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1、海淀區(qū)2015屆九年級(jí)第一學(xué)期期末考試英語(yǔ) 2015. 1 聽力理解(共 26 分) 二、聽對(duì)話或獨(dú)白,根據(jù)對(duì)話或獨(dú)白的內(nèi)容,從下面各題所給的a、b、c三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇 最佳選項(xiàng)。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白你將聽兩遍。(共12分,每小題1分) 請(qǐng)聽一段對(duì)話,完成第5至第6小題。5 what is john not allowed to do at school? a. play soccer. buse mobile phones. c. eat in the classroom.6 what does the girl think of her teachers? a theyre funny. bthe

2、yre helpfulctheyre hard-working. 請(qǐng)聽一段對(duì)話,完成第7至第8小題。7 where will the man volunteer to work? a. in the gym. b. in the garden. c. in the hall.8 when will the man do the volunteer work? a. on monday. b. on tuesday. c. on wednesday. 請(qǐng)聽一段對(duì)話,完成第9至第10小題。9 why is li ping nervous? a because he doesnt know many

3、 american customs. b because he doesnt know where his friend lives c because he doesnt speak english very well10when should guests leave their friends parties? a right after the meal b when the friends look tired c after writing a thank-you note 請(qǐng)聽一段對(duì)話,完成第11至第13小題。11how long did mike wait for sandy?

4、 a. 50 minutes. b20 minutes. c10 minutes.12what did sandy do after she got out of the taxi? a she bought some food and drinks b she offered help to her best friend c she tried to comfort the crying kids.13what is the conversation mainly about a an experience of missing a class b a report on a traffi

5、c jam c a story of being late 請(qǐng)聽一段獨(dú)白,完成第14至第16小題。14how much will you save if you go to a movie before 5 pm on weekdays? a 10%. b20%. c30%.15what can you learn from the speakers talk? a the first show of the wizard of chocolate begins at 4 pin b in dreamy boys,a girls dream comes true c saved! is a v

6、ery popular action movie16whats the speaker doing? a making an introductionbleading a discussioncoffering an invitation二、單項(xiàng)填空。22. the boy over there is my brother. _ works in a bank. a. he b. she c. we d. they 23. children go to school _ 8:00 in the morning in most cities. a. in b. on c. at d. for 2

7、4. i tried my best to finish the task, _ i failed. never mind. believe in yourself. a. and b. but c. or d. so 25. which kind of music do you like _, folk music or pop music? oh, folk music. a. well b. better c. best d. the best 26. _ you go to the concert with me tonight? yes, of course. a. can b. m

8、ust c. may d. should 27. _ schoolbag is it? it might be lindas. a. how b. who c. whose d. where 28. my sister _ the piano an hour ago. a. plays b. played c. will play d. has played 29. look at that strange stone. some think its like a cat. _ think its like a rabbit. a. another b. the other c. other

9、d. others 30. when i got to the theatre, the actor _ photos with his fans there. a. takes b. took c. is taking d. was taking 31. jill, where is alice? oh, she _ to the library. a. goes b. went c. has gone d. had gone 32. loud music and red chairs in the restaurant make people _ fast. a. eat b. to ea

10、t c. eating d. ate 33. many old buildings _ well because they are chinas national treasures. a. have protected b. protect c. protected d. should be protected 34. andy, could you tell me _ the winter vacation? next week. a. when we will have b. when will we have c. when we had d. when did we have 五、完

11、形填空。 “nana!” zach shouted, pushing open the kitchen door. “i need a new button! this morning i lost a button right here.” zach pointed to the top of his coat. buttons “well, ill 35 my magic button box,” nana said. she headed for her bedroom and returned with a big tin box. “ive been 36 these buttons

12、 since i was a little girl,” nana said. then she tapped the cover as if she were knocking on a door. “inside this box, zach, is not just a button collection. inside are a thousand stories and a million 37 .” nana opened the box and poured a waterfall of buttons onto the table. seeing all kinds of bu

13、ttons, zach wanted to examine each and every one. 38 heard their talking and came to see what they were doing. “i see youve brought out the button box,” he said. “yes,” zach answered, “but nana hasnt told me whats 39 about it.” the three sat at the kitchen table, making the buttons 40 between their

14、fingers while nana and grandpa told zach stories. it was nearly dark when zachs mom came home. when she saw the button box, she sat down without even taking off her coat. “i remember this one.” she 41 a brass button. “this came from my sailor suit. i wore it the first time you took me to the 42 ,” s

15、he said to nana and grandpa. she closed her eyes and smelled it, remembering the salty sea air. nana found a tiny, white, silk button. “l(fā)ook, this was on the infant (嬰兒) suit zach wore when you brought him home from the hospital, remember?” “i remember,” mom said. “you mean that button was 43 ?” zac

16、h asked. “sure. youre part of this family, arent you?” grandpa said. “i think youre starting to understand the magic of the button box, arent you, zach?” zach smiled. “we still need to replace that button you lost,” nana said. “why not use the button from my old coat?” grandpa suggested. “good idea,

17、 grandpa,” zach said. “but a memory will be 44 from the box.” “thats ok. well still remember it,” nana said. but zach wasnt 45 . he thought for a moment. then he cut off the bottom button from his shirt. “what are you doing?” mom asked. “im 46 a memory,” zach said, throwing the button into the box.

18、“and the next time i see that button, itll remind me of the day i found out the secret of the magic button box.” 35. a. get b. keep c. hold d. show 36. a. making b. selling c. giving d. collecting 37. a. memories b. wishes c. pains d. worries 38. a. grandma b. grandpa c. mom d. dad 39. a. interestin

19、g b. strange c. funny d. magic 40. a. stay b. hide c. dance d. shake 41. a. handed in b. picked up c. took away d. gave out 42. a. ocean b. park c. mall d. office 43. a. his b. hers c. mine d. yours 44. a. freezing b. running c. missing d. moving 45. a. afraid b. nervous c. excited d. satisfied 46.

20、a. recalling b. replacing c. reviewing d. rewriting 閱讀理解(共 44 分)六、閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后各題所給的 a、b、c、d 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選擇最佳選項(xiàng)。(共 26 分,每小題 2 分) a lets learn how to make a rainbow with this fun science experiment! using just a few things, you can find out how rainbows work. what you need: a triple prism (三棱鏡) a piec

21、e of white paper rainbow a sunny day instructions: 1. take the triple prism and white paper to a room with sunlight. 2. hold the triple prism beside the paper. 3. watch as sunlight passes through the triple prism, refracts ( 折射 ) and forms a rainbow of colors on the paper. 4. hold the triple prism a

22、t different heights and angles (角度) to see the effect. whats happening: rainbows appear in the sky when sunlight refracts as it passes through raindrops. sunlight acts in the same way when it passes through a triple prism. it is divided into the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and vi

23、olet. 47. what is not needed in the experiment? a. a sunny day. b. a triple prism. c. a piece of white paper. d. a ball pen. 48. where do we hold the triple prism according to the instructions? a. under the paper. b. in front of the paper. c. beside the paper. d. behind the paper. 49. when do rainbo

24、ws appear in the sky? a. when sunlight refracts as it passes through raindrops. b. when sunlight passes through a triple prism. c. when a room is full of sunlight. d. when the sky is blue. b “i forgot. youve never seen a supermarket before, have you, jimmy?” i shook my head no. “a trading post in th

25、e pueblo only shows you a small part of the world. this store speaks of a world that is a very big place.” “so i should just forget where we come from, is that it?” “no. carry it with you, so that you may be always in both worlds, large and small.” “so its big, so what! id rather be in a trading pos

26、t any old day. maybe they only have one kind of apple, but they are all ripe!” while i was saying that, i was watching a woman putting the green apples into a bag. “that woman is being cheated because she doesnt know the apples arent ripe.” grandfather laughed. he also put about half a dozen of the

27、green apples in a bag. “youll get a stomachache if you eat green apples,” i said. grandfather looked as though he were going to laugh again, but he didnt. at the cash registers, grandfather paid his money. nobody said much. maybe everybody in a city always acted like strangers. maybe that was how pe

28、ople got along with each other here. when we got outside, grandfather reached for one of those green apples. “feel like sharing an apple with me?” he used a small knife to cut the apple in half. he offered me one piece. i was hungry, but i said no. grandfather chewed the other piece, making a great

29、show of how good it tasted. “not afraid of an apple, are you?” i didnt know why he was making such a big deal over an apple, so i took it. i bit into it and it was juicy and sweet. “its not a trick. i thought it was when i first saw them, too. but it is this kind of apple, it gets ripe but it stays

30、green.” he finished his half of the apple. “it tastes pretty good,” i finally admitted. a green apple that was ripe! it just didnt seem possible somehow. “youre going to see lots of new things here. just try not to forget the old things you already know and you will do well,” said grandfather. 50. w

31、here did jimmy go with grandfather? a. to a hotel. b. to a garden. c. to a supermarket. d. to a restaurant. 51. jimmy thought the woman was cheated because he believed _. a. the apples werent ripe b. people laughed at her c. she was a stranger here d. she didnt get along well with others 52. what ca

32、n we learn from the story? a. we should follow the rules in public. b. we should be ready to share with others. c. we should try to learn from the old people. d. we should keep the old and be open to the new. c every school has an in-crowdand a less-than-cool group, too. amys hair is always perfect.

33、 “and,” says 17-year-old danielle l. about her classmate, “she has so many outfits that she doesnt wear the same one twice.” like danielle, you probably know whos really popular at your school. theyre the trendsetters (引領(lǐng)潮流者), and everyone else follows their lead. the standards of the in-crowd diffe

34、r from culture to culture and even school to school. nevertheless, teens worldwide worry about popularity. as people grow from children to adults, looking for support from peers (同伴) is normal, explains a psychologist at the university of north carolina. being popular has certain benefits. popular k

35、ids often enjoy plenty of party invites and dates. along the way, they develop social skills and learn how to get along in different situations too. being a trendsetter can also be exciting. thats especially true if that status (地位) is used for a positive goal, such as making school a more welcoming

36、 place. “it is my hope that popular teens will choose to be the superhero rather than the villain,” says psychologist leanna closson. popularity can have an unpleasant side, though. “amy is very self-centred and complains about petty things,” notes danielle. “she makes fun of other people and is in

37、general not an all-around nice person.” eric m. says the popular crowd acts the same way at his high school. “they act really mean on the outside to make themselves seem better than everyone else,” says the 16-year-old. if being both popular and unlikable seems strange, think about how some teensesp

38、ecially girlstry to boost (吹捧) their status. they dont just pick on unpopular kids; they often aim at the middle and higher popularity levels. teens may secretly hope their popularity will rise if they knock down possible “competitors”. even if that makes them more popular, in the process they may m

39、ake themselves less likeable. achieving popularity doesnt promise happiness, either. one study of new england teens found that high-status girls were more likely to have symptoms of depression (沮喪) after high school. feeling you always have to act a certain way to stay popular can be stressful, sugg

40、ests antonius cillessen of the netherlands radboud university. “keeping status is like walking on your toes all the time,” he says. “its hard work.” 53. what can we know from paragraph 2? a. an in-crowd is mostly made up of girls. b. amy belongs to a less-than-cool group. c. danielle is popular beca

41、use of her hair style. d. trendsetters set the trend for others to follow. 54. what does leanna closson hope to see? a. the in-crowd will develop better social skills. b. popular teens will influence others positively. c. the in-crowd will work hard to achieve popularity. d. popular teens will take

42、part in more competitions. 55. what is the best title of the passage? a. school competitions: yes or no b. in-crowd at school: dos and donts c. school trendsetters: the good and bad d. being popular at school: for or against d its no secret that reading is helpful. but can it help kids lose weight?

43、in the first study to look at the influence of literature (文學(xué)) on overweight teenagers, researchers at duke childrens hospital discovered that reading the right type of novel may make a difference. the duke researchers asked overweight girls aged 9 to 13 who were already in a weight loss program to

44、read a novel called lake rescue. it was carefully created with the help of pediatric experts (兒科專家) to include specific healthy lifestyle and weight management guidance, as well as positive messages and strong role models. six months later, the duke researchers found the 31 girls who read lake rescu

45、e experienced a significant decrease (fall) in their bmi scores (-.71%) when compared to a control group of 14 girls who hadnt (+.05%), explained alexandra c. russell, a fourth-year medical student at duke who led the study. “as a pediatrician, i cant count the number of times i tell parents to buy

46、a book that might provide useful advice, yet ive never been able to point to research to back up my recommendations,” says sarah armstrong, director of dukes healthy lifestyles program where the research took place. “this is the first probable interventional (介入的) study that found literature can hav

47、e a positive influence on healthy lifestyle changes in young girls.” obesity is becoming more widespread in children, according to the cdc (centres for disease control), which reports that 16 percent of children aged 6 to 19 are overweight or obese, a number that has increased since 1980. researcher

48、s are looking at a lot of ways to help kids stay healthy, lose weight and be more active, but armstrong says, “most dont work very well. the weight loss choices that are effective typically involve taking powerful medications with side effects, or require long-lasting surgical procedures.” while the

49、 bmi decrease due to the book is small, armstrong says any decrease in bmi is encouraging because bmi typically increases in children as they grow and develop. thats okay as long as it follows a normal, progressing curve. in overweight kids, however, bmi usually increases more quickly. “if their bmi

50、 percentile (百分位) goes down, it means they are either losing weight or getting tall and not gaining weight. both are seen as positive signs in kids who are trying to lose weight,” she explains. 56. what did researchers at duke childrens hospital do? a. they tried to find out the reasons why kids are

51、 overweight. b. they focused on the research into girls healthy lifestyle. c. they studied whether literature could help lose weight. d. they helped the girls to choose right books to read. 57. the underlined phrase “back up my recommendations” probably means “_”. a. influence my research b. change

52、my opinion c. respect my study d. support my advice 58. which of the following statements about the research is true? a. the researchers interviewed the girls and studied information. b. pediatric experts offered specific guidance to the research. c. 16 percent of children aged from 9 to 13 were ove

53、rweight. d. the girls read a certain novel and gave their reports. 59. whats the finding of the research? a. that the girls all grew tall and lost weight after 6 months. b. that the girls showed great interest in reading literature works. c. that the girls who read lake rescue had a decrease in bmi.

54、 d. that the girls needed to take powerful medications to lose weight. 七、 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。 would you like to explore (開發(fā)) the oceans? do you want to find more life than we imagine there? for jacques cousteau, the answer was “yes”. his career was a life-long dream, and he is probably the mo

55、st famous ocean scientist in recent times. cousteau was born in france in 1910. even as a child, he loved water. cousteau was bright, but he got bored with school and began to cause trouble. 60 . there, cousteau finally felt challenged. he studied hard and did well in all his courses. in 1933, he served as a general officer in the french navy. 61 . he worked on a breathing machine to stay under water longer. it was finished in 1943. in 1948, cousteau became a captain, and he had new duties. even so, he continued to explore th


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