英語情景對(duì)話 購(gòu)物篇(經(jīng)典實(shí)用)_第1頁(yè)
英語情景對(duì)話 購(gòu)物篇(經(jīng)典實(shí)用)_第2頁(yè)
英語情景對(duì)話 購(gòu)物篇(經(jīng)典實(shí)用)_第3頁(yè)
英語情景對(duì)話 購(gòu)物篇(經(jīng)典實(shí)用)_第4頁(yè)
英語情景對(duì)話 購(gòu)物篇(經(jīng)典實(shí)用)_第5頁(yè)
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1、 英語情景對(duì)話 購(gòu)物篇Reception 接待 1. What can I do for you? 你要些什么? 2. Can I help you? 我能幫你嗎?(需要些什么?) 3.Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜歡的嗎? 4. Are you being helped?/Are you being served?你需要幫忙嗎?Is there anybody waiting on you?有人招呼你嗎?Choosing and buying選擇與購(gòu)買 Choosing 選擇 1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. 我

2、想買一雙鞋一件夾克。 2. Id like to see some towels.我想看看毛巾。 3. Show me that one, please.請(qǐng)把那個(gè)給我看看。4. Let me have a look at this watch. 把這只表讓我看看。 5. Im just looking, thanks.我只是看看,謝謝。6. Would you show me this cup?你能把這只杯子讓我看一下嗎?7.Im interested in this new type of car. 我對(duì)這款新車很有興趣。8.Id like to have a look if you don

3、t mind.如果不介意,我想看一下。Size and color 尺寸和顏色 1. The fit isnt good. 尺寸不太合適。2. Its too big. 太大了。 3. Too small. 太小。 4. How about this blue one? 這個(gè)藍(lán)色的怎樣? 5. This color is very pupular. 這個(gè)顏色很流行。6. It seems to fit well. 好像蠻合身的。7. Can I have a size larger? 可以給我一個(gè)大一點(diǎn)兒的嗎?8. They punch my toes.把我腳趾夾疼了。9. This blue

4、 color goes well with the light blue dots on the dress.這種藍(lán)色和衣服上的淡藍(lán)色小點(diǎn)很配。An attempt 試穿 1. I like this one. May I try it on? 我喜歡這一種。我能試穿嗎? 2.Could you try it on please? How is it? 請(qǐng)?jiān)嚧┛纯春脝?如何?Inquiry 詢問1. Do you have any on sale?你們有什么特賣品嗎? 2. Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants?你們有百分之百純棉的褲子嗎?3. I

5、f I orded a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery?如果我現(xiàn)在訂一件西裝,要多久才能接到貨?4. Can you get me one?你們能補(bǔ)貨嗎?Price 價(jià)格 1. How much is it ? 多少錢? 2. Ill give it to you for 5250. 5250元美金賣給你。 3. Can you make it cheaper? 你能便宜點(diǎn)嗎?4 How much do I have to pay for it? 我要付多少錢? 5. How much are these ties?

6、 這些領(lǐng)帶要多少錢?6. Whats the price for this suit? 這套西裝多少錢?7.How much does it cost?多少錢?Check 付錢 1. How can I pay?我要如何付錢? 2. May I write a check for you? 我能開支票嗎? 3. Do you take travelers checks?你們接受旅行支票嗎?4. Sorry, we dont take checks. 對(duì)不起,我們不接受支票。5. Ill take this. 我要這個(gè)。6.How about 98 down and 100 a month?先付

7、頭期款98美元,每月再付100美元,如何?The others 其他1. Take ones measurement.為某人量尺寸。2. I think were out of your size.我想你的尺寸(的衣服)已賣光了。3. Check back next Sunday.你下星期天再來看看。Dialogue 對(duì)話 1. A:Can I help you? 您想要買什么? B:Id just like to have a look . 我只想隨便看看。 A:do you like some apples?( Are you looking for some apples?) 你想要一些

8、蘋果嗎? B:I could also buy some apples if theyre nice. 如果蘋果不錯(cuò)的話,我也可以買一些。 2. A:Do you like this dress, madam? 夫人,你喜歡這種衣服嗎? B:I like the color very much. Its a lovely dress, but its too small(tight) for me. 我很喜歡這種顏色,這件衣服很好看,但我穿太小(緊)了。 A:What about this one? Its a lovely dress, its very smart. Short skirt

9、s are in fashion now. Would you like to try it? 這件怎么樣?這件很好看,非常時(shí)髦。短裙現(xiàn)在很流行。你想穿上試試嗎? B:All right. 好的。 3. A: Are these apples on sale? 這些蘋果降價(jià)賣嗎? B:Thats our rock bottom price. 這是我們的最低價(jià)了。 4. A:Would you mind if I try this on? 我能試試嗎? B:No, not at all. 當(dāng)然可以.A:Give me a smaller size, please. 請(qǐng)給我拿小一點(diǎn)的。 B:Wit

10、h pleasure. Id be glad to show you some. 很榮幸為您服務(wù)。 5. A: I want to buy a camera. 我想買架照相機(jī)。B:Im sorry. Its out of stock. 對(duì)不起,脫銷了。 A:Are you likely to be getting any more in?你們還進(jìn)貨嗎? B:Look in again next Sunday. 下星期日再來看看吧。 6. A:How much is it? 這個(gè)多少錢? B:Sixty dollars. 60美元。 A:How much does it cost?這個(gè)值多少錢?

11、 B:It costs one hundred Yuan.100元。 A:Whats the price of this one? 這個(gè)值多少錢? B:Its priced at only eighty Yuan. 只要80元。 A:How much does it come to? 總共多少錢? B:It comes to two hundred and fourty dollars. 總共240美元。 6.A: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird? 波德太太,你今天要點(diǎn)肉嗎?B:Yes, please. 是的。A:This lambs very go

12、od.這塊羔羊肉很好。B: I like lamb, but my husband doesnt.A: What about some steak? This is a nice piece.來些牛排好嗎?這塊很好。B: Give me that piece, please. And a pound of mince, too.我還要 一磅 肉糜。mins肉餡7. A: Have you any shoes like these?你們有這種鞋子嗎?B:What size?什么尺碼?A: Size five.五號(hào)的。B:What color?什么顏色?A:Black.黑色的。B: Im sorr

13、y. We havent any.很抱歉,我們沒有。8 .A: How many do you need? 你想買多少? B:Two Kilograms. 兩公斤。9. A:Thats too expensive for us. We cant afford all that money.對(duì)我們來講,太貴了,我們付不起那么多錢。B:This models less expensive than that one. Its only twenty-eight pounds. But, of course, its not as good as the expensive one.這種型號(hào)比那種要

14、便宜些,只要28鎊。但是,當(dāng)然,它不如那臺(tái)貴的好。A: I dont like this model, the other models more expensive, but its worth the money.我不喜歡這種型號(hào)。那種型號(hào)貴些,但它值這些錢。A:Can we buy it on installments?我們可以分期付款嗎?B: Of course. You can pay a deposit of ten pounds, and then one pound a week for sixty weeks.當(dāng)然,你可以先付10英鎊定金,然后,每月付1鎊,一共付60個(gè)星期。

15、10. A:I think I prefer the blue one if its not too much trouble.如果不太麻煩的話,我想要那件藍(lán)色的。B:Not at all. Ill get it for you. Here you are. This is our latest design.不麻煩,我去為你取來。給你,這是最新款的。A :Could I have a try?我能試試嗎?B: Certainly. The fitting room is over there.當(dāng)然可以,試衣間在那邊。B: It seems to fit you very well.這件衣服很

16、適合你。A: All right. I think Ill take it.行,我買了。11 A: Can you come down a bit?你可以便宜一點(diǎn)嗎?B: Thats almost cost price.這幾乎是成本價(jià)了。12. A: Excuse me, I would like a blue shirt please.對(duì)不起,我想買件藍(lán)色的襯衫。B: Yes, with pleasure. Here you are.很愿意為您服務(wù),給您。13. A: Im looking for a pair of shoes.我想買雙鞋。B: Yes, sir. Id be glad t

17、o show you some.好的,先生。很高興拿給你看。14. A: Do you have anything larger than this one?你有更大點(diǎn)的嗎?B: Yes, we have. Let me show you.有,我拿給你。15. A: What can I do for you, Madam?我能為您做什么,女士?B: I want to buy a suit of clothes.我想買身套裝。16. A: Is there anything I can do for you, Miss?有什么我能幫忙的嗎,小姐?B: Im just looking.我只是看

18、看。17 .A: Can you come down a little?你能便宜點(diǎn)嗎?B: Thats the best I can do.這是最合理的價(jià)格了。18 A: Half price computers? How do they do that?半價(jià)計(jì)算機(jī)?怎么可能呢?B: I dont know. Lets read the fine print.( Lets read the fine print.)不知道。我們來看看那個(gè)小印刷字吧!19. A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告訴我這個(gè)的價(jià)格是多少嗎?)B: In the neighbo

19、rhood of $ 500.(500美元左右。)A: Thats way too much money(價(jià)格太貴了。)B: We can make down by model.(我們可以根據(jù)型號(hào)給予優(yōu)惠。)A: We have to ask for another price reduction.(再給我們優(yōu)惠點(diǎn)兒吧。)B: You can fourget about another cut.(不能再降價(jià)了。)A: How much are you asking for this?(這個(gè)多少錢?)B: Im offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. I

20、s that all right?(每件10歐元,您看怎么樣?)A: Is tax already included in this price?(這個(gè)價(jià)位含稅嗎?)B: Yes. Our price cant be matched.(是的。我們的價(jià)格無人可比。)A: Would you consider a volume discount?(批量購(gòu)進(jìn)可以再優(yōu)惠嗎?)B: If you buy 1000 or more, youll get a 10% discount.(如果您能購(gòu)進(jìn)1000件以上我們就可以優(yōu)惠10%。)A: Ill accept your offer.to do some

21、shopping; to go shopping 買東西shopping centre 商業(yè)中心區(qū)department store 百貨商店childrens goods store 兒童用品商店antique shop 古玩店second-hand store 舊貨店counter 柜臺(tái)stall, stand 售貨攤show window 櫥窗show case 玻璃柜臺(tái)shelf 貨架cash desk, cashiers desk 收銀處price tag 標(biāo)價(jià)簽prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定價(jià)discount 打折扣change 零錢to keep

22、 the bill 留發(fā)票to wrap up 包裝free of charge 不收費(fèi)to deliver 送be al sold out, out of stock 售空shop assistant, salesman 售貨員saleswoman 女售貨員glassware counter 玻璃器皿部enamel ware 搪瓷器皿haberdashery 男子服飾用品confectionery 糖果糕點(diǎn)cosmetics 化妝用品stationery 文具fabrics 紡織品dry goods 服裝ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-we

23、ar 成衣,現(xiàn)成服裝mens wear 男服womens wear 女服underwear 內(nèi)衣褲sports goods, athletic equipment 體育用品sundries 零星小物toilet articles 盥洗用品towel 毛巾handkerchief 手帕toilet soap 香皂shampoo 洗發(fā)香波soap 肥皂laundry soap 洗衣皂soap powder 肥皂粉soap flakes 皂片medicated soap 藥皂detergent 洗衣粉cleanser 去污粉tooth paste 牙膏tooth brush 牙刷toilet mir

24、ror 梳妝鏡hair brush 發(fā)刷hair vaseline 發(fā)蠟cosmetics 化妝品lipstick 口紅,唇膏face powder 粉compact 粉盒powder puff 粉撲cold cream 香脂vanishing cream 雪花膏perfume, scent 香水perfume spray 香水噴子coat hanger 掛衣架clothes-peg, clothes pin 曬衣夾string bag, net bag 網(wǎng)兜 thermos bottle 熱水瓶cap, cork 熱水瓶瓶蓋travellers water bottle, water fla

25、sk, canteen 旅行水壺lunch box, canteen 飯盒thread 線needle 針button 鈕扣zipper 拉鏈key-ring 鑰匙圈torch, flashlight 手電bulb 燈泡battery 電池lock 鎖watch, wrist watch 表,手表watch band 表帶watch chain 表鏈clock 鐘alarm clock 鬧鐘electric clock 電鐘umbrella 雨傘parasol, sun umbrella 陽傘knapsack 背包handbag 女手提包briefcase, portfolio 公事包trav

26、elling bag 旅行包 suitcase 手提箱trunk 大衣箱magnifying glass 放大鏡binoculares 望遠(yuǎn)鏡hot-water bottle 熱水袋smoking set 煙具lighter 打火機(jī)jewelry, jewels 首飾,珠寶jewel case 首飾盒antique, curio 古玩ornaments 裝飾品ring, finger ring 戒指signet ring 印章戒指necklace 項(xiàng)鏈brooch 胸針pendant 墜子bracelet 鐲子chain bracelet 手鏈ear ring 耳環(huán)trinket 小飾物safety-pin 別針cuff-link 袖扣diamond 鉆石gold jeweleries 金飾silver jeweleries 銀飾pearl 珍珠imitation 仿制品genuine 真的fake 假的babys cot, crib 嬰兒床cradle 搖籃diaper, napkin 尿布feeding bottle, feeder 奶瓶teat, nipple 橡皮奶嘴dummy, comforter 假奶嘴perambulator 兒童車go-c


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