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1、Lesson 103 The French test Topic:examination How are you feeling after taking an exam? ? Are you happy or sad? ? Are you angry? ? Are you excited? ? Are you afraid? ? Are you worried with your mark? The French test ?First, please listen to the tape, then answer the questions. ?1.How was Richards exa

2、m? ?2. How long did the exam last? Answers ?1. Not too bad. ?2. Three hours New words: ?exam n. 考試(examination ) ? 入學(xué)考試 an entrance exam ? 期末考試 a final exam ? 期中考試期中考試 a midterm exam ? 參加考試 take an exam ? 考試及格 pass an exam ? 考試作弊 cheat in an exam ?pass v. 及格,通過 ? 只有十名學(xué)生通過了考試。 ? Only ten students pas

3、sed the examination. ? pass in +具體學(xué)科 ? 通過數(shù)學(xué)考試 ? pass in mathematics ? 通過語文考試 ? pass in Chinese 2019/4/27 mathematics n. 數(shù)學(xué)數(shù)學(xué) ? 縮寫是Maths ? 你數(shù)學(xué)好嗎? ? Are you good at mathematics? ? 她數(shù)學(xué)不太好。 ? She is poor at mathematics. ? 我通過了數(shù)學(xué)考試。 ? I passed in mathematics . 2019/4/27 .question n. 問題 (反義詞answer) ? 我能問你

4、個問題嗎? ? May I ask you a question? ? 最后兩個問題 我回答不上來。 ? I can t answer the last two questions. 2019/4/27 easy adj.容易的 ? 這是個簡單的問題。 ? This is an easy question. ? be easy to do 容易做 ? 這個工作容易做。 ? The task is easy to do. ? It s easy for sb to do 對某人來說做某事 很容 易 ? 對他來說,學(xué)習(xí)英文很容易。 ? It is easy for him to learn Eng

5、lish. 2019/4/27 enough adv. 足夠地 ? 你穿這么薄的衣服暖和么? ? Are you warm enough in such a light coat? ? enough for sb to do 足夠做. ? 這個房間我們住足夠大了。 ? This room is big enough for us to live in . 2019/4/27 paper n. 考卷 ? 五十份考卷不夠?qū)W生考試。 ? Fifty papers are not enough for the students to take the exam. .fail ? 1) v. 不及格(反

6、義詞pass) ? fail the exam 考試不及格 ? fail in mathematics ? 2)v. 失?。ǚ戳x詞succeed) ? 計(jì)劃失敗了。 ? The plan failed. ? fail to do 未做成某事 ? 我今天下午未能見到他。 ? I failed to see him this afternoon. answer v. 回答 ? 他不想回答我。 ? He doesn t want to answer me. mark n. 分?jǐn)?shù) ? school marks 學(xué)校的成績 ? 他在英語考試中得了高分 ? He got a high mark in En

7、glish. ? 我數(shù)學(xué)得了80 分 ? I got 80 marks in mathematics. 2019/4/27 rest n. 其他的東西 ? 你可以把剩下的面包吃光。 ? You can eat up the rest of the bread. ? 你打開門和窗戶,剩下的由我來做。 ? The rest of the money was put on the shelf. ? 2)n. 休息 ? 休息一下。 ? take a rest/have a rest difficult adj. 困難的 ? 那本書對小孩來說很難。 ? The book is difficult for

8、 the children. ? be difficult to do. 做. 是困難的 ? 該問題很難回答。 ? The question is difficult to answer. ? It s difficult for sb to do. ? 對某人來說做某事很難 hate v. 討厭 他們互相厭惡。 ? They hate each other. ? hate doing. 不喜歡做 ? 她不喜歡做飯。 ? She hates cooking. ? hate to do 不愿意.,不想做 ? 我很不想說這句話,但你的確錯了。 ? I hate to say it, but you

9、 are wrong. low adj. 低的 ? 小心,門很矮。 ? Be careful! It s a low door. ? 冷庫里溫度很低。 ? The temperature is low in the freezer. cheer v.振作,振奮 ? 那個消息使那一家人振奮不己。 ? The news cheered the family. ? 提起精神 ? Cheer up! ?歡呼,喝彩,為(某人)加 油 ? 當(dāng)他出現(xiàn)時(shí)群眾發(fā)出歡呼聲 ? The crowd cheered when he appeared. guy n.家伙,人家伙,人 top n. 上方,頂部 ?反義詞b

10、ottom ? 在山頂 ? at the top of a mountain ? 書頁的上方。 ? The top of the page . 1、How was the exam? = How did the exam go? 2、Not too bad. Just so so. / Pretty good. 3、I think I passed in English and Mathematics. pass 及格 不及格 fail pass the mid-term exam 通過某一考試用pass, 而通過某一科目考試用pass in 4、How about you? = What a

11、bout you? 用于提建議:How about having a rest ? ? 5. The English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me. paper 紙張(不可數(shù)) a piece of paper paper 試卷,論文(可數(shù)) the English papers enough 足夠地,副詞,修飾形容詞,用在 形容詞之后 easy enough enough 足夠的,形容詞,修飾名詞,用 在名詞之前 enough books/money for 對來說。 The house is big enough for us. 6、

12、I could answer sixteen of the questions. could是是can的過去式,后的過去式,后 加動詞原形,加動詞原形, 否定形式否定形式couldn t sixteen of the questions 試題中的試題中的16道。道。 two of the students 7、They were too difficult for me. difficult VS different too 也; 太,過于。 I like English , he likes English, too. This pair of shoes are too small for

13、 me. too.to. 太而不能 He is too young to go to school. ?7. hate like ?get a low mark ?get a high mark 9. Cheer up! Come on!open up! 10.The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. next to = beside 在旁邊。 at the top of. 在頂端,在上方 at the bottom of.在下方,在末端 11. Then he sat there and looked at it f

14、or three hours! For + 時(shí)間段:持續(xù)了多長時(shí)間。 I have lived here for ten years. Lesson104 Too ,very, enough 2、too VS very VS enough 副詞 too 太 very 非常 enough 足夠 (1)too和very通常放在所修飾的形容詞之前, 而enough要放在所修飾的形容詞之后: The questions were too/very difficult. The questions were easy enough. (2)enough和too可以與介詞to搭配使用,但意義不同: The

15、 questions were easy enough (for me) to answer. The questions were too difficult (for me) to answer. clever stupid cheap expensive Could he answer all the questions? Yes, he could. He was clever enough to answer them. No. he couldn t. He was too stupid to answer them. answer all the questions buy th

16、e car ? Could they hear the stereo? ? Yes, they could. ? Because they were loud enough for them. ? No, they couldn t. ? Because they were too low for them hear to the stereo loud low eat the orange sweet sour Exercise:A+B Summary 1. 考試的相關(guān)詞匯: 參加考試 take/have an exam 參加具體科目的考試,如英語考試,take an English (科目名稱)exam 考試及格 pass the exam, pass in English( 科目) exam。 考試不及格 fail the exam fail the English ( 科目) exam。 考試非常好 do well in the exam; 考試非常糟糕,do badly in the exam 。 試卷,我們用paper 這個詞,這個時(shí)候,paper 是 可數(shù)名詞了。比如


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