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1、Text Text organisation Body Introduction Conclusion Listening to music can be divided into 3 types of experience. Introduction of main characteristics of 3 planes individually We listen to music on all three planes. How We Listen 1 We all listen to music according to our separate capacities. But, fo

2、r the sake of analysis, the whole listening process may become clearer if we break it up into its component parts, so to speak. In a certain sense we all listen to music on three separate planes. For lack of a better terminology, one might name these: (1) the sensuous plane, (2) the expressive plane

3、, (3) the sheerly musical plane. The only advantage to be gained from mechanically splitting up the listening process into these hypothetical planes is the clearer view to be had of the way in which we listen. Text plane n. C a level of thought, development, or existence 層次;水平 e.g. 1. It was at Unit

4、ed that Goram would reach a higher plane of achievement. 格拉姆在聯(lián)隊里才能達到更高的成就。 2. The two books are on completely different intellectual planes. 這兩本書完全在不同的知識層面上。 Words utterly; absolutely 純粹地; 全然地;絕對地 e.g. 1. That most exact and convincing of all sciences, mathematics, is sheerly metaphysical. 科學中最嚴謹而令人

5、信服的一門,數(shù)學,就是純粹形而上學 的。 2. When we got out of the museum we went back to our hotel sheerly on foot which was a little bit tiring but on the way back to the hotel we did have a great time. 從博物館出來后,我們完全是徒步返回酒店的,雖說有點 累,但回酒店的路上,我們的確很開心。 Words foolish 無頭腦的;愚笨的 e.g. She was in no mood for their brainless gab

6、ble this afternoon. 這個下午她沒有心情聽他們愚蠢的閑聊。 Words is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad? Text 是的,你當然知道那個主題是歡快 的還是悲傷的。換句話說,你能 夠在腦海中勾勒出那個主題的情 感框架。那么就更仔細地聽一下 這個悲傷的主題吧,要明確悲傷 的性質(zhì)。是悲觀厭世的悲傷,還 是無可奈何的悲傷?是時運不濟 的悲傷,還是強顏歡笑的悲傷? pin down: 1) understand or describe sth. exactly 確定;確切地理解; 明確地說明 e.g. Officials are trying

7、to pin down the cause of widespread power cuts. 官員們試圖明確大面積停電的原因。 2) force someone to make a decision about sth. 強迫 作出決定;使明確表態(tài) e.g. We finally pinned him down and got him to agree to a meeting. 我們終于讓他表態(tài),使他同意會面。 Words is it fatefully sad or smilingly sad? The whole sentence gives nuances shades of mea

8、ning of different kinds of sadness: sadness which has a feeling of pessimism (things are bad and we cant change them easily), sadness to which we may feel resigned we accept it, sadness that we feel is part of our fate we cant avoid it and it is part of our life, and sadness that also has humour, so

9、 we smile even though we feel sad. 是悲觀厭世的悲傷,還是無可奈何的悲傷?是時運不 濟的悲傷,還是強顏歡笑的悲傷? Language Points 翻譯:翻譯: pessimistically ad. in a pessimistic manner 悲觀地 pessimistic a. expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result 悲觀的,悲觀主義的 e.g. 1. She concluded pessimisticall

10、y that it would not happen. 2. Some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. (CET4-2002-01) 一些悲觀的專家覺得汽車肯定會被廢止。 Antonym:optimistically Words & Phrases 她悲觀地得出結(jié)論:這一切都不會發(fā)生。 resignedly ad. with resignation and acceptance 順從地;屈從地 resigned a. a resigned look, voice etc sho

11、ws that you are making yourself accept sth. that you do not like 順從 的;屈從的 e.g. 1. I resignedly telegraphed back that it was all right with me if he insisted. 我回電報無奈地說,如果他堅持我也能接受。 2. “Well have to leave,” she said with a resigned sigh. “我們必須要離開,”她無奈地說。 Word family: resign v. resignation n. Words & Ph

12、rases 7 Let us suppose that you are fortunate and can describe to your own satisfaction in so many words the exact meaning of your chosen theme. There is still no guarantee that anyone else will be satisfied. Nor need they be. The important thing is that each one feels for himself the specific expre

13、ssive quality of a theme or, similarly, an entire piece of music. And if it is a great work of art, dont expect it to mean exactly the same thing to you each time you return to it. Text 8 The third plane on which music exists is the sheerly musical plane. Besides the pleasurable sound of music and t

14、he expressive feeling that it gives off, music does exist in terms of the notes themselves and of their manipulation. Most listeners are not sufficiently conscious of this third plane. Text give off: produce sth. such as heat, light, or a smell 發(fā)出 (熱、光、氣味等) e.g. 1. Some economic statistics are givin

15、g off negative signals. 一些經(jīng)濟統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)正在發(fā)出負面的信號。 2. When they die, plants give off gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. 植物死亡后會發(fā)出二氧化碳和沼氣等氣體。 Words & Phrases sufficiently ad. enough 足夠地;充足地 e.g. 1. Now I can manage to make myself understood sufficiently in your language. 現(xiàn)在,我在說你們國家語言時,總算能讓別人充分聽懂我的 意思了。

16、 2. Once we had eaten and drunk sufficiently, we padded off to sleep. 一旦吃飽喝足了,我們就去睡覺。 Word family: sufficient a. sufficiency n. Words & Phrases 9 It is very important for all of us to become more alive to music on its sheerly musical plane. After all, an actual musical material is being used. The in

17、telligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to it. He must hear the melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors in a more conscious fashion. But above all he must, in order to follow the line of the composers thought, know somethin

18、g of the principles of musical form. Listening to all of these elements is listening on the sheerly musical plane. Text It is very important for all of us to become more alive to music on its sheerly musical plane. To become / be alive to something means to know that something is happening and reali

19、ze how important it is. e.g. 1. The company is alive to the threat posed by foreign imports. 2. Schools must be alive to technological change. 學校必須了解科技的變化。 對我們所有人來說,更加充分地認識這個純音樂層次非 常重要。 Language Points 翻譯:翻譯: 這家公司了解外國進口商品所造成的威脅。 After all, an actual musical material is being used . He must hear the

20、melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors in a more conscious fashion. The musical materials refer to the elements of music, usually discussed under the headings of melody (the tune), rhythm (the effects of time or duration of the beats of music, the pulse), harmony (how the notes of mus

21、ic combine with each other in chords or sequences of notes), tone color (how the precise sound of notes can vary), and form (how the music is organized with all the elements and patterns of repetition and variation). Language Points 畢竟樂曲使用的是實實在在的音樂材料他必須要更加 有意識地傾聽音樂的旋律、節(jié)奏、和弦及音色。 翻譯翻譯: melody n. C (MU

22、SIC) a tune or song, especially a simple one (尤指 簡單的)曲調(diào),歌曲 e.g. 1. The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind. 美妙的旋律在我腦海中回蕩。 2. The song has a sad melody. 這首歌曲調(diào)憂傷。 Words & Phrases 10 Let me repeat that I have split up mechanically the three separate planes on which we listen merely for the sake of

23、 greater clarity. Actually, we never listen on one or the other of these planes. What we do is to correlate them listening in all three ways at the same time. It takes no mental effort, for we do it instinctively. Text clarity n. U 1) the quality of expressing ideas or thoughts in a clear way 清晰;明晰;

24、清楚 e.g. The main weakness of the report is its lack of clarity. 這個報告的主要缺點是表述不清。 2) the ability to think clearly or understand things clearly 清晰的思維或理解能力 e.g. I knew with absolute clarity that this was not what I wanted. 我清楚地知道這不是我想要的。 Word family: clarify v. Words & Phrases instinctively ad. innately

25、, by instinct , without being taught 直覺地;本能地;天性地 e.g. 1. He knew instinctively that she would not forgive him. 他直覺認為她不會原諒他。 2. His jaw instinctively closed, and his gray eyes narrowed. 他本能地閉緊嘴巴,灰色的眼睛收縮成一條線。 Word family: instinct n. See also: instinctive. Words & Phrases 11 Perhaps an analogy with wh

26、at happens to us when we visit the theater will make this instinctive correlation clearer. In the theater, you are aware of the actors and actresses, costumes and sets, sounds and movements. All these give one the sense that the theater is a pleasant place to be in. They constitute the sensuous plan

27、e in our theatrical reactions. Text analogy n. C, U a comparison between two situations, processes etc. that is intended to show that the two are similar 比擬;比喻;類比 e.g. 1. Shakespeare makes an analogy between the citizens of country and the parts of a persons body. 莎士比亞把一個國家中的國民類比為人身體的各個部分。 2. Our ma

28、nager is fond of drawing analogies between business and football. 我們經(jīng)理喜歡把生意和足球進行類比。 See also: analogous. Words & Phrases costume n. C, U clothes that performers wear in a play, film etc. 演出服;戲裝 e.g. 1. The costumes, sets, and acting are all superb. 戲服,場景和表演全都是上乘之作。 2. Her father is a famous costume

29、designer. 她父親是著名的戲服設計師。 Words & Phrases 12 The expressive plane in the theater would be derived from the feeling that you get from what is happening on the stage. You are moved to pity, excitement, or gaiety. It is this general feeling, generated aside from the particular words being spoken, a certa

30、in emotional something which exists on the stage, that is analogous to the expressive quality in music. Text derive from: have sth. as an origin 源自 e.g. 1. Their fear derives from a belief that those men have supernatural powers. 他們的恐懼來自相信那些人有超自然的能力。 2. Thousands of English words derive from Latin.

31、英語中有成千上萬的詞源自拉丁文。 Words & Phrases gaiety n. U (old-fashioned) a feeling or state of happiness and fun 歡樂;愉快 e.g. 1. She brought him a sense of fun, of gaiety that filled a gap in his life. 她給他帶來快樂的感覺,一種能填補人生缺憾的快樂。 2. Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness. 她以矯揉造作的快樂掩飾內(nèi)心的悲痛。 Words & Phrases

32、analogous a. (fml) similar to another situation, process etc. so that the same things are true of or relevant to both 類似的;可比的 e.g. 1. The heart is analogous to a pump. 心臟好比一個水泵。 2. Brains and computers are often considered analogous. 大腦和電腦經(jīng)常被認為是類似的。 See also: analogy. Words & Phrases 13 The plot and plot development is equivalen


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