測(cè)詞義,即利用距離生詞較遠(yuǎn)的內(nèi)容,如整個(gè)段落、篇章等來(lái)推斷。 eg. Zip was stopped during the war and only after the war did it become popul

33、ar. What a difference it has made to our lives! It keeps people at home much more. It has made the remote parts of the world more real to us. Photographs show a country, but only zip makes feel that a foreign country is real. Also we can see scenes in the street. Big occasions are zipped, such as th

34、e coronation(加冕典禮) in 1953 and the opening of Parliament. Perhaps the sufferers from zip are the notable people, who, as they step out of an airplane, have to face the battery of zip cameras and know that every movement, every gesture will be seen by a “zip personality”. Perhaps we can sympathize when Members of Parliament say that they do not want debates to be zipped Zip means A. cinema. B. photography. C. television. D. telephone. (C) Exercises: 精選資料,歡迎下載 。 1. When I got


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