已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、.前言網(wǎng)絡商場包羅萬象,商品種類繁多,購買方便快捷,向消費市場散發(fā)著難以抵擋的誘惑。據(jù)艾瑞咨詢數(shù)據(jù)顯示,從 2001 年到 2006年,我國網(wǎng)絡購物的用戶規(guī)模從 375萬人增加到 4310萬人,與此同時網(wǎng)絡購物交易額也由 6億元增長至 312億元。艾瑞咨詢: 2012q3電子商務交易規(guī)模 1.99萬億 .隨著水果蔬菜、襯衫、電器、建材甚至鉆石都已經搬到網(wǎng)上來賣,會有更多的細分垂直行業(yè)掀起新的網(wǎng)絡銷售,電子商務也開始由第一波的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)概念真正走向了關乎人們衣食住行的商務行為。調查:在我們的調查中, 不少被訪者認為網(wǎng)上購物既方便又齊全, 但也有被訪者反映了網(wǎng)上購物的商品信息不齊全,很多商品都是拿官方

2、雜志的圖片混淆消費者等問題。個案一:小方,女,28歲,江門臺山人,自由職業(yè)者“我覺得網(wǎng)上購物弊大于利。 大部分網(wǎng)店都是標榜韓國等海外的官方圖片, 以漂亮的效果圖混淆消費者,而商品卻是仿制品,這就讓我們消費者買得不安心,很多理性消費者都會選擇小額消費?!眰€案二 : 黃先生,男, 40歲,江門人,某服裝店老板“網(wǎng)上購物不能看到實物,衣物等物品也不能試穿,黑心賣家還會以次充好,把瑕疵品賣給買家。一方面,交易不安全,在實體店買賣都是現(xiàn)金交易,而在網(wǎng)上購物卻要款到發(fā)貨,根本不確定賣方是否能誠信交易;另一方面,維修困難。當你在網(wǎng)上購買了數(shù)碼產品,使用出現(xiàn)故障了,你是否能得到聯(lián)保的保修服務?!眰€案三:小陳,

3、男,22歲,江門人,五邑大學學生“我曾在網(wǎng)上購買 50元充值卡, 買回來后發(fā)現(xiàn)卻是 30元充值卡, 一直也聯(lián)系不上賣家, 所以在網(wǎng)上購物存在很大風險,經營者多用虛擬網(wǎng)名注冊,經營者的真實身份、住所等信息無法予以確認,很多網(wǎng)上交易又是跨省市的異地交易,給受理和查處帶來困難,使消費者的損失難以被追回?!本W(wǎng)絡購物的弊端分析我們在看到網(wǎng)上購物優(yōu)點的同時更要認清它在現(xiàn)階段存在的問題,以便盡早地找到解決方案以促進網(wǎng)上購物的良性發(fā)展。可以說,現(xiàn)階段我國消費者對網(wǎng)上購物狀況的評價是“痛并快樂著”,而這其中痛的指數(shù)要高于快樂指數(shù)。第一、交易對象認定的模糊性。明確交易對象對于消費者來說是非常重要的事情,這關系到法

4、律責任的承擔問題。在傳統(tǒng)購物環(huán)境下交易對象非常明確,商店里掛的營業(yè)執(zhí)照就表明了經營者的身份。一旦出了問題可以直接到原購物地點追討責任。但是在網(wǎng)絡環(huán)境下,消費者只有通過經營者網(wǎng)站中提供的信息了解對方,但是至于信息是否真實、對方到底是誰根本不清楚。第二、知情權難以保證 。知情權是消費者享有的一項基本權利也是一項重要權利。 然而上網(wǎng)購物時,消費者獲取信息的范圍是有限的,它并不像傳統(tǒng)購物時能看到、摸到真實立體的商品,并向售貨員詳細打聽有關商品的基本情況。此時的消費者只能從網(wǎng)上提供的內容中獲取有關商品的部分信息,看到的充其量也就是一張或幾張關于商品的平面照片。因此,網(wǎng)上購物的消費者一般對商品信息的了解都

5、是缺失的。第三、格式合同的制約。由于網(wǎng)上購物的特殊性,格式合同不可避免地成了消費者和經營者達成合意的必要環(huán)節(jié)?,F(xiàn)在的問題是經營者往往利用特權制定一些又長又復雜甚至危害消費者權利的條款,有時為逃避責任還會使用一些模棱兩可的語言,一旦出了問題會以此為自己辯解。消費者有時為了圖省事不會仔細閱讀每一條款,有時就算讀了也很有可能領會不到其中的微妙之處,有時即便發(fā)現(xiàn)有什么可疑的地方但為了及時買到所需商品也無所顧忌,因此,有時一個“我同意”的點擊會給消費者帶來了購物后一系列的麻煩。第四、交貨延遲 。付款后不能按期收到貨物的事屢見不鮮,有時付款后收不到貨物的情況也會出現(xiàn)。第五、退貨困難。網(wǎng)上購得的貨物想要退掉

6、并不是件容易的事,經營者往往找種種理由拒絕退貨。有時甚至直接在格式合同中明文規(guī)定某些商品不得退貨。對于在退貨范圍內的商品,通過經營者的規(guī)定;.看也根本無法退換。第六、網(wǎng)上欺詐與虛假廣告?;ヂ?lián)網(wǎng)技術使得某些商家可通過匿名的方式躲避調查,利用監(jiān)管難度大、隱蔽性強、傳播快的特點大行虛假廣告和欺詐之道,它們往往打著“跳樓價”“超值大獎等你拿”一類的旗號吸引消費者的眼球,借機侵犯消費者的權益而為自己牟利。第七、無人問津的售后服務。許多網(wǎng)民表示,網(wǎng)上購物的售后服務較差,有時商品出了問題經營者能推則推,就算有售后服務也只是表面應付一下,許多問題根本得不到實質解決。第八、處于危機中的隱私權 。這個問題是現(xiàn)在大

7、家廣泛關注的問題 ,也是挑戰(zhàn)網(wǎng)絡安全的主要大敵。一些商家為了擴大銷售額,不惜將以前消費者的信息建立數(shù)據(jù)庫,根據(jù)其經濟狀況、上網(wǎng)習慣等不停轟炸消費者的郵箱以推銷自己的產品;更有甚者,為了眼前的經濟利益將消費者的信息賣給他人。此外,消費者的信用卡賬號、密碼被篡改、被盜也是常有的事。所有這些問題如果不能及時有效地解決,肯定會制約未來網(wǎng)上購物的進一步發(fā)展。當今信息產業(yè)高速發(fā)展, 商品借助網(wǎng)絡產生了一種新的交易方式網(wǎng)絡購物,今天很高興和對方辯友共同探討網(wǎng)絡購物利弊的問題,我方觀點是網(wǎng)絡購物弊大于利,首先,我們明確這樣的概念 :網(wǎng)絡購物指的是通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)檢索信息,并通過訂購者發(fā)出請求,通過第三方支付工具或銀

8、行付款,通過郵寄方式或快遞公司配送的購物方式。今天我們研究利弊的對象,是看網(wǎng)絡購物對個人,對社會,乃至對國家是利是弊。下面我方從從以下三方面進行闡述。第一、從個人的角度出發(fā),網(wǎng)絡購物使個人權益受到威脅。我們知道網(wǎng)絡購物需要大量的個人信息, 而現(xiàn)在的網(wǎng)絡上個人信息外泄的現(xiàn)象越來越嚴重,甚至有人倒賣個人信息。再者,通過網(wǎng)絡進行購物,消費者難以知悉其商品和接受的服務的真實情況,由于網(wǎng)絡具有虛擬性,看得見卻摸不著,網(wǎng)絡消費者僅能憑著自己的感官或經驗去判定產品質量和性能。眾多消費者對網(wǎng)絡產品質量,性能了解是局部的,片面的。因此,包括因產品存在的瑕疵等質量問題而引發(fā)的糾紛時常發(fā)生。由于網(wǎng)絡購物無確定的發(fā)生

9、地,交易地而導致消費者難以享有應有的售后服務,甚至國家三包政策都難以實現(xiàn)。當消費者的權益受到侵害時,由于網(wǎng)絡身份信息核實難,證據(jù)真;.偽辨別難,權利義務認定難的三大特點而導致消費者權益無法得到正當?shù)木S護。無論是網(wǎng)購的過程還是網(wǎng)購的結果無一不在告訴我們,網(wǎng)絡購物弊大于利。第二、從社會層面上看,網(wǎng)絡購物引發(fā)了信譽,道德危機。我們看到教我們開網(wǎng)店的書籍, 毫不避諱地告訴我們如何將產品圖片修飾到美觀甚至夸張的程度;如何編寫能夠吸引甚至忽悠消費者的文字;如何將商家的信譽刷到一定的高度;如何刪除對商家不良的評論。當這些東西成了開網(wǎng)店的必修課時,我們的擔心還是多余的嗎?我們還看到,在網(wǎng)絡這一平臺上,走私水貨

10、,販賣盜版等行為更加猖獗,他們瘋狂地擠占正牌商家的市場,使消費者想買真貨卻不敢買,當正牌商家想賣真貨卻賣不出,使合法商家的利益受到了沖擊。水貨,盜版等不良風氣的盛行,擾亂了市場的同時也必將對社會道德,社會秩序產生很大的不利影響。第三、從國家的角度上看,對于網(wǎng)絡購物國家監(jiān)管難度很大。中國 b2b 研究中心調查顯示,淘寶網(wǎng)上 80% 以上的店主并沒有繳納任何稅金,這就證明至少有 30 億元的巨額稅金就這樣點點鼠標, 敲敲鍵盤之間無聲無息蒸發(fā)了。而正是因為網(wǎng)絡商店沒有固定的場所,導致了國家征稅的困難。出臺了法律條文,也因為實施難度大,也無法減少網(wǎng)絡商店偷稅漏稅的現(xiàn)象。更驚人的是,不法分子利用網(wǎng)絡開設



13、易見的是 qq 強迫癥既然是強迫癥就是不管怎樣都要掛著qq或者在里面消遣時間有甚者沉迷聊天搞起了網(wǎng)戀。,綜上所述,網(wǎng)絡對于學生弊大于利。謝謝大家!;.2-3 辯提問1 人身安全越來越沒保障2 人類身體素質大不如前3 身體疾病如眼部疾病頸椎病緊張性頭痛4 導致精神疾病患: 專家指出,過度使用網(wǎng)絡常常會導致青少年出現(xiàn)情緒障礙和社會適應困難。5 在心理方面,會出現(xiàn)注意力不能集中和持久, 記憶力消退,對其他活動缺乏興趣,為人冷漠,缺乏時間感,情緒低落。6 在軀體方面,會出現(xiàn)不能維持正常的睡眠周期, 停止上網(wǎng)時出現(xiàn)失眠、頭痛、注意力不集中、消化不良、惡心厭食、體重下降。在行為方面,會出現(xiàn)品行障礙,產生攻

14、擊行為。即上網(wǎng)成癮癥。7 中學生處于生理、心理發(fā)展尚未成熟的階段8 網(wǎng)上游戲、網(wǎng)上聊天和網(wǎng)上色情是網(wǎng)絡三個魔爪,是使中學生墮落的三大殺手。許多中學生一旦接觸,便深陷其中而不能自拔,因而網(wǎng)上“三魔爪”又被稱作“電子海洛因” ,是殺人不眨眼的劊子手 ,對中學生的危害特別大9 有關專家說,長時間上網(wǎng),容易把精力,腦力耗到極點,進而誘發(fā)一系列諸如經常性頭痛,偏頭疼,視力損壞, 鼠標手 ,電腦臉 等毛病。10 青少年上網(wǎng)首先的一大危害就是會影響視力。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,經常上網(wǎng)的學生中近視的比例大約占60% 。第二大危害就是電腦所釋放出來的輻射,具有相當強烈的危害。;.1. 使自控能力差的同學沉溺網(wǎng)中, 不能自拔,

15、花費大量時間上網(wǎng), 從而影響學習成績。2. 網(wǎng)絡良莠并存, 容易接觸不良網(wǎng)頁,如色情、 暴力等。又因為學生常常容易受人影響、自控能力差、分辨能力弱,他們常常會因為網(wǎng)上不良內容而走上犯罪道路。3. 長時間上網(wǎng)容易造成大腦缺氧, 從而造成精神萎靡、 眼睛長期處于緊張狀態(tài)容易造成近視。4. 一些長期長時間上網(wǎng)的學生容易產生孤獨癥,整天沉溺于幻想中脫離現(xiàn)實,而當他真正面對社會和人群的時候,就會因為想像和距離的問題產生退縮感,不敢正常與人溝通。5. 許多中學生因為打一些暴力游戲使自己模糊了真人與游戲對象的區(qū)別, 常常無意識地模仿游戲來對待身邊的人。6. 長期上網(wǎng)需要大量金錢, 沒有錢的時候,自控能力弱的

16、人會采取違法的方式,不擇手段地獲取金錢從而走上犯罪道路。7. 網(wǎng)吧這些上網(wǎng)的地方往往是無業(yè)游民、 癮君子、罪犯的藏匿地點, 在這些地方逗留時間太久往往會出意外,或受人引誘。;.8. 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)中的不良信息和網(wǎng)絡犯罪對青少年的身心健康和安全構成危害和威脅.網(wǎng)絡是一個新生事物,的確中學生的自制力和網(wǎng)絡的吸引力,可以說兩者根本是無法匹敵的。網(wǎng)絡的吸引力是無窮的,而中學生的自制力是有限的。據(jù)聯(lián)合國教科文組織的不完全統(tǒng)計,以學習為主要目的上網(wǎng)的中學生,美國占總數(shù)的 20% ,英國為 15% ,中國僅僅為 2% 。這驚人的對比,恰如其分地說明了中學生的自制力不如網(wǎng)絡的吸引力prefacenetwork sho

17、pping cover and contain everything, a wide variety of goods, buy convenient, to the consumer market exudes difficult to resist the temptation. according to ai rui consulting data shows, from 2001 to 2006, chinas online shopping user scale from 3750000 to 43100000 people, at the same time online shop

18、ping transactions from 600000000 yuan to 31200000000 yuan of growth. ari consulting: 2012q3 electronic commerce transaction size 1.99 trillion . with fruits and vegetables, shirt, electrical appliances, building materials and diamond have been moved to the internet to sell, there will be more segmen

19、ted vertical industry set off a new network marketing, electronic commerce also started from the first wave of the internet conceptto the concerns people basic necessities of life business behavior.investigation of:;.in our investigation, many respondents think that online shopping is convenient and

20、 complete, but also has the respondents reflected online shopping goods information is not complete, many goods are holding official magazine pictures to confuse the consumer issues.case : small, female, 28 years old, jiangmen taishan person, freedom of occupation. i think that online shopping fraud

21、 is more than benefit. most shop is billed as south korea and other overseas official pictures, with beautiful renderings to confuse consumers, while the commodity is imitation, this let us consumers buy not ease, many rational consumers will choose small consumption. case two: mr. huang, male, 40 y

22、ears old, from jiangmen, a clothing store owner online shopping can not see the kind, clothing and other articles can not try, blackheart sellers will pass, the defective products sold to the buyer. on one hand, transaction security, the entity store sales are cash transactions, shopping online and

23、it must kuandaofahuo, does not determine whether the seller can transactionintegrity; on the other hand, repair difficulties. when you buy on the net of digital products, the use of fault, whether you can get warranty warranty service. case three : chen, male, 22 years old, the jiangmen person, wuyi

24、 university students i had been in the online purchase of $50 prepaid card, buy back to find that it is 30 yuan of prepaid cards, has also not contact the seller, so there is a big risk in online shopping, operators using virtual register, the operator s true identity, domicile and other information

25、 could not be confirmed, many online transactions are provinces and cities in different places transaction, to accept and investigate brings difficulty, make consumer losses are difficult to be recovered. network shopping malpractice analysiswe see the advantages of online shopping to recognize it i

26、n the issue that shows stage presence, so as to find solutions to promote the healthy development of online shopping. can say, the present stage our country consumers online shopping situation evaluation is the pain and happiness , and the pain than happiness index.first, the transaction object reco

27、gnized the fuzziness. explicit transaction object for consumers is very important, this related to the legal responsibility problems. in the traditional shopping environment transaction target is very clear, the store hung license will indicate the identity of the operator. once a problem can be dir

28、ectly to the original shopping places the responsibility to recover. but in the network environment, consumers only by the operators of the site provides information about each other, but as far as the information is true, the other who is not at all clear.second, it is difficult to guarantee the ri

29、ght to know. the right to know is a basic right of the consumer to enjoyis an important right. however, online shopping, consumer information range is limited, it is not as traditionalshopping can see, touch the true stereo goods, and to inquire about the goods salesman in detail the basicsituation.

30、 the consumers can only from the online content provided access related commodity information, seeis at best a or several related commodityplane photos. therefore, online shopping consumers in generalinformation on the goods what is missing.in third, the format contract restriction. due to the speci

31、al nature of online shopping, the format contract;.inevitably become consumers and operators of agreements necessary link. the problem now is that operators often use privilege to formulate some long and complex or even harm the consumers rights provisions, sometimes in order to escape liability wil

32、l use some ready to accept either course language, once a problem in order to defend himself. consumers sometimes for graph save trouble will not read each clause, sometimes even read is also likely to miss the nuances, sometimes even find anything suspicious place but in a timely manner in order to

33、 get the necessary goods can go all lengths, therefore, sometimes a i agree click will give consumers shopping after a series of troubles.in fourth, the delay in delivery. after the payment to be received the goods that it is often seen., sometimes not received payment after the goods will appear.fi

34、fth, returns difficult. online purchase goods to return is not easy, operators often find all sorts of reasons to return. sometimes directly in the format contract expressly provides that certain goods shall not return. in return for goods within the scope of the operator, through regulations also n

35、ever returned.sixth, online fraud and false advertising. internet technology allows some businesses can anonymously to avoid investigation, use of superintendency difficulty is great, strong concealment, propagation characteristics of fast big line of false advertising and fraud of the road, they ar

36、e often under the banner of jump off building. you get a premium award category of the banner to attract the attention of consumers, to violate the consumer rights and interests for their own profit.seventh, no one shows any interest in the after sale service. many internet users, online shopping af

37、ter sale service is poor, sometimes the goods out operators can push push, even after sale service is only superficial, many problems can not get the real solution.eighth, in the midst of a crisis of the right of privacy. this question is now widespread concern, but also challenges to network securi

38、ty the main enemy. some businesses in order to expand the sales of their previous, consumer information database, according to the economic situation, the internet habits constantly bombarded consumers e-mail to promote their own products; what is more, to the immediate economic benefits will be the

39、 consumer information to others. in addition, the consumers credit card account number, password has been tampered with, the stolen frequently happened. all these problems if not timely and effectively solved, will restrict the further development of future of online shopping.the rapid development o

40、f information industry, the commodity with the network created a new transaction way - online shopping, very happy today and the other contestants to discuss network shopping problems, our view is that the network shopping do more harm than good, first of all, we define such concepts: online shoppin

41、g refers to through the internet information retrieval, and through the order request, through the third party payment or payment, by mail or courier company distribution mode of shopping. today we study the advantages and disadvantages of the object, is to look at the network shopping on the indivi

42、dual, social, and even the country is good or bad.below we from the following three aspects.first, from a personal point of view, the network shopping make personal rights under threat.we know that web shopping needs a lot of personal information, but now the network personal information leakage phe

43、nomenon is more and more serious, and even some people sell personal information. furthermore, through the network shopping, consumers can not be aware of its goods and services to the real situation,;.because the network is virtual, visible but cant touch, the network consumer can only with their o

44、wn sensory or experience to judge the quality and performance of products. many consumers to network product quality, performance understanding is partial, one-sided. therefore, because of product defects such as quality problems caused by the disputes often occur. as online shopping without determi

45、ning the occurrence, transactions and lead consumers to enjoy the after sale service, and national policy three bags are difficult to achieve. when the consumers rights and interests have been infringed upon, because the network identity information check hard evidence to identify the authenticity,

46、difficult, rights and obligations that difficult three features which led to consumer rights and interests cannot get proper maintenance. whether it is online shopping online shopping process or the results without telling us, internet shopping fraud is more than benefit.second, from the social leve

47、l, the network shopping triggered a reputation, moral crisis.we see that teaches us to open books, withouttaboo to tell us how it willproduct picture modificationtobeauty even exaggerating; how to write can attract even huyou consumers text; how business reputation brush to a certain height; how to

48、remove the businessmen adverse comments. when these things into the open net store the required course, our fears or superfluous? we also see, in this network platform of smuggled goods, smuggling, trafficking of pirating more rampant, they frantically occupy the genuine business market, so that con

49、sumers want to buy genuine but did not dare to buy, when to sell genuine genuine businessmen but not to sell, to legitimate business interests under impact. smuggled goods, piracy and other undesirable practices prevailing, disrupted the market at the same time is also bound to the social ethics, so

50、cial order to produce great adverse effect.third, from the national point of view, the network shopping national supervision is very difficult.china b2b research center survey, taobao 80% more than the owner did not pay any taxes, it proved thatthere are at least 3000000000 yuan a huge sum taxes so

51、littlemouse, knock on the keyboard betweensoundless and stirless evaporated. and it is precisely because the network store no fixed location, resulting inthe national tax difficulties.introductionof laws, but also because of the difficultyof implementation, alsocannot reduce the network store tax ev

52、asion phenomenon. even more surprisingly, the illegal use of networkset up illegal secret store network illegal transactions, even in tube products trading. for this phenomenon, therelevant departments also because the hard to find evidence and appeared to law but not the situation of tubetube. elec

53、tronic commerce disputes usually standard small amount, number, the limited judicial resources andlow efficiency, high cost, can not adapt to the rapid development of electronic commerce. we see, shop to thenetwork state supervision is very difficult, and this is bound to the national interests and

54、security caused greatthreat.today, we see not only the network shopping consumer safety is threatened, but also make the social crisis, and the country is difficult to control, therefore, we believe that online shopping fraud is more than benefit.the other side friend everybody is good! first please

55、 allow me to repeat my point of view: the network moreharm than good. first of all, the network has considerable violence and sex information and resources, the information resources will enable the university students psychological changes, and even affect their world outlook, outlook on life, valu

56、es. secondly, the students own is one of the characteristics of their self-control is not strong enough, this makes they are addicted to the internet, abandoned their studies, later unable to the construction of the motherland to contribute their own forces. third, the internet need money, will give families bring unnecessary expenses, and few people can have their own computer, so they use the internet;.sites have more than half o


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