



1、研究生英語復習課后題答案a:第一單元:vocabulary study:1.permanent 2.had assembled 3.discharging 4.meekly 5.apprentice 6.partiality 7.obscure 8.exalted 9.intruding 10cordially 11ambition 12.gallantlycloze:bdcab adabb dbdaa ccdcbtranslation:1.他想當足球明星的夢想隨著時間的推移慢慢消退了。his dream of becoming a football star faded out as tim

2、e went by.2.一架波音747飛機沒有升到足夠的高度以飛越那座高山,轉瞬間一頭撞向大山爆炸了。機上無人生還。a boeing 747 aircraft didnt gain enough height to clear the mountain. in a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. no one survived the accident .3.學生們可以很容易地獲得圖書館的資源,所以他們應該充分地利用好圖書館。students have easy access to the resources in th

3、e library, so they are supposed to make the best of it.4.當時世界上最豪華的游輪泰坦尼克號在她前往美國的途中撞到了冰山,結果輪船沉沒在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于這場海難。titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the us. consequently, the ship sank into the atlantic ocean and thousands of people di

4、ed in this shipwreck.5.每年夏天,游客們都涌向這一著名的海灘。來此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁魚一樣擠滿了海灘。every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach. they lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing.6. 他們曾經(jīng)到圣路易斯去過一次,對于那把的新奇食物稍微知道一個大概,可是現(xiàn)在他們的光榮時代已成過去了。他們從此自知沒趣,再也不說話了,而且每逢這個毫不留情的機匠走過來的時候,他們就知道趕快躲開。they have b

5、een to st. louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory is over now. they lapse into a humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless engineer approaches.a:第四單元vocabulary study: 1.physical 2.accumulation 3.diversity 4.precipitated 5.muscular 6.pat

6、hological 7.symptomatic 8.vigorous 9.psychologically 10.anxiety 11.restored 12.refreshedclose: acdcb bccbd cdcba adcdbtranslation:1.我發(fā)現(xiàn)在辦公室坐了一天之后,晚上沿著靜靜的湖邊散散步會令人神清氣爽。i find that walking along the quiet lake can provide refreshment from a days sedentary job.2.鍛煉和放松自己通常被認為是治療疲勞癥的有效方法。exercising and re

7、laxing yourself is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue.3.你的活動量越小,機體老化的過程就越快,你就越容易面臨生理和心理方面的種種問題。the less active you are, the faster this aging process accelerates, and the morevulnerable you become to physical and psychological problems.4.即使你堅持節(jié)食,你也不可能減到你所希望的那種身材的程度。even if you keep up

8、 dieting, you cannot reduce to the point where you achieve the kind of body-shaping you want.5.人們認為他有一個幸福的晚年,因為在這期間他除了睡覺、吃飯幾乎什么事情都不做。但他卻常常感到疲憊和心情壓抑。people thought he had happy late years during which time he did little but slept and ate, yet he was often tired and depressed.6.過去,人們用搓衣板洗衣服,用手捆干草,很少抱怨

9、疲勞;而如今人們擁有各種節(jié)省體力的裝置和方便的交通設施,但卻總是抱怨疲勞不堪。in the past when hay was baled by hand and laundry scrubbed on a washboard, people seldom complained of tiredness. however, people feel dragged out and complain a lot in the modern time of labor-saving devices and convenient transportation.a:第五單元vocabulary stud

10、y: 1.uniform 2.distinguish/recognize 3.ascertained 4.recognized 5.unique 6.outlet 7.tactile 8.rigid 9.secure 10.acquisition 11.fruitful 12.foundationclose :adbba ddcba ccadb dcabatranslation:1.人們普遍認為孩子在家里的撫養(yǎng)與他們在學校所接受的教育密不可分。it is generally accepted that the upbringing of the child within the home is

11、 closely related to the education of the child in school.2.詹妮弗是紐約先驅論壇報(new york herald tribune)的人事科長,在這家報紙里她還負責公共關系方面的特約社論工作。jennifer is the chief of personnel for the new york herald tribune, where she is also responsible for special editorial work in the field of public relations.3.杰弗兩年前在她妹妹的生日聚會上

12、認識了羅斯,從那以后,他們兩人一致通過電子郵件聯(lián)系,杰弗越了解羅斯,他就越喜歡她。it was two years ago that jeff met rose at his sisters birthday party. they have been communicating with each other by e-mail since then; the more jeff knows rose, the more he likes her.4.這個措施不僅有效地為下崗工人提供了就業(yè)機會,而且還有效地控制了物價上漲。this new measure is effective not o

13、nly in providing job opportunities for the laid-off workers, but in limiting price increases.5.同樣,他們對這一陰謀的政治和經(jīng)濟背景認識得不夠充分。similarly/likewise, they insufficiently treated the political and economic background of the conspiracy.6.大規(guī)模的貨幣投資,一方面滿足了經(jīng)濟高速增長的需要,另一方面也造成了通貨膨脹。tremendous capital input has met th

14、e needs of rapid economic growth on the one hand and has caused the inflation on the other.a:第十一單元vocabulary study:1.monarch 2.throne 3.ambassador 4.preceded 5.refined 6.rival 7.functions 8.efficiency 9.inspiration 10.spitting 11.grace 12.preserveclose:acdab dcacb ccadc dbdadtranslation:1 人們主要關心的是如果

15、城市經(jīng)濟不能和國際接軌我國在世界競爭中就會處于被動。the main concern of the people is that if chinas urban economy can not join international intercourse, our country will be in a disadvantageous situation in the world market.2 走私不僅擾亂市場偷逃關稅而且還危害到民族工業(yè)的生存和發(fā)展。smuggling operations not only disorder out markets, and evade custom

16、duty, but also harm the survival and development of national industry.3 為了促進經(jīng)濟的迅速發(fā)展政府正在努力恢復公眾對其經(jīng)濟管理的信心。to promote the rapid development of economy the government is trying to restore public confidence in its management of the economy.4 由于新的發(fā)現(xiàn)為了大多數(shù)人民的利益必須放棄這一已經(jīng)被廣泛接受的理論。this popular theory must be dis

17、carded in the light of new findings for the benefit of the majority of the people.5 為了保護環(huán)境傳統(tǒng)的農(nóng)業(yè)方法正在歐洲很多地區(qū)越來越多的得到使用。in order to protect the environment, traditional farming methods are coming into use in many areas in europe.6 由于時間有限又缺乏人力這個公司還沒找到適合他們需要的新的場地。because of the time limit and the shortage

18、of human resources, the firm has not yet managed to find new premises that are suitable for their purpose.a:第十三單元vocabulary study:1.circle 2.unsolved 3.watchers 4.self-image 5.counter-measures 6.unconscious 7.rapport 8.flashed 9.dominance 10.disinterest 11.undemonstrative 12.positionedclose: cdbcc d

19、adab abccb dbddatranslation:1、這么早做計劃是沒有意義的,到了明年有許多情況會發(fā)生變化。planning so far ahead makes no sense. so many things will have changed by next year.2、21世紀人們所面臨的一個主要問題是人口的迅速增長對于發(fā)展中國家來說這是一個沉重的負擔。the main problem that people are facing the 21st century is that the rapid increase of population is a heavy burd

20、en for developing countries.3、關鍵問題是對于現(xiàn)代的科技書籍尤其是教科書而言如果作者希望書的內(nèi)容能跟上時代的步伐就要在每隔一段時間后加以修訂。the key is that in regard to the modern scientific and technical books, especially textbooks, their authors should revise them at short intervals if they wish to keep pace with the times.4、1989年以來該公司一直受到指控原因是它為了獲得更大

21、的利潤試圖以市場調(diào)查為幌子來銷售其產(chǎn)品。the company has been accused of trying to seel their products under the guise of market research in order to get more profits since 1989.5、眼淚是一種自然的表達方式因為它能表達許許多多的情感像快樂悲傷孤獨害怕寬慰氣憤或者絕望,所以它也提供了通往外部世界的健康途徑。 tears are a natural form of expression. as they can convey a multitude of feel

22、ings, such as happiness, sadness, loneliness, fear, comfort, anger, or frustration, it provides a healthy outlet for emotions.6、一方面中國政府已作出了重大努力動員人民因地制宜地開展改善生態(tài)環(huán)境的工作另一方面還要做出更大的努力來進一步提高人們的環(huán)境意識普及環(huán)境知識。on one hand, the government of china has already made great efforts to mobilize people to improve the ec

23、ological environment in the light of local conditions. on the other hand, greater efforts should be made to further raise peoples awareness of the environment and spread knowledge about the environment.b:第三單元.comprehension check . 1-5: bccbd 6-10: dcdad. vocabulary study . 1 outstrip 2 limbo 3 cease

24、d 4 in the wake of 5 paramount 6 ethical 7 prolonged 8 thorny 9 congenital 10 subsequently . 1 euthanasia 2 salvaged 3 deformity 4 defects 5 handicaps 6 lingering 7 grapple 8 allegedly 9 acquitted 10 frontier translationcompared with the depressed, nervous and irritable person, the energetic, optimi

25、stic and relaxed one is less likely to catch cold. when the brain is in a happy and relaxed state, it will send signal to each organ helping for keeping healthy. keeping a healthy mood could effectively reduce the possibilities of catching cold, pneumonia and even cancer. in addition, relaxed and ha

26、ppy people always have better habits of health protection than the pessimistic and nervous ones. they are prone to have enough sleep, do regular exercises and have lower amount of certain nervous hormone in their bodies.b:第六單元 p115. comprehension check 1-5 deaac 6-10 dcdab . vocabulary study i 1. ou

27、tgoing 2.petite 3.emphatically 4.self-possessed 5. quest 6.personable 7. fantasized 8. buy into 9.defer 10.caught up ii 1.involved 2. committed 3. figure out 4. convinced 5.affluent 6. tied down 7. quest 8. the end of the rainbow 9.therapeutic 10. formulating iii translation我贊成這樣的理想:人應該各方面都很出色,既要有頭腦

28、,也要有健美的體格。我希望能得到某種幸福和快樂。美國是能得到這些東西的最好的地方,因為這里的人和我們的思想來自世界各地。至今到美國來尋夢的仍然大有人在?,F(xiàn)在我明白了,決定美國夢能否實現(xiàn)的不是教育、不是機會、也不是艱苦的工作,而是權勢和恐懼感。你在企業(yè)里爬到的地位越高,你失去的東西就越多。美國夢并沒有破滅。今天在美國十分流行的想法是:千萬不能失去夢想。i agree to this ideal: people should be good in all aspects, it is necessary to have not only the mind, but also magnificent

29、 physique. i hope to get some kind of happiness and joy. the united states is the best place to get these things, because the people here and their ideas come from all over the world. so far , here are still many people to seek a dream. now i know, it is not education, not opportunities, and not har

30、d work, but power and fear that decide whether the american dream can come to be or not. the higher your position is in enterprise, the more you lose something. the american dream is not the end. the idea is very popular in the united states today: never lose ones dream.b:第九單元 p193 i comprehension c

31、heck 1-5 dadcc 6-10 bbacdii vocabulary studyi 1. parlance 2. stringent 3. ascribed 4. symposium 5. copious 6. aversion to 7. warrant 8. manipulated 9. garnered 10.lingered ii 1. hormones 2. predators 3.elated 4. elicited 5. entail 6. anecdotes 7. controversial 8. legitimize 9. wake 10.dejectedly iii

32、 translation mounting evidence shows that animals also have emotions. because feelings are intangible and tough to study scientifically, it is hard for scientists to bear out the possiblity of complex animal feelings that entail mental processing. but some scientists believe there are similarities in the brain anatomy and chemistry of humans and animals. for example, scientists studying the biology of emotions have found that emotions seem to arise from parts of the brain located be


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