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1、MU grammar,1,Subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood,Unit 1,subjunctive mood,Grammar,MU grammar,2,Today we buried our 20-year-old son. He was killed inst

2、antly in a motorcycle accident yesterday. How I wish I had known when I talked to him last that it would be the last time. If I had only known,I would have said, Jim, I love you and Im so very proud of you.,Read the following essay and pay special attention to the sentences in red.(你能說出它們的語法結構嗎?),MU

3、 grammar,3,Subjunctive mood (虛擬語氣),MU grammar,4,1.英語動詞有三種語氣, 陳述語氣,祈使語氣和虛擬語氣. 2. 定義:用來表示說的話不是事實,或者是不可能發(fā)生或可能性比較小的情況,而是一種愿望,建議,假設的語氣叫虛擬語氣。,一、虛擬語氣定義,MU grammar,5,Q:Whats the difference between the two sentences?,If I am free, I will visit you.,If I were a bird, I would fly into the sky.,(虛擬條件句),(真實條件句),

4、MU grammar,6,What would/could you do if you were a superman?,If I were a superman, I would/could ,If I were a superman, I could protect people who are in danger.,Look and learn:,MU grammar,7,If I got much money, I might/should ,What might/should you do if you got much money?,If I got much money, I s

5、hould donate some to people suffering the earthquake.,MU grammar,8,What would/could you do if you lived on the moon?,If I lived on the moon, Iwould/could/might/ should,If I lived on the moon, I might see the beauty Change.,MU grammar,9,If I were a superman, I could protect people who are in danger.

6、If I lived on the moon, I might see the beautyChange. If I got much money, I should donate some to people suffering the earthquake.,Find out the rules,MU grammar,10,總結,1. Opposite to the present truth 與現(xiàn)在事實相反時,主、從句謂語構成,MU grammar,11,would intention; plan; expected result (意圖;計劃;必然結果) could ability;

7、possibility (能夠;可能性) might possibility (可能性) should suggestion (建議),TIP,MU grammar,12,Translation: 1 如果我是你,我可能會告訴他真相。 If I _ you, I _him the truth. 2 要是我哥哥在這兒,一切都會很順利的. If my brother _ here, everything _ all right.,were,might tell,were,would be,Practice:,MU grammar,13,要是我哥哥昨天在這兒,一切都會很順利的. If my brot

8、her _ here, everything _ all right.,had been,would have been,比較一下發(fā)現(xiàn)什么不同了嗎? 1.If my brother were here, everything would be all right. 2.If my brother had been here yesterday, everything would have been all right.,MU grammar,14,If the robber hadnt attacked Mr. Yu, he wouldnt have been killed.,If the b

9、rave old man hadnt helped the lady, he couldnt have been injured.,Look and learn:,MU grammar,15,If they hadnt committed a crime, they wouldnt have been caught by the police.,MU grammar,16,Find out the structure,If my brother had been here yesterday , everything would have been all right. If the brav

10、e old man hadnt helped the lady, he couldnt have been injured. If they hadnt committed a crime, they wouldnt have been caught by the police.,MU grammar,17,總結,2. Opposite to the past truth 與過去事實相反時,主、從句謂語構成,MU grammar,18,1.If Tom _ (be) more careful in the exam, he _ (pass) it already. 2.If you _(get

11、) up earlier, you _ (catch) the first train. 3.If I _ (meet) you yesterday, we _ (go) to the concert together.,had been,would have passed,had got,might have caught,had met,could have gone,MU grammar,19,:Would you please help me move house tomorrow? :Id like to, but I have a meeting tomorrow. If I go

12、t time tomorrow, I would certainly help you. :Thats all right. Thank you all the same.,Read and learn:,MU grammar,20,If it should be the Spring Festival tomorrow, I might get some pocket money.,If I were to have free time this Friday, I would go to the party. However, Ill attend a meeting that day.

13、What a pity!,MU grammar,21,If I got time tomorrow, I would certainly help you. If I were to have free time this Friday, I would go to the party. If it should be the Spring Festival tomorrow, I might get some pocket money.,Summarize the structure,MU grammar,22,總結,3. Opposite to the future truth 與將來事實

14、相反時,主、從句謂語構成,MU grammar,23,如果明天下雨,運動會將會被推遲。 If it rained tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off. =If it _ tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off.,舉一反三,should rain,/were to rain,MU grammar,24,總結、一般條件句中的虛擬語氣,MU grammar,25,1.如果我是楊利偉,我會在太空中旅行。,If I were Yang liwei, I could travel in space.,2.要是當

15、時我和她結了婚的話,那我早就離婚了。(幸虧我沒和她結婚) divorce,If I had married her, I would have divorced.,3.如果明天是2017年6月9日,我們就不用上學了。,If it should be June 9, 2017 tomorrow, we would not go to school.,MU grammar,26,If he _ more carefully, he _ the car accident yesterday.,had driven,would not have had,MU grammar,27,補充一:倒裝形式表示

16、虛擬條件句,從句中if有were ,had ,should等詞語,可以將if省略,同時were ,had ,should提至句首,構成倒裝.表示虛擬條件 (1) If I should meet her, I would tell her. =should I meet her, I would tell her.(萬一) (2) If I were in your position, I would do it better. =were I in your position, I would do it better.,MU grammar,28,2) If you had told me

17、 earlier, I would not have this problem now., _ you _ me earlier, I would not have this problem now.,3) If you were to take the train, you would be there much sooner., _ you _ the train, you would be there much sooner.,Had,told,Were,to take,If you should make a mistake, you should not be embarrassed

18、., _ you _ a mistake, you should not be embarrassed.,Should,make,MU grammar,29,Were they here now, they could help us. here now, they could help us. Had you come earlier, you would have met him. earlier, you would have met him. Should he come tomorrow, I would lend him the dictionary. tomorrow, I wo

19、uld lend him the dictionary.,If they were,If you had come,If he should come,if引導的虛擬語氣中,我們可以把should, had, were放在句首,此時省略if,構成倒裝結構:,MU grammar,30,1) Without his advice, I could not have made progress. 2) But for your help, I wouldnt have finished the work.,3) The storm stopped. Otherwise, many people w

20、ould have died in the storm.,=If I hadnt had his advice,=If I hadnt had your help,=If the storm hadnt stopped,“含蓄條件句”是指虛擬語氣不是以if從句來表示,而是暗含在短語或上下文中。如or,otherwise (否則的話), but for(要不是因為), without等。,補充2:含蓄條件句,MU grammar,31,2) Without sunlight, many plants . (die),3) You didnt listen to my advice .Otherw

21、ise, you (make) such big mistakes.,would die,couldnt have made,But for my help, he success. (achieve),couldnt have achieved,小試牛刀,MU grammar,32,當條件狀語從句所表示的行為和主句表示的行為所發(fā)生的時間不一致時,被稱為“錯綜時間條件句”。在這種情況下,我們切不可照搬某種形式,而應該按照句中所表述的時間關系,再選擇相應的虛擬形式。,補充3:錯綜時間條件句,If you had followed the doctors advice yesterday, you

22、 would be all right now.,True or false?,解題關鍵:判斷主句和從句分別與什么事實相反,True,MU grammar,33,1.If the flower had been watered, it _ now. A. wouldnt die B. is dead C. had been dead D. will not die 2.If his television set had not been stolen yesterday, he _ TV now. A. watched B. would have watched C. would be wat

23、ching D. is watching,If you _(study) hard before, you _(be) a college student now and you _ (graduate) from a college soon.,had studied,would be,would graduate,MU grammar,34,If the staff _more careful,the mall _on fire now.,had been,would not be,MU grammar,35,如果你剛才向右轉,你現(xiàn)在就不會有麻煩了。 If you _ _ _(turn r

24、ight) just now, you _ (be) in trouble now.,had turned right,wouldnt be,MU grammar,36,3、虛擬語氣在其他結構中的用法;,1)wish + 賓語從句,現(xiàn)在: 過去: 未來:,過去時 (did/were),過去完成時 (had done),would/could/might+V. should,I wish I were a bird. (現(xiàn)在) I wish I hadnt made such a mistake. (過去) We wish our parents wouldnt punish us. (未來),

25、MU grammar,37,I wish I _as tall as you.,were,MU grammar,38,I wish I _a bird.,were,MU grammar,39,He wish every day _his birthday.,were,MU grammar,40,I wish/wished I _( eat ) so much watermelon.,hadnt eaten,MU grammar,41,The party was terrible, I wish I _ ( go ) to it.,had never gone,MU grammar,42,I w

26、ish it _( rain) tomorrow.,would rain,MU grammar,43,常用的形容詞有:necessary, important, impossible, natural, strange 常用的過去分詞通常是表示建議, 要求,命令等suggested, required, requested, demanded, ordered, desired, advised,2. 在“It +be +某些形容詞或過去分詞+that”的句型中,主語從句中的動詞形式常用“(should)+動詞原形”。,MU grammar,44,3.表示建議.要求.命令類的名詞性從句,一堅持

27、. insist 二命令, order, command 三建議,advise, suggest, propose, 四要求,demand, require, request, desire ,通常用“should+動詞原形”。should可以省略,MU grammar,45,在表示建議,要求,命令等名詞之后的表語從句,同位語從句中,通常用“should+動詞原形”。,這些名詞有:idea, proposal, order suggestion, decision, advice His proposal is that the meeting (should) be put off. Our

28、 suggestion is that you (should) be the first to go.,MU grammar,46,1.我們建議Tom去休息一下。 2.他堅決要求我到場。 3.國王命令囚犯明天要實施死刑。 4.他們要求我們派他們去那兒工作。,1.We suggested that Tom,2.He insisted that I present.,4.They requested that we,3.The king ordered that the prisoners,should have a rest.,(should) be,Should be killed,the

29、next day.,should send them,to work there.,MU grammar,47,注意:,當insist表示“堅持認為”,suggest表示“表明、暗示”時,后面的賓語從句不用虛擬語氣。 He insisted that he had not entered the house, and (he insisted) that he should be set free. His pale face suggested that he was weak.,MU grammar,48,在“Its (about, high) time + that從句”結構中,從句中謂

30、語動詞用過去式表示一種建議,意思是“該做某事了”。也可以使用should+動詞原形,should不可以省略,不經常用 You look so tired tonight. Its time you went to bed. Its high time you got up. It is time we started off. Its time that we should have supper,4,.Its (about/high) time +that,did,should do,MU grammar,49,1.It is high time that we _ off are B. w

31、ere C. be D. will be,B,MU grammar,50,5.if only句型 “要是該多好?。 敝^語動詞用法同wish,謂語動詞用過去式,過去完成式,或would/could/might+動詞原形表示虛擬語氣。,要是我們的父母能和我們住在一起就好了。 要是我沒錯過火車就好了!,If only our parents could live with us !,If only I hadnt missed the train !,MU grammar,51,If only I _ how to operate a computer as you do. had known B.

32、 would know C. should know D. knew,D,MU grammar,52,6.would rather that -,現(xiàn)在: 過去: 未來:,I would rather you paid me now. (現(xiàn)在),I would rather you had gone, too. (過去),Dont come. I would rather you came tomorrow. (未來),過去時,過去時,過去完成時,MU grammar,53,Id rather you _ right away. leave B. left C. will leave D to leave,B,MU grammar,54,他那樣對待我,好像我是陌生人似的。 He treated me as if I _ a stranger. 她談論那部影片,就好像她確實看過一樣。 She talked about the film as if she _really _ it.,were,had,seen, if ,as though,as if ,as though引導的從句可以用來表示猜測,假定,謂語動詞在從句中用過去式表示與現(xiàn)在事實相反,用“had+過去分詞”表示與過去


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