1、 本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(外文翻譯)題 目基于PWM勺智能多功能臺燈設(shè)計姓名韋洋專 業(yè) 自動化學號201042004指導教師 曹衛(wèi)鋒鄭州科技學院電氣工程學院二O四年五月外文翻譯IntelligentlightingcontrolsystemAbstract: Intelligent lighting control system the main aim is to saveenergy,smart lighting control system with a variety of pre-set control mode and control components,at different time
2、s on different degreesof illumination for accurateset- up and rational managementof energy-saving. This automatic adjustment of the illumination means, take full advantage of the natural outdoor light, only when necessarywhen the lamp or light to the required brightness,usethe least energyto ensuret
3、hat the required illumination level, energy-savingeffect is very clear, usually rangingfrom morethan30%.Keywords:ntelligent lighting control systembus-typestar-shapedstructure1 The advantages of the use of the intelligent lighting controlsystem1.1 Good energysavingeffectIntelligent lighting control
4、system using the main purpose is to save energy, smart lighting control system with a variety of pre-set control mode and control components,at different times on different degreesof illumination for accurateset- up and rational managementof energy-saving. This automatic adjustment of the illuminati
5、on means, take full advantage of the natural outdoor light, only when necessarywhen the lamp or light to the required brightness,usethe least energyto ensurethat the required illumination level, energy-savingeffect is very clear, usually ranging from more than 30%. In addition, the intelligent light
6、ing control systemfor fluorescentlamp dimming control, etc., due to the useof a fluorescentactivetunable filter electro ni c ballast tech no logy a nd reducethe harm onicconten t, to improve the power factor and reducethe low-voltage reactivepowerloss.1.2 To extendthe life spanof light sourceLight s
7、ourcecan not only extend the life savings,but also significantly reduce the workload of lamp replacement,reducing the operating costs of lighting systems, man ageme ntand mai nte nan cebecomessimple. Both the thermal radiati on source,or gas discharge light source, voltage fluctuations are a major c
8、auseof light damage. Therefore, the effective suppressionof the fluctuations in voltage can extend the life of light sources. Intelligent lighting control system can successfully suppressthe surge voltage power grid, but also have a voltage limit and the conjugate stream functions of filteri ng, to
9、avoid over-voltage a nd un der-voltage damageto the light. The use of soft-start and soft turn-off tech no logy, to avoid the impact of curre nt damageto the light. Through this method, the light sourceto extend the life spanof usually 2 to 4 times.1.3 To improvethe working environmentimproveefficie
10、ncyGood working environment is to improve the efficiency of a necessary condition. Good design and reasonablechoice of light source, lamps and lighting quality control systems, can improve the quality of lighting. Intelligent lighting control system dimming control panel module to replace the tradit
11、ional lighting of the level switch control is an effective way to control the overall room illumination value, thereby enhancing the uniformity of illumination. At the same time, this control method used in electrical components have also solved the stroboscopic effect, will not createuncomfortable,
12、 confused,feeling eyestrain.1.4 To achievea variety of lightingeffectsA wide range of lighting control, the same building can have a variety of artistic effect, for a lot of con struct ion hyperchromic. Modern buildi ngs, lighti ng is not simply to meet people on the visual effect of light and shade
13、,they should have control of a variety of programsto make buildings more vivid, more artistic, giving a wealth of visual effects and aesthetics.As an example of a project, building the exhibit on hall, lecture hall, lobby, atrium, etc., if with in tellige nt lighti ng con trol system, according to d
14、ifferent times, different uses, different effects, using the correspondingpre-setscenecontrol, can achievethe wealth of artistic effect.1.5 Facilitatethe managemenbf maintenanceIntelligent lighting control system for the control of lighting based on the automaticcontrol of modular-based,supplemented
15、by manualcontrol, presetlighting scenesto the parametersstored in the EPROM Digital, these information is very convenient to set up and replaced, so that building lighting management and maintenan ceeasier.1.6 Have a high economicrate of returnOur referenee point for the Shanghai region, from energy
16、-saving lights and provincial estimatesof the two made a come to this conclusion: with three to five years,the ow ner can recover the basic i ntellige nt light ing con trol systemto in crease the total costs. Intelligent lighting control system can improve the environment and improve employee produc
17、tivity and reducemaintenanceand managementcosts, but alsofor the ownersto saveasubstantialamountof costs.2 Intelligent lighting control systemcomponentsWe know that the intelligent lighting control system of building control system is onlyone part of the. If you want to focus on the various control
18、systemsto the control center to control, then the control system must have the standard com muni cati on in terface a nd protocol versi on .Although sucha systemi ntegrati on is feasible in theory, but it is very difficult to put in to practice. Thus, in engin eeri ng, intelligent management of our
19、building a distributed system, distributed, that is relatively independentof eachcontrol subsystem,self-contained,the implementation of specific control, intelligent building managementsystemcontrol subsystemof the relative independence, self-contained, the implementation of specific control, intell
20、igent building managementsystem from the control subsystem is a signal collection and monitoring role. At present,theintelligent lighting control system in accordancewith sub-network topology, the following two forms, namely, bus and star-shapedstructure-basedhybrid. Both forms have the characterist
21、icsof a number of bus more flexibility, easy expansion, control of relative independence,lower costs; mixed some high reliability, fault diag no sis and rule out the simple, easy accessto the agreement,transfer rate higher. Engineering design, we consider the building of intelligent lighting control
22、 system as an independentsubsystem,use of intern ati onal sta ndardsa nd agreeme ntsof the com muni cati on in terface text, i nto the intelligent building managementsystems. Intelligent lighting control system usesa distributed, distribution-basedapproach,thatis, the dimming control unit is relativ
23、ely independent, self-contained,non-interfering, through centralized management and in formatio n in terfaces, and in tellige nt buildi ng man ageme ntsystem lin ked to the achievement of the building control center subsystem of the collection and mon itori ng of the sig nal. I n short, the i ntelli
24、ge nt lighti ng con trol should be the ma in system is a cen tralized man ageme nt,a nd the mai n trunk and in formatio n in terface comp onen tsc on sisti ng of the regi on al impleme ntati on of the samesampleof con trol and signal networks; its subsystemsshould be a dimmer by the various types of
25、 modules , con trol pan els, illu min ati on detector dyn amic and static and dyn amic componentsconsisting of detectors,respectively, of the regional implementation of the specific con trol of differe nt n etworks, the main system a nd subsystemssuch as betwee n the comp onents through the in terfa
26、ce to conn ect, to achieve data tran smissi on.3 Intelligent lighting control system and control of the controlof the contentA project to control the use of intelligent lighting control system include the follow ing categories: tech no logy office hall, computer cen ter and other importa nt room, le
27、cture hall, such as multi-function hall, exhibition hall, conference center, lobby and courtyard, walkways and elevators, such as the Office of Public site; building facadelighting ingeneraland also by the intelligent lighting control systems to con trol switch sig nal. Con trol the con ten tof the
28、term of the In terpretatio n: 1 clock control Clock management,etc. through the electrical components,to achieve the normal work of regions for the state of lighting in different time control. 2 the automatic adjustment control illumination Through each module and illumination dimming dynamic electr
29、ical componentssuch asdetectors,to achieveunder normal conditions in the regionsfor the normal work of the state of the automatic lighting dimming control, making the region, suchasillumination will not beoutsidewith the sunshin efactors cha nge,a nd always mai ntain the default value in the illumi
30、natio n aroun d.3 con trol of theregi onal sce neThrough eachdimmer module a nd the con trol pan el a nd other electrical comp onen ts,to achieve u nder no rmal con diti ons in the regi on sfor the normal work of the state of the sce nelight ing con trol switch. 4 static and dyn amic detect ion of c
31、on trol Through each dimmi ng modules and electrical components,suchasmovementdetectors,to achieveundernormal conditionsin the regi on sfor the no rmal work of the state of the automatic light ing con trol switch. 5 Reduct ion state of emerge ncyc on trol Through each of the no rmal light ing con tr
32、ol module, such as dimming of the electrical components, to achieve a state of emergencyfor the normal work of the various districts in the stateof lighting andto give up the numberof relief, such as dimming control. 6 Manual remote control Through the infra-red remote control, to achieve under norm
33、al conditions in the regionsfor the normal work of the state of lighting control and manualcontrol of the regional scene.7 Emergency lighting control Here mainly refers to the control of intelligent lighting control systemto the special region by the implementation of the emergencylighting control,
34、including the following two controls: 1 under normal illumination and the automatic adjustment control of the regional scene with the regulation of the normal work of lighting the samemannerasthe control. 2 a stateof emergencyautomatic discharge dimming control, through each of the emergency lightin
35、g dimming control module, such aselectrical components,to achieveastateof emergencyfor the regions under a state of emergencylighting dimmers, such as giving up control, so that the accident in the state of emergencylighting to reach100%. These are the characteristicsof intelligent lighting control
36、systemsanalysis and office buildings in a specific application in a numberof experiences,hoping to play the role of forward, so that the field of tech no logy in the light ing to fully play its role.9智能照明控制系統(tǒng)摘要:智能照明控制系統(tǒng)的主要目的是利用“預先設(shè)定的“控制方式和控制元 件對照明系統(tǒng)進行優(yōu)化管理,智能照明控制系統(tǒng)在不同時期,不同程度上的照明 進行精確設(shè)置和合理的節(jié)能管理。這種自動調(diào)整
37、的照明方式,充分利用室外的 自然光,只在必要時當燈或燈光亮度有特殊要求時,用最少的能源,在確保所需 的照明度的前提下,達到理想的節(jié)能效果,一般可達30沖上。關(guān)鍵詞:智能照明控制系統(tǒng) 總線型 星型結(jié)構(gòu)1利用智能照明控制系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)勢1.1良好的節(jié)能效果智能照明控制系統(tǒng)的主要目的是節(jié)約能源,智能照明是用“預先設(shè)定的“控制模式和控制元件的控制系統(tǒng),在對不同時間的不同光照度進行準確的設(shè) 置和合理的節(jié)能管理。這種自動調(diào)整照明方式,采取充分利用室外的自然光,只 在必要時當燈或光所需的亮度有要求時,用最少的能源,以確保所需的照明度, 節(jié)能效果十分明顯,通常是超過30%f等。此外,智能照明熒光燈調(diào)光控制燈等, 由
38、于使用熒光燈電子鎮(zhèn)流器有源可調(diào)諧濾波器技術(shù),減少了諧波含量,提高了功 率因數(shù),降低了低壓無功損耗。1.2延長光源壽命照明光源不僅可以延長使用壽命,而且還大大減少更換燈泡的工作量,減少 照明系統(tǒng)的運作成本,使得管理和維修變得簡單。無論是熱輻射光源或是氣體放電光源,電壓波動是光損傷的重要原因。因此,有效的制止波動電壓可以延長 光源的壽命。智能照明控制系統(tǒng)可以成功地抑制電源網(wǎng)絡(luò)的浪涌電壓 ,但也有限制電壓和共軛電流濾波的功能,以避免過電壓和欠電壓損壞光源。通過使用 軟啟動和使用軟關(guān)斷技術(shù),可以避免損害到光電源。通過這種方法,光源壽命通 ??裳娱L為2至4倍。1.3改善工作環(huán)境,提高工作效率良好的工作環(huán)
39、境,是提高效率的一個必要條件。良好的設(shè)計和光源,燈具和 照明質(zhì)量控制系統(tǒng)的合理選擇,可以提高照明質(zhì)量。智能照明控制系統(tǒng)使用的調(diào)光控制面板模塊,用以取代傳統(tǒng)的液位開關(guān)控制照明是一種有效的方式來控 制整個房間照度值,從而提高照度均勻性。同時,這種控制方法在電器元件使用 也解決了頻閃效應(yīng),也不會產(chǎn)生不舒服的,混亂的感覺和眼睛疲勞。1.4實現(xiàn)了多種燈光效果一個廣泛的照明控制,同樣的建設(shè)可以有不同的藝術(shù)效果并為建筑增色不 少?,F(xiàn)代建筑,照明不僅是為了履行對光影的視覺效果,設(shè)計師們應(yīng)該有多種方 案的控制,使建筑物更加生動,更加美觀,給人一種視覺效果和美學的財富。作 為一個工程實例,例如展廳,報告廳,大堂,中庭等,如果能利用智能照明控制系 統(tǒng),對不同時期,不同用途,不同的效果采用相應(yīng)的預設(shè)置場景控制,就可以實現(xiàn) 豐富的藝術(shù)效果。1.5便于維護管理智能照明控制系統(tǒng)的控制基礎(chǔ)為自動照明控制模塊,由人工控制為輔,把預 置的燈光場景的參數(shù)存儲在EPRO中,這些信息可以非常方便的設(shè)置和更換,使 建筑照明管理和維護更加容易。1.6具有較高的經(jīng)濟回報率我們以上海地區(qū)為參考,從節(jié)能燈和省級這兩個估計作出得出這樣的結(jié)論: 三至五年,業(yè)主可以恢復基本智能照明控制系統(tǒng)的投資,以后便可以增加收入。 智能照明控制系統(tǒng)可改善環(huán)境和提高員工的工作生產(chǎn)率和降低維護和管理
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