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1、初中英語勵志名言摘抄【篇一】初中英語勵志名言摘抄1、昨晚多幾分鐘的準備,今天少幾小時的麻煩。More preparation last night, fewer hours of trouble today.2、成功,是內(nèi)心的造就。Success, is the heart of the created.3、能使我們感覺快樂的,不是環(huán)境,而是態(tài)度。Can make us feel happy, not the environment, butthe attitude.4、只要路是對的,就不怕路遠。As long as the road is right, is not afraid of th

2、eroad.5、可以失敗,不可以失志;可以失望,不可以絕望。Can fail,can not be lost,can be disappointed,cannot despair.6、山路曲折盤旋,但畢竟朝著頂峰延伸。Mountain road twists and turns, but after all,toward the pinnacle of extension.7、不入虎穴,焉得虎子?A faint heart never wine fair lady?8、山澗的泉水經(jīng)過一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。The mountain spring water after a tortuou

3、s road,just sing a wonderful song.9、如果可以重新活一次,每個人都將是成功者。Ifyou can liveagain,everyone willbe successful.10、人生的勝者決不會在挫折面前失去勇氣。The winners of life will never lose their couragein the face of setbacks.11、路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。Although the road is endless and faraway, I stillwant to pursue the truth in the wor

4、ld.。12、除了自己,任何人都無法給你力量。No one can give you strength except yourself.13、微笑比皺眉好看,請求比呵斥自然。More than a smile frown look good, than natural shouted requests.14、人在難時給一口,勝似富時給一斗。People in difficultto export,isrichto a bucket.15、天再高又怎樣,踮起腳尖就更接近陽光。 No matter how high the sky is, standing on tiptoeis closer t

5、o the sun.16、靠山山會倒,靠人人會跑,只有自己最可靠。Backing down the mountain, by everybody will be run, only their most reliable.17、人得自知,既然沒種去死,那就找點樂子活下去。People have to know, since not to die, it is funto live.18、成功源于不懈的努力。Success comes from hard work.19、世上只有想不通的人,沒有走不通的路。The only people who can not get through the w

6、orld,there is no way to go through the road.20、別說你最愛的是誰,人生還很長,無法預知明天。Don t say you love is who, lifeis stillvery long,can not predict tomorrow.【篇二】初中英語勵志名言摘抄1、只要路子對,不要怕摔跤。As long as the way is right, don t be afraid of wrestling.2、百尺竿頭,更進一步。One hundred feet pole head, go further.3、慷慨丈夫志;鐵石豪杰心。A gene

7、rous husband; an iron hero.4、補漏趁天晴,讀書趁年輕。Make up leaks while the weather is clear, and read while young.5、若無松柏志,超越不為高。Withoutpinesandcypressaspirations,transcendence is not high.6、要知山中事,鄉(xiāng)間問老農(nóng)。To know what s going on in the mountains, ask theold peasants in the countryside.7、騎馬莫怕山,行船莫怕灘。Riding horses

8、 are not afraid of mountains, sailing boats are not afraid of beaches.8、人不勞動沒出息,人不學習沒長進。People who do not work have no future, people who do not study have no progress.9、無志山壓頭,有志人搬山。No ambition hill overwhelms, ambitious people move mountains.10、腳跑不過雨,嘴強不過理。Foot can t run through the rain, mouth is

9、notstrong enough.11、只有不斷找尋機會的人才會及時把握機會。Only those who constantly seek opportunities willseize them in time.12、只給君子看門,不給小人當家。Only for gentlemen, not for villains.13、志士不忘在溝壑,勇士不忘在其元。Men of lofty ideals do not forget in the ravines,and warriors do not forget in their yuan.14、好酒不怕釀,好人不怕講。Good wine is no

10、t afraidof brewing,good people arenot afraid to speak.15、寧為蛇頭,不為龍尾;星星之火,可以燎原。Better a snake s head than a dragon s tail; aspark can start a prairie fire.16、雨不會下一年,人不會窮一世。Rain won t last a year, and people won t be poorforever.17、人要心強,樹要皮硬。A strong heart makes a hard bark.18、益重青青志,風霜恒不渝。To rejuvenate

11、 youth and youth, the wind and frost will remain unchanged.19、行為不正經(jīng),舌頭短三分。Misconduct, tongue short three points.20、走路怕暴雨,說話怕輸理。Walk afraid of rainstorm, talk afraid of failure.【篇三】初中英語勵志名言摘抄1、知識就是力量。Knowledge is power.2、不為彼岸,只為海。Not for the other shore, just to the sea.3、功崇惟志,業(yè)廣為勤。Takashi work but,

12、industry widely frequently.4、青春是一本太倉促的書。Youth is a too hasty book.5、除了學習,我們別無選擇。In addition to learning, we have no other choice.6、拼搏鑄輝煌,狀態(tài)定命運。Fighting brilliance, state of fate.7、試試就能行,爭爭就能贏。Try can line, the struggle was going to win it.8、文學之知識乃是學問之門禁。Knowledgeofliteratureisthedooroftheknowledge.9

13、、成功是別人失敗時還在堅持。Success is in when others are failing.10、今日披星戴月,明朝輕舞飛揚。Today travel day and night, deep fragrance of the Ming dynasty.11、做人在于知道,學習在于積累。Lifeistoknow,learningisgainedbyaccumulation.12、思想的構成,首先是意志的構成。The compositionof the compositionof ideas,firstis will.13、知識的宇宙需要勤奮的飛船去探索。Knowledgeoftheu

14、niverseneeddiligencespacecraft to explore.14、不是你比別人差,只是付出不夠多。Is not inferior to others, you just pay enough.15、十年寒窗無人聞,一朝成名天下知。Decade coldwindow unmanned smell,once famous allover the world.16、不為失敗找理由,要為成功找方法。No excuses for failure, want to find methods for success.17、信心是半個生命,淡漠是半個死亡。Confidence is half of life; indifference is halfof death.1


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