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1、M2 Unit1總復(fù)習Module 2Unit 1T ales of the unexplained第一全體基本學問回憶.辭匯遐想:依據(jù)音標提醒寫出準確單詞及其派死詞(需要時可查辭書)。1unexplained /|?n I ksple I nd/ adj.無奈注釋的;奧秘的v.注釋_n.道明;注釋_ 2creature /kri?t?(r)/ n植物;人3research /r Is?t?/ n. & v t. & v i.研討n.研討者_4possibility /|p?s?b I l?t I/ n大概性adj.大概的_5_ /|m?d?(r)/ n. & v t.行刺,兇殺n.兇腳mur

2、derer6convincing /k?nv I ns I?/adj.使人疑服的v t.道服,使疑服_adj.感應(yīng)疑服的;確疑的_7_ /ev I d?ns/ n證據(jù)adj.分明的evidentad v.分明天_8_ /|dIs?p?Int I d/ adj.感應(yīng)得看的adj.使人得看的_ v t.使得看_n.得看;助興disappointment9_ /tre?(r)/ n玉帛,財產(chǎn)10_ /s I m?l?(r)/ adj.類似的,相似的(to)n.類似,相似_ ad v.類似天,相似天_11national /n?n?l/ adj.國度的n.國度_12_ /stre?/n力氣,力量adj

3、.健壯的,壯大的_v t.減強,刪強,堅固_13_ /Iz I st/ v存正在;有n.存正在_【自立檢測】依據(jù)語境用準確單詞或者其派死詞挖空。1The _(大概性) that he is the _(兇腳) is not _(使人疑服的)2The _(存正在) of some strange _(植物) is _(無奈注釋的)3It is _(分明的) that he has a lot of _(財產(chǎn))4To our _(得看),he has no more strength(力量) to do that _(研討)5There is much _(類似) in their _(平易近族的

4、) characteristics.短語取拓展1run _逃趕,逃供run _奇然逢到2step _減強,匆匆進,減松3due _果為,因為but _假如出有4rule _掃除make it a _ to do有做的習性5make _假造,化裝,填補make up _填補6_ of背責,主持7_ a survey舉行查詢拜訪8in return _做為的報答9draw a _患上出論斷10become convinced _.信任11make ones way背走往12show _呈現(xiàn),出面_ up出頭13A _ than B取其B沒有如A 14look _查詢拜訪;反省look sb. _高

5、低挨量或人15carry _真施,實行carry _(with.)持續(xù)【自立檢測】依據(jù)語境取舍失當?shù)脑~組挖空,注重其情勢的準確。step up,due to,show up,rule out,look into,make up,take charge of,run after1A working party has been set up to _ the problem.2Most of the problems were _ human error.3Women _ 56% of the student numbers.4Police have not _ the possibility

6、that the man was murdered.5Hes always _ younger women.6A broken bone _ on the X-ray.7He has _ his training to prepare for the race.8She _ the farm after her fathers death.句型取使用1Standing inside were lots of white-skinned,strange-looking creatures with large black eyes.【譯文】_ 【句式仿寫】躺正在天板上的是一名淘氣的男孩。_ 2H

7、owever,police found that Justin did in fact return home on Friday night at about 11 pm.【譯文】_ 【句式仿寫】頭幾天,我的確告知過他那件事。_3I pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside.【譯文】_ 【句式仿寫】先生注重到那位教死正在測驗中做弊。_ 4Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Ye

8、ti.【譯文】_ 【句式仿寫】彼患上剛支到一啟疑道他奶奶要去瞧他。_.單位語法專練-用如今實現(xiàn)舉行時實現(xiàn)以下句子1I _ (sit) here all the afternoon.2She _ (sweep) the street all day.She is too tired.3We _ (wait) for you for two hours.We dont want to wait any longer. 4He _ (collect) all kinds of stamps since he was ten years old.5He _ (not teach) here these

9、 years.V. 課文疑息挖空-瀏覽上面漫筆,正在空格處挖上得當?shù)膯卧~。1、Passage A(Reading)Police in America have stepped up their search for a boy named Justin who went (1) m _two days ago. People have shown great (2) i_ in his disappearance. They wondered whether the boy was(3) t_ away by aliens.According to Kelly, his sister, she

10、 said that he went (4) s_ to his room and put on his favorite CD. Thats (5) w_ the lights came. At first, she thought it was the light of the full moon, but then she realized that it was moving and coming closer. Then she pulled back the curtain and saw a large spaceship (6) f_ outside.Dover, a woma

11、n who was said to have been taken away by aliens, couldnt agree with the idea more. Dover said aliens just wanted to do research on human beings. Luckily, they set her free. Despite that, after the frightening experience, she even got(7) f_ when she heard a plane fly over.Until now, police have not(

12、8) r_ out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are looking into other possibilities. Detective Sam who has taken(9) c _of the case said they would never give up until they found(10) c _evidence.2、Passage B(Project)People have reported seeing a wild_1_ creature in the Himalayas. They

13、call it a Yeti. There are many _2_all over the world. It is said that Yetis are heavily built and_3_.In 1998, an American mountain climber said that he saw a Yeti on the Chinese side of the Himalayas, which walked like a human with thick black_4_, huge shoulders, very long arms and large hands. In 1

14、970, many footprints were _5_in the snow near Bossburg, Washington in the US. Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard _6_supporting the_7_of Yeti. However scientists have different opinions about Yetis. Some scientists even think that these footprints could have been made by people _8_. Scienti

15、sts hope thatthe_9_ will be solved someday. If Yetis really exist, we might have the _10_to see one with our own eyes.問案.1.explain;explanation 3.researcher 4possible 5.murder 6.convince;convinced 7.evidence;evidently 8disappointed;disappointing;disappoint10.similar;similarly 11.nation12.strength;str

16、ong;strengthen 13exist自立測評語境挖詞1possibility;murderer;convincing2existence;creatures;unexplained3evident;treasure4disappointment;research5similarity;national.1.after;across 2.up 3.to;for 4out;rule 5.up;for 6.in/take charge7.conduct8.for9.conclusion10.that/of12.up;o;up and down 15.ou

17、t;on自立測評選詞挖空1look into 2.due to 3.make up 4ruled out 5.running after 6showed up7.stepped up 8took charge of.1內(nèi)里站著很多黑皮膚、模樣偶怪、少著烏色年夜眼睛的死物。Lying on the ground was a naughty boy.2但是,警圓收現(xiàn)賈斯汀禮拜5早上11面擺布的確回過家。I did tell him about it the other day.3我把窗簾推開,瞧到中里有一只偉大的飛船正在地面飛著。The teacher noticed the student ch

18、eating in the exam.4足印是收持雪人存正在的多少個鐵證之一。Peter received a letter just now saying his grandma would come to see him soon.單位語法專練1have been sitting 2.has been sweeping 3.have been waiting4has been collecting 5hasnt been teachingV.Passage A1. missing2. interest3. taken4. straight5. when6. flying7. frighte

19、ned8.ruled9. charge 10.convincingPassage B(Project)1. man-like2. sightings3. hairy4. fur5. discovered6. evidence7. existence8. playing a joke9. mystery 10. chance第2全體限時標準練習Module 2Unit 1Tales of the unexplained.單項挖空(共15小題;每一小題1分,謙分15分)1Billy listened carefully _ he might discover exactly what John w

20、anted.Afor fear that Bin case C. in order that Dso as that問案:C句意為“比利子細天聽以便他能弄渾約翰事實念要甚么”。for fear that惟恐;in case以防,萬一;in order that為了,以便;so as that是同伴布局。2The driver started to speed up to _ for the hour he had lost in the traffic jam.Akeep up Btake upC. make up Dcatch up問案:C句意為“司機入手下手減速以填補正在交通擁塞中得往的光

21、陰”。keep up堅持;take up處置,占有;make up填補;catch up逃上,遇上。3_ at failing in the maths exam,John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents.A. Disappointed BTo be disappointedCDisappointing DHaving disappointed問案:Abe disappointed at對于感應(yīng)得看。此處是從前分詞短語做本果狀語。 4Is it my age that the boss minds?_.He will consider

22、it necessary to have an energetic and experienced assistant.AOf course not BEven so C.Im afraid so DI hope not問案:C此題考察情況外交。Im afraid so生怕是那樣的,切合題意。5The worker witnessed _ seen the accused near the scene of the crime.Ato have B. to having Cfor having Dhaving問案:B句意為“那個工人做證道曾經(jīng)瞧睹原告正在犯法現(xiàn)場四周”。witness做動詞時,

23、意為“目睹,睹證”,witness to sth.為某事做證/出庭證實,個中to為介詞,后接名詞或者動名詞。6The old man said the accident _ careless driving,so a lot of money _ be paid by the driver.A. was due to;was due to Bdue to;was due toCis due to;has due to Dis due to;was due to問案:Adue to因為,to為介詞,做表語或者狀語,due借有“預(yù)期的,估計的”的露義,形成be due to do sth.布局。7

24、Things are getting even worse now without Jackson.Its certain that he will _ at the basketball court.A. show up Bget up Cput up Dtake up問案:Ashow up呈現(xiàn);get up起床;put up張揭;take up處置。由此可知只要A項切合句意。8The doctor has _ the possibility that Justin suffers AIDS.A. ruled out Bsearched out Cworked out Dlooked out

25、問案:Arule out掃除;search out尋出,征采到;work out盤算出,造定出;look out 小心。由此可知A項切合句意。9What if I move the picture over there? Do you think itll look better? _.Let me give you a hand.AI dont agree with you BThats rightC. I couldnt agree more DWith pleasure問案:C依據(jù)問語后一句可知后者是允許前者的不雅面的。I couldnt agree more.意為“我十分允許”;Tha

26、ts right.(那是對于的。)以及With pleasure.(很愿意效力。)沒有開題意,故選C 項。10Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise._,our minds are developed by learning.AProbably BLikely C. Similarly DGenerally問案:C依據(jù)句意“熬煉能夠健壯咱們的身材。一樣,教習能夠刪強咱們的智力”。 11When he was told the _ result of the research,there was a _ expression appearin

27、g on his face.Apuzzle;puzzling Bpuzzling;puzzlingCpuzzled;puzzled D. puzzling;puzzled問案:D第一空后是名詞result,果而要用puzzling建飾,暗示積極,而expression則要用puzzled建飾,暗示形態(tài)。12The teacher felt very glad at the great _ the students made in their studies.Asearch B. progress Cstrength Dtreasure問案:B那是make (great) progress in

28、.拆配。13It is reported that great efforts made to _ the case have paid off.Arun into B. look into Crun after Dlook after問案:B從前分詞短語made.做efforts的定語;make efforts to do sth.意為“勉力做某事”;look into the case查詢拜訪案件,切合題意。句意為“查詢拜訪此案件所支付的偉大勉力已經(jīng)經(jīng)起做用了”。14I dont like the way _ you laugh at her.Awhich B. in which Cby

29、which Don which問案:B后行詞是way時,定語從句缺狀語時可用in which或者that引誘。 15What are you doing,my dear?I am _ for my glasses.I remember I have put it on the bookshelf.Asearching Bfeeling Cfinding D. looking問案:Dsearch for有“勉力覓尋”之意;look for偏重覓尋奇然記記放正在哪女的器材。 .瀏覽了解(共4小題;每一小題2分,謙分8分)A snow leopard roars in the high mounta

30、ins of Asia.A black rhinoceros gallops across the plains of Africa.A grizzly bear hunts for fish in a North American river.A mother blue whale and her calf glide through the deep waters of the ocean.All of these animals share the Earth with us.They fascinate us with their beauty,their grace,and thei

31、r speed.We love observing their behavior,and learning more about their habits.But just loving them is not enough.All of these animals are endangered.Many of them have died,and without special care,they may someday disappear from the Earth.Why is it important to care for animals like these?One reason

32、 is to protect the balance of life on Earth.Another reason is the beauty of the animals themselves.Each species of animal is special.Africa was once filled with an abundance of wild animals.But that is changing fast.One of these animals,the black rhinoceros,lives on the plains of Africa.It has very

33、poor eyesight and a very bad temper!Even though the black rhino is powerful,and can be dangerous,its strength cant always help it to escape hunters.Some people think that the rhinos horn has magical powers,and many hunters kill rhinos for their valuable horns.This has caused the black rhino to be pl

34、aced on the endangered species list.The elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Africa.It once had no natural enemies,but is now endangered-killed for its ivory tusks.The fastest land animal,the cheetah,also lives in Africa.It,too,is becoming extinct as people take over more and m

35、ore of the land that is the cheetahs natural habitat.Imagine Africa without the powerful rhino,the gentle,intelligent elephant,or the lightning quick cheetah.Once they are gone,they are gone forever.16The best title for this passage would be “_”ADo what we can BGone foreverCHelp animals DLive or die

36、問案:B做者正在最初一段做出論斷(Once they are gone,they are gone forever.),掀示了本文的寫做目標,故本文標題為B項。17Why has the black rhino been placed on the endangered list according to the passage?ABecause its eyesight is poor and its temper is bad.BBecause it has a horn.CBecause it is believed that its horn has magical power.DBe

37、cause people think it is powerful and dangerous.問案:C依據(jù)第3段最初兩句“Some people think that the rhinos horn has magical powers,and many hunters kill rhinos for their valuable horns.This has caused the black rhino to be placed on the endangered species list.”可患上出問案。18Which of the following does NOT support

38、the main idea of the article?AOcean-dwelling animals are in danger of extinction as well.BBeautiful birds like the great green macaw are also becoming extinct.CWherever people are careless about the land,there are endangered species.DThe elephant seems to represent all that is strong and wild in Afr

39、ica.問案:D本文的中央是吸吁人們回護瀕危家死植物,而D項其實不能反應(yīng)本文的中央,故為準確問案。19How does the writer feel about the fate of endangered animals?ADisinterested. BConcerned.COptimistic. DConfused.問案:B總覽齊文,可知做者對于瀕危植物10分閉心,故問案為B項。.義務(wù)型瀏覽(共10小題;每一小題1分,謙分10分)When looking at what makes an economy grow in the long run,it is important to b

40、egin by examining how output is created.Firms use a combination of labor and capital(本錢)to produce their /doc/ba5801053968011ca30091a5.htmlbor consists of the workers and employees who produce,manage,and process production.Capital describes both the ideas needed for production and

41、 the actual tools and machines used in production.Ideas and other intellectual property are called human capital.Machinery and tools are called physical capital.Firms use some combination of labor and capital to produce output.In particular,the labor use the capital in the production process.For exa

42、mple,when making cars,workers use tools and an assembly line to produce a finished product.The workers are the labor and the machines are the capital.In order to increase productivity,each worker must be able to produce more output.This is referred to as labor productivity growth.The only way for th

43、is to occur is through an increase in the capital used in the production process.This increase can be in the form of either human capital or physical capital.It is important to remember that increases in capital can take the form of both quantity and quality increases.The only way to achieve labor p

44、roductivity growth is to increase the amount of capital,physical and/or human,available to workers.And in the long run,the only way for overall productivity to increase is through increases in the capital used in production.When discussing growth,there is an important distinction that must be made.T

45、he growth level is the starting value of whatever is growing; the growth rate is the change in the growth level fromyear to year.These distinctions allow for accurate descriptions of economic policies on long-run growth.Now that the growth rate and growth level distinction are clear,lets apply it to

46、 the way that economic policies affect productivity.The most important number in increasing economic productivity is the growth level.The growth level shows where the economy is relative to long term positioning.For instance,we know that the economy tends to grow at about 2% per year in the long run

47、.This is the economys growth level.When the economy grows at an increased amount,say 6% per year,the 4% difference between this and the growth level is called the growth rate.An economy with a low growth level will not grow very much in the long run even if the growth rate is high at times.For insta

48、nce,over a 30-year period,an economy that has a steady growth level of 3% will far outgrow an economy that has an unpredictable growth rate but a growth level of 1%.In this way,it is important to keep both the growth rate and the growth level as high as possible,but if one is to be preferred over th

49、e other,a stable and high growth level is more desirable than an unpredictably fluctuating growth rate.Why is this distinction important? Many policy makers are not wise enough to handle the economy.They often create desirable short-term effects or to create desirable long-term effects.If they make

50、policies that temporarily increase economic growth,then they are affecting the growth rate.If,on the other hand,they make policies that permanently increase economic growth,then they are affecting the growth level.and capital(本錢)to produce their output.”。本文利用名詞,表格利用從前分詞。21問案:productivity轉(zhuǎn)述題,去自本文第3段第1句?!癐n order to increase productivity,each worker


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