1、小學生音樂黑板報內容 導語:音樂是作為一種藝術,我們非常喜歡聽音樂。以下為大家介紹小學生音樂內容文章,歡迎大家閱讀參考! 音樂是反映人類現(xiàn)實生活情感的一種藝術(英文名稱:music;法文名稱: musique;意大利文:musica)。音樂可以分為聲樂和器樂兩大類型,又可以分為古典音樂、流行音樂、民族音樂、鄉(xiāng)村音樂、原生態(tài)音樂等。在藝術類型中,音樂是比較抽象的藝術。音樂從歷史發(fā)展上可分為中國古代音樂和西方音樂。中國古代理論基礎是五聲音階,即宮、商、角、徵、羽,而從西方傳過來的是七聲音階。音樂讓人賞心悅目,并為您帶來聽覺的享受。一般一首音樂時長在3分28秒左右,讓人更加享受每首音樂的時間。 Mu
2、sic is an art to reflect the real life of hu _n emotion (French name: musique; Italian: musica). Vocal and instrumental music can be divided into two types, and can be divided into classical music, pop music, folk music, country music, original music. Type in the art, the music is more abstract art.
3、 Music from the historical development can be divided into ancient Chinese music and Western music. Theory is based on the ancient Chinese pentatonic scale, that house, business, angle, Zheng, Yu, and from the west pass over seven pentatonic scale. Music is fun to watch, and bring you the auditory e
4、njoyment. Usually a song long at around 3 minutes 28 seconds of music, people more time to enjoy every pie _ of music. 小提琴與鋼琴、古典吉他并稱為世界三大樂器。世界樂壇三大樂器為:1.鋼琴,號稱樂器之王,它的音域寬廣,音色清澈,演奏技術成熟,表現(xiàn)力豐富;2.小提琴,號稱樂器皇后,她的音色高貴,富幻想色彩,多把小提琴的齊奏音色更為迷人,表現(xiàn)力非常豐富;3.古典吉他,號稱樂器王子,他的音色憂郁迷人,可控性極強,表現(xiàn)力非常豐富。、 Violin and piano, classic
5、al guitar and called the worlds three _jor instruments. World music for three instruments: a piano, known as the king of instruments, and its wide range, clear tone, playing technology is _ture, rich and expressive; 2 violin, known as the Queen musical, she sounds noble, rich fantasy color, and more
6、. the violin ensemble sounds more attractive, expressive very rich; 3 classical guitar, musical instrument known as the prin _, his melancholy timbre charming, highly controllable, expressive very rich. (意大利文:IL violino)是一種弦樂器??偣灿兴母???肯液凸Σ涟l(fā)出聲音。 小提琴由30多個零件組成。小提琴琴身(共鳴箱)長約35.5厘米,由具有弧度的面板、背板和側板粘合而成。面板常
7、用云杉制作,質地較軟;背板和側板用楓木,質地較硬。琴頭、琴頸用整條楓木,指板用烏木。 小提琴廣泛流傳于世界各國,是現(xiàn)代管弦樂隊弦樂組中最主要的樂器。它在器樂中占有極重要的位置,是現(xiàn)代交響樂隊的支柱,也是具有高難度演奏技巧的.獨奏樂器。小提琴的聲音那一根根弦發(fā)出的動人美妙的聲音響遍了整個音樂廳,每個人都陶醉其中。那聲音猶如一陣微風,不僅飄過了人們的耳邊,讓人如癡如醉,而且還使得大地萬物煥然一新,猶如春天的細雨。 Violin (Italian: IL violino) is a stringed instrument. A total of four strings. By strings an
8、d bow friction sound. Violin by more than 30 parts. Violin piano (resonan _ box) is about 35.5 cm, by having the curvature of the panel, back and sides bonded. Common spru _ panel production, soft texture; with _ple back and sides, hard. Headstock, _ple neck with a whole, with ebony fingerboard. Vio
9、lin widely spread in the world, is the modern orchestra string section in the _in instrument. It oupies a very important position in instrumental music, is the backbone of the modern symphony orchestra, but also has a difficult solo instrument playing skills. Violin sounds wonderful voi _ which stud
10、 moving chord issued reverberates throughout the con _rt hall, everyone intoxicated. That sounds like a breeze, not only drifting peoples ears, people great joy, but also _kes the earth is renewed, like spring rain. (意大利文:pianoforte)是一種源自西洋古典音樂的鍵盤樂器。由88個琴鍵(52個白鍵,36個黑鍵)和金屬弦音板組成。音域范圍廣,從A2(27.5Hz)至 c5(
11、4186Hz),幾乎包括了樂音體系中的全部樂音。 鋼琴普遍用于獨奏、重奏、伴奏等演出,作曲和排練音樂十分方便。演奏者通過按下鍵盤上的琴鍵,牽動鋼琴里面包著絨氈的小木槌,繼而敲擊鋼絲弦發(fā)出聲音。 鋼琴因為它寬廣的音域,鋼琴的音色是單純而豐富的,柔如冬日陽光,盈盈亮亮,溫暖平靜。清冷如鋼珠撒向冰面,粒粒分明,顆顆透骨。烈如咆哮的深海,蕩人肺腑,撼人心魄。深如暗夜,有聲若無聲,自有無底的力量漫向天際。 絕美的音色,被稱為樂器之王, Piano (Italian: pianoforte) from Western classical music is a keyboard instrument. By
12、 88 keys (52 white keys, 36 black keys) and metal string sound board. Wide range range from A2 (27.5Hz) to c5 (4186Hz), including almost all the musical tone system. Commonly used for solo piano, trio, aompaniment and other perfor _n _s, posing and rehearsing the music is very convenient. Player by
13、pressing keys on the keyboard, affecting piano wrapped in velvet carpet inside a s _ll _llet, then struck steel strings sound. Because of its broad range piano, piano tone is pure and rich, soft as the winter sun, sparkling bright, warm and calm. Cold as i _ balls thrown, capsules distinct collectio
14、ns Speranskia. Lie like a roaring deep, swing reins, Shocking. Dark as night, there are sound if silent, its own power bottomless diffuse to the sky. Beautiful tone, known as the king of instruments, 。在指板上由弦枕到琴柄與琴箱結合處是12品格,指板較寬,使用尼龍弦,音質純厚,音色豐富,沒有防護板。主要用于演奏古典樂曲,從演奏姿勢到手指觸弦都有嚴格要求,技巧精深,是吉他家族中藝術性最高,最具代表意
15、義,適應面最廣,最有深度,最受藝術界肯定的一類。 Guitar. In fretboard pillow by strings and piano to piano shank junction box is 12 character wide fingerboard, nylon strings, sound _ and honest, rich timbre, no shield. Mainly used for playing classical music, from playing the touching finger gesture to have strict requirem
16、ents, skill intensive, is the guitar family, the highest artistic quality, the most representative and adapt the most extensive, most profound, most _rtainly one of the art world class. 音樂之父 _ ( 德 國 ) 音樂神童 莫扎特 ( 德 國 ) 古今樂圣貝多芬 ( 德 國 ) 歌曲之王舒伯特 ( 德 國 ) 音樂神靈韓德爾 ( 德 國 ) 指揮之王卡拉楊 ( 德 國 ) 歌劇之王 威爾弟 ( 意大利 ) 音
17、樂之王斯卡拉蒂 ( 意大利 ) 小提琴之王帕格尼尼 ( 意大利 ) 進行曲之王蘇薩 ( 美 國 ) 流行歌曲之王福斯特 ( 英 國 ) 園舞曲之父一一老約翰施特勞斯 ( 奧地利 ) 圓舞曲之王小約翰施特勞斯 ( 奧地利 ) 交響曲之王海頓 ( 奧地利 ) 交響樂詩人柏遼茲 ( 法 國 ) 印象派 _德彪西 ( 法 國 ) 輕歌劇之王奧芬 _ ( 法 國 ) 管弦樂色彩 _拉威爾 ( 法 國 ) 鋼琴詩人肖邦 ( 波 蘭 ) 鋼琴之王李斯特 ( 匈牙利 ) 舞劇音樂 _柴科夫斯基 ( 俄 國 ) The worlds most famous musicians Father of music -
18、 Bach (Ger _ny) musical prodigy - Mozart (Ger _ny) Ancient Le Saint - Beethoven (Ger _ny) Song King - Schubert (Ger _ny) music gods - Handel (Ger _ny) _nd of the king - Kara Yang (Ger _ny) Opera king - Verdi (Italy) king of Music - Scarlatti (Italy) king of the violin - Paganini (Italy) _rch king -
19、Susa (U.S. ) king of pop - The (English) Father Foster Park Dan _ of one old Johann Strauss (Austria) Waltz king - king Johann Strauss (Austria) Symphony - Haydn (Austria) symphony poet - Berlioz (Fran _) Impressionist _sters - Debussy (Fran _) operetta king - Offenbach (Fran _) orchestral color gur
20、u - Ravel (Fran _) poet of the piano - - Chopin (Poland) piano king - Liszt (Hungarian) ballet music _estro - Tchaikovsky (Russia) 約翰塞巴斯蒂安“ _”1 (德語:Johann Sebastian Bach,也譯作巴哈)1685年3月21日出生于德國埃森納赫,1750年7月28日逝于德國萊比錫,終年65歲。巴洛克時期的德國作曲家,杰出的管風琴、小提琴、大提琴演奏家。 約翰塞巴斯蒂安 _把西歐不同民族的音樂風格融為一體。他集意大利、法國和德國傳統(tǒng)音樂中的精華,曲盡其
21、妙,珠聯(lián)璧合,天衣無縫。 _自己在一生中并未享有盛名,而且在死后五十年中就已被世人遺忘。但是在近一個半世紀中他的名氣卻在不斷地增長,一般認為他是超乎時空的最偉大的兩三位作曲家之一,而且有些人認為他是其中最偉大的作曲家。 約翰塞巴斯蒂安 _,是巴洛克時期的德國作曲家,杰出的管風琴、小提琴、大鍵琴演奏家,同作曲家亨德爾和D.斯卡拉蒂齊名。 _被普遍認為是音樂史上最重要的作曲家之一,他的創(chuàng)作使用了豐富的德國的音樂風格和嫻熟的復調技巧。他的音樂集成了巴洛克音樂風格的精華。并被尊稱為西方“現(xiàn)代音樂”之父,也是西方文化史上最重要的人物之一。 Johann Sebastian Johann Sebastia
22、n Bach to Western Europe, the integration of different ethnic styles of music. He set in Italy, Fran _ and Ger _ny in the essen _ of traditional music, song do its wonderful, perfect _tch, flawless. Bach himself was not renowned in his life, and in death five years had been forgotten by the world. B
23、ut his fame was in constant growth in nearly a half _ntury, he is generally considered one of the greatest posers beyond time and spa _ of two or three, and some people think he is one of the greatest posers. Johann Sebastian Bach, is a Ger _n Baroque poser, outstanding organ, violin, harpsichord vi
24、rtuoso, with poser Handel and D. Scarlatti par. Bach is generally considered one of the most important posers in music history, his creative use of the wealth of the Ger _n musical style and skill of polyphonic techniques. His music incorporates the essen _ of Baroque music style. And is known as the father of Western 音樂是比一切智慧、一切哲學更高的啟示,
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