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1、四六級聽力考試必備詞組A a case in point a fraction of a narrow escape a piece of cake a sore throat a stone s throw a variety of account for against one s willagree on agree with 某人 ahead of time/schedule air crash all the year round another cup of tea/another pair of shoes anything but apart from appeal to ap

2、ply for apple of one s eyeapt to approve of as fit as a fiddle as a matter of fact as a result as a rule as usual as a whole as far as I know as luck would have it at a loss at a discount at ease at no time at one s wit s end at random at short notice恰當?shù)睦?一小部分 死里逃生,九死一生 容易的事,小事一樁 嗓子痛 一箭之遙,很近 各種各樣的解

3、釋,是的原因 違背某人的意愿 就達成一致 同意(某人) ,(食物,氣候等)適合提前 空難一年到頭 另外一回事,另當別論 決不除了吸引 申請鐘愛之物,寵兒 有的傾向 贊同,認可 很健康 事實上 由于 通常 跟往常一樣 總體上 據(jù)我所知 碰巧不知所措 低于正常價格放松,輕松 在任何時候都不,決不 智窮計盡,沒有辦法隨意的 一得到通知馬上就亂七八糟 話到嘴邊,一時想不起 有時,不時地過刊 / 現(xiàn)刊 有,可提供 露面 (車等)開往 肯定會 遠不是,根本不是 對厭倦,討厭 喜歡 免除,脫離 不例外 不直截了當,繞圈子 (車,飛機等)晚點 離題,不中肯 承擔太多的工作而無法完成,好高騖出身富貴 毀約,說話

4、不算數(shù) (車等)出故障 食言,失信 暫停工作 撫養(yǎng)當然,一定 總的來說,大體上 偶然,意外地 天性 極快的,大幅度的 一點也不,決不at sixes and sevensat the tip of one s tongue at timesBback issue/current issue be available be around be bound for be bound to be far from be fed up with be fond of be free of be no exception beat about the bush behind schedule besid

5、e the point bite off more than one can chew 遠born with a silver spoon in one s mouth break one s word break down break one s word break off bring up by all means by and large by chance by nature by leaps and bounds by no meansC call it a day call off call on can do with can not help(doing) care for

6、castle in the air catch on catch up with結(jié)束,到此為止取消訪問,拜訪講究,能對付禁不住喜愛空中樓閣,不切實際的想法 變得流行,受歡迎 追趕,趕上catch one s breath check in check out cheer up chilled to the bone clothes make the man come across come down with come straight to the point come true come up to come up with concentrate on count on cross ou

7、t cut downD day in and day out deal with die away dos and don ts do in Rome as the Romans do do sb. good/harm down to earth doze off draw near dress up drop by/in drop outEeasy come, easy go end in end up engage in every other (week) express mailFfall back on fall behind familiar with few and far be

8、tween喘口氣 辦理(入?。┑怯浭掷m(xù) 付賬后離開 振作起來 凍僵了 人靠衣裝 偶然碰見 病倒開門見山 實現(xiàn) 達到,符合 提出,想出 集中精力 依靠,指望 劃掉,刪去 削減,刪節(jié)每天,始終 論述,關于,處理 (聲音等)逐漸消逝 規(guī)則,允許的和不允許的 入鄉(xiāng)隨俗 對某人有好處 / 壞處 實事求是 打瞌睡接近,臨近穿盛裝xj順便訪問輟學,放棄來的容易去的快以為結(jié)果結(jié)束 參加,從事 每隔一(周) 快遞求助于落后熟悉很少,很稀疏figure out fill the prescription find fault with flat tyre for the time being for sale f

9、ocus on for a change for a time for ages for free for good for the time being free with money from bad to worse from time to time弄清楚,算出,想出 按照藥方配藥 挑剔,抱怨 輪胎沒氣了 暫時 待售 集中在 為了換換花樣 暫時,一度 很久免費 永久的 暫時 花錢大手大腳 每況愈下 時常增加體重與相處上了年紀 一早起床就情緒不好 擺脫取得進展 待人冷淡,態(tài)度不友好 讓某人搭車 給某人打電話 超出,勝過 各自負擔自己的費用 沒用的人或事物節(jié)食罷工復習觀光與相配交上 掛斷(

10、電話) 和 . 談話 可以使用與某人有個約會 緊張十分繁忙G gain weight get along with get on in years get out of bed on the wrong side get rid of get somewhere give sb . a cold shoulder give sb . a lift/ride give sb . a ring go beyond go Dutch good for nothing go on a diet go on strike go over go sightseeing go with hand inhan

11、d uphave a word withhave access tohave an appointment with sbhave butterflies in one s stomach have one s hands full發(fā)燒與沒有關系不知道有決定權(quán)有共同之處讓別人做某事 前往 收到某人的信件 專心思考 全心全意地 交通擁擠 是該做某事的時候了 勃然大怒別掛電話耽擱have a fever/temperature have nothing to do with have no idea have the final say have sth . in common have sth.

12、 done head for hear from hear oneself think heart and soul heavy traffic high time hit the ceiling hold the line/on hold upIin a mess in a sense in addition to in advance in case in debt in exchange in a good/bad mood in honor of in low spirits in memory of in no time in part in particular in person

13、 in season in the dark in the long run in theory in turn in vain interfere with it depends it is sb. s treatK keep an eye on混亂,亂七八糟 從某種意義上講 除了 提前 以防,以免負債 作為交換 心情好 / 壞 為慶祝 / 紀念 情緒低落 為紀念 很快 部分的 尤其,特別 親自 (蔬菜,水果等)當令 不知道,蒙在鼓里 從長遠來看 從理論上說 依次,輪流 徒勞,白費 干涉,影響看情況,視而定由某人請客照看,注意,觀察s businessknow/learn the ropes

14、 keep body and soul together keep one s head keep sb. informed keen onL lay off least of all let alone lend a hand live from hand to mouth look forward to look for a needle in a haystack look on the bright side look out look through lose heart lose one s head lose one s temper lose weightM make a fu

15、ss make a difference make a living make a reservation make ends meet make head or tail of sth make for make fun of make sense make sure make up make up one s mind man of letters mind one s own business mistake sb. for sb more often than notN no wonder no way none of one s business 了解,掌握做事情的技能生存下去保持鎮(zhèn)

16、靜 及時通知某人 喜好解雇最不更不用說幫忙收入勉強糊口期待大海撈針看到事物光明的一面 當心 瀏覽失去信心不知所措發(fā)脾氣減輕體重大驚小怪影響謀生預定(旅館房間,座位等)使收支相抵弄懂,看懂前往取笑,嘲弄有意義,講得通確保,弄清楚彌補,補充下決心文人別管閑事把誤當作多半,大概難怪決不與某人無關,少管閑事nothing but not to mentionOon account of on earth on duty on no account on purpose on sale on the contrary on the spot on vacation on weekdays one in

17、a million one s cup of tea once in a blue moon once in a while other than out of breath out of control out of date out of order out of print out of question out of stock out of the question out the cart before the horse owe to owing toP pick up pull over put an end to put off put their heads togethe

18、r put through to sb. put up withRrain cats and dogs rain or shine run across只有更別提由于究竟值班決不 故意 降價出售 相反 當場 度假,休假 在工作日 鳳毛麟角,百里挑一 某人的喜好,興趣,口味 很難得,幾乎不可能 偶爾 而不是 上氣不接下氣 失去控制 過時 出了毛病 (書)沒有重印 沒問題 沒貨不可能 本末倒置,主次顛倒 歸功于 由于(車等)中途搭人停在路邊結(jié)束推遲集思廣益,群策群力 接通某人的電話 容忍,忍受瓢潑大雨 不論下雨還是天晴 不期而遇,偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)run into rather than read between the lines regardless of remind sb.of sth responsible for result from ring up room and board round the corner round the lock rule out run out of rush hour偶然遇見而不是明白言外之意不管使某人想起對負責人由于打電話食宿即將到來 日日夜夜,不分白天黑夜 排除用光(交通)高峰時間安然無恙點整 高度評價某人 當然,沒問題safe and sound( o clock) sharp Speak hi


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