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1、河南省鄭州市 2009 2010學年高三第一次調(diào)研考試英語試題第一節(jié):單項填空(共 15小題,每小題1分,滿分15分)1. Jin Ji ng,wheelchair athlete, man aged to protect the torch whe n many pro-Tibet dem on strators tried to grabthe torch from her as she went alongSeine River.A. a; xB. x; theC. x; xD. a; the2. Sichuan Provinee, in southwest China and an a

2、rea of 485,000 kilometers with the largestpopulati on in Chin a, is one of the largest and most in accessible provi nces in China.A. located; covered B. locati ng; coveri ng C. located; coveri ngD. locat ing; covered3. Whom do you want to havethe parts of a car together?A. fixB. to fixC. fixi ngD. f

3、ixed4. James didn t turn up last night, did he?No. He. We had cha nged our pla n.A. shouldn t have come B. needn t have comeC. didn t need to come D. needn t come5. Does Jim do his new job well?his old job. How stupid! I fear theres no hope for him.A. No better tha nB. Not better tha nC. Not so well

4、 asD. No as well as6. Don t beby products promis ing to make you lose weight quickly. You will probably find you have lostmuch money in stead of weight i n the end.A. take n offB. take n outC. take n inD. take n away7. In the office I n ever seem to have time un til after 5:30 p.m.,many people have

5、got home.A. whose time B. thatC. on whichD. by which8. Who are you wait ing for?the man woun ded in the left leg.A. The doctor will operate onB. The nurse to be looked afterC. The doctor to operate onD. His brother got9. The Taliba n rebels have dema nded eight Taliba n pris oners be releasedeight S

6、outh Korea n hostages.A . in terms of B. in place ofC. in exchange for D . in want of10. your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoidedA. Havi ng checked B. CheckC. If you checkD. To check11. So much adva need tech no logyfrom abroad can improve the qualities of our products.A. ha

7、vi ng brought in B. hav ing bee n brought inC. has bee n brought in D. have bee n brought in12. -Would you like to go to the cin ema with me tomorrow after noon?-Id like to, Mum, but Ito a party by Jan e. It is her birthday.A. am in vitedB. was in vitedC. will be in vitedD. have bee n in vited13 . S

8、ome of the wheat is from Can ada. What about?A . anotherB . the otherC . othersD . the rest14. Itwe had stayed together for a couple of weeksI found we had a lot in com mon.A. was un til; whe nB. was not un til; thatC. was not un til; whe nD. was un til; that15. -Didnt the guard see him break ing in

9、to the bank?-No, hein the other directio n.A. was look ingB. had lookedC. lookedD. is look ing第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)As the pace of life con ti nues to in crease, we are fast los ing the art of relaxati on. 16 you are in the habit of rushi ng through life, being on the go from morning till ni

10、ght, it is hard to17 dow n. But relaxati on is _18for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a 19 part of everyday life and there is no way to 20 it. In fact, it is not the bad thing that it is ofte n supposed to be. A 21 am ount of stress is importa nt to provide motivati on and give 22 to life. It is o

11、nly whe n the stress gets out of con trol 23 it can lead to poor performa nee and 24 health.The amount of stress a pers on can bear 25 very much on the in dividual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such 26 are obviously chief material for man agerial resp on sibilities. Others lose heart at

12、 the_27of unu sual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in 28 form, we react both chemically and physically .In fact we make a choice betwee n 29 and fight. And in more ancient days the choices made the 30 betwee n life and death. The crises (危機)we meet today are 31 to be so extreme, but however li

13、ttle the stress, it requires the same resp on se. It is whe n such a react ion32 long, through continued exposure to stress, thathealth becomes 33. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart diseases have 34 linkswith stress. 35 we cannot remove stress from our lives (it would be un wi

14、se to do so even if we could), we n eed to find ways to deal with it.16.A .WhenB.WhileC.OnceD.As17.A .slowB.calmC.getD.turn18.A .unnecessaryB.satisfiedC.usefulD.n ecessary19.A .physicalB.n aturalC.hardD.terrible20.A .tolerateB.solveC.avoidD.accept21 .A .sureB.certa inC.largeD.great22.A .purposeB.res

15、ourceC.in flue neeD .in structi on23.A .whe nB.whyC.thatD .how24.A .illB.goodC.stro ngD .weak25.A .in sistsB.dependsC.callsD .spends26.A .patter nsB.pers on alityC.situati onsD .characters27.A .gla neeB.viewC.sightD .impressi on28.A .whicheverB.whateverC.howeverD .whenever29.A .peaceB.frightC.pressu

16、reD .heavi ness30.A .decisi onB.promiseC.differe neeD .choice31 .A .un likelyB.likelyC.n ecessaryD .probable32.A .con ti nuesB.livesC.sta ndsD .lasts33.A .bala needB.injuredC.endangeredD.cha ngeable34.A .establishedB.achievedC.foundD.developed35.A .Un lessB.Si nceC.BecauseD.As第三部分:閱讀理解(共 20小題,每題2分,滿

17、分40分)ASince the making in 1086 of the Domesday Survey, a detailed compilation(編纂)that enabled the earliest reas on able estimate of En gla nd populatio n to be made (the survey did not cover other areas),the nu mber of people has been increasing. This growth has continued despite some setbacks, by f

18、ar the most serious of which was the Black Death in the mid-14th century, in which it is estimated that about one third of the population died. There is little concrete information, however, concerning variation in rates of births to deaths and of immigration to emigration until 1801,when the first

19、official census( 人 口普查 )was taken. The assumption is that a population of about two milli on lived in what became the Un ited Kin gdom at the end of the 11th cen tury and that this figure had in creased to about 12 millio n by 1801. This slow growth rate, i n con trast with that of more modern times

20、, resulted mainly from the fact that a high birth rate was accompanied by an almost equally high death rate . It is estimated that in the first half of the 18th century three quarters of the children born in London died before they reached adolesce nee. Despite the awful livi ng con diti ons it prod

21、uced, the In dustrial Revoluti on resulted in an acceleration of the birth rate; gradually the greater medical knowledge, improved nutrition, and concern for public health that characterized the 19th and 20th cen turies bore fruit in a lower death rate and an overall in crease in population. Since t

22、he 1930s the population has experieneed a complete cycle in its pattern of growth. A low rateof in crease duri ng the 1930s was followed by a postwar marriage boom that gave rise to an accelerati on in the rate of growth, reaching a peak during the mid-1960s. Since 1964, a considerable fall in the b

23、irth rate has brought about a dramatic decline in growth, even giving rise to an absolute decline between 1974 and 1978.36. Which of the follow ing stateme nts is true as to the Domes Day Survey?A It was made in 1086 to show the variation in population growth in England.B It was a compilation that f

24、irst gave an estimation of the population of England.C It gave an account of the Black Death in the mid-14th century.D It studied the relation of birth rate to death rate.37. In 1801, it was discovered that.A. one third of the population died in the Black DeathB. the populatio n had in creased rapid

25、ly due to higher rates of birth and immigrati onC. the population had grown very slowly since 1086D. 10 million children had been born since 108638. The populati on growth in En gla nd bega n to in crease rapidly.A. since 1801 whe n the first official cen sus was take nB. in the 18th cen tury whe n

26、in dustrial revoluti on bega nC. in the 19th century when death rate was greatly reducedD. in the 1930s before the world war n broke out39. The growth rate of populati on reached the highest point.C. between 1964 and 1967 D. between 1974 and 1978BWhile researchers have long show n that tall people e

27、arn more tha n their shorter coun terparts, its not only social discrim in ati on that acco unts for this in equality - tall people are just smarter tha n their height-challe nged peers, a new study fin ds.As early as age three - before schooling has had a chance to play a role - and throughout chil

28、dhood, taller childre n perform sig ni fica ntly better on cog nitive tests, wrote Anne Case and Christi na Paxs on of Prin ceto n University in a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.The findings were based primarily on two British studies that followed children born in 1958

29、and 1970, respectively, through adulthood and a U.S. study on height and occupati onal choice.Other studies have poin ted to low self-esteem, better health that accompa nies greater height, and social discrim in ati on as culprits( 罪犯)for lower pay for shorter people.But researchers Case and Paxs on

30、 believe the height adva ntage in the job world is more tha n just a questi on of image.As adults, taller in dividuals are more likely to select i nto higher pay ing occupati ons that require moreadvaneed verbal and numerical skills and greater intelligence, for which they earn handsome returns, the

31、y wrote.For both men and wome n in the Un ited States and the Un ited Kin gdom, a height adva ntage of four in ches equated with a 10 perce nt in crease in wages on average.But the researchers said the differences in performance crop up long before the tall people enter the job force. Prenatal care(

32、產(chǎn)前護理 )and the time between birth and the age of 3 are critical periods for determining future cog nitive ability and height.Pre natal care and pren atal nu tritio n are just in credibly importa nt, even more so tha n we already kn ew, Case said in an in terview.Since the studys data only included po

33、pulations in the United Kingdom and the United States, the findings could not be applied to other regi ons, Case said.And how tall are the researchers?They are both about 5 feet 8 in ches tall, well above the average height of 5 feet 4 in ches for America n wome n.40. What can be lear nt from the st

34、udy of Anne Case and Christ ina Paxs on is that.A. the reas on for lower pay for shorter people is social discrim in ati onB. taller children perform significantly better on cognitive testC. tall people earn more tha n shorter coun terpartsD. prenatal care and prenatal nutrition are less important t

35、han we already knew41. Which period is the most importa nt for determ ining future cog nitive ability and height?A. betwee n age 3 and schooli ng B. betwee n birth and the age of 3C. the whole childhoodD. between 1958 and 197042. The underlined phrase“ crop up ” in the Eighth Paragraph is closest in

36、 meaning to.A. get inB. rise upC. come upD. sta nd up43. The best title for this passage would be.A. Tall people earn more tha n shorter coun terpartsB. A study on height and occupati onal choiceC. The differe nee betwee n tall people and short peopleD. Taller people are smarterCStude nts In sura ne

37、eWhat Is Covered under Contents?Un der theContentssect ion your possessions you do not have to be listedwill be protected on anew for oldbasis where items will be replaced as regardless of their e or con diti on.Contents include books, radios, audio and video players, TVs, jewellery, home computers,

38、 furniture.household goods, other electrical equipme nt and sports equipme nt. They will be in sured as follows: Theft Fire, Light ning, Explosi on Malicious (惡意的)Damage Storm, Flood and other n atural disastersBut new -for -old cover does not include clothing and linen.Where Does Cover Apply?Any wh

39、ere in Australia whether in: Your Livi ng Place While at College Your Parents Home or Any Temporary Residence 時住處) -where you are stay ing whe n away fromCollege Your College or Stude nts Union Buildi ng College Storage duri ng V acati onsPlus The Following Benefits Included FreeLoss or Damage to: G

40、as, water and electricity meters and teleph ones up to $ 300- TVs and videos ren ted in your n ame Library books up to $ 300 Daily things bought up to -$ 500 as to cover described under“ Contents ” College or Landlord s Possessions in your rooms by Fire or Theft (if you are legally responsibleup to

41、$ 2,000 ) Personal Money: from your roomup to $ 60PLUS fraudulent (欺詐的)use of your Credit Card -up to $ 1,00044. If you lose an old video player the in sura nee compa ny willA . pay you up to $ 30 in in sura neeB . replace it with a new oneC. pay you nothing for it is oldD . replace it with a used o

42、ne45. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A . Your household goods will not be insured due to natural disasters.B . You can be paid $ 2,000 for fraudulent use of your Credit card.C. Your computer is insured when you are away from college.D . Your rented car is complete

43、ly insured if it is damaged.46. It can be inferred from the passage that .A . if you lose a radio you can get another oneB . if you have your possessions stolen outside Australia they are not insuredC . if a fire breaks out i n your room you can get everythi ng backD . if your jewellery is stolen yo

44、u will be paid as much as $ 300DWhen former America n Preside nt Bill Cli nto n travelled to South Korea to visit Preside nt Kim Young Sam, herepeatedly referred to the Korea n preside nts wife as Mrs. Kim. By mistake, Preside nt Cli ntonthat Korea ns have the same naming customs as the Japa nese. C

45、li nton had not bee n told that, in Korea, wives keep their family n ames. Preside nt Kim Young Sams wife was n amed Soh n Myong Suk. Therefore, she should be addressed 稱謂)as Mrs. Sohn.Preside nt Cli nton arrived in Korea directly after leavi ng Japa n and had not cha nged his culture gears. Hisfail

46、ure to follow Korean customs gave the impression that Korea was not as important to him as Japan.In additi on to Korea ns, some Asia n husba nds and wives do not share the same family n ames. This practice often puzzles English- speaking teachers when talking with a pupil parents. ThWy become puzzle

47、d about the stude nts correct last n ame. Placi ng the family n ame first is com mon among a nu mber of Asia n cultures.Mexica n naming customs are differe nt as well. When a woma n marries, she keeps her family n ame and adds her husba nds n ame after the word de (of). This affects how they fill in

48、 forms in the Un ited States. When requested to fill in a middle n ame, they gen erally write the fathers family n ame. But Mexica ns are addressed by the family n ame of the mother. This ofte n causes puzzleme nt.Here are a few ways to deal with such difficult situations: don t always think that a

49、married woman ushusba nds last n ame. Remember that in many Asia n cultures, the order of first and last n ames is reversed. Ask which n ame a pers on would prefer to use. If the n ame is difficult to pronounce, admit it, and ask the pers on to help you say it correctly.47. The story of Bill Cli nto

50、n is used to.A. improve US-Korea n relati onsB. in troduce the topic of the textC. describe his visit to KoreaD. tell us how to address a pers on48. The word gears in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to.A. action pla nsB. naming customsC. travel mapsD. thinking patter ns49. When a woma n marries in

51、 Korea, she.A. continues to use her family n ameB. uses her husba nds give n n ameC. shares her husba nds family n ameD. adds her husba nds give n n ame to hers50. To address a married woma n properly, youd better.A. use her middle n ameB. use her husba nds first n ameC. ask her which n ame she like

52、sD. cha nge the order of her n ames EThat cold January ni ght, I was grow ing sick of my life in San Fran cisco. There I was walk ing home at one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theater. With opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines. I was having trouble dealing wi

53、th my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously about givi ng up both acting and San Fran cisco. City life had become too much for me.As I walked dow n empty streets un der tall buildi ngs, I felt very small and cold. I bega n running, both t

54、o keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out except a few sad-looking homeless people un der bla nkets.About a block from my apartment, I heard a sound behind me. I turned quickly, half expecting to see some one with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. A

55、ll I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the no ise had made me nervous, so I started to run faster. Not until I reached my apartment building and uniocked the door did I realize what the noise had been. It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.Suddenly I wasn cold or tired anymore. I ran out

56、 of the door and back to where I heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk an xiously for fiftee n minu tes, my wallet was no where to be found.Just as I was about to give up the search, I heard the garbage truck pull up to the sidewalk n ext to me. When a voice called from the in side,“ Alisa Camacho? ” I thought I was dream ing. How could this man know my n ameThe door opened, and out jumped a small red- haired man with an amused look in his eyes.Is this what youlook ing for? ” he asked, holdi ng up a small square shape.It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time I got into b


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