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1、歡迎下載。高二英語下學期第一次月考試題3 練習第一部分:聽力( 30 分)第一節(jié):請聽下面5 段對話,選出最佳選項。1.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates.B. Workmates.C. Strangers.2.Whats the date today?A. July 4. B. July 3. C. July 2.3.What does the man mean?A. The concert last night was a failure.B. Many people attended

2、 the concert.C. People at the back of the concert hall were talking loudly.4.What happened to the man?A. He probably swallowed the belt.1/22歡迎下載。B. He probably went to Italy.C. He had a big bowl of noodles.5.Which is the best word to describe the mans character?A. Humorous.B. Strict.C. Kind.第二節(jié):請聽第6

3、 段材料,回答第6-8題。6.How many questions are there in Peters exam paper?A. Four.B. Six.C. Five.7.How did Peter feel about the exam?A. Quite satisfied.B. Very much disappointed.C. A little regretful.8.Why did Peter fail to finish the last question?A. Because it was too difficult for him.B. Because he didnt

4、have enough time.C. Because he was too nervous to see it.請聽第 7 段材料,回答 9-11題。9.What time does the train leave and arrive?A. It leaves at 5: 00 and arrives at 7: 10 tomorrow.B. It leaves at 5: 15 and arrives at 7: 20 tomorrow.C. It leaves at 5: 00 and arrives at 7: 10 at night.2/22歡迎下載。10.What is she

5、going there for?A. To spend her holiday.B. To see her parents.C. To meet her parents.11.Which of the three can be TRUE?A. Lucy s parents will arrive in Beijing at 7: 10 a. m. .B. Lucy s parents arent going with her to the station.C. Lucy s parents are going to see her off.請聽第 8 段材料,回答第12-14題。12.What

6、 did the man ask the woman to do on Sunday afternoon?A. To come to a dinner party.B. To watch a volleyball game.C. To meet his friends.13.What did the woman have to do then?A. To invite some friends.B. To go to Mexico City.C. To pick up her brother-in-law at the airport.14.What did the man suggest?A

7、. She come over after she gets back from the airport.B. She bring something to eat.3/22歡迎下載。C. She order pizza for dinner.請聽第 9 段材料,回答第15-17題。15.Why did Mark call Kathy?A. To invite her out to the movies.B. To ask her to think of a good ending for his paper.C. To invite her to a museum to walk throu

8、gh a new exhibit.16.Why is Kathy interested in Indian culture?A. She studied Indian culture in a class.B. She has a paper to write about Indian culture.C. She teaches Indian culture to children.17.Why didn t Mark accept Kathys invitation?A. He didn t have enough money.B. He wasn t interested in what

9、 she was going to do.C. He would rather work on his history project.請聽第 10 段材料,回答第18 至 20 題。18.What is the result of air pollution?A. Loss of land.B. Killing fish.C. Illnessand even death.19.What are the forms of pollution?A.Air,waterand soil.B.Oiland wood.C.4/22歡迎下載。Marine life.20.What can pollutio

10、n of soil cause?A. Ugliness to mans natural beauty.B. Illness and death.C. The reducing of the amount of useful land.第二部分:閱讀理解(40 分)AIt s time to study like a rock star! Many rock stars aresmartenough toknow thatit scooltogo toa top-ratedschool.Let scheckoutthesemusicianswho wenttoIvyLeague colleges

11、.RiversCuomoThe lead singerandguitaristof the band,Weezer,isanIvyLeaguerocker,graduatingfromHarvardwith outstandingperformance.RiversCuomo earned his bachelor s degree in English after 10 yearon-off work at this famous university.John LegendThe Grammy Award winningsingerandsongwriter had scholarship

12、offersfrom Harvard,Georgetown andMorehouse beforeattendingtheUniversityofPennsylvania, where he majored in English with an emphasis onAfrican American literature. John Legend famously contributed5/22歡迎下載。toKanye West salbum,“ The CollegeDropout ” .He alwayssupports education reform and has even take

13、n part in a publicperformance for dropout prevention for free.Lisa LoebIt was just a fewyears after she graduated from Brown University with a degreeincomparativeliteraturethatsingerLisaLoebhad ahitsingle (暢銷的單 曲唱片 ) with her song“ Stay ” . The smartrocker made history with“Stay ” as the only artist

14、 to everhave a number one singlebeforebeingsignedtoa recordingcontract.Greg GraffinThe lead singer oftheL.A.punkband, Bad Religion,earnedhisPh.D.fromCornellUniversity.HelaterworkedattheUniversityofCaliforniaat LosAngeles asalifescienceprofessor.GregGraffinhassaid,“ Evolution( 進化)isacontroversialtopi

15、c that I research both on an academic (學術(shù)的 )level andin my music. ”21.We can learn from the text that John Legend _.A. won aGrammy Award atcollegeB.majoredincomparative literature6/22歡迎下載。C. became famous for The College DropoutD. once performed to help school dropouts22.Which of the following music

16、ians taught at a university?A. Rivers Cuomo.B. John Legend.C. Lisa Loeb.D.Greg Graffin.23.Which university did the singer of“Stay ” graduate from?A. Harvard University.B.TheUniversityofPennsylvania.C. Brown University.D. Cornell University.24.The text mainly aims to _.A. advise readers topursue thei

17、r studiesB. advise readers to learn to enjoy rock musicC. show the importance of entering a top-rated schoolD. show the relationship between education and musicBBranches hitmy face,sendingblooddown my cheeks.Everyone of my pores (毛孔 ) was filled with sweat, but I couldntstop.They wereclosebehind.Ico

18、uldnot,Iwouldnotgoback.They onlysaw my blackskinand didnotknow ofthehuman soul that lived under by flesh.7/22歡迎下載。The sound of the dogs came closer. I hid myself in the shadows beneath the trees above me, thankful for the first time for my black skin. My bare feet bled. The moonlight threatened to g

19、ive me away. Its brightness seemed to make funof me as I ran. Even the moon was white. The whole world seemed to be made for people with a white surface. Suddenly Ifell down to the forest floor. My legs begged me not to make them run. I ignored them and desperately tried to escape andrun away from t

20、hese evil people, the moon, and my own dark skin.Itwas afailed attempt.I hadhardlyranten steps whenthe dogs teeth were in my face. Tears burned my face, tearsof anger, hate, and fear.“Please! ” I begged.“ Please letme go! ”My breathwas short,and my wholebody was filledwith blood. I stopped for breat

21、h.“ Actually we re all thesame! That s what really matters! Please let me go.”“Let you go? ” a man laughed. “How could it be? You were born to serve us. ” They laughed as they marched along, pulling me by a long rope like a dog. I was exhausted afterrunning for days and I could feel that blood was f

22、lowing down8/22歡迎下載。my body. At last, I fell down in the grass, covered with blood. My soul moved away from my body and I was free at last.25. According to the text, the author was probably _.A. a slaveB. a hunterC. a thiefD.aprisoner26. To ask the men to let him go, what reason did the author give?

23、A. He was bleeding.B. He was out of breath.C. He was also a human.D. He was afraid of dogs.27. It can be inferred from the text that _.A.a man treated the author s woundsB.the dogs bit oneof the authors legsC. a man set the author free out of mercyD. the author lost consciousness in the end28. What

24、s the best title for the text?A. A failed attempt to get freedomB. A dangeroushunting experienceC. A story of an adventure in woodD. A struggle forsurvival and powerC9/22歡迎下載。Dear students,Most of us get some exercise walking or riding our bikes to school, but that just isnt enough. Why not get into

25、 shape byplaying the most popular sport in the world soccer?Two weeksago,Ms. Goldstein,thephysicaleducationteacher,postedanoticeaboutanexcitingnewsoccerclub(forGrades3-5).Tojoin,allyou have todois signyourname and be at school for the fun of it on Saturday mornings.Youllmake newfriendsandshareinform

26、ationaboutfamousteams and players.Ms.Goldsteinwillteach,soyoulllearnbasicskillsandnew techniques to improve your game. Thats good news becausesoccer is a game you can love three seasons a year. The onlytime you cant play is when there is snow.However, itishardtobelievethatonlynineteenpeoplesigned up

27、 for the new club. Maybe kids dont want to give uptheir Saturday mornings. But if you think about how we spendSaturday mornings now, soccer looks good. Doing housework andwatchingTVarenotasmuchfunasplayingsoccerwithfriends.Ifyoudidntsignupbecauseyouveneverplayed10/22歡迎下載。soccerbefore,dontworry.Begin

28、nersarewelcome andMs.Goldstein will give you more help.Just act now! The equipment ischeap.Allyou haveto bringis your feet.The Students Union29. We can learn from the text that the club _.A.is just open to students of Grade 3B.was probablystarted two weeks agoC.is available every day except for Sund

29、aysD.was firstset up for beginners30. What does the author think of playing soccer?A. It makes people famous easily.B. It does studentsa lot of good.C.Itisaverydangerousgame.D.Itisasinteresting as watching TV.31. The author writes the text mainly to _. A. talk about how to be an excellent playerB. e

30、ncourage the students to join a soccer club C. advise the students to take more exercise D. introduce Ms. Goldstein to the students11/22歡迎下載。DDo American children still learn handwriting in school? Inthe age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out. 90% of te

31、achers say they are required to teach handwriting. But studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it. Onestudy published this year found that about three out of everyfour teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting.Some teachers are teaching handwriting by prov

32、iding instruction for ten to fifteen minutes a day, and then other teachers who basically teach it for sixty to seventy minutesa day which really is pretty much for handwriting.Many adultsrememberlearningthatwaybycopyinglettersoverand overagain.Todaysthinkingisthatshortperiodsofpracticearebetter.Man

33、y expertsalsothinkhandwriting should not be taught by itself. Instead, they sayit should be used as a way to get students to express ideas.After all, that is why we write.Handwritinginvolvestwoskills.One islegibility,whichmeans forming theletters sotheycan be read.The other is12/22歡迎下載。fluency writi

34、ng without having to think about it. Fluencycontinuestodevelopupuntilhighschool.Butnoteveryonemasters theseskills.Teacherscommonly report thataboutone fourthoftheirkidshavepoorhandwriting.Somepeoplemightthinkhandwritingisnotimportantanymorebecause of computers and voice recognition programs.ButSteve

35、Graham atVanderbiltsayswordprocessingisrarelydoneinelementaryschool,especiallyintheearlyyears. American children traditionally firstlearnto print,andthentowrite incursive(草寫體),whichconnectstheletters. But guess what we learned from a spokeswoman for theCollegeBoard,whichadministerstheSAT collegeadmi

36、ssiontest.More than75% ofstudentschoosetoprinttheiressayon the test rather than write in cursive.32.From Paragraph 1 we can learn _.A.teachinghandwritingisabasicrequirementin teachingjobB. most teachers prefer to teach handwritingC. teachers spend little time in teaching handwritingD.akeyboardhastak

37、entheplaceofthehandwriting13/22歡迎下載。entirely33.Theunderlinedword “ legibility”inParagraph3 means_.A. being easy to readB. being complexC. being unexpectedD. being unreadable34.The best title for the passage is _.A. How to improve handwriting in schoolB. Right or wrong: the death of handwritingC. Han

38、dwriting involves two skillsD. Handwriting lessons are on the way out35.The author sattitudetowardswhetherstilltolearnhandwritinginschoolis_.A.negativeB.objectiveC. criticalD. optimistic七選五: I know that something you get that sense from TV thatyou can be richand successfulwithoutany hardwork-yourtic

39、ket to success is through rapping or basketball or being areality TV star .36The truthis,beingsuccessfulishard.You won tloveeverysubjectthatyoustudy.37Noteveryhomeworkassignmentwillseem completelyrelevanttoyourliferight14/22歡迎下載。atthisminute.And youwon tnecessarilysucceed ateverything the first time

40、 your try.That s okay. 38 J. K. Rowling- who wrote Harry Potter-her first Harry Potter book was rejected 12 times before itwasfinallypublished.MichaelJordanwascutfromhishighschool basketball team. He lost hundreds of games and missedthousands ofshots during his career. But heoncesaid,“ Ihave failed

41、over and over again in my life. And thats why Isucceed.Thesepeoplesucceeded because theyunderstoodthe secretofsuccess-you can tletyourfailuresdefineyou.39You have to let them show you what to do differently the nexttime. So if you get into trouble, that doesn t mean you area troublemaker, it means y

42、ou need to try harder to act right.40A. If you get a bad grade, that doesnt mean you re stupid,it just means you need to spend more time studying.B.Some ofthemostsuccessfulpeopleintheworldaretheones who have had the most failures.C. You have to let your failures teach you.15/22歡迎下載。D. You won t get

43、along well with every teacher that you have.E. So many of you dream of being successful by hard work.F. Failures can lead you to success.G. Chances are youre not going to be any of those things.第三部分:完形填空(30 分)Whats on your life card?There s a book where the author, Elizabeth, suggests thateveryone h

44、ave a life card. This is 41 to a business card,butinsteadoflistingwhatyoudoforaliving,it42things that have happened in your 43 that you don t wantto explain, but would like people to 44 before dealing withyou.Elizabeth s first child, her son, was born still and she writes about her 45 . She talks ab

45、out having to deal withinsensitive (不顧他人感受的) comments and 46 conversationswith others who didn she had her 48 died. t know of what 47 and how she wishedlifecardthatsaidherfirstchildhadWouldn t this be great? You could 49 those things that16/22歡迎下載。youmostneedotherstounderstandbeforehavinga50withyou.

46、Yourlifecardcould51Ihaveachildwith adisability or my mother has cancer. With this 52, otherscould be more careful with their53so they didn t causeunintentional harm.But we don tallhave lifecards.Insteadwe mustbearthese54 from others who don t know or55 . Perhaps thismakes us stronger or at the very least we 56 to guard ourhearts.What it does57us is that we need to keep the idea oflifecardsin58when dealingwithothers.Thinkofwhatwouldgoonyourlifecardandwiththis,59


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