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1、盛源機械無熱再生吸附式干燥機使用說明書杭州盛源博特機械設(shè)備有限公司HANGZHOU SHENGYUAN BOTE MACHINE EQUIPMENT CO. , LTD壓縮空氣凈化成套設(shè)備配置圖Flowcha it Configu ration of Comp ressedAir Puiiyiiig System拳III空壓機后部冷卻器貯氣罐g級前置過濾器5級過濾器預(yù)冷機鬻?熬:焉戮a含塵量43um去除99%液態(tài)水份含油量:W1PPM含塵量:Wlum用氣對空氣干燥度要求不要的氣動元件常壓露點:.23C臺;Ea量含塵量W1 PPMW1 um用氣動元件不宜受水份影晌的用常壓露點一 23”C氣力輸送

2、,高級噴涂含抽;:40. 01PPM1囂;甬;黛含塵量:WOOlum食品,除臭,除菌等囂麓=怒鬆:+含塵量Wlum熬揣=豫鬆i+含塵量:W0 01U翼端iLP.o熱含塵量:0 01 um尊敬的用戶,為了更好更準確的使用本機器,請您在使用機器前 認真閱讀本說明書,并嚴格按照說明書卜的使用要求去做。如果您的 機器遇到故障,請認真參照說明書中所列條目對照檢修,也可與我們 的授權(quán)機構(gòu)或肓接撥打售后服務(wù)熱線0571-尋求幫助:對您 的機器進行及時的保養(yǎng),將更好的發(fā)揮它的性能。希望一水產(chǎn)品在您的 工作給您帶來便利,謝謝您的支持與合作!Deal- user in order to use this equi

3、pment properly.please read tins manual caiefullv and carry out steps described in this manual stiictly If the equipment fails, please exaninie the equipment accordmg to tlie troubleshootmg list in tliis manual carefiilly, or contact agents authorized by our company, or dial our aftersale sendee hotl

4、ine 0571 for assistance If you maintain the equipment regularlyyou will bi mg out its best performance Wis hope that this product will facilitate your work and thank you veiy much for using tliis machme 瓣婕檬目錄Table of Contents產(chǎn) 品簡介 Product introduction 原理 Principle1扌支 1要求 Teclmical requirements22、安裝

5、與維護 Installation and maintenance4設(shè)備操作 Device operation6工藝過程 Process flow6參數(shù)設(shè)置 Parameter setting8開機與關(guān)機Stan and stop94、故障分析與排除 Fault analysis and troubleshootmg105、電氣弓自動控制 Electric and automatic control-XJK-XG1F無熱再生吸附式干燥機控制器使用說明 -XJK-XG1F heatless regeneration absoiptiondrver controller instructions13

6、J 主 要功能 Maj or functions13 豐要特點 Major features14 技術(shù)指標(biāo) Tecluiical Specifications14 使用方法Usage15 動作時序圖 Sequence chait ofactions16 接線方式 Mode ofcoimection17附錄 Appendix:設(shè)備首次操作使用方法Instructions offist use ofthe device1、產(chǎn)品簡介 Product intioduction 原理Principle SYVD系列無熱再牛吸附式壓縮空氣干燥機是二種利用多孔性 固體物質(zhì)表面的分子力來吸取氣體中的水份,從而

7、獲得較低露點溫 度、干燥、潔凈氣體的凈化設(shè)備。它采用孔徑與水分子直徑相近的活 性氧化鋁為吸附劑,采用國際上最先進的變壓吸附原砰,件常溫下II支 附時,空氣中水分子的分壓力犬十吸附劑中水分子的分壓力,水分了 進入吸附內(nèi)部,在吸附劑的表面冷凝成水滴,并放出冷凝熱,將此熱 量蓄于吸附塔的上部。再生時,人約15%左有的干燥空氣經(jīng)針閥進入 常壓下的再生筒,使吸附劑中的水分子逸111,同時蓄于吸附塔內(nèi)的熱 量有助于解析。吸附劑經(jīng)過吸附、再生.吸附循壞使用,對壓縮空氣 進行連續(xù)不斷的吸附干燥處理從而獲得深度干燥的氣體,該產(chǎn)品的主 要技術(shù)指標(biāo),已達到國外同類機型水平,是希單獲得一 23C以卞壓力 露點氣源用戶

8、的首選設(shè)備。SYWD series of heatless regeneration absoiption compressed ak diyers are a kind of low dew pomt tempeiatui e, dry and clean ak purging devices usmg the molecular force on porous solid surfelce to absorb the water from the air. They take activated aluminum oxide of an apeiture approximately equ

9、ivalent to the diameter of water molecule as absorption desiccant and adopt the most mternationally advanced pressure variation absorption principle: as for room tempeiature absorption, because the partial pressure of water molecules in the aii iS larger than tllat of water molecules in absoiption d

10、esiccant water molecules enter absorption desiccant Whtei drops ard condensed on the surfaee of the absoiption desiccant and condensing heat iS given out. This heat iS stored on the upper pan of the absoiption tower. In the course of regeneration about 1 5%of process The absoiption desiccant alterna

11、tes between absorption and regeneration and keeps absorbing and diying tlie compressed ak contmuously to get deeply dried aii. The niam tecluucal specifications of the product reaches the level of the same type of machines and it is the best choice for users to produce air witli a pressure dew point

12、 below-23 C 腰塔變替連續(xù)工作輸出干燥潔凈的壓縮空氣。其凈化空氣含水量 可達壓力露點40C以下,從而獲得深度干燥的無水無油的高純度的 壓縮空氣滿足用氣的需要。山于采用合理的工作劇期;充分利用了吸 附熱,故再生效果好;節(jié)能耗氣少;Two towers aie working alternatively to output diy and clean compressed ak contmuously The water content of the purged ak reaches a pressure dew pomt below 一 40C SO as to produce de

13、eply dried, waterless and oil一less lugh一purity compressed air for use Because of the proper work period adopted, wluch adequately takes advantage of absorption heat, the regeneration effect is satisfactory.energysaving and witli less ak consumption;扌支彳要求 Tecluucal requiiements無熱再生吸附武十燥機的使用組合(見下圖): T

14、he combination of heatless regenei ation absorption diyer(see tlie following figuie):注意Notes:1)不按使用組合要求配置,部會使干燥機發(fā)生故障或達不到性無熱再牛吸附式干燥機 盛隨巍堿will be shoitened and even tlie absoiption desiccant will get poisoned 3)空氣進出I I管處用戶可以根據(jù)生產(chǎn)上需要裝置旁通管和旁通 閥,以便吸干機臨時停車檢修等,不影響影響連續(xù)生產(chǎn)。Bypags pipe and bypass valve can be i

15、nstalled on tlie aii inlet / outlet pipe by users if it is necessary to facilitate the emergent oveihaul of diyerwithout affectmg the contmuous production。4)對于高原地區(qū),壓縮機的有效產(chǎn)氣能力較低,可設(shè)置鼓風(fēng)機 增壓等措施,以保證壓縮機機止常產(chǎn)氣能力,否則需按卞表修正參數(shù) 乘以設(shè)計耗氣量,以便選擇生產(chǎn)能力。As for tableland areas, tlie actual aii output capacity of compresso

16、r is lower Set fan to mcrease the pressure to guarantee the proper air output capacity of tlie compressor t or select tlie production capacity by multiplying the modified coetliclent by the designed ak consumptionI海拔高度I Above sea |0 | 305| 610| 914| 1219| 1524| 1 829 |2134| 2439| 2743| 3048| 3658| 4

17、572|I levelrnilI修正參數(shù)I Modified |1 | 1 03| 1 07| 1 10| 1 14| 1 17| 120|1-23 | 1 26| 1 29| 1-32 | 1 37| 1 43|I coe 銜 cientIIIIIII霧執(zhí) a冉 至吸 蘭附 吾式 呂壓 :編 J巒 奏與 一、懈 羔機 能參數(shù)的要求。if it is not configuied accordmg to combination requiiements, thediyer will fail or the requued peiioiniance will fail to satisfied2

18、)吸附劑在吸附中對進氣含油量有較高要求:一般應(yīng)0. lmg/mo 含則將直接影響吸附效果、干燥機壽命,甚至使吸附劑中毒失效。Duiing the course of absorption, the absoiption desiccant has strict requirements on tlie oil content of inlet ak: usually it should be less than 0. lmg / nio, or.die absoiption effect will be brought down。tlie life of diyer 礒潦植撩 無熱再生吸附式干

19、燥機3置儲氣罐。For emergent stop of the device, several mmutes of buffering time is required. So it is reconunended to install an air holder pot.6)壓縮機站內(nèi)設(shè)有數(shù)臺壓縮機時,每臺壓縮機的排氣管線上應(yīng)設(shè)有止回閥和切斷閥。If there are several compressors in the compressor station,checkvalve and isolatmg valve shall be mstalled oil the exliaust

20、pipe foreach compressoE7)本裝置前后應(yīng)設(shè)備流量、壓力、溫度等檢測或記錄儀表。Meters for measuimg flowpressuie and temperature shall be installed before and after the device 8)每次開機、關(guān)機請打開吸附塔下排污閥進行排污。For each start and stop of the device, please open the blow down valve below the absoiption tower to discharge the pollution 2、安裝與

21、操作護維 Installation and mamtenance設(shè)備安裝 Device installation町本設(shè)備免基礎(chǔ)安裝,只需重直度不人于1/1000就可;也可用 地腳螺栓與基礎(chǔ)固定,設(shè)備基礎(chǔ)根據(jù)現(xiàn)場實地決定。Tlus device can be installed without foundation with the verticalitv withuil / 1000; or use fang bolts to fix it to the fbundation(the foundation for the device can be decided according to t

22、he site conditions)b)設(shè)備安裝緊固時應(yīng)進行校he,其小垂直度卅i大于1 / loooc Device installation shall be corrected when it is fixed and the verticalitv shall not exceedl / 1000.J運行操作Operation 開機檢查;.對照干煤機銘牌數(shù)據(jù),核對下列條件:Start inspection: check the following conditions against the data5電源 Power supply: 220V / 50HZ壞境溫度 Environm

23、ent temperature: W45 C額定工作 J 長力 Rated working pressure: 0 7Mpa進氣溫度 Inlet ak temperature: W40C處理氣體流量件額定范圍內(nèi)。Process flow is withm the rated range 前置過濾器處于有效1作狀態(tài)、排水器卜的手動球閥處于“開” 的位置。The piecedmg filter is under effective woddng status and manual ball valve on the Water drainer isON”管剛中各道閥門應(yīng)處于正常工作位置。All v

24、alves in the pipe system shall be in the proper working positions a)啟動:吸附器通入壓縮空氣須待兩塔壓力相等后,再接通程 序控制電源,按啟動鈕吸附器即開始自動工作。b)干燥:(對吸附劑進行干燥處理)Diving: (the diyiiig process for absorption desiccant)采用自身干燥法,將干燥空氣出11閥門關(guān)閉(不輸送成晶空氣), 再將再生氣管中孔板拿掉,或者將球閥全開,加人再生氣量,此時干 燥器的負荷很低,底層吸濕量很少,較人量成品空氣去進行再生干燥, 其干燥程度很高,經(jīng)過24小時干燥,待干

25、燥空氣達到要求露點后, 町關(guān)小球閥或者按裝上孔板后,吸附器就轉(zhuǎn)入正常吸附干燥操作狀 態(tài)。Selfdiying method is adopted Shut off the dried ail outlet valve(without output finished air)and take away the medium orifice plate from the regeneration air pipe / fiilly open the ball valve to mcrease tlie regeneration ail flow At this time the load of d

26、ryer is quite low,the moisture absorption amount of the bottom layer is quite small and most of the finished ak is used for regeneration drying. The diyness is lugh Wait for 24 hours until the dried air reaches the requued dew point, turn down5the ball valve or insert the orifice plate and tlie abso

27、rber will enter the proper absorption diymg status.c)吸附劑的裝填及更換:The filling and replacement of absorption desiccant:吸干機在使用過程中若發(fā)現(xiàn)效呆變差,應(yīng)部分更換吸附劑:使用 一年后,需全部放出進行篩選,去掉不好的,留下好用的,將好用的 部分填裝在簡體下部,新填的吸附劑裝在簡體卜部裝滿為止,切不可 用棍棒搗實以免粉碎,這樣可保證正常使用。If the quality of finished air gets worse, replace part of the absorption

28、desiccant: after one year of use, take out all desiccants for selection and put the reusable portion into the lower part of the pot. Fill the rest of the pot with new desiccants and dont tamp with tools to guarantee the proper use 3、設(shè)置操作 Device operation工藝過程Process flow秘挪鞫自I刷旌。努貉褥1、2、3、4 Switcliing

29、valves6、7 Check一valve9、Contiol cabmet憊熱壤掰裁暈爨撬 s旳穗8聃如娥赫哪酶n奶斛 Flow Chait 腑8繃 空氣密蕊5、Muffler8、Regeneration air govenung valve 無熱再生吸附式干燥機流程圖HeatleSS regeneration absoiption diyer flow chart6 匸作原理說明Operating pimciple開機后,A塔作吸附運行,E塔作脫附(雨牛)運行,在預(yù)先設(shè) 定的時序控制卞,截止閥Al、A2相繼打開,待處理的潮濕壓縮空氣 經(jīng)A1進入A塔,潮濕氣流在白卞而-的運動過程中,內(nèi)部所含的

30、水 蒸氣被充滿塔內(nèi)、表面有無數(shù)選擇性小孔的11及附劑(活性氧化鋁或分 子篩)所吸附。壓縮空氣本身得到干燥。約占總處到量85%左右的十 燥空氣經(jīng)單向閥a進入用氣管網(wǎng),另外約占15%的干燥空氣繹節(jié)流降 壓后,從上部入B塔,作自上而下的運動。原先已被E塔內(nèi)吸附劑 所吸附的水蒸氣在低壓環(huán)境中得以釋放(脫附)并隨低壓氣流經(jīng)A2、 消聲器E逸入人氣,E塔內(nèi)的吸附劑也由此而獲得活性再牛。A、B 兩塔在預(yù)先設(shè)定的時間順序下輪流工作。A(E)塔吸附,B(A)塔 再生,循壞不息。當(dāng)飽和狀態(tài)的壓縮空氣經(jīng)薄膜切斷閥進入吸附塔干 燥處理后,出II空氣含水降至露點溫度.40C(即成為干燥成品空氣) 以下,供用戶使用。To

31、wer A iS Ruining under absoiption status and tower B iS WOrknig under dehydratmg(iegeneiation)status when the device 1S stalled Under the contiol of the preset time sequence, stop valves A 1 and A2 open in succession and the wet compressed ak enters tower A thiough A 1 The wet current flows fiom bot

32、tom to top, tlie water vapor iS absorbed by the absorbent witli numerous SUFface selective orifice inside all tower(activated ahmunum oxide or molecular screen), The compressed ak itself gets dried About 85%of total dried air enters the pipe system for the following process tliiough one一way valve an

33、d the rest 1 5 % enters the top of tower B fiom after tluottling and decompressing The absorbed water 1S released in the 10W pressure environinent(detached)and evacuated into the atmosphere tluough A2 and mu 用亡i E together with 1OW pressure current The absorption desiccant in TOWER B iS thus reactiv

34、ated Towers A and B WOrk alternatively accordmg to the preset tmie sequence rower A(B)absorbs and tower B(A)regeneiates, which repeats again and again The saturated compressed air enters absorption tower for diying tluough membrane isolatmg valve and the water content of outlet ak drops to dew pomt

35、temperatui e 一 40Cfi_e. beconw dry finished aii)for use 7參數(shù)設(shè)置 Parameter settmg1)預(yù)置延時時間 Preset ofdelav time: 將控制器內(nèi)部中【、Cl J的短路塊SAI插在E面1、2位置,控制器即 處于設(shè)置狀態(tài)。LED數(shù)碼管的最高位顯示1,表示目前設(shè)定的是第一 段延時時間tl:其余位顯示延時時間設(shè)定值。按動而板芹側(cè)下方的“停 .11: / T”按鈕SE2(此時的功能是增加計時值),可使延時時間從1逐 步增加到600秒,然后再重復(fù)進行。Insert the lumper SA 1 in tlie center

36、 of controller mto positions 1 and 2 and the controller is ready for setting The most significant bit of LED nixie tube displays 1 wliich means that the current settmg is for the fiist paiameter(t 1): the rest digits display the preset value Pressu Stop / + button SB2 on the lower left panel(the cur

37、ient fiinction of the button is to increase the timing value)to mcrease tlie setting value from 1 to 600 seconds gradually and then start all over again 當(dāng)設(shè)定的延時值符合要求時,可按面板上的“肩動/”按鈕SB1(此時的功能是選擇延時時段),最高位顯示2,表示設(shè)定第二段延 時時間t2。按“停止/參數(shù)”按鈕同樣可增加延時值。依次類推,可 設(shè)定四個延時段的時問。在設(shè)定時,按住停止按鈕超過1秒鐘時,延 時設(shè)定值將快速增加,而斷續(xù)按動時則每次加1。Wh

38、en the current parameter is set to the lequued value, press the“ Stall / -button SB l(tlie current fiinction of tlie button is to select delay time step)on the panel. The most significant bit displav2, which represents the setting is for the second parameter(t2) Press“ Stop / Parameters v button can

39、 mcrease the delay value as well Repeat the above steps to fhush the settings of four delay time In setting press onStopbutton over 1 second to rapidly mcrease the delay preset value Eveiy smgle press will increase the value by 1 設(shè)定完畢,立即將SAI短路塊插在2、3位置(不要斷電),則 設(shè)定值將被寫入E2PROM儲存起來,即使斷電后仍能保留。When the set

40、tmg is finished, insert lumper SA 1 into positions 2 and3 fbefbre power off)aiid the settmgs will be written into E2PROM These data can be kept for later use even ifthe power is off82)定時工作 Timing work::當(dāng)SAI處于運行位置時,按啟動按鈕,控制器按圖二的時序工 作。KA1-KA4相繼動作,紅、綠色LED發(fā)光管指示上作狀態(tài)。LED 數(shù)碼顯示第一延時段(tl)的延時時間。When SA 1 is se

41、t to the mnning position press “ Start button and the contioller will WOrk accordmg to the tune seqvence shown in Figure 2 KA 1 KA4 will act in succession and the wd&green LED nixie tubes uidicate tlie worknig status. LED nixie tube displays the delay time of the delay section(tl、按停止按鈕則中斷工作,繼電器全部釋放,

42、控制器復(fù)位。Press “ Stop button to stop the operation All relays are released and the contioiler resets 注:KA2和KA4可并聯(lián)輸出,共同驅(qū)動一個電磁閥(即為三閥結(jié)構(gòu))。當(dāng) t4時間設(shè)置為0時,即沒有均壓段。Note: KA2 and KA4 can be connected in parallel to drive one electromagnetic valve(i 亡.tiiple valve stnictuie). If t4 is set to u O there is no pressur

43、e equalizing section. 開機與關(guān)機Stan and stop1)開機:干燥機通入壓縮空氣,須待A、E兩塔壓力相等并靜 止后再接通程摔器電源,并按“啟動按鈕”十燥機即開始全閂動_=_L作。 (程控器數(shù)字顯示半周期工作時間)Start: supply compressed ak to the diyer and turn on the power supply for progranmiable contioiler when the pressures of two towers aie equal Press 八 Start* button and the diyer st

44、arts to work automatically (progranmiable controller digitally displays half-period work time).2)關(guān)機:關(guān)機須先關(guān)閉干燥機進氣閥門,按“停止按鈕S程控器即停止工作。Stop: shut the uilet air valve of the diyer and then press u Stop button to stop theiogiaininable contioller 94、故障分析與排除 Fault analysis and troubleshootmg111故障111豫融11處理1IF

45、aults1CauseCorrectivemeasures1I1111111.程度摔制器失效。指示燈不亮,電磁111.按電器控制部分使用111閥不工作f用鐵器碰電磁頭無吸引力1。1說日JJL檢査接頭和易損111I Program contioller failure Indicating| 件,更換元件或線路板。1111 light fails to light and electioniagneticI Check the connections1111 valve fails to work(no attractive fbFeeandconsumables1111 when the el

46、ectromagnetic head isaccording to the electiic1111 tested by a ferrous item)controlsectionof111 2.消聲器堵塞。當(dāng)電磁閥升啟后,高I User,sManual Replace111壓筒卸樂時氣流受阻,至使受J 土弄驅(qū)I the faultycomponents or111動的梭閥小能及時切換,變成三通,1 ciicuitboard.111豐氣流從電磁閥短路,經(jīng)消聲器排入1 2.卸i消盧器,若設(shè)備恢111人氣,使兩筒壓力同時下降。(限刖1復(fù)正常切換,則廊更換111 一個棱閥代二個甲向閥結(jié)構(gòu))1消聲器或

47、反吹消洗后冉11I Muffler blockage When the1裝E使用。I 1 干燥機兩| electromagnetic valve is opened t the | Take off the muffler andII 筒不能正I piessuie relief of high pressure pot is | if the device restores the I1常切換11 restiaiiied, which causes tlie switcliiiig1 proper switching, then,1SwitchingIfailure of the shuttl

48、e valve driven byI replace the muffler or1I failure of1 pressure difierence The thiee一waiyIreinstall the muffler afterTwo divingI1 coimection allows the main air current1 it is cleaned by1I Dots 1 to diiectlyflow-through1 back blowing 1111 electiomagnetic valve and enter tlie1 3.檢查電磁頭接線及吸1111 atmosp

49、here by muffler which causes1引力,清除小孔通道異1111 the pot pressuie to foilsimultaneously| 物。1111 only one shuttle valve can be usedI Check the coimection1111 instead ofhvo one一way valves)1 and attiactive force of1113.電磁閥不能工作(常閉)。電磁閥線electiomagnetic head and111圈損壞或先導(dǎo)節(jié)流小孔堵塞。造成該1 clear the contaminant in故障一側(cè)

50、簡體始終處于高壓狀態(tài)。the orifice.I Electiomagnetic valve fails to workI (normally closed) Electromagneticwinding damage , loosened connectionI or leading tluottle orifice blockageI keeps pot on one side of the fault valveat a high pressure condition 10故障Faults原眄ICause處理Corrective measures1. 干燥機兩筒 不能正常削 換 Swit

51、chmg failure of TxvO drying pots 4. 梭閥卡住或嚴暈泄漏,主氣流外 泄,壓力下降。(限用一個棱閥代二 個單向閥結(jié)構(gòu))Shuttle valve locked or severe leakage, main ak curient leakage and pressure fall(oiily one shuttle valve can be used instead of two oneway valves)。5. 電磁閥膜片破裂,該閥側(cè)簡體不 能保壓(均樂時,壓力不上升,作時主氣流短路外泄,壓降)。Membrane breaking of electromag

52、netic valve The pressure of the pot on one side fails to mamtain(Iii piessuie equalizing, the pressure foils to increase t and in work tlie main air current is direct short to leaks and the pressure falls)6. 節(jié)流閥肝扁不到位。在均壓程序結(jié) 束時,低壓筒壓力未上升至均衡壓 力,棱閥不能IE常1刀換,主氣流外 泄壓力聚降。(限用一個棱閥代二個 單向閥結(jié)構(gòu))The tluottle is not

53、 properly opened At the end of pressure equalizing the pressure of low piessuie pot fails to mcrease to balanced pressure and the shuttle valve foils to switch properly, xkliich causes tlie leakage of main air current and sharp pressure fall(oiily one shuttle valve can be used instead oftwo one一way

54、valves)4. 檢查閥腕內(nèi)昔無異 物,在長期停機或過飽 和情況下容易發(fā)生鍋 膠扳結(jié)和閥什銹蝕。Check the valve cavity fill- contanynaiit Atierlongterm stop orOVei一saturation, thealuminum valve components tend to be msted.5. 拆F閥蓋,更換膜片。Take the valve cover Offand replace the membiaiie.6. 逆時針旋轉(zhuǎn)節(jié)流閥,加人再生氣量,直至兩 筒均壓相等。Turn tlie tluottleanticlockwise t

55、oincrease tlieregeneration ak flowuntil the pressure of twopots equalize 故障Faults原兇Cause處理Corrective measures1. 干燥機兩簡不能正常切換Switchmgfailure ofTwOdiyiiigDots.1. 長期停機,干燥機前后閥門未關(guān)閉, 大氣中的濕氣進入筒內(nèi)。ill long一term stop tlie beforeand after_ iver valves fail to shut and tlieJmoisture in the atmosphere enters the

56、pots.2. 前置過濾器失效或未按時排放油 水,造成液態(tài)油水沖擊干燥機。Preceding filter failure or timely oil dischaige failure causes tlie unpact on desiccant bv fluid oil.3 吸附制油中毒或粉化嚴重。 Severe oil poison or pulverization of absorption desiccant4. 切換系統(tǒng)出故障,不再生。Switchmg system fault or regeneration failure 5. 消聲器堵塞,再生背壓過高。 Muffler blockage or too liigh regeneration pressuie 6. 進氣溫度過高或進氣壓力偏低。 Too liigh nilet ail- temperature or too low-inlet ak pressure 7. 再生氣量不足。Iiiadequ-e regeneration


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